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1、高考英语长难句指导高 考 攻 略 近几年来,高考英语阅读材料的语言结构渐趋于复杂化,主要表现在文中长难句增加。如2007年的高考阅读材料中增加了各种各样的句式,如省略句、倒装句等,并且并列句和复合句经常综合使用,句中套句,结构看起来相当复杂。 常见的长难句不外乎以下几种情形: 1. 句中出现多个连词,句法关系复杂; 2. 非谓语动词形式较多; 3. 含有多个同位语或同位语从句,而且较长; 4. 从句较多,句中套句; 5. 主干中穿插多个插入语或从句; 6. 倒装句、省略句、被动句等句式较多。方法指导 分析此类句子,首先要搞清楚句子的整体结构到底是简单句、并列句还是复合句,再确定句子的主干,即先

2、找出句子的主要成分 主语、谓语和宾语,再分析句子的其他成分,在此基础上理清各分句间的关系。具体步骤如下:1. 找主干,即从句子中找出主、谓、宾等主要成分,抓住句子主体结构后,再看其它修饰成分。2. 抓住从句的主语、谓语和引导词等关键信息,确定从句在主句中所作的成分。3. 根据句中的关联词语确定各分句之间的逻辑关系,把各层分句的意思加以连贯就构成了长句的句意。实例分析1. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking abou

3、t what diet products are doing to us. (北京 2008)分析 此句的主干是We have so easily been attracted by . that .。that引导结果状语从句。在that从句中, what引导宾语从句作think about的宾语且what 在宾语从句中作do的宾语。 译文 我们如此轻易地被减肥产品的承诺和潜能所吸引,以至于不去考虑减肥产品对我们的影响。2. It is because of the close association in most peoples minds of tools with man that s

4、pecial attention has always been focused upon any animal able to use an object as a tool, but it is important to realize that this ability, on its own, does not necessarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature concerned.分析 此句的框架是It is because of . that .,but it is important to realize t

5、hat .。并列连词but连接两个并列分句:前一个分句为强调句型It is . that ., 强调原因状语because of .,在that 后面的部分中,able to use an object as a tool 作后置定语,修饰any animal;后一个分句中,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to realize that ., realize后又跟由that引导的宾语从句,concerned同样是后置定语修饰the creature。另外,需要注意的是,the close association in most peoples minds of tools wit

6、h man中in most peoples minds把the close association of tools with man(工具与人类的密切联系)分隔开来,使得此句难以理解。译文 正是由于在大多数人头脑中工具与人类联系密切,人们才特别关注能把物体当工具使用的任何一种动物。但值得注意的是,这种能力就其自身而言,并不一定表明这种动物有什么特别的智慧。3. So dont be surprised if you never encounter some of the expressions that still appear in school textbooks, and next t

7、ime you hear somebody using a strange word you havent heard before, you can comfort yourself that there may well be a native speaker somewhere who doesnt know it either.分析 此句由and连接的两个并列分句组成。句子的框架是 . dont be surprised if you ., and next time ., you can comfort yourself that .。在前一个分句中,主句是dont be surpr

8、ised, 从句是if引导的条件状语从句,其中的that作关系代词,引导定语从句修饰其前的名词expressions。在后一个分句中,next time 是时间状语,其后是一个省去关系副词when的定语从句,修饰限定next time;主句you can comfort yourself that . who . 中的that引导宾语从句,作comfort的宾语,后面的who是关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰限定a native speaker。译文 因此,如果在教科书里碰到一些你从未见过的词组,你不必惊讶。如果下次你听到有人用一个你以前从未听到过的新词,你可以安慰自己说,很可能讲英语的本地人也不

9、认识这个词呢!4. More than three million people live in Inner London, and nearly five million people live in the surrounding suburban area, which is made up of formerly separate villages that have merged to form what is now called Outer London.分析 此句由and连接的两个并列分句组成。后一个分句是主从复合句,其中which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰限定area,定语从

10、句中的that引导限制性定语从句,修饰villages,what引导宾语从句,作form的宾语。译文 内伦敦居住着三百多万人,而周围的郊区居住着将近五百万人 该地区由原来分散的村庄组成,逐步形成了如今所说的外伦敦。Long Sentence Explanations-21. The next morning the stranger, actually a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by granting (允准) her wish that anyone who climbed up her tree should not be able to come back

11、 down until she permitted it. (2008陕西卷完形填空)分析 此句是一个复合句。主句中the stranger是主语,thanked是谓语,her是宾语,介词短语by granting . 是方式状语。在介词by 后的部分中,that引导的从句作wish的同位语从句,其中主语是anyone,谓语部分是should not be able to come back down,until引导时间状语从句,who climbed up her tree是定语从句, 修饰限定主语anyone。译文 第二天早晨,那个陌生人,实际上是个巫师,作为感谢允准了她的愿望 凡是爬到她

12、树上的人不经她的允许是不能下来的。2. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 分析 此句的主语是behaviorists,谓语是suggest,宾语是一个由that引导的从句。在宾语从句中,主语是the child,谓语是w

13、ill experience, 宾语为greater intellectual development。the child后的who is raised in an environment是定语从句,修饰限定the child;where there are many stimuli也是定语从句,修饰限定who 引导的定语从句中的an environment;which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses同样是定语从句,修饰限定where 引导的定语从句中的stimuli。译文 行为主义者认为,如果在儿童的成长环境里有许多

14、能够培养他或她的适当反应能力的刺激因素,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。 3. Even so, everyone at McDonalds must be hoping that it will be a long time before the firm faces yet another such emergency.分析 此句的框架是everyone . must be hoping that .before .。其中的that引导宾语从句,作hope的宾语,在宾语从句中又含有一个before引导的时间状语从句。译文 即便如此,麦当劳上下一定还是希望公司不要在近期内又面临这样的紧

15、急情况。 Long Sentence Explanations-31. Despite the saying that one never knows if lightning strikes him, a person can sometimes feel the bolt (闪电) coming and if quick enough, take protective action in time.分析 这是一个复合句,其框架是 Despite the saying that . a person can . and if . in time。主句中主语是a person;谓语部分是can

16、 sometimes feel the bolt coming and if quick enough,take protective action in time,其中and连接两个并列的谓语feel the bolt coming 和take protective action, if quick enough是个缩略形式的条件状语从句,补充完整为if he is quick enough,是take action in time的前提条件;despite the saying . 是介词短语, 用作让步状语,其中that one . him是the saying的同位语从句,内含一个宾语

17、从句if lightning strikes him。译文 尽管俗话说人们永远不知道是否会遭到闪电的袭击,但是人们有时还是能感觉到闪电的到来并且如果感觉灵敏,就能及时采取保护措施。2. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had und

18、er the more patriarchal (家长制的) system of the old family business now passing away. 分析 这是一个并列复合句, but连接两个并列分句,后一个分句中又含有从句。前一个分句中: The paid manager是名词短语,作主语; acting for the company是V-ing形式,作定语修饰前面的The paid manager; was in more direct relation with the men and their demands是系表结构, 作谓语。后一个分句中: he是主语; had

19、 是谓语; that familiar personal knowledge of . away是名词短语,作宾语,该短语中内含一个定语从句 which . away修饰限定that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen; passing away是V-ing形式,作定语修饰限定the old family business。译文 公司拿薪水的执行经理与工人和他们的需要有更直接的关系。但是,与现在正在消失的世袭制的旧家族企业的老板相比,即使是他也很少有过去那种对工人的熟悉程度。 Long Sentence Explanations-41. Yoc

20、um and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from the decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work.(湖南2008)分析 此句是复合句,由一个主句和两个从句组成。主句的主语是Yocum and Bell,谓语是feel,宾语是that引导的从句。who引导的非限制性定语从句修饰说明Yocum

21、 and Bell。在that引导的宾语从句中,主语是the experience,谓语是has influenced,宾语是their work。介词短语from . building作后置定语修饰限定the experience,V-ing形式focusing . outside作定语修饰限定building。 译文 Yocum和Bell刚刚建成一个市美术馆。他们觉得通过装饰他们自己的房子获得的经验,即强调内部而不是外部,影响了他们的作品。2. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheap

22、er to sit comfortably at home,with almost unlimited entertainment available,than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere. 分析(1) 此句是个简单句,其主干是一个比较结构it is more . to do sth. than to do sth. else,比较对象是两个动词不定式。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。 (2) 句首的For a family of four作状语,表示条件; for example是插入语;复合结构with . ava

23、ilable 作动词不定式to sit comfortably at home的伴随状语; in search of amusement elsewhere作动词不定式to go out的目的状语。译文 譬如,对于一个四口之家来说,舒舒服服地在家看电视,就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目,这比起去其他地方娱乐是既方便又便宜。 3. It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities,there will have to be much more deta

24、iled information about courses and more advice. 分析 此句是复合句,由一个主句和两个从句组成。主句中It是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,becomes more and more important 是系表结构作谓语。that引导的主语从句是一个there be句型,内含一个 if引导的条件状语从句。译文 因此, 如果要使学生充分利用他们(上大学)的机会, 就得为他们提供大量关于课程的更为详尽的信息, 作更多的指导。这个问题显得越来越重要了。 Long Sentence Explanations-51. Wilson sugges

25、ts changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that could be made use of, which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas. (2008 全国卷I)分析 此句含有两个定语从句。第一个定语从句由that引导,修饰先行词species,that在从句中作主语;第二个定语从句由which引导,修饰changing this

26、situation . use of, which在从句中作主语。译文 威尔逊建议通过调查研究一万种可利用的物种来改变这种情况,这将是减少为扩大耕地而清除动植物天然栖息地的一种方式。2. Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do no matter whether he is an Oriental or a westerner.分析 此句是主从复合句。主句是倒装句,主语是some examples,of the things是介宾短语作定语修饰examples,th

27、at引导的定语从句修饰先行词things;在定语从句中no matter whether引导让步状语从句。译文 下面举例说明一个有礼貌的人该做或不该做的不管他是东方人还是西方人。3. My idea of a university, based on having seen scores of them in different states of the US, was that it was a place of life and learning, an integral part of the community in which it was located.分析 句子的框架是:My

28、 idea . was that .。此句中based on having seen scores of them in different states of the US是过去分词短语作定语,修饰My idea。系动词was后跟由that引导的表语从句。在表语从句中it是主语,表语是a place of life and learning;an integral part是a place of life and learning的同位语;(in) which引导定语从句修饰the community。译文 基于我对美国不同州内许多大学的观察,我认为,大学是学习和生活的地方,也是所在地社区的

29、一个组成部分。-61. Each misstep threatens to reduce a celebritys shelf life, and the same newspaper or magazine that once brought him fame has no problem picking him to pieces when the opportunity appears. (湖南2008)分析 此句由and连接的两个并列分句组成。后一个分句是主从复合句,含有一个定语从句和一个状语从句,其中定语从句that once brought him fame修饰the same n

30、ewspaper or magazine,that在从句中作主语;when引导时间状语从句。译文 每一次失误都可能降低名人的知名度,并且一有这样的机会,同样是曾给他带来名声的报纸或杂志会毫不犹豫地把他批得体无完肤。2. I do know Miss Lacy proudly left that store carrying the sack that held her new hot pink hunting boots!分析 此句为主从复合句。主句I do know为强调结构,do是对谓语动词know的强调。know后面是省去that的宾语从句,在宾语从句中carrying the sack

31、是V?鄄ing形式作动词left的伴随状语,that held her new hot pink hunting boots是定语从句修饰the sack。译文 我确实知道莱西小姐非常满意地离开了那家商店:怀里抱着硬纸袋,里面装着崭新的、桃红色的狩猎皮靴。3. One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.分析 此句是含有两个定语从句的主从复合句。主句的主语是One of the exercises,谓语部分是系表结构is to keep a record of .。he asked his students to do是省去that的定语从句修饰先行词exercises;they spend for a week是省去that的定语从句修饰先行词penny。译文 他要求学生们做的其中一项作业就是记录下他们一星期所花的每一分钱。4. His parents recognized his intelligence and decided to enroll him in Lakeside, a private school known for its intens

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