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1、人教版英语教材语法点综合练习题及答案1. 特殊疑问句的使用2.一般疑问句的使用3.介词的使用(under/on/in)4 代词的使用(人称代词,指示代词)V. 综合练习题一. 根据首字母和中文提示词填写相应单词1. Whats this in E_?2. My r_ is in the pencil case. (尺子)3. There is m_ on the wall.4. What c_ is it? It is black.5. My mother gives me an a_ clock on my birthday.6. It is a black and white j_.7.

2、This is Mike. His father is my uncle. He is my c_.8. Please s_ it. Ok. K-E-Y.9. That is your Chinese d_. (字典)10. It is very cold. I n_ a warm coat. (需要)11. The e_ can correct the mistakes (改正错误) in your exercise book. (橡皮擦)12. Merry Christmas, My d_ friend.13. They are my parents. I am their d_. 14.

3、 I lost my video t_.15. Jenny and I are good f_.二. 单选1. 下面的字母哪一个不是元音字母?A. A aB. I iC. U uD. F f2. 下面选项中不属于见面打招呼用语的是“_”.A. Good morning!B. Good evening!C. Good night!D. Good afternoon!3. Whats this _ English? _ a book.A. in, ItsB. by, This isC. in, ThatsD. by, Its4. This is _ key. Thats _ orange.A. a

4、, aB. an, anC. a, anD. an, a5. What color is it? Its _ white. Its _ white jacket.A. a, anB. /, aC. /, anD. the, an6. Its my cat. _ name is Kitty.A. ItB ItsC. It isD. Its7. How are you? _.A. I am fine, thank you.B. Im sorry.C. Thats OK.D. Im good, and you?8. Your jacket is nice. _.A. Yes, its nice.B.

5、 Thank you. C. Thats OK.D. No, its not mine.9. I have a good friend. His name is Jim Green. I can call him_.A. JimB. GreenC. Mr. JimD. Mr. Jim Green10. “_?” “It is seven.”A. How old are you?B. What day is it?C. Whats your telephone number?D. Whats three and four?11. Please call me _ 4592237.A. inB.

6、atC. byD. of12. Is that your computer game _ the lost and found case?A. inB. atC. toD. on13. _? Yes, Im Keith Brown.A. How are you?B. Whats your name?C. Are you Keith Brown.?D. Excuse me. Are your name Keith Brown?14. How _ your sister? She is fine.A. areB. isC. beD. am15. My family _ having dinner

7、now.A. amB. isC. areD. be16. Look at the photo. The girl beside _ is Nancy.A. IB. myC. meD. mine17.Where is my baseball?It is _ the floor, _ the table.A. under, underB. on, underC. on, onD. under, on18. Emma, can you bring me something to drink, please? I _ some water.A. bringB. takeC. needD. look f

8、or19. Where is my basketball? _.A. They are on the floor.B. It is in the drawer.C. They are on the sofa.D. It is under the bed.20. Is this a photo _ your aunt?A. in. B. ofC. toD. at21. I _ know his e-mail address. A. notB. dontC. noD. am not 22. Where is the photo?Is_ on the wall?A. thisB. thatC the

9、yD. it23. “Is Jim _ cousin?” “No, he isnt.”A. youB. herC. myD. he24. Happy teachers day! Thanks _ your great help, my dear teacher!A. ofB. forC. becauseD. with25. Is this _ room?Yes, _.A. your, it isB. you, it is C. his, its D. her, it isnt人教版教材句型专练一、 句型转换1. 这是一个棒球,请把它拼出来。Its . Please it.2. Its a ma

10、p of the US. (就划线部分提问) it?3. The ruler is green.(就划线部分提问) the ruler?4. Im fine, thanks. (根据答语写出问句) _ 5. Whats this ? 背包.6. Her name is Jane. her name?7. Frank, his, name, his, and, first, White, is, name, is, last (连词成句)_ 8.失物招领箱里有一串新钥匙。There is the lost and sound case.9. Is this your backpack? (做否定

11、回答) , .10. Is Wang your family name?(改为陈述句)_ 11. This is my classmate. (改为复数形式)_ 12. 他姓什么?怀特。 Whats ? White.13. Please call Grace. Her telephone number is 4665719. (合并成一句)_ 14. 谢谢你的美好祝福。 your sweet wishes.15. Lucys keys are in the drawer. (就划线部分提问)_ 二. 完成句子1. 吉姆,晚上好。Good , Jim.2. 我叫爱玛,很高兴认识你。 Emma.

12、you.3. 格蕾丝,你奶奶身体好吗? your grandma, Glice?4. 那个用英语怎么说? that English?5.它是一个苹果,请把它拼写出来。Its apple. Please it.6. 它的颜色是黑白相间的。Its .7. 四加八等于几?What is ?8. 我的父亲和母亲在这里。My are here.9. Those are my favorite (最喜爱的) photos. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) favorite photos?No, .10. 请不要把这些东西带到你的学校。Please dont these your school.答案在这里人

13、教版V. 综合练习题一. 单词(首字母/选词填空)1. English2. ruler3. map4. color5. alarm6. jacket7. cousin8.spell9.dictionary10. need11. eraser12. dear13. daughter14. tape15. friends二. 单选1-5 D C A C B6-10 B A B A D11-15 B A C B C16-20 C B C D B21-25 B D B B A句型专练部分答案人教版三. 句型转换1. a baseball, spell2. What is3. What color is

14、4. How are you?5. in Chinese 6. What is7. His first name is Frank and his last name is White.8. a set of new keys in9. No, it isnt.10. Wang is my family name.11. These are my classmates.12. his family name13. Please call Grace at 4665719.14. Thanks for15. Where are Lucys keys? 四. 完成句子1. night2. My n

15、ame is, Nice to meet3. How is 4. Whats in5. an, Spell6. black and white7. four and eight 8. parents 9. Are those your,they arent10. bring, things to人教版基础知识I. 重点单词复习我们学习中会经常遇到下面的单词,你知道他们的意思吗?1. nice 2. question 3. CD 4. computer 5. grandparents 6. list 7. photo 8. floor 你知道下面的颜色用英语怎么表达吗?1. 红色(的)2. 黄色

16、(的)3. 白色(的)4. 黑色(的)5. 绿色(的)6. 蓝色(的)下面的单词或词组都是一词多义,你知道他们的意思吗?1.watch2.floor3.ring4.dearII. 词组综合复习下面的词组你都掌握了吗? Starter Unit One-Unit Three1. 早上好2. 下午好3. 晚上好4. 晚安5. 名单6. 谢谢你7. 用英语说8. 一个橙子9. 黑白相间10. 一个温暖的被子Unit One1. 回答问题2. 看一看,看看3. 电话号码4. 身份证5. 姓氏 6. 一个女孩的名字Unit Two1. 铅笔盒2. 卷笔刀3. 请原谅;对不起;打扰了4. 一串/副钥匙5.

17、 电子游戏6. 失物招领7. 英汉字典8. 在字典里查阅单词9. 她的戒指10. 教室的窗户Unit Three1. 为而感谢2. 在书桌上3. 照相4. 我家人的照片5. 我叔叔的女儿6. 帮助我学数学Unit Four1. 在床上2. 在沙发上3. 把带来4. 到带到5. 在抽屉里6. 在梳妆台上7. 从到8. 闹钟作文部分练习人教版午饭后,爱丽丝(Alice)和杰克在(Jack)在路上相遇了,两人互相问好,爱丽丝告诉杰克她丢掉了钥匙。令爱丽丝高兴的是,杰克早上在失物招领箱里发现了一串黄色的钥匙。他决定带爱丽丝到失物招领箱处寻找。找到钥匙后,爱丽丝非常感谢海伦。根据所给的提示词编一段对话。

18、注意: 1. 词数:60词左右。2. 单词可重复使用。3. 提示词: meet, say hello to(向问好), a set of keys(一串钥匙), to ones delight (令高兴的是), lose, yellow, taketo, the lost and found case, find, thank you, you are welcome._基础知识部分答案人教版I. 重点单词复习一. 我们学习中会经常遇到下面的单词,你知道他们的意思吗? 1. 好的;令人愉快的2. 问题3. 光盘4. 电脑,计算机5. 祖父(母),外祖父(母)6. 名单7. 照片8. 地板;地面

19、 二. 你知道下面的颜色用英语怎么表达吗?1. red2. yellow3. white4. black5. green6. Blue三. 下面的单词或词组都是一词多义,你知道他们的意思吗?1. 手表;观看2. 地面;层3. 戒指;环4. 昂贵的;亲爱的II. 词组综合复习下面的词组你都掌握了吗? Starter Unit One-Unit Three1. good morning2. good afternoon3. good evening4. good night5. name list6. thank you Unit One1.answer questions2. look at /

20、have a look at3. telephone number4. ID card5. family name6. a girls name Unit Two1. pencil case2. pencil sharpener3. excuse me4. a set of keys5. computer game6. lost and found7. English-Chinese dictionary8. look up the word in the dictionary9. her ring10. the window of the classroom Unit Three1. tha

21、nks for2. on the desk3. take photos4. the photo of my family5. my uncles daughter6. help me with my math Unit Four1. on the bed2. on the sofa3. bringto4. taketo5. in the drawer6. thank you作文人教版 午饭后,爱丽丝(Alice)和杰克在(Jack)在路上相遇了,两人互相问好,爱丽丝告诉杰克她丢掉了钥匙。令爱丽丝高兴的是,杰克早上在失物招领箱里发现了一串黄色的钥匙。他决定带爱丽丝到失物招领箱处寻找。找到钥匙后,

22、爱丽丝非常感谢海伦。根据所给的提示词编一段对话。注意: 1. 词数:60词左右。 2. 单词可重复使用。 3. 提示词: meet, say hello to(向问好), a set of keys(一串钥匙), to ones delight (令高兴的是), lose, yellow, taketo, the lost and found case, find, thank you, you are welcome.作文范例:Alice and Jack met each other on the road. They said hello to each other. Alice tol

23、d Jim that she had lost her keys. She couldnt find them anywhere. They were a set of yellow keys. To her delight, Jim saw a set of yellow keys in the lost and found case in the morning. He took Alice to the lost and found case. Thank goodness! Alice found her keys there. She was very happy. Alice thanked Jack very much. “You are welcome. We are good friends.” said Jack. Alice did not worry about her keys any longer.

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