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1、英语电影经典句子英语电影经典句子剪刀手爱德华经典句子 1、配合你瞬息万变的容颜。 With your changing face. 2、放下来!请不要再接近! Put down! Please do not close! 3、这是我一生中最难忘的经历。 This is the most unforgettable experience in my life. 4、无论如何,爱德华都是特殊的。 In any case, Edward is special. 5、他手脚真的那么俐落,才一下午功夫? His hands are really so neat, only one afternoon K

2、ung Fu? 6、你让我无法思考,你是妈妈的宝贝女儿。 You make me unable to think, you are my mothers baby daughter. 7、对少女一点概念也没有,她们最疯狂了。 There is no concept of girls, they are the most crazy. 8、我们要让他能够了解现实,大家别再闹了。 We want him to be able to understand the reality, we do not trouble. 9、他给他造了器官,心脏,头脑,以及一切。 He made him an orga

3、n, a heart, a mind, and everything. 10、战时受的伤,使我没了知觉一点知觉也没有。 In wartime, I didnt have a sensation, and I didnt have a sensation. 11、又不是要来很多人,邻居们都是很和蔼可亲的。 Is not to come to a lot of people, the neighbors are very friendly. 12、他要你自食其力,养成独立,以后你会更感激他。 He wants you to develop an independent, self reliant,

4、 youll appreciate it more. 13、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 14、如果我没有刀,我就不能保护你。如果我有刀,我就不能拥抱你。 If I dont have a knife, I cant protect you. If I had a knife, I wouldnt be able to hold you. 阿甘正传经典句子 1、奇迹每天都在发生。 Miracles happen

5、every day. 2、糟糕的事难免会发生。 A bad thing is going to happen. 3、妈妈总是说死亡是生命的一部分。 Mama always said that death is a part of life. 4、我不聪明,但我知道什么是爱情。 I am not smart, but I know what love is. 5、蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。 Stupid people do stupid things, can also be understood as fools have fortune. 6、通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。 P

6、eople can learn a lot of things through other peoples shoes. 7、人的一生都会花很多时间在无聊的事情上。 People spend a lot of time on boring things. 8、你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。 You can only move on if you forget the past. 9、你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 If you are ever in trouble, dont try to be brave, just run, just run away. 10、生活就

7、像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre going to get. 11、以往的失意与得意,迷惘与清晰,都显得不那么重要了。 Past disappointments and pride, confusion and clarity, are not so important. 12、我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating

8、around accidental like on a breeze. 13、妈妈说过,要往前走,就得先忘掉过去。我想,这就是跑的用意。 Mother said, to move forward, you have to forget the past. I think, this is the intention of running. 14、我分辨不出哪里是天空开始的地方,哪里是地面开始的地方。那么美。 I cant tell where the sky is, where it started. So beautiful. 15、人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是什么

9、口味。 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get. 16、我不懂,是我们有着各自不同的命运,还是,我们只不过都是在风中,茫然飘荡。 I do not understand, we have a different fate, or, we are only in the wind, the loss of drift. 17、一个人真正需要的财富就那么一点点,其余的都是用来炫耀的,正应了中国的古话:纵有广厦千间,夜眠三尺之地。 Fortune a man really needs is just

10、a bit, the rest are used to show, is to be the ancient Chinese saying: longitudinal have thousands of mansions, night sleep three feet to. 18、我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。 I dont think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded a

11、nd can accept everything. Conversely, I think its a selecting process, knowing whats the most important and whats the most important and whats the most important. And then be a simple man. 19、人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会尝到哪种滋味.为什么说巧克力而不说棒棒糖呢,因为在美国巧克力通常有十二快或二十四块,每个都有不同的包装和口味形状和颜色,以前没有标志。只能拆开放在嘴里,品尝了之后才知道个中滋味。 L

12、ife is like a box of chocolate, you never know what will taste what kind of taste. Why chocolate instead of lollipop, because in American chocolate usually have 12 or 24 blocks, each with different packaging and taste of shapes and colors, before there is no mark. Only the opening in the mouth, tast

13、e only after personal sorrow and joy. 英国病人经典句子 1、美丽和伤痛总是在一个故事里共生、纠缠。 Beauty and pain are always in a story. 2、歌手不过是一个声音,声音的背后是群山巍峨。 The singer is just a voice, the voice behind the towering mountains. 3、我知道你会回来,把我抱起,迎风屹立。我已别无所求。 I know youll come back and hold me up, standing in the wind. I have not

14、hing. 4、你会爱我度过我的余生吗?不,我会爱你到我生命的尽头。 Will you love me for the rest of my life? No, Ill love you till the end of my life. 5、起初相爱会显得紧张,柔情似水,不顾一切,因为心如烈火。 New lovers are nervous, Rouqingsishui, because the heart such as fire fling caution to the winds. 6、哈纳想了解英国病人,融进他的思绪,深藏其中可逃避成人的世界。 She want to know the

15、 English patient, into his deep thoughts, which can escape from the adult world. 7、你的呼吸声是雨声,在我死前,多么渴望*能再次降落我的脸庞。 Your breathing is rain, before I die, how eager to rain my face again landing. 8、你最恨什么?他问。谎言,你呢?占有,他说,当你离开时,就忘了我吧。 What do you hate the most? He asked. Lies, what about you? Possession, h

16、e said, when you leave, you forget me. 9、我已别无所求,只想跟着你漫步天国,和朋友们一起,去一个没有地图的乐土。 Ive wanted to walk in such a place with you, with friends. An earth without maps. 10、有些部落在起风的时候,会朝着风亮出他们的手心。他们相信只要在恰当的时机这么做,就可以转移风向。 Some tribes in the windy, towards the wind flashed their hands. They believe that when the

17、 right moment is made, you can shift the wind. 11、在一半的时间里,我不能没有你,在另一半的时间里,我又觉得无所谓,这不在于我爱你多少,而在于我能忍受多少。 In half of the time, I can not do without you, in the other half of the time, I think it does not matter, this is not how much I love you, and how much I can bear. 12、我们想了解一些事情,想要把前因后果搞清楚,谈话者引诱我们,用

18、语言引我们入瓮。我们迫切想成长和改变,我们想探索未知的世界。 We want to know something, want to find out the conversation to lure us, antecedents and consequences, the language used to lead us into the urn. We are eager to grow and change, we want to explore the unknown world. 13、她在黑暗的走廊划起一根火柴,点燃了蜡烛。烛光照亮了她的双肩。她跪了下来,双手放在大腿上,吸进了硫磺

19、的气味。他想象着自己吸进了光明。 She struck a match and lit a candle in the dark corridor. The candle lit up her shoulders. She knelt down, hands on the thighs, breathe in the smell of sulfur. He imagined himself in the light. 14、工兵又坐在窗台上。如果他能穿过房间去触摸她一下,英国病人就会清醒的。但是他们之间横亘着危险又错综复杂的距离。他们之间横亘着非常宽广的世界。 Sitting in the w

20、indow on the sapper. If he could go through the room to touch her, the English patient would be awake. But between them lay a dangerous and perplexing distance. It was a very wide world. 15、*时的背叛被幼稚地拿来与和平时期人们的背叛做比较。坠入爱河的人陷入对方的气质之中。或紧张或温柔的话语,粉粹了一切,又创造了新的一切,熊熊的烈火在心中燃烧着。 The betrayal of war is used to

21、compare with the betrayal of the people of peace in peace. People fall in love fall into each others temperament. Or tense or gentle words, crushing everything, and create new things, a raging fire burning in my heart. 16、一个爱情故事与那些失魂落魄的人无关,但是与那些找到那颗郁郁寡欢的心的人有关,在偶然碰到的时候,身体愚弄不了人,愚弄不了一切他无法入眠,也无法从容应对。它消耗

22、了自己和过去。 A love story with those terrorizing the unrelated, but with those find the heart of the heart of unhappy people, when I chanced to meet the body fool people, cant fool all - he could not sleep, can not cope with. It consumes itself and the past. 17、普基脑中会充满她的影子。当他工作的时候,他的世界总是充满着清晰和谐的音乐,而人类世界都

23、消失了。他并不指望有多么舒适,他只是想和她在一起,在这间屋子里守候着她。他不再承认自己的缺点,也不愿意把自己的缺点暴露给对方。 In the shadow of her brain will be full of pukki. When he is working, his world is always full of clear and harmonious music, and the human world is gone. He didnt expect to be so comfortable, he just wanted to be with her, and she was

24、waiting for her in this room. He no longer admits his faults, and does not want to expose his shortcomings to each other. 18、对于你无法拥有的,你只是逃避,或转移自己的注意。如果你在一件事上失败了,你就拿另一件事当寄托,没有任何事情能改变你。你站在我面前,有时是那么漠然,有时又那么沉默,好像只要暴露一点你的个性,就是对你自己最大的背叛。我知道我无法改变你,所以我离开你。 For you can not have, you just escape, or transfer

25、their attention. If you fail in one thing, you take the other thing as a place, nothing can change you. You stand in front of me, sometimes is so indifferent, sometimes so silent, like a little of your personality as long as exposure, is the greatest betrayal of yourself. I know I cant change you, s

26、o I leave you. 19、我信这些东西。当我们遇见心上人,我们的心灵会有一部分像个历史学家,带点书呆子气,会想象或者记起曾经在哪里见过这个人,曾经和她在不经意间擦肩而过。就像克里夫顿也许一年前在哪里为你开过门,却错过了自己的命运。然而我们身体的每一部分都必须为那个人做好准备,所有的分子都朝同一个方向奔去,于是欲望升腾。 I believe in these things. When we meet the sweetheart, our hearts will part as a historian, bookish, imagine or remember once where have I seen this person, once and she was inadvertently pass. Just a year ago where Clifton may open the door for you, miss your own destiny. However our body every part must be ready for the people, all the molecules are in the same direction ran, so desire ascension.

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