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新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 3答案doc.docx

1、新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册Unit 3答案docListen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 One day in school Monty Roberts was asked to _.A) write a term paper about the courses h

2、e learnedB) write about his dream of the futureC) describe a horse ranchD) draw a picture of a horse ranch2 Monty Roberts goal was to become _.A) a horse trainer like his fatherB) a painter who draws horses and horse ranchesC) an owner of a large horse ranchD) an owner of a large farm3 When Monty Ro

3、berts turned in the paper, his teacher _.A) was not satisfied with itB) helped to improve itC) gave a good comment about itD) asked him to discuss the topic with his father4 The teacher asked the boy to rewrite the paper because _.A) his father had helped him write the paperB) his paper was full of

4、empty wordsC) his dream was not properly described in the paperD) his goal of life described in the paper was not realistic5 A week later, the boy finally decided _.A) to follow his fathers profession B) to keep his dreamC) to make some changes in his paper D) to follow his teachers adviceTask Two Z

5、ooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording carefully and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard. 1 Monty Roberts was the son of a horse trainer . His dream was to own a large horse ranch. That night he wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a picture of a 20

6、0-acre ranch .2 He put a great deal of his heart into the dream ranch and the next day he handed the paper in to his teacher .3 When Monty Roberts asked his teacher why he got a large red F for his paper, his teacher explained to him that his dream was impossible for him. He had no money. But he nee

7、ded a lot of money to buy the land, the house and the machines for his dream ranch.4 When Monty Roberts asked his father for advice, his father just asked him to make up his own mind on his dream because it is a very important decision for him to make.5 When Monty Roberts turned in the same paper, h

8、e said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream . I will follow my heart , no matter what happens.”Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) According to Alex Haley, why does many a young man want

9、to be a writer?Because they think that being a writer can bring them wealth and fame.2) Does writing mean glory and wealth in the authors opinion?No. The author thinks that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. Only a few can succeed after long periods of neglect and poverty.3) What w

10、as the authors life in Greenwich Village like?His life in Greenwich Village was very poor. He barely made enough to eat.4) Did he ever doubt his ability to write? Why or why not?Yes. Because he didnt receive a break after writing for a year or so.5) Why did the call from his old acquaintance change

11、his life?Because his doubt of his resolution to write was cleared. He was determined to keep on writing.6) In what way did people like Delaney and Belafonte become role models for the author?From them he learned that one had to make sacrifices and live creatively to keep working hard to realize ones

12、 dreams.7) How many years did the author keep on writing before his great success?He kept on writing for 17 years before his great success.8) What did the two sardine cans and 18 cents in the brown paper bag symbolize?They symbolized his courage and persistence to stick to his dream of writing.9) Wh

13、at is the meaning of the Shadowland of dreams?The Shadowland of dreams means all the difficulties (e.g. neglect, poverty, doubt, uncertainty, and fear of failure) people meet with in pursuing their dreams.2 Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as

14、follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part: One; Paragraph(s): 1-2; Main Idea: Alex Haley explains the difference between “being a writer” and “writing”.Part: Two; Paragraph(s): 318; Main Idea: The author tells about his struggle to stick to his dream of writing and his final success.Part:

15、Three; Paragraph(s): 19-22; Main Idea: The author tells about his struggle to stick to his dream of writing and his final success.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicized parts.1) For every writer k

16、issed by fortune, there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. (Para. 2)Compared with those lucky writers who have become famous, thousands of people who devote themselves to writing are never given recognition as successful writers.2) Next time I make a sale. (Para. 6)Considering the r

17、ather difficult circumstances the author was in, it is easy to see that there was a degree of irony and self-sarcasm when he promised his friend that he would pay back the money next time he made a sale, for it was something that had not happened before and would not be very likely to happen in the

18、near future, thus pushing the repayment of the debt into the remote future.3) Whats more, I could write on the side. (Para. 8)More importantly, I could take writing as a part-time job.4) Theres everything youve made of yourself so far. (Para. 10)The two cans of sardines and 18 cents are all you have

19、.5) Another Village neighbor was a handsome young singer who ran a struggling restaurant. (Para. 13) a restaurant that has few customers and is about to close down.6) As I absorbed the lesson, I gradually began to sell my articles. (Para. 15)As I became aware of what it meant to live in the Shadowla

20、nd, 7) For the first time I had money and open doors everywhere. (Para. 18) I had a lot of opportunities.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Choose the definition in Column B that best matches each italicized word in Column A.1) d2) g3) f4) e5) b6) h7) a8) c2 Spell out the words from Text B with

21、 the help of the given definitions, the initial letters and paragraph numbers.Example: establish : set up; begin; create (Para. 1)1) worthy : deserving respect or serious consideration (Para. 1)2) creep : move slowly, quietly, and carefully, esp. so as not to attract attention (Para. 1)3) resolve :

22、make a determined decision; decide firmly (Para. 2)4) refresh : make less hot or tired; bring back strength and freshness to (Para. 5)5) occurrence : an event or happening (Para. 6)6) surplus : an amount additional to what is needed or used (Para. 6)7) favourable : winning favour and approval (Para.

23、 7)8) remark : say esp. sth. that one has just noticed; give as an opinion (Para. 9)3 Some phrases or expressions from Text B are hidden in the following picture. Find the phrases or expressions and then use them to complete the sentences with the help of the clues.1) He sweeps the floor for the hot

24、el to work out (以工作抵偿) the cost of board. (Para. 1)2) She was unused to (不习惯) talking about herself. (Para. 4)3) After waiting for a long time,the little boy is out of patience(不耐烦). (Para. 4)4) The bad weather has added to (增加) the difficulties in our work. (Para. 4)5) The homeless people in the ci

25、ty have to walk the streets (走街串巷), begging for food and money. (Para. 5)6) We were terrified when we came on / upon (发现) a snake behind the little cottage on the edge of the wood. (Para. 5)7) Eva was cutting the grass, and in the meantime (与此同时) Adam was planting roses. (Para. 7)8) From this book w

26、ritten by a movie star we get / have got the idea (领悟到) that those people in the limelight are just ordinary people even famous faces have flaws! (Para. 7)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B. 1) How did the author get to know about the

27、 school for coloured people in Virginia?He overheard two miners talking about it while working in the coal-mine.2) Why did the author resolve to go to the school?Because he heard that the school was established for coloured people and opportunities were provided to poor but worthy students to work o

28、ut all or a part of the cost of board and learn some trade or industry at the same time.3) What kind of situation was he in when he reached the city of Richmond late one night?He was tired, hungry and dirty. And he was completely out of money. He had not a single acquaintance in the city, and, being

29、 unused to city ways, he didnt know where to go.4) How did he spend his first night in Richmond?He walked the streets till he became too exhausted to walk any longer. Then he found an elevated sidewalk and lay under it for the night upon the ground.5) How did he earn some money for his breakfast the

30、 next morning?He helped unloading a cargo of pig iron from a large ship.6) Why didnt the head teacher admit the author to the institution at first?Because of being so long without proper food, a bath and change of cloth, he didnt make a very favourable impression upon her.7) How did the author get a

31、 chance to prove his worthiness to the head teacher?The head teacher asked him to sweep the adjoining classroom and he did an excellent job, which proved his worthiness as a student in the institute.2 Read the following statements and then decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information in the text. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each statement.1) F At Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute poor but worthy students had opportunities to pay just a part of the cost of board.(

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