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1、8上unit6教案个人初备案二次备课课时第 1 课时主备蔡欣欣课题8A Unit 6 Birdwatching授课类型新授教学目标1. To learn the common names of birds. 2. To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.3. To arouse the students interest in birds in the wild. 重点难点Key points: To learn the common names of birds. Difficult points:

2、 To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance. 教学方法Communication and description 教学手段Pictures , Tape recorder教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1 Presentation 1. Talking about birds Show the pictures of different kinds of birds and talk about them focusing on whats special about the birds. Learn

3、the new words (Revise some old words at the same time, like wing/ feather/ beak) 2. Do Part A on Page75.Step 2. Practice 1.Show the pictures together and then get the students to give their names. Make sure all the students can read the names correctly. 2.Play a game: reading and guessing (guess wha

4、t bird it is.) e.g. I live in wetland. I am very tall. I have long beak, long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I? (a crane) 3.Ask the students Which is your favorite bird? Why? Practice Part B on Page75 in pairs Step 3. Production Make up new conversations using Part B as

5、a model and act them out. Step 4. Presentation 1.Say: We love birds. Eddie loves birds, too. Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions. 1) What is Eddie going to do? 2) Does he really love birds? 3) What kind of birds does he like best? 2.Practice reading in pairs and try to

6、 act it out.Step 5. Production 1. Choose a kind of birds and describe its appearance using the new words.2. Do some exercises.1) I hope to go _ (birdwatch) someday.2) Among all the birds, I like cranes _ (good).3) How many _ (type) of tigers are there in the world?4) The other _ (wing) of the bird w

7、as hurt. 作业布置1. Write a short passage about your favorite bird (5-6sentences) .2. Finish the exercises.板书设计教后反思个人初备案二次备课课时第 2 课时主备蔡欣欣课题 Reading ()授课类型新授教学目标1. To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. 2. To revise and expand vocabulary in the context wildlife and co

8、nservation. 3. To reinforce students ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details. 4. 4.To encourage the students to join Birdwatching Club. 5.To make sure the students know the importance of wetlands and nature reserves 重点难点Key points: To develop the ability to infer the general me

9、aning from title and context. Difficult points: To reinforce students ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details 教学方法Reading and skimming 教学手段Tape recorder,computer教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1: ReviewShow some pictures and guess the name of the bird.Step 2: PresentationShow some pictures and

10、 teach the new words in the article.Step 3: New lessonListen to Sandy and answer the following questions:1. Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2. Why is it a perfect place for wildlife? 3. Why are more and more birds in danger? Step 4: ComprehensionDo part B1、B2 on the Ss textbooks. Check the answers

11、one by one.Read the article then do True or false. Check the answers.Step 5: SummaryComplete their conversation with the words in the article.(B4)Step 6: Language pointsStep 7: Exercises 作业布置1. Describe Zhalong Nature Reserve. 2. Finish the exercises.板书设计教后反思个人初备案二次备课课时第 3 课时主备蔡欣欣课题 Reading ( II )授课

12、类型新授教学目标1. To get more detailed information about Zhalong Nature Reserve. 2. To analyze the sentences for the students to get a better understanding.3. To make sure the students know the importance of wetlands and nature reserves . 重点难点Key points: To get more detailed information about Zhalong Natur

13、e Reserve.Difficult points: To analyze the sentences for the students to get a better understanding.教学方法Scanning and predicting教学手段Computer教时安排1课时教学过程Step1 RevisionAnswer some questions about the text.Step2 PresentationLanguage points.1. providefor 为提供The dining room provides food for students every

14、 day.2. tourist:visitor There are many foreign tourists visiting the World Park in Beijing every year.3.stay n. v. He learned a lot during her stay in Japan. Please stay here till I come back.4.change n. v. Why did you make a change to the plan? Shall we change seats?5.6.count n. v.Our school does a

15、 student count every term. Lets help him count the books.Step3 ProductionSay Now you know Zhalong well. Lets see if you can do this.If you are a tour guide, how do you introduce Zhalong to the tourists?a nature reserve / important wetlands / provides food and shelter / many birds -all year round / s

16、ome birds- for a short stay作业布置1. Write a report about Zhalong to attract more people to protect wildlife.2. Finish the exercises.板书设计教后反思个人初备案二次备课课时第 4 课时主备蔡欣欣课题 Grammar 授课类型新授教学目标1.To make sure the students understand the use of to-infinitives for purpose.2.To be able to use verbs + objects + to-i

17、nfinitives to make sentences.重点难点the use of to-infinitives教学方法Task-based teaching, Pair-work教学手段Computer, Pictures 教时安排1课时教学过程Step1 PresentationTranslation1.他来上海拜访他的朋友。2.政府应该立法来保护野生生物。3.为了省钱,她每天回家吃午饭。4.为了赢得下个月的比赛,他们每天刻苦训练。Use these sentences to give the students some examples about to-infinitives fo

18、r purpose.Step 2 Introduce the uses of to-infinitives for purposeWe can use to-infinitives to express purpose.e.g. I often go to the market to watch birds. Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things.We can also use in order to to express purposes. This is more formal than t

19、o-infinitives.e.g. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. Take a notebook with you in order to write down what you see.Step 3 Exercises1.Match the first parts of the sentences on the left with the second parts on the right.Write the correct

20、 letters in the blanks.(Page 73)2.More exercises1.我呆在那儿看看会发生什么。(I stayed there to /in order to see what would happen.)2.为了不忘记,他记下了我的电话号码。(He wrote down my telephone number in order not to forget it.)3.为了赶上早班车,今天早上我很早就起床了。(In order to catch the early bus, I got up early this morning.)Step 4 Using ver

21、bs + objects + to-infinitives1 We can use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives.e.g. We are now inviting them to help us.We need more people to count and describe the birds.2 We add not before to-infinitives to express a negative meaning.e.g. We ask people not to catch birds for any reason.3 Pa

22、y attention to these words:We often use these verbs in this structure.advise ask cause encourage get help invite order teach tell4 Special wordsWe can use some verbs in this structure with infinitives without to.make or let + object + infinitive without to Max tells funny jokes and often makes me la

23、ugh. Mr Wu agreed to let me join their school trip.see or hear + object + infinitive without to She saw a baby panda drink her mothers milk. Millie and Amy heard someone sing in the + object + infinitive without to This will help people (to) understand the importance of the wetlands.Step 5

24、 Exercises1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Ss books Page 74)2. More exercises1.我父亲经常鼓励我问老师问题。(My father often encourages me to ask the teacher questions.)2.李老师教我们打篮球两年了。(Mr Li has taught us to play basketball for two years.)3.语文老师让我们抄写这篇文章两遍。(The Chinese teac

25、her made us copy the article twice.)4. 为了及时到达那儿,他们很早就动身了。(In order to get there in time, they set off early.)5.为了通过期末考试,我们必须更努力学习。(We must study harder in order to pass the final exams.)作业布置1. Recite the related phrases with to-infinitives.2. Finish the exercises.板书设计教后反思个人初备案二次备课课时第 5 课时主备蔡欣欣课题 Int

26、egrated Skills授课类型新授教学目标1. To listen to tape for details in order to extract factual information. 2. To do a quiz before listening may help the students to focus on the information they are trying to get. 3. To understand the information obtained from listening and know how to response to it by writ

27、ing a report. 重点难点Key points: To listen to tape for details in order to extract factual information. Difficult points: To understand the information obtained from listening and know how to response to it by writing a report. 教学方法Listening reading and writing 教学手段Computer教时安排1课时教学过程Step 1 Lead-inShow

28、 a map of nature reserves in China in order to present Yancheng Nature Reserve.2.Introduce Yancheng Nature Reserve to the students.盐城自然保护区是以丹顶鹤为主的珍禽自然保护区。1982年由江苏省设立。俗称栖鹤滩。位于江苏省中部,包括盐城市属响水、滨海、 射阳、大丰4县及东台市东部黄海沿岸。该区面对黄海,由古黄河三角洲和长江三角洲所存泥沙在黄海和东海波浪冲撞作用及潮汐作用下形成,沿海滩涂长达444公里,为淤泥质平原海岸的典型代表。区内河流众多,沼泽湿地发育,生物资源

29、丰富,核心区的生态系统基本处于原始状态。鸟类有315种,其中属国家一级保护的9种,二级保护的33种。3.Teach the new words.Step 2 New lesson1.Read the quiz on page 75 and help Daniel choose the correct answer to each question.2.Listen to the first part of a radio programme. Check whether you chose the correct answers .The teacher can play the tape f

30、or more times according to the levels of the students.3.Listen to the whole radio programme and help him complete the report.Step 3 PresentationT: I want to go birdwatching with friends in Yancheng Nature Reserve.Can you give us some advice before we go?Give the students some time to think over then give the advice.Step 4 Speak up1 Listen to the conversation and answer this question:What advice does Sandy give to Daniel?2 Read the conversation and answer more questions:What is the use of a pair of binoculars ?(It helps people see more clearly.)Why should Daniel take a notebo

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