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1、新标准小学英语句型汇总(新标准)小学三年级起始第一册M1 问候语:Good morning/afternoon/evening! Good bye.How are you? Im自我介绍: Hello! Im M2 询问姓名及回答:Whats your name? Im/My name isM3 祈使句:Sit down., please. Stand up, point toM4 介绍语言:Its red (blue, yellow, green, black).Its a black dog.M5询问个数: How many?M6 询问物体及回答: What this /that? Its

2、 a .M7问年龄: How old are you? Im .M8 一般疑问句: Is it a .? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.在哪里:Wheres the cat? Its in the bag.(用介词回答)M9 介绍家人:This is my mother/father/grandma/grandpa/sister/brother.Hes . Shes .M10 介绍人体部位:This is his/her祈使句:point to /Touch his/her(新标准)小学三年级起始第二册M1 询问喜欢:Whats your favorite ? My fav

3、ourite is . M2 询问及回答名称:Whats this? Its a tiger.What are they? Theyre monkeys.陈述特点:Its big. They are small.M3 陈述自己的喜好:I like. I dont like .M4 谈论喜好:Do you like meat? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Does Daming like bananas?Yes, he does. No, she doesnt.Tom likes milk.M5询问时间与回答:Whats the time, please? Its half p

4、ast five.M6询问活动与回答:What do you have at school? I haveWhat do you do at the weekend? I What does Lingling have at school?/ do at the weekend? SheDo you play football in the morning? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.陈述第三人称:She has music. He watches TV.M7 介绍节日:Happy New Year! Happy Christmas! Its Chinese New Ye

5、ar today. Its Spring Festival. We have a big family dinner.We have Christmas in England.They sing songs at Christmas.M8 陈述四季:In spring /summer /autumn /winter, its warm and sunny /hot /cool /cold.In summer /winter, it often rains /snows.提问活动:What do you do in summer? I go cycling.M 9谈论拥有物品: Have you

6、 got a book, too? Yes, I have. No, I havent.Ive got a new book. Its about animals. (第一人称)Has Sam got a sweater? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt.Tom has got a blue T-shirt.(第三人称)说明乘坐交通工具:She goes to school by bike. She walks to work.M 10 询问与说明位置:Wheres the apple?Its in the box. Its on your desk.Its under t

7、he chair.第三人称单数:In spring, Daming flies kites in the park.In winter, he walks on the snow.(新标准)小学三年级起始第三册M1 所属关系:Have you got an elephant? Yes,I have. No, I havent .I ve got twenty-two points.加法的表达: Twenty and one is twenty-one.M2询问地点和指路:Excuse me ,wheres West Lake Road ,please?Go straight on Turn r

8、ight Turn leftM3 现在进行时态:What are you doing ? I am talking to you .She s watching TV.M4现在进行时态: What are they doing? They are doing taiji.(明确人称与系动词的搭配)M5询问是否想要某种食物:Do you want some rice?Yes, please. No ,thank you .询问有没有: Have you got chopsticks in England?Yes, Ive got. / No, I havent.M6 询问能力:Can you ?

9、 Yes , I can . / No , I can t .I can / I cant M7一般将来时态 陈述句: Im going to (人称与系动词的搭配)M8一般将来时态 特殊疑问句: What are you going to ?What is she/he going to?Im (Hes/Shes)going toM9 请求吃喝:Can I have some ?Yes ,you can . / Sorry ,you cant .M10 There be 句型: How manyin May? There are/is (新标准)小学三年级起始第四册Module 1 描述人物

10、特点: He/She is very +形容词 Module 2 描述物体特点:It is very +形容词 Module 3 一般将来时态 询问介绍打算:Will you take? I willModule 4 一般将来时态 一般疑问句: Will it be ? They will Module 5 形容词比较级:He/She is +比较级+than Module 6 运用形容词、副词比较级的不规则形式: I think this girl is better then the first girl.Amy is worse than Sam.Module 7 询问、描述地理位置:W

11、here is New York San FranciscoWashington D.C.?Its in the east/west/south/north.Module 8 一般过去时态 陈述句: I was You were They were否定句: They werent She/ He wasnt反义词:old-young, long-short, cute-naughty,tall-short, fat-thin.Module 9 一般过去时态 一般疑问句: Did you? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.Module 10 一般过去时态 特殊疑问句:What h

12、appened to you?(新标准)小学三年级起始第五册M1 一般过去时态 疑问句 When did you come back? I came back last Sunday. Did you do something? Yes, I did. / No,I didnt. M2. 问多少及回答: How much + n不可数 ? Kilos How many + n可数 ? Numbers/ kilos How many bananas do you want? Six, please.How much milk do you want? Three bottles/boxes, p

13、lease.M3 一般过去时态 疑问句 What did you do at the weekend? I visited Where did you go last Sunday? I went to M4 说明物品的所属关系 名词性物主代词:Whose bag is it? Its mine(yours, his, hers, Linglings)表示有生命东西(人或动物)的所有格构成:名词词尾+ S 如:Toms bicycle / linglings bag以s结尾的复数名词则加 如:my brothers roomM5. There be 句型:There are enough +

14、n复数 :There are enough pencils. There are too many+ n复数: There are too many apples in the bag. There are + n复数: There are 25 children in the class. There are /arent enough. M6 表达能够和不能够: Can you run fast /control the ball/ jump high/catch the ball well? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. /Very badly. (很糟糕) I th

15、ink I can do that well. You can 自我评价.评价他人: well, badly, good, fantastic I can well/badly. You can be a good goalkeeper. Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper M7 描述特征:He/ She is + adj( blind/deaf ).表达能力:He/She/They cant He/ She cant walk/ hear/see.代词宾格:This dog + helps +him/ her/them.These firemen help

16、them.M8 根据课文回答特殊疑问句What time does school start?My school starts at nine oclock.Where did Lingling go yesterday?What do/ did they do in the playground?M9. 表述情绪和感受(feelings): Are you feeling sad/ bored/ angry/ happy/ tired/ hungry/ surprise/thirsty? How do you feel? Now, I feel M10 应该与不应该:You should/s

17、houldnt1. You shouldnt walk in the road.2. You should look before you cross the road.3. You should hold my hand when we cross the road.4. You should take the right child.5. You should say hello to my friends.Tom, say hello to my friendsBook5中祈使句:1. Lets buy some. (M1)2. Lets go to the supermarket. (

18、M2)3. Lets buy one kilo of noodles. (M2)4. Lets make a list. (M2)5. Lets take my skipping rope. (M8)6. Look at this ice cream. (M1)7. Dont argue. (M4)8. please give out the pencils. (M5)9. Give one pencil to every child. (M5)10. Give them out, Sam. (M5)11. Be careful! (M5)12. Tell me, please. (M9)13

19、. Tom, say hello to pam, please.(M10)Book5中常见口语句型: 1. Do you live in ? I come from (M1)2. What about ? What about juice. (M2)3. How well do you do ?How well do you play football. (M6)4. Would you like to do ?Would you like to come to school with us? (M8)5. What time? What time does school start?6. T

20、hank sb for sth.Thank you very much for my beautiful book. (M9)7. Do you want to do? Do you want to play chess? (M9)8. 给你:Herere your oranges. (M2)Here is your dinner. (M7)(新标准)小学三年级起始第六册Module 1 一般过去时态 陈述句/ There be 句型1There werent any + n复数 :There werent any buses.2There was + n单数: There was a sma

21、ll house.3There are lots of + n复数: There are lots of buses and cars. 4There is + 单数:There is a big house.Module 2 一般过去时态 疑问句Did shehe learn any foreign languages?What did shehe do yesterday?Heshe was a Module 3 一般过去时态 “三餐吃什么”句型结构:What did youshehe have for breakfastlunchdinner?ISheHe hadModule 4 在某地

22、能找到某物:Where can you find out about?You can find itin/on/atModule 5 形容词描述物体:Its light and big. Its easy for you.Module 6 一般过去时态 描述旅行:I went there last year. / I rode a horse./ I climbed a mountain.表达方位:Its in the south / north /west /east of China.Module 7 怎样发送电子邮件Lets send an email. Click on e-mail.

23、 Click on “write”.Write your message. Click on “send”.Module 8 询问建议:What do you suggest?提供建议:What/ How about chopsticks?Why dont you give him a kite?是否同意: Thats great/a good idea. I agree. /I think so.I dont think so.作比较句型: A is the same as B./A is + 形容词比较级(than B).Module 9 一般过去时态:The men wore women

24、s clothes.The actors told lots of jokesWe laughed a lot.We all ate hamburgers and chips.一般将来时态 陈述句We are going to see you in three weeks.Dads going to put another bed in my room.He is going to ask you some questions.Module 10 一般将来时态 特殊疑问句谈论旅游准备情况:Where are you going to go?What are you going to do?When are you going to go?Whos going to go?

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