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1、毕业论文外文翻译制造业发展瓶颈 制造业发展瓶颈 今天的产业正面临严重的其快速发展所带来的全球海外活动集成制造环境的结构性问题,。服务和维修对于公司保持制造业生产力及国外地区客户满意变得极为重要。由于传统服务台的固有问题,一些公司已开始发展网上在线客户服务支撑体系。Foo等综合描述客户服务台对于互联网服务的支持。Lee讨论了远程服务系统设计制造设备和产品支持的概念框架和生命周期。已建立的示范远程客户支持系统FCSA证明了Glober的项目。以上这些体系的目的是为有效满足客户在使用远程支持、维修设备。 加州大学研究和发展项目,称为远程制造厂(TMF)是建立在因特网上的自动快速生产。 用户可以使用T

2、MF提供就业机会,并维持系统自动排队。同时可以自动检查StL的许多缺陷。在设计和制造过程中使用RP技术可能带来巨大的好处。但是,需要有效地利用这些好处,这些好处才能得到完全的开发。对全球RP技术有一个了解是非常困难的。因为很快出现了一些新的改进方面的工作。为了帮助选择合适的快速制造过程, 已经开发了许多快速原型系统选择工作。Q,这是一个私人拥有制造服务公司致力于提供客户网上电子商务系统用于采购量低、高生产量关税地区,并形成了一种系统QuickQuote。QuickQuote让顾客得到为生产部件的快速的报价。3D系统公司是最早、最大的RP制造商,提供了通过互联网的服务。从这些调查的文字,显然大部

3、份的研究主要集中在战略和总体结构网络制造以及个别功能模块,还没有一次全面comprebanausic网络制造和服务体系,支持快速的产品开发。 基于我们以前的工作,及新的研究,以网络为基础的生产服务体系的产品迅速开发将被建立。3 、快速制造的综合系统结构 从最初的概念设计到产品的商业性的发展过程包括:产品设计; 性能分析,安全性和可靠性; 对产品原型试验评价; 设计和修改。因此,新产品开发的每一步进程对产品市场化时间产生直接影响。一个好的产品开发体系,使设计师或设计小组必须考虑各方面的产品设计、制造、销售、回收初期的设计周期。因此,设计制作可轻易改变并有效。反馈越流畅,该系统成功的可能性越高。设

4、计制造(DFM)和并行工程(CE)要求产品设计和开发过程,同时得到发展,而不是按顺序。 产品快速发展的综合系统由三个单元组成:数字原型、物理原型和快速制造装备与系统功能系统。产品开发利用3维CAD软件制造3D立体模型开始。在这一阶段,产品几何形状得到定义,它在美学上,尺寸上是多种多样的。数字原型的主要功能是完成3D模型。在设计创作过程,产品及其部件在3D CAD系统上直接设计(如Pro/E、Unigraphics、CATIA、IDEA等)。 如果实体零件可用, 模型可用逆向工程技术建造的 (RE)。RE一种利用现有零件建立物理模型的方法,建立数字模型,然后用它来制造部件。如果为提高产品的性能而

5、再设计,RE能减少开发周期。当设计师采用模拟创造了一个新的设计,还要进一步利用数据分析和设计制造制造模拟模型。逆向工程的三个主要步骤是数字化特征提取、特征扩展、3维 CAD模型。完成零件数字化的仪器可以是接触和非接触式。有各种商业化的数字化仪。从测量系统,协调机(CMM)、激光扫描机,到超声波仪。它们可分为两大类:接触和非接触式。激光扫描三角(LTS)、磁共振影像(MRI)、计算机断层(CT)是常用的非接触式的装置。接触式的主要有CMM和截面图象测量(CIM)。特征提取通常是通过数据捕捉和捕捉表面特征。零件模型是通过填充适当的数据面完成的。为了减少重复设计原型试验周期、提高生产过程,并增加机器

6、的可靠性,必须通过CAE指导生产,优化设计和制造过程。 CAD模型可以利用RP直接转化为实际的原型。RP是一个新的成型零件制造过程,是通计算机控制一层层的堆积,是直接从3D模型在很短的时间内完成的。与传统加工方法相反,多数的快速原型制造系统基于堆积过程,而非材料切除。 因此,这种方法不受规机械加工限制因素的限制常。在设计和制造过程中使用RP可能带来巨大的好处。可以缩短产品市场化时间、降低成本和提高质量。过去10年来,已广泛应用于工业领域。主要的商业化RP技术包括业stereolithgraphy(ST)selectivelasersintering(SLS),融合沉积制造(FDM)、胶合物体制

7、造(LOM)、弹道微粒制造(BMP)、三维印刷(3D印刷)等。 RT是一种技术,把RP零件转化为功能部件,特别是金属零件。此外, RP、RT的融合推动了公司并行工程的发展。许多由RP系统制造模具的生产过程得到发展。RT的方法大致可分为直接和间接的,软、硬切削的。间接RT需要掌握某种模式,这种模式可以由常规方法(HSM等)获得,或者由RP,SL,SLS获得。直接RT,顾名思义,是直接由RP系统制造的,从而消除了中间产生步骤格局。根据上述技术、新产品开发的综合系统将迅速建立起来。详细结构如图1。4、 工作流程和功能设计 工作流程的生产服务体系网络如图2。 第一步是登陆SB网站。用户用自己的名称和密

8、码进入。那些没有登记或核准可以进入系统的,只限于观看资料,例如这一系统公开的典型案例。进入用户的密码将有系统验证。进入网站成功之后,系统会自动核对使用者的安全程度,确定哪些模块可以进入或使用。根据认证的制度,所有用户可分为四类:一般用户(未注册)、潜在客户,真正的客户,系统管理员。接受客户要求后,SB将首先进行规划过程的任务分解落实,并选择最合适的加工方法。在上未做后续工作之前,用户必须得到产品的排队和初步生产时间。 如果可以接受这样的结果,在最初阶段,SB进一步与用户进行了电视会议。当对方确认合同,用户成为真正的客户。用户提出的生产任务将由SB做到最好的实施。但是,如果SB没有这样的制造能力

9、,或不能按时完成, 充分利用外部资源来源进行未完成的任务,是一个有效的方法。下一步就是选择合适的合作厂商,形成虚拟企业依靠分配制度完成任务的工作。此外,为了监测安排,以确保生产的顺利生产,用户与合作生产企业,必须尽快实现基本信息、生产进度时间表的生产监管。所以落后或不符合质量标准任何公司,将受到严格审查,及时采取预防和补救措施,提前预测损害。提到上述流程网络化服务体系和数字远程服务体系功能要求,服务体系包括九个功能模块:技术研究、典型案例、信息咨询、协议(应用服务提供者)一套工具,客户管理、电子商务、制造服务、导航系统。 详细结构见图3。这九个部分无阻碍的共同努力实现共同目标,即以提供及时有效

10、的服务和产品平台,以支持中小企业发展迅速。其中一个目的是研究技术,使用户能更加了解相关的知识产品的快速发展。为了帮助读者更好地了解和运用这些新技术,系统说明一些真实案例。技术研究和典型案例的主要提供自助服务的用户。根据专家支配,SB能回答客户的问题并且有与用户沟通解决问题的信息咨询模块。ASP了五项有用成分组成如下: RE/RP/RT的进程规划,STL检查和维护,零件优化控制, 生产结构支撑、零件优化计算。逆向工程方法有多种,除了以前描述的RP和RT,每种都有其特点和适用范围。按个别情况和任务的要求,选择最合适的加工方法时非常困难的。根据ASP模式有3种选择器,即“RE selector”、“

11、RP selector”、“RT selector”。 StL固体模型之建立,减少约10%的时间。这表明自动检查错误所有其它重要的业务对于RP控制室非常重要的。根据我们提供网络资源的经验,我们知道, 在没有设计者的网站进行错误自动检查时是特别重要的。在某些情况下我们已经制定了各种算法发现自动拓扑与几何修补缺陷。有两个防火墙发现这些缺陷:一是结合用户操作。另外就是服务器后台的管理。由于功能定位比较狭窄, StL如果有有致命缺陷或者移交期间失去部分档案资料,就必须再从客户选择材料。组成部分在制造过程中的质量策划可以用的方法有很大的不同。 5 结论和未来研究为了满足目前对快速产品开发集成系统的需求,

12、 提出了一种新的基于快速原型快速制造融合系统, ,提出了更好的适合中小型企业的产品快速发展的网络服务系统。一种方法是用JAVA制造网络化服务体系建设的基础上建造三层浏览器/服务器模式。自java引入这项技术,可以很容易扩展到基础设施标准。服务体系包括技术信息平台、电子商务平台、制造服务平台,提供了生产协作环境和用户服务局,使得部分制造资源有效地帮助中小型企业产品快速发展。With the development of computer network and information technologies, the networked manufacturing techniques are

13、 playing a more and more important role in manufacturing industry. Substantial investments have been made to support the research and practice of networked manufacturing (telemanufacturing or global manufacturing) from both the academic community and industrial bodies all over the world in recent ye

14、ars. A number of strategies and frameworks have been proposed. Abdel-Malek et al. 8 described a structure within which a company can outsource several of its production and design activities via internet and developed a model to aid a company in selecting among the available technological and functi

15、onal alternatives to maximize its flexibility. Montreuil et al. 9 presented a strategic framework for designing and operating agile manufacturing networks, enabling to collaboratively plan, control and manage day-to-day contingencies in a dynamic environment. Tso et al. 10 introduced the architectur

16、e of an agent-based collaborative service support system, which is able to carry out service requests in a manufacturing information network through some specially designed virtual agents. Cheng et al. 11 put forward an integrated framework for web-based design and manufacturing which is developed b

17、ased on Java solution and CORBA-ORG broking technologies. Offodile and Abdel-Malek 12 introduced a framework for integrating IT and manufacturing strategies using the virtual manufacturing paradigm. Huang et al. 13 presented a holonic framework for virtual enterprises and control mechanisms of virtu

18、al enterprises under this framework. OSullivan 14 described an information architecture and associated toolset for understanding and managing the process of business development. Akkermansa and Horstc 15 discussed managerial aspects of information technology infrastructure standardisation in network

19、ed manufacturing firms and presented a strategic framework to guide managers in making sensible decisions regarding IT infrastructure standardisation, based on a number of pre-existing economic and management theories, such as transaction cost theory, organisational design and IT maturity growth sta

20、ges. Jin et al. 16 presented a research on key application technologies and solutions, which includes a network safety strategy which ensures data transfer among the leaguer members; production data management based on Web/DOT (distributed object technology) and XML criteria which ensure data exchan

21、ge in structure-variance characteristic environments; the network platform which provides the conversion service of different types of CAD files. Woerner and Woern 17 introduced a new web service based platform providing developed methods for co-operative plant production within virtual engineering.

22、To full realize the teleservice engineering in todays globalized manufacturing industry and meet the current market situation and customer demand, a number of global manufacturing networks have been established by, among others, the Society of Manufacturing Engineer 18, Lockheed Martin (AIMSNET) 19

23、and 3M (the 3M Innovation Global Network) 20.Todays industries are facing serious structural problems brought about by their rapid development of overseas activities under a global integrated manufacturing environment. Service and maintenance are becoming extremely important practices for companies

24、to maintain their manufacturing productivity and customer satisfaction in foreign regions. Due to the inherent problems of traditional help desk support, some companies have started developing web-based online customer service support system. Foo et al. 21 described an integrated help desk support f

25、or customer service via internet. Lee 7 discussed the concept and framework of a teleservice engineering system for the life cycle support of manufacturing equipment and products. A system for remote customer support has been created in the FCSA demonstrator of the Globerman 21 project 22. The purpo

26、se of these systems above is to provide effective and responsive remote support to customers in the use, maintenance and troubleshooting of their equipment.University of California is studying and developing a project called the Tele-Manufacturing Facility (TMF) which is to create an automated RP ca

27、pability on the Internet. TMF allows users to easily submit jobs and have the system automatically maintain a queue. While it can automatically check many flaws in .STL files, and in many cases, fix them 23. RP potentially offers great benefits when used during the design and manufacturing process.

28、However, RP must be used in an effective manner if these benefits are to be fully exploited. The RP-novices have a lot of difficulties in getting a global view of the RP technique and in tackling well founded decision for investment or outsourcing of RP tasks because of the very quick appearance of

29、new and improved processes in this field. In order to help novices select a suitable RP process, the rapid prototyping system selector has been developed by many researchers 2427. Quickparts. com, which is a privately held manufacturing services company dedicated to providing customers with an on-li

30、ne E-commerce system to procure lowvolume and high-volume custom manufactured parts, has developed a QuickQuote system. The QuickQuote system enables customers to get instant, customerized quotations for the production of their parts 28. 3D Systems Company, which is the earliest and biggest RP equip

31、ment manufacturer, has provided RP&M service for customer via Internet 29.From these literatures survey, it is clear that most of studies mainly focused on the strategy and overall architecture of networked manufacturing as well as individual function module, there is still no comprehensive and bana

32、usic networked manufacturing service system to support rapid product development. Built on the emerging researches and our earlier work (e.g. Refs. 30,31), a web-based manufacturing service system for rapid product development is to be established.3. Architecture of the integrated system ofrapid product developmentThe development process from initial conceptual design to commercial product is an iterative process which includes: product design; analysis of performance, safety and reliability; product prototyping for experimental evaluation; and design modification. Therefore, any s

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