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1、新初二英语暑假目标班结业测试 外 装 订 线 内 装 订 线 在线学习更高效绝密启用前2019 新初二英语暑假目标班结业测试考试范围:新初二暑假班重难点词汇语法考试时间:60-90 分钟命题人:李军Vanessa一选择题(共 40 小题)1Its getting colder and colder these days( )A表语 B定语 C状语 D宾语2Which of the following has the same sentence structure as I know the man with glasses ?学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_( )AWe called the

2、cat MimiBThe children are reading some stories CMy mother told me to work hard DMolly is teaching the kids a new song3There a large bowl of jiaozi on the table( )Ais Bare Cbe 4Does your cousin live in Germany or France? He lives in Berlin( )AYes, he does BNo, he doesntCIn Germany DIn France5One of t

3、he hosts of The Point named Liu Xin graduated from our school, didnt she? My English teacher taught her before( )AYes, she was BNo, she wasntCYes, she did DNo, she didnt 6There is nothing left in the fridge, ? Lets go to the supermarket to buy some( )Ais there, Yes Bisnt there, YesCis there, No Disn

4、t there, No 7Hes already back to Australia, ? He is on a visit to Shanghai( )Aisnt he; No Bhasnt he; YesCisnt he; Yes Dhasnt he; No试卷第 1 页,总 6 页 外 装 订 线 内 装 订 线 8Toms mother has to work very late even at weekends, ?( )Ahas she Bhasnt sheCdoes she Ddoesnt she9 do the Greens make fruit salads?Twice a

5、weekThe family like salads a lot( )AHow often BHow much CHow many DHow far 10Look, what have you done?Sorry, if I another chance, Ill do it better( )请不要在装订线内答题Awill have Bhave had Chad Dhave 11Sometimes we will never know the true value of a moment it becomes amemory( )Aif Bunless Cbecause Duntil12

6、Unless it , well have a basketball game with No.2Middle School next Saturday( )Arains Bwill rainCdoesnt rain Disnt raining13 you can understand how the human body woks,you need to have some knowledge of chemistry( )AAs soon as BThough CSo that DSince 14He the exam He is so excited( )Apasses Bpassed

7、Cwill pass Dhas passed 15John is not coming for the birthday party tonightWhy? But he !( )Apromises BpromisedCwill promise Dis promised 16What are you doing on Saturday morning?Well, its going to be sunny, so I a picnic with my friend( ) Ahave Bhad Chave had Dam having 17Where is your teacher?He the

8、 libraryHe the library for an hour( )Ahas gone to; has been to Bhas gone to; has been in试卷第 2 页,总 6 页 外 装 订 线 内 装 订 线 在线学习更高效Chas been to; has been in Dhas been to; has gone to18 ?He looks tall and strong( )AHow is he? BHow does he look?CWhat does he like? DHow is he like?19Helen, does the weather c

9、hange in your hometown when winter comes?It gets colder and snows more often( )学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhy 20 in your English book?A picture of my sister( )AWhos BWhats CWheres DHows 21The vacation made the children ( )Arelaxing, relaxed Brelaxing, relaxingCrelaxed, relaxed Drelaxed, relax

10、ing 22Amy cant dance her elder sister( )Aas beautiful as Bmore beautiful thanCso beautifully as Dmore beautifully as23The National Day holiday nearly killed me! I found myself dead when I drove back home from the pretty crowded highway( )Aso good as Bas good as Cas well as Dso well as 24They healthy

11、 and they healthy food( )Aall are, often eat Bare all, eat oftenCall are, eat often Dare all, often eat25As we know, its very difficult to live in a foreign country like the UK, the US and so onI agree if you dont understand the local language( )AEspecially BGenerally CNaturally DExactly 26Im tired

12、because I studied until midnight last nightWhy not go to sleep this evening?( )Alate Blater Cearly Dearlier试卷第 3 页,总 6 页 外 装 订 线 内 装 订 线 27Roger Federer is a great tennis playerI agree I think no one else plays ( )Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest 28Which is way to travel,by plane,by train or by bus?( )Ales

13、s expensive Bmore cheaperCthe least expensive Dcheaper29To make classes interesting and ,a teacher used WeChat in class in a school in Hangzhou( )请不要在装订线内答题Alively Bsilly Cusual Dnoisy30The teacher changed my seat to the front so that I could see the words on the blackboard ( )Anearly Bhardly Cclose

14、ly Dclearly 31Beijing is bigger than in Japan, isnt it?Yes Beijing is also one of the biggest cities in the world( )Aany city Bany other cityCthe other city Dthe other cities32These days people in China take too much money when shopping because they often use Alipay or WeChat Pay( )Aneednt Bmustnt C

15、shouldnt Dcant33Be confident, everyone We finish the difficult task on time without others help( )Acan Bneed Cmust Dshould34 Work hard, Tom And if you , youll succeed OK I will( )Aare Bdo Chave Dwill 35While you live in my house, I expect you the rules( )Ato follow Bfollow Cfollowing Dfollowed 36His

16、 parents dont allow him out after 9pm( ) Agoes Bgo Cto go Dgoing 37Im sorry I my exercise book at home this morningIt doesnt matterDont forget it here this afternoon( ) Aleft;to take Bforgot;bringing Cleft;to bring试卷第 4 页,总 6 页38Jack,please stop TV and do your homework在线学习更高效 外 装 订 线 内 装 订 线 Im sorr

17、y,momIll stop my homework right now( )Awatching;to do Bwatching;doingCto watch;doing Dto watch;to do 39Do you mind if I sit here? Its for my friend Cindy( )ANot at all BNo,I dont mind学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_CBetter not DThats all right 40I wont tell you the truth unless you to keep it as a secret( )Apromise

18、 Bexpect Crefuse Dfail二完形填空(共 1 小题)41A giant panda ran away from the zoo in LondonHe walked and walked and became(36) He walked into a restaurant,where he found a(37) at an emptytableThe waiter took the pandas orderAfter he (38) his dinner,the panda stood up,calmly pulled out a gunwhich he had hidde

19、n,and fired into the air(39) he turned around and walkedtoward the doorNaturally,the waiter was horrified(恐惧的),but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped himfor a(n) (40) The panda said to him,What do I look like to (41) ?The waiter answered,Well,a giant panda,of course, Thats right,said

20、 the pandaLook it upand he walked outThe waiter called the(42) When they arrived the waiter told them thewhole story(43) the pandas wordslooking it upSo the police officer (44) ayoung man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书)The young man returned with the encyclopedia The officer ( 45 ) pandaand there w

21、asthe answer,Giant panda,lives in china,eats shoots (竹笋) and leaves36AtiredBangryCcrazyDhungry试卷第 5 页,总 6 页内 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题 外 装 订 线 37AseatBnoteCwaiterDnewspaper38AorderedBfinishedCservedDcooked39ASoBOnceCThenDAlso40AtalkBexcuseCquestionDexplanation41AusBhimCyouDthem42AbossesBpoliceCneighborsDcust

22、omerst43AaboutBlikeCwithoutDincluding44AsentBtookCdroveDinvited45Aturned toBasked forClooked upDcalled on 试卷第 6 页,总 6 页2019 新初二英语暑假目标班结业测试参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共 40 小题)1Its getting colder and colder these days( )A表语 B定语 C状语 D宾语【分析】这段时间天气变的越来越凉【解答】本题考查的是形容词作表语的用法句子谓语动词 get(变得)是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,构成系表结构因此 A 符合题目要求

23、故选:A【点评】解答这个题目时,要分析好句子结构2Which of the following has the same sentence structure as I know the man with glasses ?( )AWe called the cat MimiBThe children are reading some stories CMy mother told me to work hard DMolly is teaching the kids a new song【分析】下面哪一个句子与 I know the man with glasses句子结构相同?【解答】题干

24、 I know the man with glasses句子结构:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 我认识那个戴眼镜的男子【A】句子结构:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语+复合宾语名词 Mimi 作宾补;【B句子结构:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语;【C】句子结构:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语+复合宾语,不定式 to work hard 作宾补;【D】句子结构:主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语+直接宾语宾语【B】孩子们正在看一些故事主谓宾结构 故选:B【点评】词类及句子成分对学生来说是一个难题,而且动词的种类不同决定了不同的句型特别是有的动词不能带宾语,而从词义判断在中文里能搭配宾语;有的动词能带宾语,

25、甚至带复合宾语,双宾语,需要慢慢积累,方才有语感,就能懂得简单句的五种基本句型,难点就迎刃而解3There a large bowl of jiaozi on the table( )Ais Bare Cbe【分析】桌子上有一大碗饺子【解答】该句型是 there be 句型,其结构是 There be+名词+地点状语,表示某地有某人或者某物,其中 be 的单复数由离其最近的名词的单复数决定该句中名词是 a bowlof jiaozi,且是单数,则应用 is 故选:A【点评】本题考查 there be 句型,基础题,掌握该句型结构及其用法是解题的关键, 再根据题干即可作出选择4Does your cousin live in Germany or France? He lives in Berlin( )AYes, he does BN

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