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1、五年高考真题专题完形填空2021 2021年各省市高考题考点一记叙文Cloze 1(2021 新课标全国)话题词数难度建议时间善举力量25416分钟My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“ 1 my job.Family to Feed.At this store,a 2 like this is not normal.My 10yearold noticed him and m

2、ade a 3 on how bad it must be to have to stand 4 in the cold wind.In the store,I asked each of my kids to 5 something they thought our “friend there would 6 .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a 7 .I thought about it.We were 8 on cash ourselves,bu

3、t. well,sometimes 9 from our need instead of our abundance is 10 what we need to do!All the kids 11 something they could do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of 12 ,he lit up and thanked us with 13 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 14 his family might ne

4、ed,he burst into tears.This has been a wonderful 15 for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can 16 !Things would have played out so 17 if I had simply said,“No,we really dont have 18 to give more. Stepping out not only helped a brother in 19 ,it also gave my kids the 20 tast

5、e of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了发生在自己身边一件事。周末时候作者与孩子们去超市路上遇到了一个站在寒风中寻求帮助人,他引导孩子们奉献爱心,快乐自己。通过这次经历,作者诠释了“赠人玫瑰,手留余香真谛。1. 解析考察语境中动词辨析。联系下文内容及“Family to feed.可知这个人失业了,还要养活家人。故答案为A。答案A2.A.condition 解析考察语境中名词辨析。那人手里拿着一张写有“失去工作,供养家人纸,站在冷风中。这种情景在超市外面并不常见。condition条件;place地

6、方;sight情景,景象;show展示。显然唯有C项符合题意。答案C3. B ment C.decision D.call解析考察语境中名词辨析。十岁儿子看到这个站在冷风中求助者十分感慨,发表评论(comment)。suggestion建议;decision决定;call ;均不合句意。答案B4.A.outside B.proudly D.angrily解析考察语境中副词辨析。由“in the cold wind所提供信息可以判断此人是站在超市外面。答案A5.A.draw B.say C.arrange 解析考察语境中动词辨析。根据下文所述可知,我让孩子们挑选(pick)某种他们认为

7、这位朋友喜欢(appreciate)东西。draw绘画;say说出;arrange安排。均与语境不符。答案D6.解析考察语境中动词辨析。见上一小题解析。order命令,订购;supply供给;discover发现。均不符合语境。答案C7.llar B.job meal card解析考察语境中名词辨析。下一段“When I handed him the gift card.一句已有暗示。答案D8.A.easy B.low C.soft 解析考察语境中形容词辨析。根据前面“I thought about it.以及接下来“but.well.可知,我们现金也不多了。easy

8、容易;low (数量等)缺乏;soft 柔软;loose 松散。B项显然符合句意。答案B9.解析考察语境中动词辨析。由全文内容不难看出,作者与孩子们举动是将财物赠与需要帮助人。故答案为A。答案A10.解析考察语境中副词辨析。有时,从生活需用品中节省出来赠与别人恰恰是(just)我们需要做。其余选项不符合语意逻辑。答案D11.解析考察语境中动词辨析。为了省出钱来去帮助别人,孩子们纷纷宣布自己这周可以舍弃不用东西。declare 公布,宣布;share 分享,分担;ignore 无视,不理睬;expect 期待。由句意可知答案为A。答案A12. B.medicine 解析考察语境中名词辨析。联系上

9、文“They got apples,a sandwich,and a bottle of juice.一句可知,我们将这些食品递给这个人。故答案为C。答案C13.解析考察语境中形容词辨析。根据本段结尾一句中“.he burst into tears.可知,这个人眼含泪水向我们表示感谢。sleepy困倦;watery含水;curious好奇;sharp锐利。由语境可知B项为正确答案。答案B14.A.whoever B.解析考察语境中代词辨析。由句子构造可知,这是一个宾语从句。从句谓语动词need之后缺少宾语,故可将D项排除。再结合句意“我告诉他可以用这张卡为家人购置生活必需品可知答案非B莫属。答

10、案B15.A.experience B.example C.message 解析考察语境中名词辨析。由前文所述可知,这是一次非常棒经历,给了孩子们莫大鼓舞。experience经历;example例子;message口信;adventure冒险。显然答案为A。答案A16.解析考察语境中短语动词辨析。帮助别人,快乐自己。接连几天,孩子们都在寻找需要帮助人。显然,D项意思与语境相吻合。答案D17.A.suddenly B.vividly 解析考察语境中副词辨析。句意:如果我当时告诉孩子们没有钱去帮助更多人,事情可能会完全不同,他们可能就不会有这样举动。suddenly突然;vividly生动地;d

11、ifferently不同地;perfectly完美地。由句意可知C项为正确答案。答案C18.解析考察语境中名词辨析。见上一小题解析。答案D19.A.fear B解析考察语境中名词辨析。综合前文所表达经历可知,我与孩子们帮助了一位处于困境中人。in need意思是“患难;急需;处于困境中。答案C20.解析考察语境中形容词辨析。纵观全文,作者与孩子们这一善举让他们品尝到了帮助别人甜蜜,正所谓“赠人玫瑰,手留余香。故答案为B。答案BCloze 2(2021 北京)话题词数难度建议时间一份温暖礼物43018分钟A Welcome GiftDario and his mother loved their

12、 new apartment. The living room was large enough for their piano. That night, the two of them 1 side by side at the piano. They played jazz music to celebrate their new home. The loud 2 filled the room and made them feel very happy.The next morning, 3 , their happiness disappeared.Someone had left a

13、 4 under their door during the night. One of their neighbors had written to complain(抱怨) about the sound of the piano. Darios mother asked the building superintendent(管理员) if he knew anything about it. But he said that they were all 5 people and he couldnt imagine any of them had done that. Later th

14、at morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their 6 and apologize for their playing.“Maybe we could go and 7 everyone in person, his mother said.“What if we invited them to come here for a 8 instead? Dario asked.They both loved the 9 . Over the next few days, they sent out invitations an

15、d prepared desserts 10 their guests. They decorated the apartment with streamers(彩带) and pretty lights.Finally, the day of the party 11 . Some guests brought presents. Others brought flowers. Some even brought desserts to 12 . One woman, Mrs. Gilbert, 13 Darios mother with a book of piano music by C

16、hopin.“I heard you playing the other night,she said,“The sounds woke me out of bed.I 14 that you might play like this every night. So I wrote a short note. I hope you dont think I disliked the playing.Darios mother smiled at Mrs. Gilbert. “I think maybe we 15 you an apology, she said.“I didnt 16 how

17、 late it was when we were playing. Maybe we should play some quieter music at night.“You play, you play! Mrs. Gilbert said.“I like what you play! Just not so loud at night. She pointed to the book she had given them. “These songs are not such 17 music.“These songs are beautiful music, Darios mother

18、said.“We will be 18 to play them in the evening.“And we wont play so loud or late! Dario said.He was already looking forward to 19 the new music.More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mothers face. It gave him a feeling of 20 and made him feel that they were home at last.【

19、语篇导读】本文主要介绍了Dario与他妈妈搬到新家很快乐,并在深夜弹钢琴来庆祝,结果却打搅了邻居,邻居留便条抱怨投诉,母子二人积极应对,决定举行派对来缓与邻里关系,并得到邻居谅解。1.A.sat B.stood C.lay D.walked解析语境理解题。此处是指他们两人肩并肩地坐在钢琴旁,应选A。答案A2. B.ring D.cry解析背景常识题。前一句提到弹奏爵士乐,故此处填music,选C。答案C3.A.therefore B.however C.otherwise D.instead解析逻辑推理题。句意:然而第二天早上他们幸福消失了。therefore因此;howeve

20、r然而;otherwise否那么;instead相反地。应选B。答案B4.A.note B.poster C.bill D.report解析背景常识题。句意:在那天夜里有人在他们门下面留了一张便条。结合下文So I wrote a short note可知应选A。答案A5.A.proud C.lucky D.nice解析逻辑推理题。由“管理员想象不出他们中谁会做那件事可知,管理员认为他们都是好人,应选D。答案D6.A.neighbors B.friends C.relatives D.audiences解析逻辑推理题。上文提到他们弹钢琴打搅他们邻居,故此处指他们应当给他们邻居写信

21、来就此事抱歉。应选A。neighbour邻居;relative亲戚;audience听众。答案A7.A.blame B.instruct C.question D.visit解析逻辑推理题。句意:或许我们可以亲自去拜访他们。blame责备;instruct指导;question质询;visit访问,拜访。应选D。答案 B.concert D.play解析语境理解题。句意:要是我们把他们请来举行派对怎么样?结合11小题前面party可知应选A。答案A9.xperience B.idea C.performance D.action解析逻辑推理题。句意:他们都喜欢

22、这个主意。experience经历;idea主意;performance演出;action行动。应选B。答案 B.with C.for D.from解析动词搭配。prepare sth for sb 意为“为某人准备某物,应选C。答案C11.A.continued B.arrived C.passed D.finished解析动词词义辨析。这里指是“终于举办派对日子到了,应选B。答案B12.A.order B.sell C.share D.advertise解析考察逻辑推理题。这里指派对,所以“有些人带来甜点是用来分享。应选C。答案C13.A.treated B.present

23、ed C.helped D.served解析动词词义辨析。此处指是一个名叫 Mrs. Gilbert妇女赠送给Darios mother一本钢琴音乐书。treat对待;present赠送,呈现;help帮助;serve效劳。应选B。 答案B14.A.promised B.admitted C.agreed D.worried解析逻辑推理题。句意:我担忧你们每天晚上都像这样弹奏,因此我写了一张便条。选D。答案D15.A.give B.send C.offer D.owe解析动词搭配。owe sb an apology 意为“应向某人抱歉。选D。答案D16.A.realize B.remember

24、 C.understand D.accept解析动词词义辨析。此处是指“我没有意识到当我们弹奏时天是多么晚了,应选A。答案A17.A.sweet B.strange C.funny D.loud解析逻辑推理题。句意:这些歌曲不是那么吵歌。选D。答案D18.A.brave B.sorry C.happy D.afraid解析形容词辨析。这里是指“我们很乐意在晚上弹奏这些歌曲。选C。答案C19.A.changing B.practicing C.recording D.writing解析逻辑推理题。句意:他已经一直盼望着能练习新曲子。选B。答案B20.A.equality B.freedom C.

25、warmth D.sympathy解析名词词义辨析。这里指“他妈妈微笑给了他温暖感觉。equality平等;freedom自由;warmth温暖;sympathy同情。应选C。答案CCloze 3(2021 湖北)话题词数难度建议时间老实回报29116分钟 “Daily Star,sir. called Jason,carrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the street,but there were still twenty 1 left.His voice wa

26、s almost gone and his heart was 2 .The shops would soon close,and all the people would go home.He would have to go home too,carrying the papers 3 money.He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a 4 for his mother and some seeds for his bird.That was why he had bought the pap

27、ers with all his money.He 5 as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers. “You dont know the 6 of selling papers.You must shout.Hot news! Bomb bursting! another newsboy Chad told Jason.“ 7 its not in the paper at all, replied Jason.“Just run away quickly 8 they have time to see,and youll 9 ou

28、t and get your money,Chad said. It was a new 10 to Jason.He thought of his bird with no 11 and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother,but was 12 that he would not tell a lie.Though he was 13 a poor newsboy,he had been 14 some good things. The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers

29、15 .Several boys were crowding around Chad,who declared with a 16 smile that he sold six dozen the day before.He added that Jason 17 money because he would not tell a lie.The boy 18 at Jason.“You wouldnt tell a lie yesterday,my boy? A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jasons shoulder 19 .“Y

30、oure just the boy I am looking for. A week later Jason started his new 20 .He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie,but got a wellpaid job because he told the truth. 【语篇导读】报童杰森不想撒谎,没有卖掉所有报纸,无法给妈妈买蛋糕,给鸟儿买鸟食;但得到老板青睐,老实得到丰厚回报。1.As B.coins C.people D.papers解析考察重词再现。本文最后一句中He lost the sale of twenty papers可知,剩了20份报纸。答案 B.heavy C.pure D.weak解析考察形容词词义辨析。句意:他几乎说不出话来,心情沉重。open敞开心扉;heavy(心情)沉重;pure纯洁;完全;weak不结实,虚弱。因卖不掉报纸,心情沉重,用heavy。答案B3.A.instead of return forC.regardl

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