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高中英语 Unit 11《The Media》学案 北师大版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 11The Media学案 北师大版必修4类别课标要点重点单词1. n大众传播媒介,传媒2. adj. 当前的,现在的3 n. 贫穷,穷困 4. n. 改革,改良5 vt. 要求,请求 6. n. 方法,方式7 vt. 宣布,宣告 8. n. 委员会9 vt. 出版,发行 10. vt. 责怪,归咎于11 vt.& n. 尝试,试图 12. n. 过程,进程13 vt. 假装 14. n. 态度,看法15 vt.& vi. 打断;打扰 16. vt. 结束,作出结论17 vi. 发生,出现 18. n. 信仰,信心,信任19 n. (作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事 20. a

2、dj. 天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的mediacurrentpoverty reformapproachdemandannouncecommitteepublish blameattempt processpretend attitudeinterruptconcludearise beliefconsiderationinnocent常用短语1. 代表,支持 2. 支持,赞同3 由组成4. 详细地5 参加 6. 对做出评论7 帮助做事,帮助克服困难 8. 继续干9 把归功于 10. 挡的路stand_forin_favor_ofconsist_of in_detail participate_

3、in comment_on help_out go_ahead_with in_the_way 典型句式1.However, advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是为谋求利润而销售产品和服务的。2 is going to _ a historical meeting this year.今年的会议将会作为一个历史性的会议留在人们的记忆中,3The British law says that is legal _ _ of famous people in publi

4、c.英国法律规定在公共场合拍名人的照片是合法的。4 is just the name of a company.可能只是一家公司的名字,5 the advertising boom,people _ high standards of visual design.因为广告的繁荣,人们习惯于看到高水准的视觉设计。notallItbe rememberedas ittotakephotographs Itlikelyto beBecauseofare usedto seeingarise vi.出现;发生;起身,起床How did this quarrel arise?这场争吵是由于何种原因引起的

5、?He arose from his seat.他从座位上站起来。Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故往往是由疏忽大意而引起的。(1)作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为以下抽象名词:argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement(2)arise from由而引起,由而产生;从中产生原形过去式过去分词v.ingarise (vi.)出现,发生,起因于arosearisenarisingarouse (vt.)唤醒,激起arousedarousedarousingrise (vi.)升起,起身,增长,上升ro

6、serisenrisingraise (vt.)举起,唤起,提高,饲养raisedraisedraisingarise,arouse,rise与raise用法比较:For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell.三天来,村子的井水升升降降,起起伏伏。1.完成句子这就是分歧产生的地方。 This is the point_.【答案】where the difference arisessth.satisfy sb.某事使某人满意 satisfied with sb./ ple

7、ased with;be content with某人对某人/事满意satisfy sb.s demand/hope/desire符合某人的要求/希望/欲望 satisfying/satisfactory某事是令人满意的to ones satisfaction使某人感到满意的是The couple are always doing what they can to satisfy their children.这对夫妇总是尽力满足孩子们的要求。His progress is far from (being) satisfactory.他取得的进展远不能令人满意。Much to ou

8、r satisfaction,we all passed the exam.令我们非常满意的是,我们考试都过关了。be content to do sth.甘心做某事be pleased to do sth.乐于做某事Im pleased to help you with your homework.我很高兴帮你做作业。2.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_his boss.AservesBsatisfiesCpromises Dsupports【解析】句意为:Nick正在寻找另一工作,因

9、为他觉得他做的任何事情都不能令老板满意。【答案】Bannounce vt.宣布announce sb.向某人宣布某事announce (to sb.) that(向某人)宣布John announced to us his engagement to Mary.约翰向我们宣布他和玛丽订婚的消息。announce与declare用法比较:(1)announce指正式地“公开;发表;宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。(2)declare指正式地、明确地向公众“宣布;宣告;声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。后可跟复合结构。In 1897

10、 they declared that they believed there was something in nature which gave out radiation.1897年他们宣布他们相信在自然界存在着能发出辐射的某种东西。They declared him (to be) a traitor to the country.他们公开宣布他是国家的叛徒。3.A warm sunshine_the coming of spring.Adeclares BannouncesCpredicts Dpublishes【解析】declare多指正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度,主语多为人或机构

11、;predict意为“预测”;publish指以口头或印刷品的方式让群众知道,多指后者;announce除表示“宣布、宣告”之外,还可用于抽象意义,意思为“显示,预示”,主语为事物。【答案】Bblame vt.& n责备 blame sb.for sth./blame sth.on sb.责备某人某事be to blame for sth.(对某坏事)负责任put/lay blame on由承担责任They blamed him for the accident.They blamed the accident on him.He was to blame for the accident.事

12、故责任应归咎于他。accuse sb.of.指责某人做某事charge sb.with控告某人做某事The lawyer accused the man of robbery.律师指控那人抢劫。4.The mother didnt know who_for the broken glass.Awill blame Bto blameCblamed Dblames【解析】be to blame意为“该受责备,应负责任”,以主动语态表“该受责备”这种被动意义。句中who是blame的宾语。又如:The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst

13、unemployment in Europe.这项政策应对造成欧洲严重失业承担部分责任。【答案】Battempt vt.试图,企图;n.企图,努力,尝试attempt to do sth.试图做某事attempt on sb.s life企图杀害某人make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事make an attempt at doing sth.试图(尝试)做某事make an attempt on试图夺取at ones first attempt某人第一次尝试He attempted to become a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic

14、Games,but failed for his poor English.他曾试图成为一名2008年奥运会志愿者,但因英语差没能实现。His parents made an attempt to send their son abroad for further education.他父母曾试图送他出国深造。The woman told the policeman someone made an attempt on her life.那位妇女告诉警察有人企图要她的命。try与attempt用法比较:(1)try是普通用词,指为成功做某事而付出努力或花费一定代价;后接不定式表示“努力做某事”

15、“企图做某事”;后接动名词表示“尝试着做某事”。(2)attempt常指一次的而不是继续的尝试,往往暗示这种尝试达不到目的。后接不定式意为“试图做某事”。attempt用做可数名词,前面常加不定冠词an;attempt用做前置定语时,意为:未遂的;意图的。5.He has been preparing carefully for his English examination so that he could be sure of passing it at his first_.Apurpose BdesireCattempt Dintention【解析】此题考查词义辨析。purpose目的

16、,意图;desire愿望,请求;attempt尝试;intention目的;意图。句意为“他一直都在认真准备英语考试以确保一次通过”。【答案】Cpretend v假装pretend to do sth.假装做某事pretend sth.假装某物pretend to ben./adj.假装是pretend to be doing.假装正在做pretend to have done.假装已经做了pretendthat假装He pretended to have finished his task.他假装已完成了他的任务。When the teacher came in,the students p

17、retended to be reading.当老师进来时,学生们假装在读书。pretend not to do sth.假装没有做某事Mary pretended not to see me when I passed by.我经过时,玛丽装作没有看见。6.Mike pretended_his homework when his mother came in.Ato do Bhave doneCdid Dto be doing【答案】Dincrease v& n提高;增加 increase the speed加速increase (vi.) to增加到多少increase (vi.) by增

18、加了多少an increase (n.) in production (number,population)生产(数量,人口)增加get an increase in wages获得加薪Dont increase your speed in the crowded street.在这拥挤的大街上不要轻易加速。His reading speed has increased to 80 words a minute.他的阅读速度已提高到每分钟80词。reduce vt.减少decrease n,vt.& vi.减少on the decrease在减少中The number of car accid

19、ents is on the decrease.车祸的数量正在减少。7.Over the years,there has been_increase in the number of students in the country,but the number of school teachers is on _decrease.Aan;a Bthe;theCan;the Dthe;a【答案】Capproach n方法,方式;途径,通道;vt.接近the approach to sth.做某事的方法,去某处的通道the approach of的来临,的临近make an approach to

20、对进行探讨a new approach to teaching languages教授语言的新方法。, As they approached the wood a rabbit ran out of the trees.他们走近树林的时候,一只兔子从树丛里跑了出来。The leaves were turning brown with the approach of autumn.随着秋天的临近,树叶变成了褐色。approach,method与way用法比较:approach指处理某事的具体的方法、步骤,与介词to连用;method指有理论的或系统的、详细的方法。构成method of doin

21、g sth.结构;way“方法”的普通用语,侧重简便方法或途径。构成the way to do/of doing sth.结构。The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.学校决定采取另外一种方式解决纪律问题。The farmer has developed a new method of growing food.这个农民掌握了新的种植方法。I thought of a way of solving/to solve the problem.我想出了解决这个问题的方法。8.The next day al

22、l the explorers and scientists made a scientific_to the subject.Aapproach BmeansCmethod Dway【答案】Arecord vt.& n记录,录音The teachers keep records of the childrens progress.老师把孩子们的进度记录下来。She set a record (broke the record) for long distance swimming.她创下了(打破了)长距离游泳的记录。keep a record/records of sth.record st

23、h.记录set (up) a record for创记录break/beat the record打破记录off the record 非正式note downwrite downset down记下Have you noted down what I said?我说的话你记下来了吗?9.Information records,for example of patients with the same illness,_on computer now.Aare made Bare sentCare kept Dare set【解析】“保持记录”应译为keep records of sth.,本

24、句中的records同keep之间存在被动关系。【答案】Cadvertise vt.& vi.登广告,公告,为做广告advertise a meeting/a concert/a job公布(宣传)一次会议/一场音乐会/一项工作Advertise on TV 在电视上做广告 in a newspaper在报纸上登广告advertise soap/ones house宣传肥皂/某人的房子advertise for sb./sth.在报刊等上面登征求某人或某物的广告I must advertise for a new secretary.我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书。advertisement nU

25、 登广告,做广告;C 广告;公告advertiser nC 登广告的人If you want to sell your old sofa,why not put an advertisement in the local paper?你若打算卖掉旧沙发,何不在本地报纸上登个广告呢?10.Nowadays,some stars like_because they can_a lot of money.Aadvertisements;bringBadvertising;makeCto advertise;earnDmaking advertisement;make【解析】该题针对当前社会上的现象进

26、行解析。advertise既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此题中,明星们喜欢做广告这一活动,属泛指,故第一空用动名词,第二空make money是固定搭配,有“赚钱”之意。【答案】Brespect vt.& n尊重,重视,问候show respect for sb./sth.尊敬/重have respect for.尊敬/重in this respect在这个方面in all/many respects在各个/许多方面in respect of sth.关于,就而言respect sb./sth.for sth.因某事而尊敬某人/某事Have some respect for your par

27、ents.对你父母尊敬一些吧。If they had any respect for human life,they wouldnt do such terrible things.如果他们对人命还稍有尊重的话就不会做出这样可怕的事来。He will be paid 100 in respect of the work he has done.将付给他100英镑作为对他的工作的报酬。With respect to your other proposals,I am not yet able to tell you our decision.考虑到你的其他建议,我现在还无法把我们的决定告诉你。r

28、espectable adj.体面的;值得尊敬的respectability n体面;名望,得体respectful adj.表示敬意的;尊敬的respective adj.个别的,各自的11.No one imagined that the apparently_businessman was really a criminal.Arespectant BrespectiveCrespectable Drespecting【答案】Cahead adj.& adv.在前;提前go ahead前进,干吧,说吧go ahead with sth.继续某事get ahead of超过,胜过ahead

29、 of timein advance提前ahead of sb./sth.(位置)在前面;(指时间)之前;比先进Please go ahead with the work.请继续工作。The time in London is five hours ahead of the time in New York.伦敦的时间比纽约时间早五个小时。She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.她在班上总是遥遥领先。go on with.go on doing.继续go on to do.接着做After a dictation,they went on to deal with the text.听写完后,他们接着处理课文内容。12.Do yo

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