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1、大学本科机械专业泵盖铸造工艺毕业设计课程设计报告设计题目泵盖铸造工艺设计学 院机械学院年 级专 业材料成型及控制工程学生姓名学 号 指导教师目 录1 设计任务 11.1 设计任务 11.2 设计的技术要求 12 铸造工艺方案的确定 22.1 零件结构分析 22.2 分型面的确定 3 2.3.加工余量和铸造圆角 4 2.4工艺参数的确定 5 2.5.1工艺补正量 6 2.5.2分型负数 6 2.5.3砂芯设计 6 2.5.4铸件毛胚质量 73. 浇注系统(包括冒口)的选择 73.1浇注系统和冒口 7 4铸造工艺图 115 铸造工艺卡 136 参 考 文 献 14不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打

2、 1 设计任务1 1设计任务泵盖铸造工艺设计 图11 2设计的技术要求设计应达到的技术要求:实际主要用于零件的外部,起密封,阻挡灰尘的作用,故其在机器中只是起辅助作用,对机器的稳定运行影响不是很大,其在具体加工的时候,精度要求也不是很高,加工起来也十分容易。依据图纸要满足下列要求:1、材质灰铁150、未注铸造圆角均为R3;2、铸件表面不得有沙眼、缩孔等缺陷;3、泵盖底部132表面Ra为3.2,100表面Ra为6.3,二者之间台阶Ra1.6。14中心孔内表面Ra为1.6,25中心孔内表面Ra为6.3,其余为Ra12.5;4、两个圆柱孔分别为中心大圆柱25H9基本尺寸为25mm,公差带为H8的孔;

3、中心小圆柱14H92铸造工艺方案的确定2.1零件结构分析名称:泵盖 材料: HT150 生产批量:大批量生产 图2泵盖立体 图3泵盖零件2.2分型面的确定 在生产中考虑选择分型面时应注意以下原则: 1、应使铸件全部或大部置于同一半型内,以保证铸件精度。如果做不到上述要求,必须尽可能把铸件的加工面和加工基准放在同一半型内。 2、应尽量减少分型面的数目。分型面越少,铸件精度容易保证且砂箱数目少减少工人劳动量。 3 分型面应尽量选用平面。平直分型面可简化造型过程和模板制造,易于保证铸件精度。 4 分型面通常选在铸件的最大截面处,尽量不使砂箱过高。高砂箱,造型困难 填砂、紧实、起模、下芯都不方便,劳动

4、强度大。 5 尽量便于下芯、合型和检查型腔尺寸。 6 注意减轻铸件清理和机械加工量。 就本次的泵盖而言:将铸件大部分-重要部分(泵盖圆盘底部)置于下部且分型面为最大截面。此方案便于起模,方便下芯,保证浇注质量、能够实现顺序凝固、使其金相组织均,同时保证铸件的精度减少不必要的缺陷。亦能减少后加工量! 图42.3加工余量和铸造圆角 (1)加工余量该泵盖为大批量生产,砂型铸造,手工造型,由课本P241表3-3-4取尺寸公差等级CT为11,加工余量等级MA为H。得出灰铁机械加工余量。查课本P240表3-3-3得到零件各部分加工余量。加工余量表 表1公差等级尺寸(mm)加工余量(mm)11H1004.5

5、3.511H1001605.54.5 图52.4工艺参数的确定尺寸公差根据零件图技术要求:其铸件尺寸公差按照GB/T6414-86铸件尺寸公差中灰口铸铁砂型手工造型公差等级为CT12级,尺寸公差为9mm。 铸件收缩率铸件材料为灰铁,收缩过程为受阻收缩,根据表3-3-71,中小型件得铸造自由收缩率为1.0%,受阻手缩率0.9%。 表2最小铸出孔及槽根据表3-3-81查得大批量小型铸件最小铸出孔为14mm。零件中小于14mm的孔不铸出,其余孔均铸出。拔模斜度 根据已经确定的摸样高度、表面粗糙度,查表JB/T5018-91得零件的拔模斜度为1。 图62.5.1工艺补正量 大批量生产的铸件不考虑工艺补

6、正量。 2.5.2分型负数 砂型铸造时,由于起模后的修型和烘干过程中砂型的变形,引起分型面凹凸不平往往要在下箱分型面上垫石棉绳或耐火泥条,这样就使垂直于分型面方向的铸件尺寸增高了,粘土湿砂型通常不考虑分型负数。因此分型负数为零。 2.5.3砂芯设计 砂芯的选择原则: (1)尽量减少砂芯数量 (2)为保证操作方便可将复杂砂砂芯分块制造 (3)保证铸件内腔尺寸精度 (4)保证铸件壁厚均匀 (5)填砂面应宽敞,烘干支撑面是平面 (6)使同层砂芯组合后的上面为平面 此铸件中只需在直径为 25mm 的孔中加一个砂芯,型芯为圆 柱型芯,芯砂采用粘土砂,造芯方法采用芯盒造芯,采用垂直型芯 及芯头,查铸造实手

7、册 : 表3则垂直芯头的高度一般取 1550mm, 上芯头取 15mm,上砂箱的芯头斜度为 a=2mm ,没有下芯头。如图8所示:图72.5.4铸件毛胚质量 查铸造实用手册得出: 密度=7.2g/cm3 计算得出铸件体积V= 467845.35mm3 得质量M= 3.368kg3.浇注系统(包括冒口)的选择 浇注位置选择取决于合金的种类、铸件结构、铸件质量要求及生产条件。确定浇注位置的主要原则有: 1.要加工面朝下或呈直立状态 2.应有利于铸件补缩 3.应保证铸件有良好的金属液导入位置,保证铸件充满 4.应使合型、浇注和补缩位置相一致 图8(1)、浇注系统形式的选择: 由以上分析采用:封闭式较

8、好的阻渣能力、可以防止金属液卷入气体消耗金属少清理方便等;顶注式浇注系统容易充满,减少薄壁铸件浇不到、冷隔等缺陷,冲型后上部温度高于底部,有利于铸件自上而下顺序凝固等优点。(2)浇注系统计算浇注时间经计算的浇注时间t=3.32s 表4液面上升速度铸件高度/浇注时间=40/3.3=12.2mm/s,大于金属液允许最小上升速度10mm/s。 表5直、横、内浇道截面积的确定跟据Osann公式可计算出浇注系统最小截面积之和。A内=G/(0.31tHp1/2) (cm2)式中:A内-浇注系统最小截面面积之和; G-型内铁液总重量; -流量系数,取0.5; Hp-平均压头。由于浇注方式为顶注式,则 Hp=

9、ltan=13.1732mmtan9=20.86mm A内=2.27/(0.310.53.32.091/2)=2.84cm2各浇道的截面积比为:S内:S横: S直:=1:1.2:1.4所以直浇道截面积3.41cm2;横浇道截面积3.98cm2由此可得直浇道半径为0.3cm。 内浇道截面图9 直浇道截面图10 横浇道截面图11(3)冒口设计采用模数法设计冒口:由模数计算公式Ms=V/S,计算铸件模数Ms=0.53cm0.75cm宜采用浇注系统当冒口,因此不用设专门的冒口。根据实际生产情况:采用机械化大批量生产小型铸件过程中采用一腔多模时,由于内浇道、横浇道截面积仅有几平方厘米,在造型过程中精确度

10、不易把握,采用直浇道向型腔直接注入金属液,浇注系统亦能充当冒口功能即可满足补缩要求! 图124铸造工艺图 图135铸造工艺卡零件名称泵盖材质HT150材料铸件重量(kg)铸件材质炉料每个毛坯可切零件数净重毛重浇注系统重HT150铁锭、废钢3(圆孔)造型砂型名称砂型类型造型方法砂箱编号砂箱内部尺寸(mm)备注长宽高上箱树脂砂手工0120020080下箱树脂砂手工0220020050砂型树脂砂射砂干燥前干燥后芯撑编号次数编号次数11211121浇注铁液出炉温度(C)浇注温度(C)每箱铁液消耗(kg)浇注时间(s)冷却时间(min)140013502.33.3136.参 考 文 献1材料成型工艺基础

11、沈其文主编 3 版 华中科技大学出版社 2003 .2机械设计濮良贵,纪名刚主编 8 版 高等教育出版社 2006 .3材料力学刘鸿文主编 高等教育出版社 8 版 2009 .4 工程材料及应用 周风云主编 华中科技大学出版社 2 版 2002 .5材料力学刘鸿文主编 高等教育出版社 8 版 2009 .6铸造手册(第五卷) 陶令恒等主编 .7铸造实用数据速查手册 刘瑞灵主编.8铸工实用手册 机械工业出版社 1994 机械工业出版社 2006 严邵华主编 中国劳动出版社 1990 18.9AutoCAD2010基础教程与运用 机械工业出版社附录: From the world of radio

12、 in the world to a single chip Modern computer technology, industrial revolution, the world economy from the capital into the economy to knowledge economy. Field in the electronic world, from the 20th century into the era of radio to computer technology in the 21st century as the center of the intel

13、ligent modern era of electronic systems. The basic core of modern electronic systems are embedded computer systems (referred to as embedded systems), while the microcontroller is the most typical and most extensive and most popular embedded systems. First, radio has created generations of excellence

14、 in the world Fifties and sixties in the 20th century, the most representative of the advanced electronic technology is wireless technology, including radio broadcasting, radio, wireless communications (telegraph), Amateur Radio, radio positioning, navigation and other telemetry, remote control, rem

15、ote technology. Early that these electronic technology led many young people into the wonderful digital world, radio show was a wonderful life, the prospects for science and technology. Electronics began to form a new discipline. Radio electronics, wireless communications began e-world journey. Radi

16、o technology not only as a representative of advanced science and technology at that time, but also from popular to professional fields of science, attracting the young people and enable them to find a lot of fun. Ore from the bedside to the superheterodyne radio radio; report issued from the radio

17、amateur radio stations; from the telephone, electric bell to the radio control model. Became popular youth radio technology, science and technology education is the most popular and most extensive content. So far, many of the older generation of engineers, experts, Professor of the year are radio en

18、thusiasts. Fun radio technology, radio technology, comprehensive training, from basic principles of electronics, electronic components to the radio-based remote control, telemetry, remote electronic systems, has trained several generations of technological excellence. Second, from the popularity of

19、the radio era to era of electronic technology The early radio technology to promote the development of electronic technology, most notably electronic vacuum tube technology to semiconductor electronic technology. Semiconductor technology to realize the active device miniaturization and low cost, so

20、more popular with radio technology and innovation, and to greatly broaden the number of non-radio-control areas. The development of semiconductor technology lead to the production of integrated circuit, forming the modern electronic technology leap from discrete electronics into the era of era of in

21、tegrated circuits. Electronic design engineers no longer use the discrete electronic components designed circuit modules, and direct selection of integrated circuit components constitute a single system. They freed the design of the circuit unit dedicated to system design, greatly liberating the pro

22、ductive forces of science and technology, promote the wider spread of electronic systems. Semiconductor integrated circuits in the basic digital logic circuits first breakthrough. A large number of digital logic circuits, such as gates, counters, timers, shift registers, and analog switches, compara

23、tors, etc., for the electronic digital control provides excellent conditions for the traditional mechanical control to electronic control. Power electronic devices and sensor technology to make the original to the radio as the center of electronic technology turned to mechanical engineering in the f

24、ield of digital control systems, testing in the field of information collection, movement of electrical mechanical servo drive control object. Semiconductor and integrated circuit technology will bring us a universal age of electronic technology, wireless technology as the field of electronic techno

25、logy a part of. 70 years into the 20th century, large scale integrated circuit appeared to promote the conventional electronic circuit unit-specific electronic systems development. Many electronic systems unit into a dedicated integrated devices such as radios, electronic clocks, calculators, electr

26、onic engineers in these areas from the circuit, the system designed to debug into the device selection, peripheral device adapter work. Electronic technology, and electronic products enriched, electronic engineers to reduce the difficulty, but at the same time, radio technology, electronic technolog

27、y has weakened the charm. The development of semiconductor integrated circuits classical electronic systems are maturing, remain in the large scale integrated circuit other than the shrinking of electronic technology, electronic technology is not the old days of radio fun times and comprehensive eng

28、ineering training. Third, from the classic era of electronic technology to modern electronic technology of the times 80 years into the 20th century, the century of economic change is the most important revolution in the computer. The computer revolution in the most important sign is the birth of the

29、 computer embedded applications. Modern computer numerical requirements should be born. A long period of time, is to develop the massive computer numerical duty. But the computer shows the logic operation, processing, control, attracting experts in the field of electronic control, they want developm

30、ent to meet the control object requirements of embedded applications, computer systems. If you meet the massive data-processing computer system known as general-purpose computer system, then the system can be the embedded object (such as ships, aircraft, motorcycles, etc.) in a computer system called the embedded computer. Clearly, both the direction of technology development are different. The former requires massive data storage, handling, processing and analysis of high-speed data transmission; while the latter requires reliable operation i

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