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新步步高江苏专用版高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练十.docx

1、新步步高江苏专用版高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练十题型组合练(十)(建议用时:35分钟).单项填空1I wonder whether you can do me a favor. AGo ahead BMy pleasureCYou are welcome DNever mind2Mother used to save the change after shopping and give it to me as my weekly .Acharge BbonusCallowance Dpension3Witnesses gave statements of the accident,making

2、 the situation rather confusing.Aconsistent BcontradictoryCabsurd Dexplicit4He offered to help me the store for a while when I left to pick up my son.Akeep Brun Ccare Dmind5Tracy still finished all the tasks just as ,though she was unwilling to.Ainstructed to Bwas instructedCbeing instructed Dwas in

3、structed to6From the top of the mountain,you can see at least distance of 10 kilometers on sunny day.Aa;the Bthe;a C/;the Da;a7During the journey,my brother had nothing to read and nothing to do in his bed but sleep.Aotherwise BthereforeChowever Dsomehow8Usually math inspires fear,but Mr.Smith turns

4、 that fear into a unique kind of understanding,and, ,progress and learning.Adifferently BsurprisinglyCgenerally Damusingly9Doctor,Im very concerned about my sons height these days.Nothing serious,madam.He normally.After all,he is merely 12.Adevelops Bhas developedCis developing Dwill develop10I the

5、chance to apply for the new post.What do you think?I think you should go for it.Well all back you up.Ahave given Bam givenChave been given Dwas given11 you come across Tom,tell him I will visit him recently.AShould BWould CCould DMight12Jerry,do remember to take the medicine three times a day and st

6、ay in bed for two days. ,Doctor.I will do it as told.AGot it BThats rightCThats OK DI think so13How do you find the movie we saw just now?I itit will give me terrible dreams.Ashouldnt watchBmay not watchCshouldnt have watchedDcant have watched14On the small island,which is the entrance to New York H

7、arbor, .Athe Statue of Liberty standsBstands the Statue of LibertyCdoes the Statue of Liberty standDis the Statue of Liberty standing15This article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each one major point in contrast with the other.Amakes BmadeCmaking Dis to make.完形填空(2015泰州市高三二模)

8、A phone call reached me one cold winter day.I was 16 that my father was seriously ill.I had not seen my father since his divorce from my mom,and he had lived alone in a small trailer(拖车式活动房) in California,500 miles away from me.The real 17 between us seemed much greater.I was in no hurry to change t

9、hat,but 18 I promised to be there the next day.The whole drive down, 19 flashed through my mind.I remembered my father,the proud Marine(海军陆战队队员)He snatched off the Christmas tree all the decorations the rest of us had put up and rehung them so there was 20 the same spacing between them.But we neednt

10、 21 those military orders.I remembered16A.reminded BconfirmedCinformed Dwarned17A.difficulty BchallengeCpain Ddistance18A.somehow BthereforeCotherwise Dsomewhat19A.messages BmemoriesCthoughts Dimages20A.exactly BvaguelyCgenerally Droughly21A.admit BreciteCmaster Dobserve clearly the battles he had w

11、ith my mother.I remembered 22 to hear my father say just once,“I love you,Patty”,only to have him 23 at me,“You cant do anything right!”Standing outside his trailer,I tried to 24 my courage to face him one more time.Slowly,I took a few steps inside,my hand and my whole body shaking,too 25 to believe

12、 my eyes.Sitting on the sofa,my father looked confused and frustrated.This wasnt the angry and 26 man I had known growing up.This man was 27 and seemed broken.Part of me felt sorry for him,but another part of me was thinking this was exactly the fate he 28 .“God,what am I supposed to do now?” I wond

13、ered.But as soon as the words 29 me,a sense of sorrow 30 me,and I knew that I had to take him to my home.It was the 31 part I struggled with.The days of looking after my father turned into weeks,then months.All the pain and the conflicted feelings Id been 32 over the years came rushing out.One night

14、,I sat there,talking to God,begging him to help me let go of the ugly feelings I had toward my father.When I was finished,I felt an incredible peace,as if every 33 had been lifted from me. 34 had cleaned all that from me and I felt free to start living the joyful life God wanted me to live.It has be

15、en eight years since father died.Now when I think of him,those are the moments I remember,which are,as I put on Dads headstone,Gods amazing 35 .22A.attempting BlongingCpromising Dhesitating23A.stare BaimClaugh Dyell24A.strengthen BsupportCgather Ddistribute25A.shocked BpuzzledCworried Ddisappointed2

16、6A.selfish BsensitiveCcontrolling Dfascinating27A.fragile BawkwardCcautious Dstubborn28A.grasped BdeservedCdetermined Dexpected29A.inspired BfailedCescaped Dfollowed30A.absorbed BdefeatedCruined Dovertook31A.physical BemotionalCreligious Dmaterial32A.keeping up Blooking backCholding back Dpicking up

17、33A.interference BcrimeCdisaster Dburden34A.Forgiveness BSadnessCKindness DAwareness35A.virtue BgraceCappreciation Dconscience.阅读理解Americans think that travel is good for you.Some even think it can help with one of the countrys worst problemscrime(犯罪)Crime worries a lot of people.Every year,the numb

18、er of crimes is up and up.And many criminals are young.They often come from sad homes,with only one parent or no parents at all.There are many young criminals in prison.But prison doesnt change them.Six or seven in ten will go back to crime when they come out of prison.One man,Bob Burton,thought of

19、a new idea.In the old days,young men had to live a difficult life on the road.They learned to be strong and brave,and to help their friends in time of danger.This helped them to grow into men.So Bob started “Vision Quest”He takes young criminals on a long,long journey with horses and wagons(马车),3,00

20、0 miles through seven states.They are on the road for more than a year.The young people on Vision Quest all have had problems.Most of them have already spent time in prison.This is their last chance.Its hard work on the road.The day starts before the sun comes up.The boys and girls have to feed the

21、horses.Some of them have never loved anyone before.But they cant love their horses enough.They also begin to love their partners.That love can help them to live a new life.Not all the young people on Vision Quest will leave crime behind them.Three or four in ten will one day be in prison again.Bob B

22、urton is right.Travel can be good for you.Even today,Americans still say,“Go west,young man.”36In the last paragraph,the underlined phrase “leave crime behind them” means “ ”Ano longer do a crimeBleave people who do a crimeCdo all the crimesDleave criminals behind37Why is Bob Burton right?ABecause h

23、e can help with crime.BBecause three or four is better than six or seven.CBecause the young criminals have a hard life on the road.DBecause he can stop crime in the country.38From the passage we may infer that .Agetting up before the sun rises can help people out of crimeBlove can help young people

24、to start a new lifeCtraveling can help all criminals out of prisonDbeing strong and brave can do with crime39On “Vision Quest” Ayoung people have bad problemsByoung people grow tall very fastCyoung people often help their friends in time of dangerDyoung people can do anything freely 答案精析题型组合练(十).1.A

25、句意为:我想知道你是否能帮我一下。说吧。Go ahead干吧,说吧;My pleasure别客气,我很荣幸;You are welcome不客气;Never mind没关系。故选A。2C句意为:妈妈过去常常把购物后的零花钱存起来,把它作为我每周的生活补贴。charge费用;bonus奖金;allowance津贴,补助;pension退休金,津贴。根据语意知选C。3B句意为:目击者对事故的发生做了矛盾的说明,使得情况更加令人困惑。consistent坚持的;contradictory对立的,矛盾的;absurd荒谬的;explicit明确的。根据语意知选B。4D句意为:当我开车去接我儿子的时候,

26、他主动提出帮我照看一会商店。keep保持;run经营;care在意;mind介意,专心于,照料。根据语意知选D。5A句意为:尽管特雷西不愿意做,她还是根据所给的指示,完成了所有的工作。as instructed toas she is instructed to根据指示,句子的主语是instruct这一动作的承受者,且动作已经发生,应用过去分词短语作状语。故选A。6D句意为:在晴朗的天气里,站在这个山顶上,你至少可以看到10公里远的地方。distance距离,可数名词,表示泛指,故用不定冠词,a distance意为“一段距离”;a sunny day意为“一个晴朗的天气”,表示泛指,故用不定


28、,他现在正处于生长发育状态,故用现在进行时,选C。10C句意为:有人给了我应聘那个新岗位的机会,你怎么看?我觉得你应该去争取。我们都会支持你。“被给予机会”应该使用被动语态;现在完成时表示“到目前为止已经发生的事情”,所以答案为C。11A句意为:要是你见到Tom,请告诉他我最近要去看望他。should在此处表示“万一,要是”之意。其他三个词均无此意。12A句意为:Jerry,一定要记得每天吃三次药并且在床上休息两天。明白,医生。我会照做的。Got it明白,理解;Thats right对的;Thats OK行,好的;I think so我认为是。根据句意可知选A。13C考查情态动词。句意为:你

29、认为我们刚才看的电影怎么样?我本不应该看的它会让我做噩梦的。表示“本来不应该干而实际上却干了”用shouldnt have done。14B考查倒装句。句意为:在纽约港入口的小岛上矗立着自由女神像。表示方位的介词短语置于句首,句子要完全倒装。故选B。15C考查独立主格结构。所给动词make的逻辑主语是each,构成主动关系,因此选C。.16.Cremind提醒;confirm确信,确保;inform通知;warn提醒。根据下文“had not seen my father”说明我被通知父亲病重。故选C。17Ddifficulty困难;challenge挑战;pain痛苦;distance距离。

30、由下文可知作者与父亲关系不好,由此可知此处是说作者与父亲感情上的距离更大。故选D。18Asomehow不知怎么的;therefore因此,所以;otherwise否则;somewhat稍微,有点像。句意为:我不急于改变现状,但我不知怎么的就答应第二天到那里。故选A。19Bmessage口信,信息;memory记忆;thought想法;image影像。根据下文的remember判断应选B。20Aexactly精确地;vaguely模糊地;generally大体上;roughly粗糙地。与下文的the same对应。故选A。21Dadmit承认;recite背诵;master掌握;observe观察,遵守。根据下文的military orders判断应选D。22Battempt尝试;long渴望;promise许诺;hesitate犹豫。long to do sth.渴望做某事。故选B。23Dstare盯着;aim瞄准;laugh大笑;yell叫喊。根据空后的“You cant do anything right!”。作者渴望父亲说爱他,却只能听到父亲对他大喊。yell at对叫喊着说。故选D。24Cstrengthen加强;support支持,

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