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1、仁爱版八年级下英语UT教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit 5Topic1: (一)反义词 a medal 获得一枚奖牌9. feel proud lonely 感到自豪孤单10. set a table for 为摆餐具11. 使振奋、高兴起来 为 喝彩、加油17. play the role of sb. 扮演某人的角色18. be on 上演; 放映19. at first 首先20. fall into 落入21. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事22. inat the end = at last 最后23. go mad 发疯24

2、. come into being 形成25. be full of 充满26. be popular with 受喜爱27. make peace 制造和平28. endbegin with 以结尾开始SA1. How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗? How are you doing? Very well. 译:_ 思考:well可以换成good吗? 2. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies. 我父母想邀请你父母一起去看电影。(1)go to the mo

3、vie = go to the cinema 去看电影(2)invite vt. 邀请。固定短语:invite sb. to somewhere to do sth.如:He invites us to n. 邀请。 如:I open invitation to visit my friend in Japan. 我在日本的朋友邀请我随时去看他。I received an invitation yesterday. 昨天我收到一封邀请函。3. It is one of my favorite movies.音乐之声是我最喜欢的音乐之一。 one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数one of

4、+可数名词复数 作主语时,谓语动词用单数eg Tom is one of the most lively boys in our class. Tom是我们班最活跃的的男生之一。 One of the bags is mine.其中一个包是我的。【链接】 some of . 意为“中的一些”,其谓语动词单复数形式由of后面的名词或代词决定。如:Some of the students are Young Pioneers. 有些同学是少先队员。Some of the food goes bad. 一些食物变质了。 for sth准备某事(准备时间较长思想上的准备):prepare for th

5、e exam4. prepare sth for sb.为某人准备:prepare food for Lily to do sh准备做:I prepare to go becomego get) *turn侧指颜色变化 4)持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度 keep, stay, remain 5)表像系动词,用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem, appear, l6. Why all the smiling faces?=Why do all of you , but there was none left.点拨:none = no one-既可以指人也可以指物 l

6、eft是leave(留下)的过去分词形式,不是过去式(1)none不定代词,意为“没有一个,毫无”。None可作主语、宾语等。如:None of these pens workswork. 这些钢笔一支都不能用。(作主语)Some people own several . all-none; both-neither.8.He often the match.2. I was d_ yesterday because I couldnt buy the ticket.3. The girl isnt friendly to others. N_ of us likes t look so _

7、today?Because she “A” in , toB. to, forC. to, withD. for, to3. _ does Lucy feel?She is D. Where4. I _ a wonderful soccer game on TV last night.A. looked B. sawC. found D. watched5. Mrs. Zhang _ an were _.A. excited, exciting B. exciting, excitedC. a exciting, excitedD. excited, excited7. I want to g

8、o to the concert but there were no ticket left._.(1)A. What a great pity!B. SorryC. Im sorry to she , you _ _(看起来不高兴) . Whats the matter?(2) - I cant find _ _ _(的票) Han Hongs concert(音乐会).(3)5.You must _ _ _(道谢) . 如: He seems a nice man. 他看来是个好人。(4)seem + to do sth. 如:They seem to know what theyre d

9、oing. 看来他们知道自己在干什么。(5)seem + that 宾语从句。如:It seems that they know everything. = They seem to know everything. 好像他们无所不知。思考:你认为seem可以用我们学过哪个词来替换? _, 那么seem也是个_动词 (look强调通过视觉来看seem具有强烈的真实性,是根据某种判断而得出的印象或看法。)练习: 他们今天似乎很自豪。a._ b._c._ Tom好像在家。d._ e_ 她好像是个护士。f._ g._3. be+ adj. + 介词结构be proud of自豪,骄傲 e.g. Th

10、e teacher is proud of = The teacher takes (a) pride in ; be nervous about; be famous for+sthas+身份be satisfied with; be surprised at; be excited aboutat sthbe strict with sb. be strict aboutin sthpleasant令人愉快的,可喜的eg I wish you a pleasant weekend! 我祝你周末愉快。 4. set the table for sb.为某人摆餐具 e.g. Im settin

11、g the table for guests. 5. be able to do能够-侧指通过努力能够实现的(*will be able to) can-侧指人所具有的一种能力 注意:Can只用在现在时和过去时中。在将来时和完成时中表示“能力”时,一般要用shallwill be able to或have able to。如:The boy will be able to go to school next year. 这男孩明年就能上学了。I able to read that report yet. 我还没能读上那份报告。6. . 惊奇,惊喜。如:What a nice surprise!

12、 真是让人惊喜!(1)in surprise 吃惊,惊奇。如:She looked up in surprise. 她惊讶地抬起头。to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是。如:To our surprise, B一.英汉互译.1.向表示感谢_2. 以为自豪_3. 摆放餐具_ 4. 真可惜! _ 5. 进展顺利_ 6. be pleased with_7. be able to_ 8. a ticket to for_9. ) and _(interest).3. Maria sounded _(worry).4. Im sure Mr Lee will be _(surprise)

13、and _( it. I know a lot about many places of _ from it. (interest)7. - What _ news! Wang Yaping taught in the Shenzhou 10 Spacecraft(飞船). We all felt _ about it. (excite) 8. - Jamie, you _ a little sad. Why? - I am _ about my brother. Hes ill in bed. - Oh, Im sorry to t _. The doctor says . (seem, w

14、orry)三.选择填空.1. I 2. Please _ me _if you go to grandpas B. ringatC. ringup D. ringin3. Our Chinese people are _ of LiuXiang.A. pleased B. proud C. angry D. tired4. Betty didnt come to my party. I felt _.A. and again.A. moveB. movesC. moving D. moved6. The girls _ disappointed .A. are all B. all are C

15、. is all D. all is7. Do you like the music of The Sound of Music? Yes, it _ really beautiful.A. feels B. soundsC. listensD. the USA.A. famousB. more famousC. most famousD. the most famous11. The little boy is bored _math class.A. with B. of C. about D. at12. _? Im feeling much better now.A. Anything

16、 wrong?B. Are you feeling better?C. How are you feeling now? D. Is everything all right?13. This kind of apple tastes _ and sells_.A. well, wellB. good, goodC. well, goodD. good, well四.句型转换.1. I take pride in our great country. (同义句)I_ _ _ our great country.2. They cant come. ( 同义句)They _ come.3. Ho

17、w moving the story is!(同义句)What _!4. He looks she lost she lost likes it very much. (否定句)Mr Green _ _ it _.7. Michael sth 或spend (in) doing sth 如:How much did you spend on your new car? 你花的多少钱买的新汽车?I spend too much time (in) watching television. 我看电视花的时间太多。cost意为“花费,值(多少钱)”,其主语是物。如:The dress cost me

18、 158 yuan. 这条裙子花了我158元。take意为“花费”时,多指花费时间。其常用句型为“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”。如:It will take us three years to finish the work. 我们将花费三年时间去完成这项任务。pay意为“付款,付酬”时,其主语是人,常用结构为:pay.for.或pay for.如:The family paid yuan for the .b. take前面的主语必须是_ eg. It took me 2 my for the ticket.4。The father was lonel

19、y and often became angry because of the noisy children. 这个孤独的父亲经常因为孩子们太吵闹而生气。(1)lonely adj. 意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。在句中可以作表语或定语。如:The man is lonely. 这个男人很孤独。(作表语)She is a lonely woman. 她是一个孤独的女人。(作定语)lonely还有“荒凉,偏僻”的意思。如:The a lonely place. 那栋房子位于人迹稀少的地方。【链接】 alone adj. 意为“单独的,独自的”,只是

20、陈述一个客观事实,仅作表语。如:Jane was alone in that dark room. 简独自一人待在那个黑暗的屋子里。alone adv. 如:The old woman lived alone. 这个老妇人独子一人生活。(2)because of 意为“由于,因为”,后面跟名词、代词或相当于名词的短语。如:He walked slowly because of time. 多亏你的帮助,我们按时完成了任务。【实战】_ . 球队们入场时我们都为之欢呼。【拓展】 1)Cheers!干杯!2)cheer sb. on意为“为某人欢呼喝彩”。如:Well cheer the playe

21、rs on. 我们将为运动员加油。【实战】 He took B. up C. upon D. for9. Whatfor=Why为什么 e.g. What did the end=at last=finally最后 区:at the end of在的结尾11. When and where will the movie be shown? 这部电影将在什么时间什么地点上映?be shown表示“上映,上演”。如:What is shown at the movie theater? 电影院在上演什么片?【链接】上演 be on:强调状态 e.g. The film was on for ten

22、 minutes. put on:强调动作 e.g. A new film will put on this evening.12. tell a storyjokelie讲故事讲笑话说谎13. on the night of April 14th on a cold morning14. on theones way to在的路上 on theones way pleased . 起初,父亲快要被气疯了,但是孩子们脸上的笑容让他再次高兴起来。(1)at first“起初,起先”,反义词是at lastin the endfinally“终于,最后”。如:I didnt like the jo

23、b very much at first. 起初我并不喜欢这个工作。At lastIn the end, were they finally arrived, it was midnight. 他们最后到达时已是半夜了。(2)please作动词,意为“使人高兴,令人满意”。如:You cant please everybody. 你无法发让每个人都高兴。【链接】 pleased adj. 高兴,满意。1)be pleased with意为“对感到满意”。如:She was very pleased with so fast _ I couldnt get a good look at C一.词

24、组互译.1. all the time_2. be on_ 3. because of the most popular American movies_5. 照料, 照顾 _6. 使振奋起来_7. 掉进 _8. 开始,首先_ 9. 最后,终于_二. 补全单词.1. He never feels l_ because class every day.3. The noisy music made me m_.4. This is a story about a little girl c_Lucy.5. Mike f_ into Xiyukeng yesterday. He

25、was so _(luck). 6. She is a good and _(live) girl.7. Their smiling faces _(please) t want to do it, but I soon changed my mind.三. 选择填空.1. The old man lives _, but t feel _.A. alone, aloneB. alone, lonelyC. lonely, lonelyD. lonely, alone2. _ does the book cost?A. How much B. How many C. What D. Which

26、3. A boy _ the river and died at last.A. fell intoB. fell behindC. fell fromD. fell down4. _did t know.A. Why, forB. What, forC. Why, aboutD. What, about5. The good news _ everybody.A. gave upB. cheered upC. put upD. get up6. She D. of8. How _ you are!You eat the dirty food.A. .A. noiseB. noisesC. n

27、oised D. noisy12. The students usually sing _ songs before class.A. live B. loveC. livelyD. living13. The woman _ the old man very well.A. cared about B. took care about C. cared for D. took care for14. _ did t know.A. Why, for B. What, for C. Why, about D. What, about15. He was sent to , in B. on, at C. in, in D. in, at16. when and where will the movie _

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