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1、成人高考真题和答案四高起点英语2012成人高考真题和答案四(高起点):英语 . Phonetics(10 Points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer

2、 by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.A. head B. horizon C. honour D. human 2.A. city B. bicycle C. face D. climb 3.A. think B. these C. breathe D. with 4.A. ground B. country C. thousand D. found 5.A. pour B. hour C. course D. four 6.A. both B. post C. cold D. son 7.A. alto

3、gether B. talk C. always D. also 8.A. suggestion B. nation C. dictation D. satisfaction 9.A. started B. closed C. waited D. needed 10.A. rare B. fare C. scare D. are .Vocabulary and Structure(40 points) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four c

4、hoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 11. _ idea of _ sounds much better than Clares. A. The, hers B. That, her C. That, hers D. One, her 12. China is famous _ the Great Wall. A. about B. for C. as D.

5、 of 13. Our school _ new facilities. A. is equipped with B. equips with C. will be equip with D. has equip with 14. I made this myself but it was _ who taught me. A. he B. him C. himself D. by him 15. He had his bicycle _ yesterday. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. be repaired 16. It was a _ ro

6、om, with beautiful wall paper, waxed floor and nice furniture. A. pleased B. pleasant C. pleasing D. preasant 17. He regretted _the decision too hastily. A. make B. to make C. making D. have maked 18. The professor insisted that we _ our homework before next month. A. handed in B. will hand in C. ha

7、nd in D. must hand in 19. It _ me of the country which we visited last summer. A. remembers B. recalls C. reminds D. tells 20. He _ smoking at last. A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave off 21. John was _ he lay down for an hour before dinner. A. so tired as B. so tired that C. too tired that D

8、. too tired so 22. Your answer is different _ the teachers. A. to B. at C. from D. with 23. It would be _ a risk to leave the baby alone. A. running B. passing C. carrying D. obeying 24. The fact _ his health is bad is not true. A. which B. that C. as D. what 25. These _ did unusually well in the co

9、ntest, so the judges didnt know whom to give prize to. A. woman singers B. women singers C. women singer D. womans singers26. Man must stop _ the earths atmosphere. A. filling B. wasting C. polluting D. blackening 27. We cant _ another 100 kilometers any more. A. have B. turn C. make D. reach 28. Is

10、 Mary _ to join in us? A. supposed B. exposed C. supported D. indicated 29. I want to be told all _. A. which happen B. which happened C. that had happened D. that had been happened 30. Weve all heard of Thomas Edison, _ who invented the electric light and many other things. A. man B. a man C. the m

11、an D. men 31. Dont tell me such things _ you are not certain. A. that B. which C. those D. as 32. _ a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes. A. In terms of B. In place of C. By means of D. By far 33. Jackson went to work _ his illness. A. beside

12、s B. even though C. in spite of D. although 34. Anybody will do, _ he is responsible for that. A. as far as B. so far as C. as long as D. as soon as 35. I suppose they have known about it, _? A. am I B. am not I C. have they D. havent they 36. It _ him ten years to write that novel. A. took B. spent

13、 C. cost D. costed 37. The students are looking forward to _ their holidays in Japan. A. spend B. spending C. for spend D. spent 38. They all _ mentioning that girl. A. avoided B. got away C. ran away D. escaped 39. Human beings should find a new _ of energy. A. orient B. source C. origin D. souse 4

14、0. The couch is comfortable to _. A. sit B. be sat C. sitted D. sit on 41. So loudly _ that all the people in the room got a fright. A. he shouted B. shout he C. did he shout D. he did shout 42. He is the only one of the sons in the family who _ received high education. A. are B. is C. have D. has 4

15、3. We think of Mr. Li _ our good friend. A. is B. to be C. as D. has been 44. The mountain is 1,000 feet _ the sea level. A. over B. higher C. above D. high 45. The road will be blocked if there _ another snow. A. is B. will be C. to be D. will have 46. David like country life and has decided to _ f

16、arming. A. get hold of B. get along with C. go in for D. go thorough 47. These children have an advantage _ those in calculation. A. over B. than C. to D. with 48. Shanghai has a larger population than _ in China. A. any city B. any other cities C. other city D. any other city 49. In some countries

17、there are a lot of young people now need _teeth. A. false B. untrue C. wrong D. erroneous 50. This book costs _ that one. A. twice more B. twice more as C. two times more as D. twice as much as. Cloze (20 points) Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below

18、 and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. _51_, medical authorities express their concern abou

19、t the effect of smoking _52_ the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non-smokers who must involuntarily inhale (吸入) the air _53_ by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers _54_. Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films _55

20、_ in laboratories _56_ there may be a fire hazard (危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good _57_. I am _58_ asking you to maintain “No-Smoking” in classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the _59_ health in mind, which is very important to a large _60_ of our students. 51.A. Still B.

21、 Further C. More D. Again 52.A. in B. to C. on D. with 53.A. polluting B. be polluted C. polluted D. to be polluted 54.A. them B. themselves C. their own D. they 55.A. and B. but C. as well as D. also 56.A. where B. which C. that D. how 57.A. feeling B. sense C. realize D. think 58.A. so B. next C.

22、therefore D. and 59.A. non-smokers B. non-smokers C. non-smokers D. non-smoker 60.A. number B. amount C. many D. much. Reading Comprehension (60 points) Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested an

23、swers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage One All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. For this was what the notice just ins

24、ide the entrance promised. It said: “Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This May Be Your Lucky Day!” For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hoping. The cupboards in kitchen were full of

25、 things which she did not need. Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say: “Madam, this is Your Lucky Day. Everything in your basket is free.” One Friday morning, after she had finished her

26、shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash-desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. “Madam,” he said, holding out his hand, “I want to congratulate y

27、ou! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!” 61. The housewives learnt about the of free goods _. A. on TV B. from the manager C. at the supermarket D. from the newspaper 62. Mrs. Edwards _. A. is always very lucky B. had no friends C. hoped to get free shopping D.

28、 gets disappointed easily 63. Mrs. Edwardss husband tried to _. A. make her unhappy B. cheer her up C. buy things with her D. stop her buying things 64. Mrs. Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had to _. A. buy another thing B. talk to the manager C. pay for her shopping D. find

29、 her shopping 65. Mrs. Edwards must have been _. A. pleased B. delighted C. proud D. disappointed Passage Two Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East. Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed by the Guinness Book of Would Records as the worlds largest underground lake.

30、 The Lost Sea is part of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns. The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation. The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain. Approximately one mile from the e

31、ntrance, in a room called “The Council Room,” many Indian artisfacts have been found. Some of the items discovered include pottery, arrowheads, weapons, and jewelry. For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not discovered until 1905. In that year, a thirteen-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening three hundred feet underground. He found himself

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