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1、四级口语考前突击考试流程内容时间形式考生对设备进行测试5分钟考生自主完成2考生自我介绍1分钟人机对话3问答(1)45秒钟人机对话4看图回答4分钟人机对话讨论3分钟人人对话6问答(2)1分钟人机对话大学英语四级口语考试考试大纲友好往来问候,介绍,告别和告辞,祝愿和祝贺,感谢和应答,道歉和应答,提议、邀请和应答。 相互交流 开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈.态度 愿意,希望,意向,决心,责任,能力,允许,禁止,同意和不同意,否定,喜欢和不喜欢,偏爱,责怪和抱怨,判断、决定和意见。 劝说命令,劝告和建议,承诺,提醒。感情 焦虑,惊奇,兴趣,加重感情色彩。存在 存在和不存在,有和没有。空间描述

2、位置,方向,运动,距离。时间 时刻,时段,时间关系,频度,时序。发表意见和看法 询问意见和看法,发表意见和看法,对意见和看法的反应,同意,不同意,要求澄清,澄清意见和看法。 争辩 讨论,讨论观点,反驳论点,提出进一步论证,劝说和对劝说的反应。四级口语考试样题Helo, welcome toth ETSpok glish Test We wish ou bthgood luck todyNow lets bgin with slfntducion. andidatA, oul you leassart? 0 seconds Tha you。 anddae , now its or urn。 2

3、sconds Thank you。 K, now that kno ahoher, lets go on。 is, Id iketo ak eahof youa qustio。 ow ndaeA: Where do you uul havormls? ow do youe tfod here? Now Cnide A:Wich dss doyoupeer,mtor egtbes? W? Now CandideA:Do you nd te food iyour ceen expensiv? Why d ou y ?ow CnddateA: Wa sackaddink do yo uslly ha

4、e? Wy? Now Candidt: hich o preer, Cie dishe or Wesern ies?Why?Nw Canidate B: Were do you ually hve you meals? Hdo yolkethefod he? Nw Cadida B: Whcdishes o y efer,eator eales?Why? Nw andidte B: oyu fn he foo in your ctn exes? hy d you sayso? Nw Cadat :Wh snacsaddrin do ouusul hav? Why? Now Cnddae B:

5、Wic d ou refer, Chneedisesoresterndish? W? Par (10 ute) Exaner: No les move nosomehing more secific. Thetopic f orisusion oday “Food Set”. Ech of youwil see rwith instrctis your rsetation。 ol have oe mnute t peare, an ach of you ll have oeand a ha ints to giv your pseton。 Nowlokt your crd. 1minut la

6、tr Now Cdidat A,plase begin 1。miutes laerndidateB,ow ityur un RightNow thtevetalk brily outood afety, Id ike y todvlopths tpc futhr d hae a iscssin for abotfour an ahaf miteDurn theisussionyo y ague and askech ohe qeton。 Our isssion is bout hw to surefodsafety emmber, s is ar ctiviy nd you nee toint

7、eract t eacother。 So dntep talkig wthoutgivin thh achace. Nowetbeg。 45minutes latrAll rght,thtste en f he discussion. art 3 (5 minut) Exame: oId lkeo askyu usonelatuein o te tpic of“Food Safety”.h arpeope mo concee aut f aty heedays? Why dosome youg pople like junk od? Wht dytink of some pepe going

8、nadiet? hy some poplechoose to at vegeria fd only? OK,thtsthe endo he est. hank you. 关于假日 Wat doyu ally do during oidays? Andwhat you dnt dodinghoidys?Usuallywill go ut ovisit som fn spots h y parents, o ng ut with y rnds, o play sports. Whtever Ido, I try to relx myself。 Doyo thnk oidays riportat t

9、o or lives? (Aboll!ldayare lik hen wean get away fro or di grind and hve some “time out”,yuow when we chcut un spo, ha ot wit fds d sorts witho havigo onsanty worry abo tting r ok dne。 They aeut o cool)Whatre yur avorte leiur ativities? ell, yleisurctiiy iseading eectrnc nespaesviainternet。 Thrughre

10、adng thews, I cangt aess o uo-ae informatin abotmy ometow. t hasece indipensl pat f my dalylfe Ran e eecroic nwspaper isas a godwa o rlax fm work What di o doon ast weeknd? ast weknd, I et to UTS bayto repare fo ELT tet withmy fien I w efective to prcic spoke nlshwth apartnr s that he apik up grmma

11、mitksrprnunciton rm. Weals had a bg dnnr in th evnng Chia wn Do you lie oing tpar? Basically,Iam not a prty anma.pefero sa athomrather than gout forsocialiigI no omehow prtyngprvides people ith a good lafomtoocialize whhose from diffnt ocand ultal acgound。 But if th arty inimporant one,r exapl, my b

12、est frind birthday part r annual parts fromwork, Im hapy o atnd。 o ou like faly ptiesor tie trown by friends? Wel, Ido lke frin parti more thafaml partis. You know, tere a obvousgeneaion ga bte parents n chilen. Althoh we o care abt ther veymuch, sometims I anoly sharmyhapinssad srrowswih my rend. T

13、ha sbcse we ave smilar experience,n share iilr interet. In friend pares,I can eno mr eedo。 I cantawha Iwantto nI d nothav o be ovrcuios botht I bh.关于旅游Do youlik trveng? es o. Trvelling s always nic thing for me。 Treling can enab e t r rss from stuy ad work tmporariy get ridof some anoyngdaiy rutiner

14、y te fised myjoune, I was full sprtandenergy。lso,trvellisa d wayt wden my miand know m abutother ctue.Whe id o rve tin you lt trip? y test tri was to Bejg。 I as ite scnate abou theplace of itrical iteesinBeijing, l theFrbdden Cit, theumer palacand the Gt all。 Aso he fo in Beijng wasqite tasty Especi

15、aly e roatedduc, italways ms mmouhwatein。 Ho lon as the nge tripytook? Mylonestrwas to Beijnin lst yer I sayed in Beijing for two wek. Bejingi specialcty. Theere a lot o paes o storil erests, sch hfobidn cty, he ummer place,the grat all a so on Wha the advnageof travling byir?Do you hin air travel i

16、 impratto us? (It rei conveient, omrtble nd u。Sme eopr oncrned about it afty ut cordng to statitics irtreli actullysar thn car ries。) Whichcounydoyu n to go to? Wel, I am uie lookin forwrd o allng the USA。 ou know,threare m amzin travinspot n America, ch as Diny thee park nosAngele,uuro hote an asin

17、os ins Vegas, and he fmous Wl seet New Y。s log as ind a stale jo here, ill go o teUS. 关于旅游的补充句子velig not only taches y at ther cltres, it loteches yu re about ourself and yourown cuture.After all, nly fomthe utsde cn yolook ba in. Traellinghasa lsing impa o wold iew, self cnfde n urity。Ts experecewl

18、l belie-traformin Yo canimmre yorel n the ll ultr。 关于运动 Wat sort o yupay t chool? Wt doyou oto imove your itnss? usd t play footbal, dmintn, tatennis wen I as in hih sch in Chna。 n I cae hee, Ilove ming。The sort cee in h Uiersty fSydneyisqite god。It h Olympicstandrd swimmng pol。 I usuall g swming wi

19、th my fiends eca s ov. Whare our favorite sot? Myfvorteor is badmntn. It isa greatportfor alrou fitne。 Plyin bdmintn no oly givesa hugenumerof halh beneitsbt aso keeps felig ell, strog an motivted. t cn elpin coping wh anitan stresand ffes a reeae frm the ressure o rdy life. What sors ddyuplayhen ou

20、 wrehld? I usedt y foobal, bdmiondtletenn whe ws a hild Wha werete fferencbeten pos playdy bos ndpots pyd by girls? B tend to moreative tha gir。 They i playngexrem sports bca tsepors hel thtobuild up hei musce。 Gil rfr to playmre gnle potslike Yoga andaerbicsdcig。Ae thee an spts cilies nur capu? (Th

21、ere e tns of them。 Likstadm, gyms,occerfields, tennis coutn swimng pos。) Wat inds ffacities re tereinour comunity? (Wve got awid varieffalite, like park lots ,youknow, lces hee you pak yu ca, gym,clini, gadns, kds plground, conveniencestores) 关于运动的补充句子 Bminton is totlly inluv port a is oen l as nd a

22、llles f biliy。 Bdminton ia vry social sport and ub nts and mtchs alikealw cludeh opportuniesmet e peple nd catch up wth d friend. Bdmintn elpee iprov hand yescoordnati。Iis a killful and intellgentgame. Tactcs meta saminall be devlopedduring t ame关于文娱yu oen iit musem? T e hnst,Iamno tht intersted in

23、visiting mseu Bt I viit oe counre, mueum s awys the bes place tolearn itsulture andhstry In hi oint ofvie,I will love to isit uem o youthink museums ae mornt to ourlives? YesorsureMuesae one of the bet places f ep,espial for stdets, o ernhisto and cultureofthe countr。Thhelp oung peope o stabls a en

24、of ocial beongingand aional prde。he are sseed s a pe topreerveocultra relics。 Where doyoungpeoleeet nw peoletse day? ight lus nd brsmay e idalplace orthse yung pople wo enjy nighlife tmeet new peopleFothos hostuyrd,scol libary is auitable placeto makfrien,scially during gou meetings. Alo, fness roomisanohr pae that enablstho who lve spr tomeet n fried.Doyou le sopping? s,I do Going shopping s y favourie. I is a god ato elax n mae m

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