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Analysis based on tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of the corporate network culture construction.docx

1、Analysis based on tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of the corporate network culture construction Analysis based on tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of the corporate network culture constructionPaper Keywords: tacit knowledge and sharing of tacit knowledge into the corporate network culture P

2、aper Abstract: Many studies have shown that corporate culture is the impact of tacit knowledge from individuals to enterprise mobility is an important factor in the review of this tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of relevant research, analysis of the impact of tacit knowledge transfer and sharin

3、g culture and values, and finally that the company should build the people-oriented, mutual trust and knowledge sharing for the basic values ?of culture and architecture for enterprise networks, because most of this new corporate culture conducive to the promotion of personal enterprise and sharing

4、tacit knowledge transfer. Into the era of knowledge economy, corporate management to knowledge management, knowledge management is the enterprise of knowledge production, distribution, dissemination, integration, application, evaluation, and improvement of the whole process of management, its essenc

5、e is through the experience of all employees in the enterprise, knowledge, ability and other elements of effective management, knowledge sharing and knowledge of the value of the final completion of the conversion. corporate knowledge from the explicit knowledge (explicit knowledge) and tacit knowle

6、dge (tacit knowledge, also called tacit knowledge) form. enterprise knowledge management A core issue is the transfer of tacit knowledge, mobility and sharing research shows that corporate culture and sharing of tacit knowledge into the mechanism have an impact. corporate culture can be seen as the

7、individual value-oriented and enterprise value-oriented tools fit It is the core of sustainable competitive advantage for enterprises to maintain the values ?required for the establishment in the knowledge economy, companies must establish and knowledge management to adapt to the new corporate cultu

8、re, to promote the internal transfer of tacit knowledge, transforming and sharing. The content of tacit knowledge In 1958, Polanyi in <<personal knowledge>> in the proposed explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge tacit knowledge that he is silent, tacit, and can not explain in words only

9、sense knowledge, from the individual perception and understanding of the outside world, all are based on understanding peoples hearts to keep that individual mental models. tacit knowledge is very valuable, but it is difficult to capture and limited, and some even difficult to express in Polanyi, th

10、e different scholars From a different perspective for the understanding of tacit knowledge. basically be widely accepted view is that tacit knowledge is in the individual mind, is relatively subjective, both difficult to obtain, and difficult to understand and exchange of knowledge, which type of kn

11、owledge is often based on unstructured form. Transformation of tacit knowledge transfer and research (A) foreign research Teece (1977) first proposed the idea of ?knowledge transfer, technology transfer, he believes can help companies through the accumulation of valuable knowledge and to promote tec

12、hnology diffusion, thus narrowing the technology gap between regions. Davenport and Prusark that knowledge is the knowledge from the knowledge transfer source transferred to the organization of other people or departments in the process. Vito Albino (1998), who summarized the four frameworks of know

13、ledge transfer: the transfer of the subject (actors), the transfer of mood (context), the transfer of content (content) and the transfer of media (media) of knowledge transfer through the organization of the geographical dimension, business dimension of the organization and functions to reduce the r

14、isk dimensions of uncertainty, get rid of some of the problems and barriers node chains. Holsapple and Singh (2001) proposed a knowledge chain (K - Chain) model that the output of the knowledge chain at all stages of knowledge is the result of learning activities. IBMs Thomas and Heights (2002) prop

15、osed a way to use storytelling to achieve and promote the transfer of tacit knowledge and conduct a field verification methods in transformation of knowledge within the enterprise, the Japanese scholar Ikujiro Nonaka from the perspective of knowledge transfer to knowledge transformation, he proposed

16、 the famous explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge into each of the SECI model, that knowledge and innovation is between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge spiral process of interaction. (B) the domestic research Xiongde Yong, Jin-sheng (2004) SECI model, based on the use of bionics and reflects

17、 the proposed mechanism of knowledge transfer and innovation within the more general model: fermentation model that the model reveals the different elements of each process SECI internal composition, pointing out their impact factors. Tangchao Ying, Zhou and Liu Teng send in (2004) that tacit knowle

18、dge is an important aspect of technical knowledge for technology to catch up with the company, its ability to determine the absorption of tacit knowledge of technology learning effectiveness, and made a business and technical knowledge to absorb tacit theoretical model Zhao Tao, who Jinping (2005) b

19、y studying the key business processes in stagnation, the establishment of a dynamic extension of tacit knowledge flow model analysis of the enterprise business process flow between the tacit knowledge transfer. Others include Zhang P, Zhang Chao, Zhang too, segment Hing Man, Shiqin Fen, Ma Jie et al

20、 study. Affect tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of cultural factors Corporate tacit knowledge management is the core of the corporate memory in the individual tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge for the enterprise, in order to achieve knowledge sharing within the enterprise purpose, and ulti

21、mately to achieve the knowledge and innovation. Business as a tacit knowledge collection, will inevitably find ways to achieve the transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge. From the current study, and sharing tacit knowledge into corporate research mainly involves two levels, first level is the indiv

22、idual as a knowledge carrier is willing to share with others their own tacit knowledge; the second level only implicitly addressed means by which knowledge transfer, conversion and share issue. Therefore, in exploring how individuals have effective transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge before they

23、 have to face how to encourage individual employees within the enterprise is willing to transfer their knowledge. Individual behavior within the organization will be the impact of organizational environment, the same, organizational environment affect an individuals knowledge transfer behavior. In t

24、he organizational environment, culture is an important factor. Impact on individual behavior within the organizations culture and value factors, Von Krogh (1998) in the study of the organization care (care) the impact of the knowledge innovation found: effective relationships of knowledge creation w

25、ithin the company made a special request, do not trust the organization behavior, sustained competition, given the imbalance with access to information and had nothing to do attitude threatens the effective sharing of tacit knowledge; internal constructive and mutual assistance will accelerate the c

26、ommunication process. J. Scott Holste (2003) proved by empirical studies of trust and knowledge sharing across the organization and the relationship between the use of which is divided into the trust based on trust and willingness to recognize knowledge-based trust, knowledge into explicit knowledge

27、 and tacit knowledge. And through empirical research to prove that between individuals based on trust and willingness to cognition-based trust and sharing of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge has a positive correlation. Hsiu-Hung Wang, Liu Yuan (2006) in the analysis of tacit knowledge into mec

28、hanism, affect the company listed in the effect of tacit knowledge into 12 factors, among them: lack of incentives for knowledge workers the incentive mechanism; lack of good contact and relationships of mutual trust in the organization; lack of knowledge of human-centered oriented corporate culture

29、; individual tacit knowledge exchange mutual trust mechanism is not perfect and so the values ?of the factors involved. Wang Xiaoguang, Ma Fei (2007) in the study pointed out that social networks play a role in knowledge transfer, they tell the social impact of knowledge transfer network of the thre

30、e mechanisms: reciprocal mechanisms, and information exchange mechanism mechanisms mechanism of reciprocity, trust is the premise of the existence of this relationship, and in the exchange mechanism, companies develop incentives will help promote the exchange of knowledge occurs. well, etc. (2005) R

31、ajeev & Thmothy institutional trust model is built based on both knowledge sharing trust model, trust that will promote the sharing of knowledge, and knowledge sharing will promote knowledge-sharing effect. There are many related research, you can see from these studies, culture and values ?with

32、in the organization factors that affect the willingness of individual knowledge transfer and sharing of important factors. Nevertheless, the separate corporate culture from the perspective of tacit knowledge transfer and sharing of research not much, but also not deep enough, of course, it also poin

33、ted out in the knowledge economy, the corporate culture of a new direction. Corporate tacit knowledge and the construction of network culture Corporate culture rich in content, there has been no uniform definition of a widely accepted definition is: enterprise culture is the shared values ?and beliefs members to help individuals understand the

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