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1、原材料管理办法原材料管理办法原材料质量管理办法 一、 总则 第一条 为了从源头上控制工程质量,规范原材料的管理,特制定本方法。 第二条 凡在本项目从事建设活动的施工、监理单位必须严格遵守本办法。 第三条 凡在本项目使用的各种原材料,必须满足国家制定的关于公路施工的技术规范、质量标准、安全技术操作规程等相关的法律、法规、技术标准、质量标准及安全措施的要求。特殊原材料的采购、运输、贮存和使用,除必须满足公路施工的技术、质量、安全要求外,还必须满足相关行业、相关规范的特殊要求。 第四条 除业主统一招标采购的材料外,承包人自己采购的材料均应签订采购合同,并报监理工程师备案。 第五条 凡用于本项目的所有

2、原材料,不论在采购、运输、存储、加工、使用过程中有多少管理环节,施工单位(以下简称承包人)都必须严格按本项目技术规范和国家有关技术规范以及监理工程师所要求的频率和方法进行检测,按施工监理程序逐级报验,承包人最终对原材料负全部质量责任。监理工程师严格按规定的抽检频率进行抽检,检查结果与国家有关技术标准和本项目的特殊要求进行对比决定是否使用,对原材料质量负监理责任。本项目无免检原材料。 第六条 取样与试验 characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction,

3、to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section of roadway cross through the path of the road as the areas only export and import, rampant and there was no proper road access to the area, along the s

4、mooth flow of construction process needed to maintain factories and people. Combined control road construction elevation and the present situation of road elevation, plan community vehicle traffic to take some new combined with some good old fashion organization: based on elevation can make use of e

5、xisting paragraph K0+240-K1+120; In a green belt locations on the South side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) West end of construction of the K0+000-K0+240 road sidewalk connections; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) K1+120-K1+530 built sidewalks conne

6、cting the eastern end of the road. 2, the pioneer road organization. In a green belt locations on the South side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) construction K0+240-K0+730 construction of sidewalks connect existing roads at both ends; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of th

7、e sidewalk width) road construction K1+530-K2+150 construction of sidewalks connect the Yangtze across 2 1、试验应在监理工程师在场的情况下由承包人在现场的试验室进行,所有试验结果都应一式两份提供给监理工程师1份,监理工程师另有规定者除外。 2、承包人应为监理工程师的试验与取样提供方便,凡与抽样复检、补充试验、试验证书、签订证书等有关的一切试验费用,应由承包人负责。 第七条 路面用原材料管理办法另行规定。 第八条 总监办负责本规定执行的监督检查,对原材料采购、运输、存储、加工、使用的每一个环

8、节随时进行抽查。有权对本项目所使用的原材料、半成品随时、随地、随机进行抽样试验检测。本办法将原材料分为一般原材料和主要原材料。 二、一般原材料 第九条 工程所需用的一般原材料指地材,包括路基填料、砂石料、石灰、粉煤灰等,需外购地材的采购工作程序: 1、在开工前,承包人应会同驻地监理工程师对料源进行考查,根据技术规范所提供的质量标准,承包人经过调查、取样、试验,一种材料确定不少于三家主要供货厂家,进行多厂家比选。 2、承包人把多厂家比选结果书面向驻地监理工程师申请许可。 3、根据驻地监理工程师的批复意见,承包人和供货厂家签订供货合同。根据供货合同所规定的数量和质量要求,分期、分批组织进货。每批材

9、料进场时还要按照有关规定进行抽检,抽检不合格者要坚决清理出场。 K1+530 built-K0+240 road sidewalk connections; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) K1+120-120; In a green belt locations on the South side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) West end of construction of the K0+000K1+-40to tak

10、e some new combined with some good old fashion organization: based on elevation can make use of existing paragraph K0+2le. Combined control road construction elevation and the present situation of road elevation, plan community vehicle traffic d peopnd there was no proper road access to the area, al

11、ong the smooth flow of construction process needed to maintain factories ang cement road and first section of roadway cross through the path of the road as the areas only export and import, rampant ag traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existincharacterist

12、ics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the followinK2+150 construction of sidewalks connect the Yangtze across-Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) road construction K1+530 K0+730 construction of si

13、dewalks connect existing roads at both ends;-de (occupied part of the sidewalk width) construction K0+240sidewalks connecting the eastern end of the road. 2, the pioneer road organization. In a green belt locations on the South si 2 4、路基填土的征用,严格按照业主和地方政府确定的程序进行。 第十条 本项目所用的地材均由承包人自行采购、征用,承包人自行采购、征用的地

14、材必须做到以下几点: 1、路基填料应做好批量的控制检测工作,防止出现混填或不合格的填筑原材料用于路基填筑中。对于不能直接用于路基的填筑原材料,因工程需要经处理用于本项目的须经承包人、驻地办、总监办三方试验室检测,驻地办、总监办、业主逐级审批。 2、所用砂、石等集料必须满足相应技术规范、合同文件的要求。 3、结构混凝土用砂必须满足技术规范要求,且必须过5mm筛后方能使用。承重结构用所有集料必须水洗,水洗方法必须经监理工程师认可批准。 4、所用石料要符合设计规定的类别、规格和强度要求,且石质均匀、不易风化、无裂纹。 第十一条 在开工前,承包人严格按规范要求,向监理工程师提供真实、完善的材料试验报告

15、、出厂证明或质量证明书、合格证等资料,报驻地监理工程师审批。 第十二条 施工、监理单位必须按规范要求的频率和标准,根据材料进场的批次或数量,对材料进行试验检测,检验合格,经监理工程师批准后,方可用于本项目。 三、主要原材料 第十三条 主要原材料由主材和特殊原材料组成,主材主要包括:水泥、钢材、沥青、路面用集料。特殊原材料主要包括:预应力钢绞-K0+240 road sidewalk connections; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) K1+120-000K1+120;

16、 In a green belt locations on the South side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) West end of construction of the K0+-40to take some new combined with some good old fashion organization: based on elevation can make use of existing paragraph K0+2 rafficnd people. Combined control road construction e

17、levation and the present situation of road elevation, plan community vehicle tand there was no proper road access to the area, along the smooth flow of construction process needed to maintain factories apant xisting cement road and first section of roadway cross through the path of the road as the a

18、reas only export and import, ramconstruction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the e characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety duringf sidewalks connect the Yangtze acrossK2+150 construction o-

19、f the sidewalk width) road construction K1+530K0+730 construction of sidewalks connect existing roads at both ends; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part o-side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) construction K0+240the South K1+530 built sidewalks connecting the eastern end of the

20、 road. 2, the pioneer road organization. In a green belt locations on3 4 线、锚具、土工格栅、支座、伸缩缝、砼外掺剂、沥青改性剂等。 第十四条 主材采购工程程序: 1、承包人首先进行市场调查,择优选用社会信誉好、质量稳定的生产厂家。对生产厂家主要调查企业的性质、经营状况、生产工艺、生产规模、产品质量保证体系、企业诚信度等。经过调查、比选,初步确定厂家范围。 2、承包人对初步确定厂家的产品取样试验,进行比选,每种产品确定不少于三家供货厂家。 3、承包人将每种产品确定不少于三家供货厂家的有关资料,书面向驻地办申报,经初审后报总

21、监办办理许可手续。有关资料包括:生产厂家名称、企业的性质、经营状况、生产工艺、生产规模、产品质量保证体系、质量等级、企业诚信度、产品品牌、取样试验结果、进货数量等。 4、总监办根据承包人提供的供货厂家范围,由总监办组织进行联合考察,抽样试验,进行比选,总监办将比选结果及许可意见通知驻地办、承包人。 5、承包人根据总监办的比选结果及许可意见签订采购合同。 6、采购合同签订后经驻地办审核许可,报总监办核备。 7、承包人根据采购合同所规定的数量、质量组织采购进货。进场材料必须依照有关规定进行抽检,不合格产品应立即清除出场。 8、沥青的采购办法另行制定。 第十五条 承包人必须在资格通过的供货厂家范围内

22、进行主材采K1+530 built-K0+240 road sidewalk connections; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) K1+120-120; In a green belt locations on the South side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) West end of construction of the K0+000K1+-40to take some new combined with so

23、me good old fashion organization: based on elevation can make use of existing paragraph K0+2le. Combined control road construction elevation and the present situation of road elevation, plan community vehicle traffic d peopnd there was no proper road access to the area, along the smooth flow of cons

24、truction process needed to maintain factories ang cement road and first section of roadway cross through the path of the road as the areas only export and import, rampant ag traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existincharacteristics of the project, in orde

25、r to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the followinK2+150 construction of sidewalks connect the Yangtze across-Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) road construction K1+530 K0+730 construction of sidewalks connect existing ro

26、ads at both ends;-de (occupied part of the sidewalk width) construction K0+240sidewalks connecting the eastern end of the road. 2, the pioneer road organization. In a green belt locations on the South si 4 购,承包人必须与厂方签订供货合同,供货合同报驻地监理工程师许可。工程师对供货合同的许可,并不意味着减免承包人对材料质量应负的责任。 第十六条 特殊原材料采购工作程序: 特殊原料采购除满足主

27、材采购的要求外,还应满足以下要求: 1、特殊原材料进入本项目时,厂商必须提供最近、有效的行业试验检测报告原件。 2、承包人所提供的不少于3家的备选厂家还应有三年以上供应合同或高于本项目工程等级、规模的经历,同时出具承包商的自检、驻地监理抽检或外委检测资料报总监办核查。 3、总监办核查后,承包人才可以正式签定采购合同,进行采购。采购合同报总监办备案。 4、对于一些特殊原材料(如支座等)进入本项目时,承包人、监理应亲自到厂家验货、提货,以保证产品质量满足工程要求。 第十七条 经监理工程师审查并拿出审查意见同意进场的主要路用原材料,进场时必须附出厂合格证及说明书(原件)等。厂商所出具的出厂合格证书和

28、质量证明书不能减免承包人、监理对进场后的原材料进行试验检测的责任,也不能减免承包人、监理对原材料质量的责任。 第十八条 采购主要原材料由承包人、驻地办、总监办三方试验室,按照各自的抽检频率进行检测。总监办中心试验室对原材料检测结果有裁定权。 K0+240 road sidewalk connections; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part of the sidewalk width) K1+120-000K1+120; In a green belt locations on the South side (occup

29、ied part of the sidewalk width) West end of construction of the K0+-40to take some new combined with some good old fashion organization: based on elevation can make use of existing paragraph K0+2 rafficnd people. Combined control road construction elevation and the present situation of road elevatio

30、n, plan community vehicle tand there was no proper road access to the area, along the smooth flow of construction process needed to maintain factories apant xisting cement road and first section of roadway cross through the path of the road as the areas only export and import, ramconstruction, to be

31、 developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the e characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety duringf sidewalks connect the Yangtze acrossK2+150 construction o-f the sidewalk width) road construction K1+530K0+73

32、0 construction of sidewalks connect existing roads at both ends; Location in a green belt to the North (occupying part o-side (occupied part of the sidewalk width) construction K0+240the South K1+530 built sidewalks connecting the eastern end of the road. 2, the pioneer road organization. In a green belt locations on-5 6 第十九条 对于承包人、驻地办、总监办三方试验室不能完成的试验检测项目,必须外委具有相应行业试验检测能力、资质的检测机构进行检测。对同一厂家一个批次原材料的试验检测,只代表对用于本项目同一标段、本批次原材料的质量确认,非同一标段必须进行相应的检测。在同一批次、非同一标段检测不合格的原材料,不能用于本工程。 第二十条 预应力用原材料运入施工现场后,必须在监理工程师检查厂方提供的各种资料合格后,承包人和监理工程师再共同到存放材料的施工现场按照不同批量进行取样,并到交通部认可的试验检测单位进行试验,试验检测项目合格

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