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Unit10 设计.docx

1、Unit10 设计 Unit10 Im going to be a basketball player.一、 单元教学内容分析: 本单元的主要目标是用一般将来时谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因,为实现理想所做出的打算和安排,以及制定未来一段时间内的学习计划。 本单元的语言目标: What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a computer programmer. How are you going to do that? Im going to study computer science. 本单元的重点词汇: Co

2、mputer programmer, professional, basketball player, engineer, airline pilot, take lessons, grades dream job, grow up, move to, exhibition, resolutions, get good grades, get a part-time job, make more friends. 本单元复习到的单词和短语: Want to, actor, doctor, reporter, teacher, study, practice, learn, eat, make,

3、 get, exercise lessons, every day, computer, science, math, basketball, what/how/where questions. 本单元Section A 部分学习活动有: 在1a之前有一副图片,在这副图片里本单元的主要语言目标已经基本呈现。它的作用应当是相当于我们平时做的warming-up,在复习旧知识的同时将新知沟通连接起来。同时由于谈论的内容非常贴近学生的现实生活,也易于被学习接受。 1a: do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them from 1-6.(1 is

4、 most interesting, 6 is least interesting.) 这一活动通过学生自主判断练习,复习学习过的单词,同时引入新单词。并引起学生学习的兴趣。 1b: Listen and match the items below. (这段对话的目的是通过听的方式呈现句型what are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to. how are you gong to do that? Im going to. ) 1c :Pairwork: practice the conversation in the picture.

5、 Then have conversations about the other jobs.(口头练习target language的表达.) 活动1a1c通过听说读写的方式呈现并练习目标语言. 2a: Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check the correct boxes in the picture.。 2b:listen again. What are Chent Hans plans for the future? Fill in the chart. 2c: Pairwork: ask and answer questions a

6、bout what Cheng Han is going to be. Grammar Focus. 活动2a-2c通过一副图片和一段听力练习进一步练习本单元的目标语言。这一部分更多的呈现了what, where, how, when等问句练习,与grammar focus的内容紧密相连,使学生能更清楚的理解”be going to”, 同时,pairwork也提供了学生练习目标语言的机会。Grammar focus是语法的归纳和总结 二、 学生学情分析和教学重难点: 本单元的主题是使用一般将来时对未来一段时间内的计划以及理想,这对于学生来说是比较熟悉的,因为在每一学期或每一年的开始他们都会习

7、惯性的(或是在老师或家长的强迫下)给自己列下一个学习计划,同时,每个学生都有自己的理想,而且他们也都希望将他们的理想展示给别人,因此通过采访,讨论等小组活动来练习巩固本单元的内容刚好能够激发他们的学习热情。但学生也许会将“be going to”结构与现在进行时相混淆,因此要通过听说读写各种形式重点练习这个结构。同时,在实现情感态度的教育目标时,一定要让学生明白计划的制定要结合自己的实际情况,具有可行性,一旦制定下来就要坚持完成,不能三天打鱼两天晒网,好的计划会引导你走向成功。对于自己的理想也是一样,要为自己的理想努力,决不能因为要实现理想要付出努力而放弃或是改变。因为“无志之人常立志,有志之

8、人立常志”,只有努力才能实现理想。 教学方法建议:采用联系情景对话,角色扮演和采访等活动来展开课堂交际活动和小组活动. 三、课时划分及其教学内容: 教学设计 Section A I. 教学内容和目标: 1. Knowledge objects: Key vocabulary, target language, writing practice. 2. Ability objects: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; sequencing skill, cooperating skill. 3. Moral object: A g

9、ood plan is a good start to success. To be great is great. Even not accomplish yet. A good plan is not good without carrying it out. II. 教学过程: 一、创设情境,导入新课 Section A部分主要通过介绍一些职业名称来学习将来时态,因此我们可以采取视听觉引导教学的方式:首先,教师可以通过呈现一些关于职业的图片或动漫来复习职业名词,并且提问“他/她是做什么的?”回答“他/她是。”比如老师呈现一张教师的图片并提问“她是做什么的?”回答 “她是老师。”以同样的方

10、式演示其他的职业名称。问学生“What does he/she do?”让学生回答 “He/She is a/an.”完了问学生“你想成为一名。吗?”让他们回答是或不是。呈现完了让学生运用目标语言进行Pairwok和互相提问的活动。 二、自读感知,整体把握 Section A部分主要通过介绍一些职业名称来学习将来时态,每一部分的设计将是步步推进:在1a-1c部分,先是介绍一些职业名称,接着来学习这些职业的人经常是做什么的,学习 “be going to be”这一结构和用法,以及相对应的肯定回答,像“我想成为一名。”;在2a-2c部分,先巩固学过的职业名称,然后通过一系列的活动练习目标语言,比

11、如阅读一篇日记,把Josefa计划要去做的事情下划线,然后填到表格中,并且根据表中的内容编一组对话关于 “what, where, and how”这一话题,并做pairwork。最后创设一个情景,2008年北京举行奥林匹克运动会,用 “going to be”来谈论这一话题. 三、合作交流,解读探究 The main content in Section A is to learn the target language: What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be an actor. How are you going

12、 to do that? Im going to take acting lessons. Step 1 演示 Learn some nouns about professions first, and then the teacher communicates with the students: show some pictures about professions or project some flashcards about professions. (demonstration) he is a/an. (question) do I want to be a/an? (answ

13、er) yes, I do./ no, I dont. (ask the students) do you want to be? (get them to answer) yes, I do./ no, I dont. (ask the students)what are you going to be when you grow up?(repeat twice) (help them to answer)Im gong to be a/an. (practice some times with students) (ask the students) how are you going

14、to do that? (help them to answer)Im gong to. (practice) Step 2 活动 Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other with the flashcards: What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a/an. How are you going to do that? Im going to. Step 3 体验 (1) Play the tape of

15、part 1b, and get the students to listen and match the items about professions and what they can do, finish the teaching task of part 1b. (2) Play the tape of part 2a, and get the students to check the correct boxes in the picture they hear, finish the teaching task of part 2a. (3) Play the tape of p

16、art 2a again, and get the students to fill in the chart with the sentences that they hear, finish the hearing training task of part 2b and the structures and usage of the verb “want to be”, and the affirmative sentences of “going to” at future tense. Step 4 活动 (1) Get the students do pairwork, and f

17、inish the teaching task of oral intercourse in part 2c. let the students practice the conversations above and the structures of going to in affirmatives. The intercourse mode that T-S mutual actions bring along S-S mutual actions can be adopted: and then get the students to make the proper answers a

18、ccording to their own actual circumstances. ( Step 5 调查 Get the students to do profession survey, demand the students to learn to use” do you want to be a/an? Yes, I do. No, I dont. I dont like. Im going to be a/an/”to talk about the professions that they want to be and dont want to be and make note

19、s; get the students do group work, make a list with “be going to” according to their own ideas, then let some students to demonstrate their lists to the classes, finish the teaching task of oral intercourse in Part 4. 四、应用迁移,巩固提高 对父母或朋友的职业做一项调查:不同的人喜欢不同的工作,每个人的工作是不一样的。老师可以组织学生做这一活动,让学生问答“你的爸爸/妈妈是做什么

20、的?” “他/她是一位。” “你想做什么呢?” “当你长大了你打算做什么呢?”。做调查的学生把这些记下来;找几个学生来介绍他们父母的工作。这一活动可以帮助学生记住关于职业的名称,并且练习了 “want to be” 和“ be going to”的用法。 people job Life goal Father Aunt friend Step 9应用:竞选演说 通过竞选城市建设局局长一职,发表竞选演说,准备并填写这个使城市变的更加清洁更绿的“六点”计划:为了培养学生的集体主义,团结精神,友爱和互助精神,如有可能,可组织学生到城里徒步旅行,目的是让他们观察城市并找出关于污染之类的问题。首先,把学

21、生分组,并选一个同学就 “What are you going to do?” “Im going to ”问各组准备去做的计划,并统计数据和进行归类;然后每组向班级做报告;最后,总结各组意见做一个更好的计划。这一活动不仅可以让学生学习他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物,还可以学习对职业名称的归纳和班级想做计划的梗概,使得学生彼此之间更好的了解 四、应用迁移,巩固提高 1.Make a survey: use the flashcards to show the photos of the students favorite stars. Ask them to be a news reporter to

22、 interview the stars about the New Years resolutions. Fill in the table. In class, the teacher may choose some students to report to class. This activity makes the students not only review the language structures learnt, but also know about their ways to success and how they make progress by making

23、a good plan. names What are they going to do? How are they going to do that ? 2. Write about your own life goal, and tell the reasons: since the changes of the modern world, many students have different ideas about their life goals and their future professions. The teacher may provide a table about

24、professions(as following table) and tell the students to speak out their own life goals and report to class. This activity can help the students to remember the professional nouns, improve their interest in English learning, and make them learn to have a better profession. profession Like/dislike wh

25、y resolution 五、总结拓展 1. 小结:The content of this unit is to learn some profession nouns, the usage of want to be and going to; to learn how to talk about what they are going to be and what they are going to do. 单元复习与验收知识框架 Title Im going to be a basketball player. Topic Life goals Function Talk about f

26、uture intentions Structure Future TenseGoing to beWhat to beWhat, Where, When, How questions Target language What are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be a computer programmer. How are you going to do that?Im going to study computer science. Vocabulary Computer programmer, professional,

27、basketball player, engineer, airline pilotTake lessons, gradesDream job, grow up, move toExhibition, resolutions, get good grades, get a part-time job, make more friends Recycling Want toActor, doctor, reporter, teacherStudy, practice, learn, eat, make, get, exerciseLessonsEvery dayComputer, science

28、, math, basketballWhat/How/Where questions Learning strategy Using contextRole playing 2. 讨论交流: What do you want to be in the future? What are you going to do? What are your new years resolutions? The teacher may get students in groups of four to join this discussion. At first, get the students to d

29、raw some pictures about professions and write their English words under them, and then divide them: which jobs are suitable for girls and which jobs are suitable for boys? Which jobs are your life goals? Get the representative of each group to report the result to class. This activity can help the s

30、tudents to review and consolidate the profession nouns learnt, improve their interest in English learning and make them learn what and how to do in the future. 3. 职业词汇拓展: 在学生能够掌握的范围内,尽可能多的介绍有关职业的名词,同时可以让学生分组讨论性格与职业的关系,通过此项活动,学生学会根据 自己的性格寻求适合秘书发展的职业,给学生一张表格,学生根据自己的实际情况填写表格,并思考自己的理想职业及适合自己的职业。 Persona

31、l InformationName Hobby Be good atAppearance Personality My ideal job Suitable jobsSuitable jobsFriends suggestionsResolutions lawyer 律师 guide 导游 babysitter 育婴员 editor 编辑 zookeeper 动物管理员 librarian 图书管理员 inventor 发明家 office worker 办公室职员 journalist 记者 judge 法官 hunter 猎人 fisherman 渔民 boxer 拳击运动员 conduc

32、tor 指挥家 (本环节略有难度,可做为学有余力的学生的知识拓展。) 备课反思: 这个单元的主题是学习want to be 和 going to do的用法,以及介绍职业,讨论人们想做什么和将去做什么。教师在教授这些句子和语法时,要注意帮助学生实现他们的情感目标, 也就是说学生通过问和讨论他们想作为生活目标的职业,使他们学会关心别人。老师可以让学生在他们自己之间,同学之间,朋友之间以及家人之间进行不同职业的比较,然后找出最适合的职业,再介绍和提供给其他人。当然学生在设计和组织这些活动时要阐述理由。这项活动不仅能够锻炼目标语言,而且能够帮助学生学会选择合适自己的职业。通过这项实践活动可以激发学生的兴趣,让他们大胆的用英语表达,最大限度的让他们练习和展示自己,以及更加轻松、牢固地掌握知识

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