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名师点拨学科英语学习 34页.docx

1、名师点拨学科英语学习 34页名师点拨学科英语学习【学习目标】. 学会下列单词和短语1. 单词absence, book, charge, cigar, determine, district, extremely, fly(n. ), permit, prison, stupid, track, truth, waiter2. 短语lay the table, quite by accident, in common, in order that, shout at , on ones own, turn up, get doing, leave sth. doing. 掌握下列句型1. Ho

2、w did you find?2. Not until3. sb. happened to do4. You are to do5. as honestly as I could. . 语法复习并掌握使用过去分词的注意事项。热身双关语的妙用双关语在每种语言中都有,汉语中的歇后语如“外甥打灯笼照舅(旧)”,过大年时,家家贴个“倒福”不是福倒了,而是取其谐音,使语言变得幽默风趣,韵味无穷。英语中的双关语(pun),常在笑话(jokes)和谜语(riddles)中,有些也用于绕口令(tongue twisters)或叠字中。双关语是利用同音异义词,如本单元对话中的前三组对话,或一词多义或一句多义的现

3、象如本单元对话中的后三组对话,构成含义诙谐或语义双关的词语,即一语双关,其实是在“说俏皮话”或“做文字游戏(play on words)”。双关语引人思考,如果你不理解其中的妙意,会感到不知所云,莫名其妙;当你领会到其中的言外之意、弦外之音时,便会产生曲径通幽、柳暗花明之感。下面选编一些双关语例子,请同学们领会其中的妙处。(A)Policeman: You cant park here. Driver: Why not? Policeman: Read the sign. Driver: I did. It says, “Fine for parking! ”So I parked. fine

4、既可用作动词“罚款”,又可作形容词“好”,难怪司机误解。(B)I say waiter! There are some coins in my soup! Well, you said you wanted some change in your meals. change作为名词,既可表示“改变,换换花样”的意思,又可指“零钱”;顾客的本意是要求在饭菜上换换花样,而侍者却端上有“零钱”的汤。(C)Lilly: Cant you play tennis without making all that noise? Milly: Dont be silly. How can you play t

5、ennis without raising a racket? Milly用了racket一词为自己的行为狡辩,因为racket既是名词“球拍”,又作“大声喧哗”解。(D)Mrs. Brown: Is your new home a warm one? Mrs. Black: It should be. The painter gave it two coats last month. Mrs. Black的回答幽默风趣,因为coat既可以指“(漆等的)涂层”,也可以是“外套”的意思。【基础知识精讲】. 语句精讲Lesson 691. what its been的双关语What is this

6、? 这是什么?Its bean soup. 这是豆子汤。I dont want to know what its been; I want to know what it is now. 我不是问这原来是什么;我是问它现在是什么。对话中,顾客问“这是什么”,服务员回答说“这是豆子汤(Its bean soup. )”。答语中的bean与been发音相同,因此顾客误解成“It has been soup. (它原来是汤。)”了,从而导致后面说的“I dont want to know what it has been; I want to know what it is now. (我不是问这原

7、来是什么;我是问它现在是什么。)”2. way的用法Customer: Have you got chickens legs? Waiter: No, sir, I always walk this way. 解释:顾客想吃鸡腿,而服务员理解为他走路的样子很滑稽,他的腿像鸡腿。way在这里作“方法”解释,只有单数形式,其前的介词用in,不能用by或with,如way前面有this,that或形容词性物主代词时,介词可省去。如:He always speaks in a careless way. 他说起话来总是漫不经心。Do it any way you like. 你爱怎么干就怎么干。I t

8、hink you are putting it together the wrong way. 我认为你把它装错了。You should do it(in) his way. 你应该按照他的方式去做这件事。请注意in the way和on the way的区别: in the way意为“障碍”,或阻止你到想去的地方的人或物;on the way意为“在途中”。试比较:Dont stand in the way. 别挡路(或不要妨碍人)。Lets not stop too often on the way. 一路上我们不要停太多次。3. lay an egg与lay a tableCustom

9、er: Whats wrong with these eggs? Waiter: Dont ask me, sir. I only laid the table. 解释:英语中lay an egg表示“下蛋”,lay a table表示“放桌子”。顾客抱怨鸡蛋做得不好,服务员说鸡蛋不是他下的。lay the table 摆设餐具(准备吃饭)The lady came in and laid the table for supper. 主妇进来摆桌子吃饭。Father told me to lay the table for five. 父亲让我摆桌子准备五个人吃饭。4. Waiter: How

10、 did you find the fish, Madam? Customer: Quite by accident. I moved a few peas and there it was. 解释:服务员问顾客鱼做得怎么样,顾客理解为怎样找到的鱼。(1)How did you find?你觉得怎么样?这是征求意见的用语,类似的用法还有:How do you like?What do you think of?How about?/What about?如:What do you think of the film we saw yesterday? 你觉得我们昨天看的那部电影怎么样?How

11、do you like the TV play? 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?What about going out for a walk? 出去散散步怎么样?How about going to the cinema? 去看场电影怎么样?How do you find the pancakes? 你觉得这饼味道怎么样?How do you find yourself this morning? 今天早晨你感觉怎样?(2)by accident(=by chance) 偶然;不小心地On his tour he found a cave by accident. 在旅行中他偶然发现了一个山洞。C

12、olumbus discovered America by accident. 哥伦布偶然发现了美洲。Lesson 701. light的过去式与过去分词After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up. 他们吃完午饭后,汉克点燃一支雪茄,站起身来。light v. 点燃、照亮。其过去式和过去分词可以是lit,也可以是lighted。放在名词之前做前置定语,常只用过去分词lighted,表示“点亮的,点燃的”,其他情况下用lit或lighted无区别。如:Hes lit a match. 他擦亮了一根火柴。The mat

13、ch is lit/lighted. 火柴被擦亮了。The lighted match helped me to find the key on the floor. 擦亮了的火柴帮我找到了地板上的钥匙。2. Im just going down to the dining car to get a coffee. 我去餐车喝杯咖啡。(1)up与down: 上为up, 下为down。go up to the top of the mountain 攀上山顶to run down a hill 向山下跑趋向(或处于)直立姿势为up, 趋向(或处于)坐的姿势或躺的姿势为down。Is he up

14、yet? 他起床了吗?If you are tired, go and lie down. 如果你累了,去躺一会吧。(在程度、地位、声音、价值等方面)由小变大,高涨起来,由少到多用up;反之用down。The temperature has gone up. 温度升高了。The wind died down. 风力减弱了。(从边远地区、农村、南方、下游、海边等被看作下方的地方往首都、城市、北方、上游、大学等地)往上方,在上方,往较重要处,向上方,向(或在)舞台后方用up;反之用down。go up to Beijing 上北京;as far up as Heilongjiang(往北)直至黑龙

15、江;We went from London down to Brighton for the weekend. 我们从伦敦到布莱顿度周末。离说话处近的地方为up, 离说话处远的地方为down。If you go down the street, you will find a cinema. 沿街而下你就会发现一个电影院。(2)dining car 餐车car此处表示一列火车中的车厢。3. till与untilWe wont get to our station till five this afternoon. 要到下午五点我们才会到站。用法两者都可作介词、连词,一般情况下可以互换使用。用于

16、肯定句时,主句的动词只用延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续至till或until表示的时间为止,意为“直到为止”;用于否定句时,主句的动词一般是非延续性的,也可以是延续性的,它所表示的动作直到till或until所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到(才)”。如:She watched TV until/till her mother came back. 她看电视直到母亲回来。(看电视的动作延续到母亲回来才结束)She didnt watch TV until/till her mother came back. 直到母亲回来她才(开始)看电视。(看电视的动作直到她母亲回来才发生)拓展(1)当not

17、until置于句首(此时不用till)时,主句须用部分倒装形式。如:Not until yesterday did I know the truth. 直到昨天我才知道真相。Not until he finished his homework did he go out for a walk. 直到完成作业他才出去散步。(2)not until还可用在强调句型It is/was not until+that从句中,强调时间状语。如:It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I recognized her. 直到她取下墨镜我才认出了

18、她。4. Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American too. 没多久他跟另外一个人攀谈起来,这个人碰巧也是美国人。(1)get talking to another person 相当于start a conversation with another person。辨析get doing, get to do, get done(i)get doing=start doing 指“(主语)开始做”,即主语是doing表示的动作的执行者。例如:They went in and got chatting t

19、ogether. 他们走进去,开始攀谈起来。(ii)get done表示被动含义,get为连系动词,该结构可以表示三层含义:突然的、偶然的、意外发生的事。如:She got hurt in the accident. 她在事故中受伤了。表示一种状态,为系表结构,而不是被动动作。如:He didnt turn up two days later. He must have got lost in the forest. 两天后他仍未露面,他一定在森林里迷了路。表示说话者强调动作。如:They arranged to get married. 他们筹备要结婚。(iii)get to do表示“由变

20、为;经过一过程或努力而达到认识、感觉等阶段”,to do这个动作是主语发出的。例如:When you get to know him, youll like him. 当你了解他的时候,你就会喜欢他。They soon got to be(=became) friends. 他们不久便成了好朋友。(2)关于happen to的用法happen to表示“恰好”“碰巧”。如:I happened to pass by. 我碰巧从旁边走过。I happened to know youre wrong. 我恰好知道你错了。He happened to be at the gate when the

21、visitors arrived. 参观者到达时,他碰巧在大门口。Xiao Wang happened to be working in the next room. 当时小王碰巧在隔壁房间里干活。happen to的否定式有:do not happen to do sth. , happen not to do sth. 等。如:碰巧我没带钱。5. They found that they had a lot in common and got on well. 他们俩发现有许多共同点,很合得来。(1)in common共用,公有;共同。如:They have nothing in comm

22、on with one another. 他们彼此毫无共同之点。In common with(like) most educated people he prefers classical music to jazz. 如同大多数受过教育的人,他也喜欢古典音乐而不喜欢爵士音乐。The two brothers have little in common in their manners. 这兄弟俩的举止极少相似之处。They had everything in common. 他们什么都共用。辨析common与ordinary是近义词,前者意为“普通的”“一般的”“平常的”,指符合或具有全体所

23、共有的特征。如:common knowledge 普通知识,common people 普通老百姓;后者侧重表示“外表平凡”“平平常常”“随时可碰到”之意。如:My teacher is an ordinary-looking man. 我的老师是个相貌平常的人。The millionaire is always in ordinary clothes. 这百万富翁总是穿着平常的衣服。This is a grammatical mistake common among beginners in English. 这是一个初学英语的人易犯的语法错误。He has no common sense.

24、 他没有常识。(2)get on well=get along well 表示相处得好。详见Lesson 50. 3. 6. get in touch with的拓展Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both return to the States. 最后汉克跟他的朋友互相交换了地址,答应回到美国后再相互联系。get in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系They still

25、 get in touch with each other though they have graduated for 17 years. 他们虽然已经毕业十七年了,但还相互间保持联系。拓展Our head office can bring you in touch with a branch in your area. 我们总公司可安排您与当地分公司取得联系。7. He had gone through six carriages when he found he could go no further. 他走过了六节车厢,这时他发现再也不能向前走了。(1)go through的几种用法(

26、i)作“通过”“穿过”解。如本课中的go through six carriages(穿过六节车厢)。再如:The rope is too thick to go through the hole. 绳子太粗,穿不过这个孔。She dared not go through the woods alone. 她不敢单独穿过那片树林。(ii)go through还可引伸为“仔细查看”“详细讨论”。如:The police went through the pockets of the thief. 警察仔细搜查了小偷的口袋。Lets go through the argument again. 让

27、我们将这些论据再详细讨论一遍。(iii)go through也可作“经历”“遭受”讲。如:The book went through ten editions. 这本书卖完了十版。The old man went through the sufferings during the war. 这老人在战争期间经历过很多苦难。(iv)go through可作“完成”“用光”解释。如:“I cannot go through these exercises in two hours. ”Tom said. 汤姆说:“我不可能在两个小时内完成这些作业。”He went through his sala

28、ry in three days. 他三天内把工资都花光了。(2)farther和further的差别:这两个词都是far的比较级,其原形、比较级和最高级的三种形式是:Far在英国英语中,两者都可用来指距离;在美国英语中,只能用farther这个形式。在表示“增加”“额外”“更进一步”等意思时英、美英语均用further,不能用farther。归纳:表示距离时既可用farther也可用further,表示进一步、深一层、增加、额外等涵义时只用further。如:I have walked 10 miles. I can not walk any farther(further). 我已走了10

29、英里,我不能再走了。He went to Australia for further study. 他到澳大利亚进修去了。8. believe与believe inHank couldnt believe his ears. 汉克不能相信他听到的话。believe表示相信某人说的话,具有临时性,其宾语常有两种形式sb. some words(what one says等)。believe in表示信任某人,信任某人为人诚实、有工作能力、能胜任某一工作等,具有长期性,其宾语只有一种形式,即:你信任的人或事(多为人)。在做选择题时,到底是选believe还是选believe in应当注意上下文的暗

30、示。题例:He said that he would raise the wages of the workers. But the workers did not _him. A. believe in B. believe C. belief D. believed in正确答案是B。分析:从所在句看,有可能是工人们不相信他的话,也有可能是工人们不相信他的为人,但上句的said一词暗示工人们不相信他的“话”。9. At that moment he remembered that all the tickets, passports and travellers cheques were

31、in his jacket that he had left hanging next to his seat. 这时他才想起全部车票、护照和旅行支票都放在他挂在座位旁边的夹克衫里了。(1)that he had left hanging next to his seat是一个定语从句,修饰jacket。在这个定语从句中,关系代词that作宾语,hanging作宾语that的补足语。(2)hang的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,分别表示不同的涵义。The hall is hung with red flags. 大厅里挂着红旗。He hanged himself in sorrow. 他在悲伤中上吊而死。(3)leave sb. (sth. )+-ing结构:让(某人或事)继续处于某种状态When we entered her room, we saw her clothes that she had left

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