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1、新编大学基础英语综合教程4课后翻译答案新编大学基础英语综合教程4课后翻译答案UNIT 1Page104. 1.I have offered her a wide range of choices. 我给了她很大的选择范围 2.We cant identify fortune with happiness. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈3.People constantly search for better career prospect. 人们总是不断地寻找更好的职业前景4.Teaching is not a highly rewarding job. 教书酬劳不太高5.Busy work can

2、 take ones mind off family issues. 繁忙的工作总会使人不去想家庭问题 Page113. 1.I want to apply for a visa. 我想申请签证2.It is difficult to speak in public. 当众演讲是很难的3.The old man wishes to go back to his hometown. 这位老人的愿望是回到故乡4.She covers her face with her hands to conceal her excitement. 或She buries her face in her hand

3、s to conceal her excitement.她用手捂着脸来掩饰她的激动情绪5.It would be good to see him again. 能再见到他该多好啊Page125. 1.The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向人群呼吁不要惊慌2.We should assume that he is innocent until he is proven guilty. 要是还没有证实他有罪,我们就得认为他无罪3.His wifes death made him feel vulnerable and depressed

4、. 妻子的去世使他感到十分脆弱和消沉 4.She has been transferred to our paris branch. 她已调到我们巴黎的分部 5.As for as the weather concerned I dont think it is very important. 至于天气,我认为无关紧要Page143. 1.I was seeing a friend off at that moment. 我当时正在给一位朋友送行2.He told me that Jane had already left. 他告诉我简已经走了3.How do you find the wea

5、ther here? 你觉得这里的天气如何4.Did you go there by train or by plane? 你是乘火车还是乘飞机去的 5.She is very excited ,she has never travel by plane before. 她很兴奋,她以前从未坐过飞机Page166. 1.He has a serious aspiration for a career in politics 他有从政的雄心壮志2.He doesnt play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半3.He has never don

6、e this kind of job.I dont know wether he is able to fit in with other employees 他以前从未做过这种工作,我不知道他是否能与其他雇员配合好。4.The little boy is picking at his mothers sleeve to get her attention. 小男孩在拉扯他妈妈的衣袖,想引起她的注意5.She reads the best authors in order to cultivate her mind/personality. 她阅读最优秀作家的作品来陶冶情操UNIT 2Page

7、235. 1.The teacher has assigned each one of us a holiday task. 老师给我们每个人都分配了假期里的任务2.We will try our best to finish the job in may,but it will be a race against time. 我们力争在五月份完成这项任务,但得争分夺秒地干3.My car will fall apart soon /My car is falling apart. 我的汽车要散架了4.The house looks very old.In reality,it is new.

8、 这房子看起来很旧,实际上很新5.The beautiful sceneries of this city has impressed all the foreign visitors /has never failed to impress the foreign visitors. 外国游客无一不对该市的风景留有深刻印象Page243. 1.Tom suddenly fell ill yesterday. 汤姆昨天突然病了2.I was having a bath when the phone rang. 我正在洗澡,电话响了3.He was talking to my husband a

9、t the moment. 现在他正和我丈夫谈话4.He had worked in the company for four years before he resigned. 辞职前他在这家公司工作了四年5.Peter had been standing in line for a long time before he got the ticket.彼得排了好长时间的队才买到票Page266. 1.Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间2.The incident put her in a b

10、ad mood. 这个事件使她心情很不好3.The project was completed in record time. 工程在创纪录的短时间内完成了4.In anticipation of bad weather they took plenty of warm clothes. 他们预料会变天,带了很多厚衣服5.Why do you hide your thoughts away from me? 你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法Page272. 1.My brother used to collect stamps 我兄弟过去集邮2.When we were children we use

11、d to go skating every winter. 我们小时候每年冬天都去滑冰 3.When they worked on a farm ,they used to get up at 5 am. 他们在农场劳动时,总是早上5点钟起床 4.I used to smoke,but I dont any more. 我过去常吸烟,但我现在已经不吸了。 5.His father used to have an old Rolls Royce. 他的父亲曾有过一辆旧的劳斯莱斯小轿车Page293. 1.Despite extreme disappointment,he managed to s

12、mile./Although he was very disappointment,he managed to smile. 尽管很失望,他还是强装笑脸2.It is typical of her to forget things. 她这人就是爱忘事3.She was nervous/anxious at first,but she was able to compose herself. 她最初很紧张,但很快就镇静下来了 4.The president indicated his attitude towards those suggestions/proposals in his New

13、Years address. 总统已在他的新年献词中表明对那些建议的态度 5.The judge announced the results of the match in reverse order. 裁判倒序念出比赛结果UNIT 3Page353. 1.Chemical waste is posing/presenting a major hazard to the public.化学废料正成为一大公害 2.Soldiers raided the enemy camp.士兵们突袭了敌军军营。 3.Peter is represented as an ordinary person in t

14、he book. 在书中彼得被描绘成一个很平凡的人 4.I believe that justice can and will triumph over the might. 我相信正义能够而且最终会战胜强权 5.Im not accustomed to getting up so early to exercise. 我不习惯这么早就起来晨练 6.The teacher asks us to read newspapers to keep track of current affairs. 老师要求我们每天读报来了解时事Page383. 1.I am just going to call/r

15、ang/phone George back.我正准备给乔治回电话2.Ann is in hospital,I am going to visit her.安住院了,我要去看她3.This project is due to be completed/finished in 2013.这个项目将在2013年完成4.You have put so much efforts on it /You have worked so hard that you are bound to pass the exam. 你下了这么大功夫,一定能考及格 5.His condition is unlikely to

16、 improve. 他的境况不大可能好转Page413. 1.I really appreciate her kind offer./Im really grateful for her kind offer. 我非常感激她的好心建议2.I have to ask you to accompany me to the police station 我得请你陪我去趟警察局3.The government only has two options,one is to cut down the expenses/spending,the other is to encrease taxes. 政府只

17、有两种选择,不是削减开支就是增加税收4.Recently,my memory is not reliable. 最近我记性不太好5.You have the alternatives of leaving and staying,but you should behave yourself/obey the rules. 你的选择是要么走开,要么留下,但要守规矩Page413. 1.We are late,arent we? 我们晚了,不是吗2.Mickie cant say Russian,can he? 米奇不会说俄语,对吗3.John likes drinking tea,doesnt

18、he? 约翰喜欢喝茶,不是吗4.She has told you the news,hasnt she?她把那个消息告诉你了,不是吗5.Your friend hasnt come back from San Fran Cisco ,has he?你的朋友还没从旧金山回来,是吗Page434. 1.This wedding is probably the most superb. 这个婚礼可能是最豪华壮观的2.He roughly described their plan of action.他大致描述了他们行动的计划方案3.My first view of The Great Wall ke

19、ep me in awe. 我第一次看到长城就惊叹不已 4.His name is missed out in the guest list. 客人名单中漏掉了他的名字 5.The tourists marvel at the beauty of the landscape. 游客们赞叹风景的秀丽 UNIT 4Page496. 1.Peoples ability to learn depends partly on nature,partly on nurture.人的学习能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的 2.He says he has paid me,whereas I havent r

20、eceived his money. 他说已经付钱给我了,然而我却没有收他的钱 3.All my clothes can fit into one suitcase. 我的全部衣服有一个箱子就装下了 4.Each ones finger print is unique. 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的 5.What is it that makes you so happy. 究竟是什么事情使你这么高兴Page504. 1.She had her bike stolen when she was in the shop. 她在商店的时候自行车被偷了2.You should have your ha

21、irs cut before the interview.去求职面试前你应该去理发3.We are going to have our house decorated next week. 下周我们要请人装修房子 4.The little boy had his toy gun taken away. 小男孩的玩具枪被拿走了 5.He had his computer repaired yesterday. 昨天他找人把计算机修好了 Page528. 1.Strain of sleepless nights made him fall ill. 连夜不眠的紧张劳累使他病倒了 2.To sum

22、up,we should strengthen our management. 所以归纳起来,我们应该加强管理 3.On the contrary,Ill like it. 恰恰相反。我会喜欢它 4.The little boy has became addicted to the computer games. 这个小男孩对电脑游戏着了迷 5.She perceived his meaning at once. 她马上领会了他的意思Page534. 1.The woman is always gossiping. 这个女人总是爱讲闲话2.I waved to her, but she was

23、nt looking./but she didnt look this way. 我向她挥手,但她没往这边看 3.There you come!I have been waiting for you for an hour 你到底来了!我已经等了一个钟头了4.The students are preparing for tomorrow experiment. 学生们正在为明天的实验做准备5.The visitors are viewing the sights of the city. 客人们正在城里观光Page553. 1.He will have forgotten the whole

24、matter/whole about the matter before long. 过不久,他会把这件事全然忘掉的 2.She will have finished her second novel by the end of the year. 她将在年底完成她的第二部小说 3.Will their conversation ever come to an end? 他们的谈话还有完没完 4.Professor Zhang will be going on a holiday soon. 张教授不久就要度假了 5.The train will be leaving soon. 火车马上就开

25、Page575. 1.He had been transferred from army to navy. 他从陆军调到海军2.A good teacher can present the teaching materials in an interesting way. 好的老师能以有趣的方式讲授他们的教学资料3.He accessed information from the PC. 他从个人电脑上获取资料4.Those insects can take on the color of their surroundings 这些昆虫会变成和周围环境一样的颜色5.Enough time sh

26、ould be left/spared for sleeping because that will be good for one to refresh himself. 应该留出足够的睡眠时间,因为这有助于恢复精力UNIT 5Page624. 1.He was sentenced to death. His gang have been accused of killing/murdering 20 people.他被判处死刑,其犯罪团伙因杀害20人已受到指控2.She has ever been convict of fraud twice. 她曾两次被判欺诈罪3.Its alleged

27、 that he has been forced to sign the document./Its alleged that he has signed the document under pressure. 据说他是被迫签署那份文件的4.They failed in all the attempts to climb the mountain. 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了5.His words impressed deeply on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里Page632. 1.He is believed to be an expert./It is beli

28、eved that he is an expert. 他被公认为是一位专家2.Tom is thought to return in two days. 相信汤姆能在两天内返回3.It is reported that the river has been polluted. 据报道,这条河流已经污染了 4.It is said that he has find a good job./He is said to have find a good job.据说他找到一份好工作 5.It is believed that the life here will be improved. 人们相信这

29、里的生活会得到改善Page655. 1.This team has been promoted to the first division. 该足球队已晋升为甲级队2.Modern people have a liberal attitude towards/to divorce and remarriage. 现代人对离婚和再婚看得很开3.I amuse myself by reading detective novels on rainy days. 下雨天我读侦探小说消遣4.Her sense of humor strongly/deeply appeals to him. 她的幽默感把

30、他强烈地吸引住了5.This city has already became one of the most influential cities 这座城市已经成为世界上最具影响力的城市之一Page692. 1.He didnt trust me,because I was new here./He distrust me,because I was a newcomer. 他不信任我,因为我是新来的2. Since they dont have enough money,they couldnt buy the house. 由于他们的钱不够,他们无法买这座房子3.He lent her 5

31、00 dollars,in order that/so that she would go for a holiday. 他借给她500美元,好让她去度假4.I will ring her at once/immediately so that she wont have to wait for me 我马上给她打电话,让她别等我了5.She must work harder in order to/so as to be admitted /enrolled by a good university. 为了考入一所好大学,她必须更加用功Page715. 1.I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline 我希望你们能在期限内交出学期论文2

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