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Module 10 My perfect holiday.docx

1、Module 10 My perfect holidayModule 10 My perfect holidayUnit 1 I would go to London一 基础学习目标: .掌握本课的重点单词和短语vocabulary and useful phrases :perfect 完美的 board 登机 flight 航班 gate 门 silly 傻里傻气的 outdoor 户外的 sothat如此.以致重点句子: Id like to go with you! So would I . Wed have a fantastic time. Id like to visit Hol

2、lywood and meet some film stars. Id eat all my favourite food.Id go to London.I wouldnt take the plane.Id see elephants, lion and all the other animalsId be afraid that something would go wrong with the plane. It would take so long that youd need to come back immediately. Id be happy to stay here wi

3、th you all.二 发展学习目标:初步掌握would 表示想象的用法.三 重点和难点1 Id like to go with you! 我想和你一起去。 Id like to go to New York., Washington and Los Angeles.我想去纽约,华盛顿和洛杉机。 Id like to visit Hollywood and meet some film stars.我想参观好莱坞,与一些影星见面。 Id like to go to England with you. 我想和你去伦敦。Id like to =I would like to(1)would li

4、ke sth. 想要某物=want sth.我想要一个三明治。 I _ a sandwich.你想要些特别的东西吗?_you _something special?(2)would like to do sth. 想做某事=want to do sth. 这个周末我想举行一个晚会。 I _have a party this weekend. =I _have a party this weekend.2. Wed have a fantastic time. 我们会玩得很高兴.Id eat all my favourite food.我将吃最喜爱的食物.Id go to London.我会去伦

5、敦I wouldnt take the plane. 我不乘飞机Id see elephants, lion and all the other animals 我会看见大象,狮子和所有其他的动物.Id be afraid that something would go wrong with the plane.我害怕飞机会出故障 It would take so long that youd need to come back immediately. 它会花这么长的时间,以致你需要立即返回. Id be happy to stay here with you all.我很高兴和你们所有的人

6、呆在这儿.would + 动词原形 可以用来表达人们对未来的想象.(1) 我想有一对翅膀飞到月亮上去.I _have two wings and then fly to the moon.(2)我想生日收到很多礼物. I _ a lot of prensts on my birthday.3. So would I .我也是.So+be/助动词/情态动词+ 主语 也是She has lunch at school, so do I .她在学校吃午餐,我也是.Ill stay at home, so will she. 我将呆在家里, 她也将呆在家里.4be afraid that +从句 害怕

7、 be afraid of sth / doing sth.害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事(1) 玛丽小时候怕蛇.Mary _snakes when she was young.(2) 不要怕犯错误.Dont _mistakes.(3) 他晚上不敢去那里He _go there at night.(4) 恐怕我不能和你一起去._that I cant go with you.5. go wrong (机器等)发生故障 我们的电脑发生了故障.Our computer _.6. You could go by boat or by train, although

8、it would take so long that youd need to come back immediately. 你可以坐船或火车,虽然它要花如此长的时间,以致你需要马上回来.(1)although=though 虽然, 尽管 不能与but 同时使用虽然他很多钱,但是他有很少的朋友._he has _money, he has _friends.(2) so.that. 如此.以致. so + 形容词/副词 +that + 句子他那么小以致他不能上学.He is _he cant go to school.我是如此兴奋以致我不能入睡.I was _ excited _I could

9、nt go to sleep.莉莉跑得如此快以致我赶不上她.Lily ran _I _ catch up with her.7.Stay in touch. 保持联系. Stay cool 保持冷静8. Have a safe trip. 祝你一路顺风.课前预习:1、在对话中划出下列的词汇,perfect 完美的 board 登机 flight 航班 gate 门 silly 傻里傻气的 outdoor 户外的 sothat如此.以致并注上中文,学读单词,你会读那几个_2. 试着朗读对话,在不会读的下面打,查字典并注出音标或问同学和老师,再试着读几遍,仍不会读的词有:_.3、划出对话中含有wo

10、uld的句子并写下来:1._2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9._10._11._4 写出下列短语我的完美假期_ 保持联系_想要做某事_ 祝你一路顺风_乘飞机_ 也是_害怕做某事_ 忘记做某事_发生故障_ 玩得高兴_如此.以致._ 自主探究一、选择填空( )1、-I want to visit Africa . -_.A. So I do B. So do I C. So I want D. So what I( )2. Id _the train to Paris .A. by B. ride C. take D. from( )3. Id see elephants, lions

11、and _.A. another animals B. other animal C. the other animal D. all the other animals( )4. -Whats wrong _you ?-I have lost my key to the door.A. with B. to c. of D. for( )5. He is _clever _he can work out the problem.A. such; that B. so; that C. too; that D. too; to( )6. Goodbye everyone !Stay _touc

12、h !A. in B. to C. with D. on( )7. There are _many people in the park today.A. to B. such C. with D. so( )8. -Would you like something to drink ?-_.I m not thirsty.A. Yes, please B. No , please C. No , Thanks D. Yes, Thanks二、单词拼写1. Your _(航班)is _(登机).2. Please go to _(门) 12.3. We had a _(完美的)holiday.

13、4. He is the _(傻里傻气的) of all.三、完成句子1.那个男子如此强壮以致他能搬那个重的箱子.The man is _he _carry the heavy box.2. 让我们保持联系.Lets _!3. 别傻里傻气的, 它不会发生的.Dont _.It would not happen.4. 我害怕晚上独自出外.I am _out at night _.5. 飞机可能会出故障.The plane _.6. 她如此伤心以致说不出一句话.She was _sad _she _say a word.7. 尽管他很穷,但是他很开心._he is very poor, he is

14、 happy.8. 你们想和我一起去看电影吗?_ your _go to see a film with me? Unit 2 We wouldnt know what to do.一 基础学习目标: .掌握本课的重点单词和短语 business, empty, stomach, burn, enough, everything, college, simple, properly, asas., on business, fillwith, notuntil, in ones opinion, depend on, notat all二 发展学习目标: 能够使用although, but引导

15、的状语从句三、重点和难点1. Imagine this: your parents go away on business. 想象这样的情景:你父母因公出差,但是你必须独自一个待在家里.(1)imagine 想象假设你有很多钱,你想去哪里旅游?_you had lots of money, where would you travel?(2)on business 出差我爸爸去了北京出差.My father has gone to Beijing _.2.Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? 生活将会和你父母在你身边时一样

16、舒适吗?(1)as +形容词/副词的原形 + as A与B 一样汤姆与吉姆一样高.Tom is _Jim.玛丽与莉莉舞跳得一样好.Mary dances _Lily.3.14-year-old girl 14岁的女孩She is a 14-year-old girl.She is 14 years old.a 7-day holiday 一个7天的假期a 500-word letter 一封500字的信a 100-metre race 一个100米的赛跑4. fillwith用装满他用鸡蛋把篮子装满了.He _the basket _the eggs.请往玻璃杯里注满水.Please _the

17、 glass _water.5. thats all. 就这些了.6. We wouldnt know what to do. 我们不知道做什么.We dont know how to do it.We asked where to go.Do you know how to get to the station?7. something important 重要的事情形容词修饰不定代词要后置something/anything/nothing + 形容词somebody/someone/anybody/somebody else 别的人 something unusual 不同寻常的事som

18、ething delicious 美味的东西.8. They dont learn any life skills until they go to college.他们直到上大学才学会生活的技能.notuntil.直到.才.他直到妈妈回来才睡觉.He _go to bed _his mother came back.他们直到雨停才回家.They _go home _the rain _.9. in ones opinion 依某人看来,10. depend on 依靠, 依赖11.For most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all. 对大多数青

19、少年来说,那根本不是一个假期.notat all 根本不, 一点也不她一点也不喜欢鸡肉.She _like chicken _.课前预习:1、在课文中划出下列的词汇,business, empty, stomach, burn, enough, everything, college, simple, properly, asas., on business, fillwith, notuntil, in ones opinion, depend on, notat all,你会读那几个_2. 试着朗读对话,在不会读的下面打,查字典并注出音标或问同学和老师,再试着读几遍,仍不会读的词有:_.

20、自主探究:一、选择填空( )1. Ill go to Paris _.A. for business B. to business C. in business D. on business( )2. I have a little brother . He is _.A. seven-year-old B. seven years old C. seven-years-old D. seven year old( )3. They _go home _the film finished.A. ; until B. didnt ; until C. dont ; until D. not; u

21、ntil( )4. In _opinion , teenagers shouldnt spend too much time on computer games .A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )5. I dont know _.A. how to do B. how to do it C. what to do it D. how do it( )6. His mother went away on business . He had to stay at home _.A. alone B. lonely C. lone D. only( )7. Maths is a

22、s _as English .A. more interesting B. interest C. interesting D. interested( )8. He filled the cup _orange juice.A. with B. to C. of D. for( )9. Tom _like watching TV_.A. not; at all B. dont ; at all C. doesnt ; at all D. didnt ; at all( )10. We cant live _air .A. without B. with C. no D. not二、单词拼写1

23、. They _(烧焦)the soup last night.2. The basket is _(空的).3. He is old _(足够的)to go to school.4. He will go to _(大学) in the future.5. She often dresses herself _(得体他)6. My father has gone to Shanghai on _(生意)7. There is something wrong with his _(胃)8. Is _(一切)ready?9. The teacher asked me a _(简单的) quest

24、ion.三、完成句子1. 他很饿, 所以他不得不用面包填满他的胃.He is very hungry, so he has to _ his stomach _bread.2.我会动身去上海出差.I will leave for Shanghai _.3. 今天的报纸有一些重要的事情吗?Is there _in todays newspaper?4. 那个女孩根本不喜欢看书.The girl _like reading _.5. 我直到他告诉我才知道那个消息.I _know the news _he told me.6. 你写字与他一样认真.You write _him.7. 我没有足够的钱买一辆小车.I dont have _to buy a car.8. 他是一个8岁的男孩.He is _boy. Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:基础目标: 掌握本课的重点单词和短语 camp, bit, afraid, bored, passage, see off发

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