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1、五下U48复习 Unit4Review the phrases1.看医生 see the doctor2.去看牙医 go to see the dentist3.生病了 be ill4.觉得生病了 feel ill5.头疼 have a headache6.严重的牙疼 have a bad toothache7.重感冒 have a bad cold8.觉得又冷又饿 feel cold and hungry9.发高烧 have a high fever10.在家休息 have a rest at home11.吃些药 take some medicine12.喝些温水 drink some w

2、arm water13.不能吃任何东西 cant eat anything14.不应该吃太多糖 shouldnt eat too many sweets15.应该刷牙 should brush ones teeth16.睡觉前 before bedtimeRead and translate1.sit on a bench 坐在一张长凳上 chicken for his lunch 吃鸡肉作为他的午饭 Chinese food very much 非常喜欢中国的食物4.go to China in March 在三月去中国 in the hospital 在医

3、院帮忙6.My arm hunts. 我手臂受伤了。 happy to help them 高兴帮助他们8.How do you feel now?你现在感觉怎么样?9.cant hear well 不能听清楚10.cant eat or drink 不能吃和喝11.point at me 指着我12. his long neck 他的长脖子完整回答以下问题:1.Whats wrong with Su Hai? She has a fever.2.How does she feel now? She feels cold. 3.What should she do? She shoul

4、d have a rest at home. 根据课文内容填空:Mike likes eating sweets. He has a toothache now. He cant eat anything. So he goes to see the dentist .He shouldnt eat too many sweets. He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Unit4 中外文化走廊1. Liu Tao has a fever. Mums says his temperature is 39 .2.

5、But the doctor says his temperature is 102 . Why?Degree centigrade 摄氏度 Fahrenheit degree 华氏度U4应知应会1.感觉feel cold/hot/tired/ill (feel后面加形容词)划感觉,用how问 He feels tired.(划线提问)How does he feel?2.疾病前面有a/an :have a cold ,have a cough, have an earache3.应该should ,不应该shouldnt, should+动原 4.怎么了 ?Whats wrong with

6、?=Whats the matter with ? with后面用宾格5.单数tooth,复数teeth 单数foot, 复数 feet刷牙 brush ones teeth,ones随人称变化而变化Mike brushes his teeth.6.ch发音有3个 school, headache, toothache, Christmas ,发/k/ sandwich是特例要牢记Unit5一、Review the phrases1.帮助我们的父母 help our parents2.帮助他们 help them3.在周六上午 on Saturday morning4.擦车 clean the

7、 car5.打扫教室 clean the classroom6.在厨房烧早饭 cook breakfast in the kitchen7.在客厅扫地 sweep the floor in the living room8.在他的卧室睡觉sleep in his bedroom9.很忙 be very busy10.洗他们的衣服 wash their clothes11.洗盘子 wash the dishes12.铺床 make the bed13.喜欢吃水果 like eating fruit14.在她的花园里 in her garden15.又大又甜 big and sweet16.离开

8、go away二、Read and the flowers growing 看花在生长2.listen to the wind blowing 听风在吹3.grow grapes 种葡萄4.some pests on the grapes 在葡萄上的一些害虫5.some ladybirds 一些瓢虫6.What are you doing here? 你们在这里做什么?7.We are eating your grapes. 我们在吃你的葡萄。8.What are they doing now?他们现在在做什么?9.They are eating fruit

9、in the living room.他们在客厅吃水果。10.Whats Helen doing in the music room?海伦在音乐教室做什么?11.Shes singing the songs.她正在唱歌。12. Is your father cleaning the car? Yes, he is.你爸爸正在洗车吗?是的,他是。13.Are your parents watching films at home? No, they arent.你父母正在家看电影吗?不,他们不在。三、Review the storyIn the morning, Mike and Helen _

10、 _ their parents. Mike _ _.Helen _ _.In the afternoon, Mike and Helen _ _ too.Mike _ _.Helen _ _.They are good _ _.根据卡通故事对话:A: You look so happy, why?B: Because my grapes are A: Really? Thats good!B: Oh, my god! There are on the grapes. They are A: The ladybirds can help you, I think.B: No, they als

11、o like U5应知应会 表示正在做某事2.看到look,listen,now,就用现在进行时注意:(1)Its six oclock, they are having dinner.(2)Where are you? I am doing my homework in the study.(3)当have表示得了病时,没有现在进行时I have a cold now.3.动名词 doing的用法:like doinglove doingbe good at doingtime for doing go doing看到hobby就用doingUnit6一、Review t

12、he phrases1.在厨房烧晚饭 cook dinner in the kitchen2.一位伟大的厨师 a great cook3.在晚上六点钟 at six oclock in the evening4.从一场足球比赛回到家 come home from a football game5.洗一些蔬菜 wash some vegetables6.烧一些西红柿汤 cook some tomato soup7.西红柿炒蛋 tomatoes with eggs8.土豆烧肉 meat with potatoes9.寻找一些苹果汁 look for some apple juice10.找到一些面

13、包 find some bread11.早饭准备好了。 The breakfast is ready.12.肉怎么样? Hows the meat?13.土豆怎么样? How are the potatoes?14.西红柿汤怎么样? How is the tomato soup?15.喜爱喝鸡蛋汤 love drinking egg soup二、Read and quick 快点2.through our little town 穿过我们的小镇3.wear her golden crown 戴着她金色的皇冠4.put on her coat 穿上她的外套5.Peop

14、le eat with chopsticks in China . 中国人用筷子吃。6.People eat with a knife and fork in Western countries. 西方国家的人用刀和叉子吃。7.You win! 你赢了! very angry 很生气 spots 七个斑点10.catch a ladybird from the grapes 从葡萄上抓一只瓢虫11.How many spots does this ladybird have?It has ten spots.这只瓢虫有多少个斑点?它有十个斑点。 the b

15、ad ladybirds away 把坏瓢虫三、Review the story根据课文回答问题:1. Is Mum washing vegetables in the kitchen?2. Is Dad cooking noodles now?3. Is Liu Tao looking for some milk in the fridge?4. How is the meat?根据卡通故事填空:There are many p_ and l_ in Bobbys garden. Sam c_ to help Bobby.Sams g_ ladybirds d_ the bad ladybi

16、rds and pests a_. How many s_ do the good ladybirds have? Do you know?Unit6 中外文化走廊1. Chinese always eat with _.2. Western people always eat with a _ and _.U6应知应会1.现在进行时的一般疑问句:Be+主语+doing?你在做作业吗? Are you doing your homework?你妈妈在烧汤吗?Is your mother cooking soup?2.土豆烧肉 meat with potatoes西红柿炒蛋 eggs with

17、tomatoes 3.soup前面用单数西红柿汤:tomato soup蔬菜汤:vegetable soup4.potato,tomato,mango复数加es5.询问菜的味道怎么样用how:How is the meat?How are the vegetables?6.smell 后面用形容词:smell good/nice7.某人有用have,某地有用there be我有 I have 我家有 there be他们有 they have 那里有 there be8.Whats +地点问? There be 句型答Whats that+地点问? It is 答Where is 问? It

18、is 答Where are 问? They are 答Unit7一、Review the phrases1.中国节日 Chinese festivals2.春节 the Spring Festival3.在一月或二月 in January or February4.也叫它中国新年 also call it Chinese New Year5.在这个节日 at the festival6.和他们的家人团聚在一起 get together with their families7.吃饺子 eat dumplings8.端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival9.在五月或六月 in

19、May or June10.观看龙舟赛 watch dragon boat races11.在一些地方 in some places12.吃粽子 eat rice dumplings 13.中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival14.在九月或十月 in September or October15.在夜晚赏月 look at the moon at night16.吃月饼和水果 eat moon cakes and fruit17.重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival18.在十月或十一月 in October or November19.一个属于老人的节日

20、 a festival for old people20.拜访他们祖父母 visit their grandparents21.爬山 climb mountains22.吃重阳糕 eat rice cakes二、Read and translate23.sing songs to me 对我唱歌24.on the thirty-first of October 在十月31日25.dress up 装扮26.knock on peoples door 敲人们的门27.trick or treat 不招待就使坏28.a day for mothers 母亲们的一天29.on the second

21、Sunday of May 在五月的第二个星期天30.give their mothers presents 给他们的母亲礼物 about the presents for Mum 谈论给母亲的礼物32.a good idea 一个好主意33.Happy mothers Day! 母亲节快乐! favourite festival 我最爱的节日三、Review the storyThe Spring Festival is in _. People _with their families. People eat_.The Dragon Boat Festival is

22、 in _. There are _in some places. People eat_ at this festival.The Mid-Autumn Festival is in _. People _with their families. People eat_.The Double Ninth Festival is in _. People _and_. People eat_ at this festival.根据卡通故事完成填空:Today is the _ Sunday of May. Its _ Day. Bobby and Tina are t_ about the p

23、_ for Mum now.Then, Mum and Dad come home. Mum gets a _ and some _. Dad wants to get some presents too. So he asks: Is there a _ Day too? Unit7 中外文化走廊1. When is Halloween?2. Is it a festival for children?3. What do Western children do on Halloween?4. What about Christmas?U7应知应会节日,at this festiv

24、al后面有day就用on,on Childrens Day2.中国节日前加the,节日首字母要大写:the Double Ninth Festival, Halloween, Mothers Day3.in的用法: in+月份,in March(月份) in+季节,in winter, in this season(季节), in+年份, in a year in+早中晚,in the morning, 4.on的用法: on+星期几, on Sunday, on+具体某一天,on the second Sunday of May, on+具体早中晚,on Thursday evening,5

25、.favourite最喜欢的,前面用形容词性物主代词: my, your, his, her, its, our, their 我最喜爱的节日,my favourite festival 他最喜爱的水果,his favourite fruitUnit8一、Review the phrases1.我的生日 my birthday2.在5月11日 on the eleventh of May3.吃一顿大餐 have a big dinner4.吃些面条 eat some noodles5.和猫玩 play with the cat6.玩得很愉快 have a great time7.在4月8日 o

26、n the eighth of April8.在家开派对 have a party at home9.去买一个生日蛋糕 go to buy a birthday cake10.玩些游戏 play some games11.在8月1日 on the first of August12.11月20日 the twentieth of November12. 2月12日 the twelfth of February13.在一场戏剧中 in a play14.得到答案 have the answers二、Read and in the city 在城市里工作2.tal

27、l and pretty 又高又漂亮3.People in the West usually open their presents as soon as they receive them.在西方,人们通常一收到他们的礼物就打开它们。4.a hero 一名英雄5.see some numbers on the door 在门上看到一些数字6.Is this the password? 这是密码吗? easy for me 对我很容易 good at Maths 擅长数学9.the fourth number 第四个数字10.go in 进入11.start fighting

28、开始打架 away 逃跑e out from a house从一个房子里出来14.What a play!多棒的一场戏啊!三、Review the story朗读并判断句子:1.Miss Li and her students are talking about presents now.2.Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday is on the 11th of May.3.They usually have a big lunch. They eat noodles and play with Kitty the cat复述故事片段:Mikes birthd

29、ay is on the _ of _.His family always have a _ at home.They go to buy a _ _ in the morning.Then, Mikes friends come in the_. They _ the birthday cake and _ some games.根据卡通故事回答问题:1. Who is Sam in the play?2. Can Bobby work out the password? Why?3. Whats the password?4. Does Bobby win the pig?5. Who Does Bobby save?Unit8 中外文化走廊1. What do Western people do when they receive presents?2. What about Chinese people?U8应知应会1.日期的表示方法:on the 序数词 of 月份2.基数词变序数词:

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