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仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cul.docx

1、仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different culUnit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.Section A【教学重难点】The main activity is 1a本课重点活动是1a。【教学目标】1Learn some new words and a useful phrase:Australian,

2、difference, autumn, face to face2Learn some useful sentences:(1) Sorry, I cant follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please?(2) English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.(3) Have a good trip!(4) If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some

3、of these differences.3Learn present continuous to show the future:Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 4Discuss the differences in using English around the world【教学准备】幻灯片/小黑板/录音机/教学挂图【教学过程】师生对话,复习被动语态,引出英语在不同国家的不同说法,导入新课。T: In Topic 1, weve learned the importance of English. Now lets review it. Ill giv

4、e you some key words. Please say some sentences using passive voice. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Firstly, the key words: English, speak.Ss: English is spoken as the first language in AmericaT: Well done! Next: English, use.Ss: English is widely used throughout the worldT: Good on ya, mate! Can you unde

5、rstand me?Ss: Sorry, we cant.T: I just said “Well done!” In Australia, people use the words “Good on ya, mate!” instead of “Well done!”(板书)Good on ya, mate! = Well done!T: In fact, though English is widely spoken around the world, there are some differences among American English, British English, C

6、anadian English and Australian English. What are the differences between them? Lets come to 1a and learn about it.(板书并要求学生掌握difference和Australian;理解British。)differentdifferenceBritishAustralianStep 2 Presentation 布置听力任务,以听的形式呈现1a内容,然后指导学生进行小组合作,解决1a中的重难点。1(用幻灯片呈现听力任务,听录音二遍后,核对答案。)(1) How to say “hel

7、lo” in Australia?(2) In Australia, what do people call all their friends?(3) Who call girls “sheilas”, Canadians or Australians?T: English is spoken differently in different countries. Now please listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions above.2(教师用小黑板或幻灯片呈现下列内容,学生阅读1a,根据不同国家的语言表达习惯,完成表格

8、,并理解生词trunk。)gday hello friends mates Good on ya, mate! Well done Sheila sheilas boot trunk(板书并解释生词。)trunk British EnglishAustralian EnglishCanadian EnglishAmerican EnglishT: Stop reading, please. Now who can tell me which expressions are British English? Please put up your hands. S1S1T: Which expre

9、ssions are Australian English?S23(要求学生再读1a,指导学生进行小组合作,找出重难点并讨论解决。)(板书并要求学生理解。)suitcaseStep 3 Consolidation 通过听录音、师生对话和复述,让学生巩固所学知识,并培养其实际运用语言的能力。1(教师讲解语法:现在进行时表示将来。听录音并跟读,注意语音语调,巩固1a。)(板书下列内容。)Grammar: Showing the future by present continuous.e.g. Im coming.Im leaving.Im flying to Disneyland tomorro

10、w. (让学生初步掌握该语法。)2(出示1b中的四幅图片,师生问答,复习1a中的内容,完成1b。)T: Boys and girls, please look at Picture 1Whatre the boys doing?Ss: They are greeting when they meet on the way to school. T: Do you know what they are saying?Ss: Gday.T: If they come from Great Britain, what will they say?Ss: They will say “Hello/Hi

11、, nice to meet you” T: Youre right. (以同样的方式呈现其他三幅图片,师生进行对练,或者让学生同桌对练。)3(在前面操练的基础上,复述课文,可采取分组活动的方式进行,然后选出几名学生做简短演讲。)S1: Ladies and gentlemen, Im very happy to speak here. My topic is “Different Countries, Different English” 4(让学生完成1c,并核对答案。)T: Please finish 1c by yourself, then we will check the answ

12、ers. Step 4 Practice 通过做游戏的形式谈论不同国家在英语表达上的差异。做听力练习,讨论e-mail English,让书本知识走进学生的生活,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。1(玩游戏的过程中,要求每两个学生把同一意思的两种英语表达对应起来进行对练。)T: Lets play a game and express the same meaning with these different words or sentences. One student says a sentence and the partner says another expression that has

13、 the same meaning. Do you understand?Ss: Yes. T: S1, S2, please do it first.S1: I will say “Hello” to you when we meet in EnglandS2: I will say “Gday” to you if we are from Australia2(做听力练习,完成2。)T: Good on ya, mate! Weve learned to express the same meaning with different words. Now please listen to

14、2 and find out what “fall” means in this dialog.(听录音后,核对答案,要求学生掌握生词autumn。并解释fall在美式英语中的意思。) (板书)autumn=fall3(让学生根据3中的内容猜其意思,并给出更多的网络语言。完成3。)T: We know English is very interesting. It has different meanings in different countries. There is another interesting English, which is called e-mail English.

15、T: Boys and girls, do you like surfing the Internet?Ss: Yes . T: Do you often send e-mails to your friends? Ss: Yes . T: OK. Do you know the meanings of the following e-mail English in 3? You can read it firstly.(学生阅读3,1分钟后。)T: Now, lets check the answers.(板书并要求学生掌握。)face to faceT: Can you give more

16、 examples of e-mail English?Ss: Yes. (一个学生说,其他同学猜意思)S1S2: It meansStep 5 Project 分组展示,组内交流,评价与鼓励。培养学生综合运用能力和探究能力,体现学以致用原则。1(小组活动。把学生分成几组,分别写出由汉语转化而来的英文单词及由英语转化而来的汉语外来词。评选出优胜小组。)For example:English word from ChineseKungfu, tofuChinese word from English咖啡,可口可乐2Homework:Collect more information about e

17、-mail English.【板书设计】English is spoken differently in different countries.Section Adifferentdifference Sorry, I cant follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please?face to face Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. Have a good trip!Section B【教学重难点】The main activity is 1a本课重点活动是1a。【教学目标】1Learn a new word a

18、nd some phrases:see off, put out, ask for a ride, get in, pick up, victory2Learn some useful sentences:(1)The foreigner is asking for a ride.(2) Its quite all right.(3) I hope I wont have much difficulty communicating.(4)Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.3Go on learning present co

19、ntinuous to show the future:(1)My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. (2)When are you leaving for Disneyland?(3)Im leaving this afternoon.【教学准备】录音机/幻灯片/教学挂图/小卡片【教学过程】Step 1 Review 通过师生对话,复习不同英语国家的表达习惯及网络用语,引出手势语,导入1a。T: We know that English is spoken differently in different countries. Then how to say hel

20、lo to each other in Australia?S1: They say “gday”.T: What does the word “boot” mean in British English?S2: Its the trunk of a car.T: Good! Whats the meaning of “F2F” in e-mail English? S3: Face to face.T: What about “GR8”?S4: It means “great”.T: Well done! In fact, English speakers communicate in th

21、is kind of simplified form. Besides, they also use gestures to express their meanings. Look at me. This is my thumbI put out my hand with my thumb raised(做拇指朝上伸出手的动作。) Whats my meaning? Do you know?Ss: Sorry, we dont know. T: It means that I am asking for a ride.(板书生词及短语,讲解并要求掌握put out, ask for a ri

22、de;了解thumb。)thumbput outask for a rideT: OK, look at the picture in 1a, whats the foreigner doing?Ss: He is asking for a ride.T: Yes, where is he going? Lets listen to 1aStep 2 Presentation 让学生带着问题听1a的录音,以听力的形式呈现1a内容,并找出文中重点词句和目标语言,师生共同学习语法,为下一步的学以致用打基础。1(设置听力任务,首先帮助学习理解生词flight,然后让学生带着任务听1a录音,从整体上把

23、握对话意思,并完成所列问题。)(板书要求学生理解。)flightT: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.(1) Whats the foreigner leaving for?(2) When is Wang Junfengs flight?(师生一起核对答案,对错误答案先不纠正,让学生再听一遍,找出问题的关键进行对比,提高学生听力技能。)2(让学生朗读1a,在练习本中写下现在进行时表示将来的句子,仔细观察并试着去掌握。)T: Please read 1a and write down the sentences tha

24、t use present continuous to show the future. (板书)Im flying to DisneylandIm leaving this afternoon.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.3(师生共同总结现在进行时表将来的用法,教师用幻灯片展示。)现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”、“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表示最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是位移动词(come, go, start, leave, stay, arrive )。例如:Im going. When

25、are you starting?Im leaving tomorrow. 表示将来的现在进行时除用位移动词外,亦可用某些非位移动词。例如:Im meeting you after class. She is buying a new bike soon. 4(小组合作,找出1a的重点词组,同时教师帮助学生掌握seeoff和get in;理解minibus;了解guidebook。)(板书生词并解释。)seeoff, get in, minibus, guidebook(幻灯片展示下列词句。)They are on their way to the airport. on ones way t

26、oMichael and Kangkang are going to see them off. see sboffI hope I wont have much difficulty communicating. have difficulty (in) doing Step 3 Consolidation 以角色表演等形式巩固1a,并操练现在进行时表将来的用法,体现学以致用原则,培养学生语言实际运用能力。1(播放1a录音,学生跟读并注意语音语调,然后进行人机对话。) T: Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation

27、and intonation. Suppose you are Wang Junfeng. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with it. 2(学生分组对话练习,然后让每组分角色进行表演。完成1a。)T: Class, now lets work in groups. Ill choose six students to act the dialog out in the front.3(根据1a,判断正误,完成1b。) T: Mark True or False according to 1aFinish 1b (核对答案。教师解释pick up并

28、板书。要求学生掌握该词组。)pick up4(教师展示1c图画,给出一些关键词,让学生用现在进行时表将来的结构造句并板书。)T: Here are some pictures. Now make sentences with the key words given below, using present continuous to show the future. leave for Disneyland this afternoon travel to Canada tomorrowcome home in twenty minutes start at 7 oclock go to Sh

29、anghai next weekPicture1: is leaving for Disneyland this afternoon. Picture2: is traveling to Canada tomorrow. Picture3: is getting home in twenty minutes. Picture4: is starting at 7 oclock. Picture5: is going to Shanghai next week. 5(在熟悉现在进行时表将来的用法之后,两人一组对话操练,完成1c。)T: Pair work. Make dialogs with y

30、our partner according to the example in 1cExample:A: When are you leaving for Disneyland?B: Im leaving this afternoon. (在每个小组充分训练之后,教师找出几组表演对话。)T: Now Ill ask several groups to act out the dialogs. Lets have a competition. (通过竞赛,让学生熟练掌握现在进行时表将来的用法。)Step 4 Practice 学习体态语,巩固现在进行时表将来的用法。在不同情境中练习目标语言,展开任务型活动,激发学生学习兴趣。1(准备一些写有指令性动作的卡片,如go shopping,leave for Shanghai, fly to America等等,让一些同学来抽,抽到哪个指令就做一些相关动作,让其他同学猜,进行组与组间的评比。)T: I have some cards here. There are some instructions on them. Ill ask one student to choose a card and he should do an action according to the card he gets. Other students

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