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1、大学英语二试题及答案、单选题 (题数:20,共40.0分)1Whodoyouthinkismuchmore _ tobeelectedasournewmonitor?(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、possible B、visible C、likely D、probable窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:2_ isoftenthecaseinnature,thecommonestthingsarethemostcomplicated.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、That B、It C、As D、What窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:3Dont worry. There is _ ro

2、om for all your books here.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、more B、much C、enough D、some窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:4Ihavelivedhere _ 1997.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、for B、since C、at D、in窗体底端正确答案: B我的答案:5Anewhotel_inthecenteroftownatthemoment.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、hasbeenbuilt B、isbuilt C、wasbuilt D、isbeingbuilt窗体底端正确答案: D我的答案:6Barbaratried _

3、 inthedoorbut _ worked.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、everyofherkeys;none B、allofherkeys;noteveryone C、allofherkeys;none D、herallkeys;notall窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:7Hissuccessis _ hardwork.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、because B、ledto C、dueto D、due窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:8Headmitted _ themoney.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、taken B、taking C、take D、totake窗

4、体底端正确答案: B我的答案:9_fine weather it is! (2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、What B、What a C、How D、How a窗体底端正确答案: A我的答案:10Theyrisked _ asrobbers.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、tobehung B、beinghanged C、beinghung D、tobehanged窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:11A:Afternoon,sir.Whereto?B:_.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、Pleasegetmetotheairport B、pleasepickmeupnexttime C、

5、Ivebeentotheairport D、Theplanewilltakeoffinanhour窗体底端正确答案: A我的答案:12Thebedroomneeds_.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、decorating B、todecorate C、decorate D、decorated窗体底端正确答案: A我的答案:13Thedefinitionleaves_fordisagreement.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、asmallroom B、muchroom C、greatdealroom D、notsobigaroom窗体底端正确答案: B我的答案:14AncientGree

6、ceisthe _ ofwesterncivilization.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、origin B、source C、place D、sources窗体底端正确答案: A我的答案:15He is the man _ dog bit me.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、that B、which C、who D、 whose窗体底端正确答案: D我的答案:16I_youthereisnodangeratall.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、ensure B、assure C、insure D、makesure窗体底端正确答案: D我的答案:17Wehaveourhouse_

7、everyweekbyacleaner.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、clean B、cleaned C、cleaning D、toclean窗体底端正确答案: B我的答案:18Mr.Smith_amostimportantpartinthedevelopmentofourcity.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、took B、had C、played D、made窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:19Heistheman_dogbitme.(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、that B、which C、who D、whose窗体底端正确答案: D我的答案:20Letsgotothecin

8、ema, _?(2.0分)0.0分窗体顶端 A、willwe B、dowe C、wontwe D、shallwe窗体底端正确答案: D我的答案:二、完型填空 (题数:1,共20.0分)1More and more people1to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies2people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the fa

9、st year. This is3to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people4are struggling to make5ends meet. The alarms,6can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is7that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan8but have

10、 not installed them9. The insurance companies told people10the alarms on all doors and windows.(20.0分)0.0分窗体顶端窗体底端o (1)A 、mustB 、have C 、had D 、haso (2)A 、have been asked B 、 asked C 、will ask D 、have been askingo (3)A 、due B 、caused C 、because D 、 because ofo (4)A 、which B 、 what C 、who D 、不填o (5)A

11、 、the B 、all C 、-不填 D 、thoseo (6)A 、that B 、which C 、who D 、 ito (7)A 、estimate B 、estimating C 、estimates D 、 estimatedo (8)A 、to have them installed B 、to have them installing C 、to have been installing them D 、 to install themo (9)A 、still B 、alreadyC 、 yet D 、tooo (10)A 、install B 、installed C 、

12、 installing D 、to install正确答案:(1)B(2)D(3)A(4)C(5)C(6)B(7)D(8)A(9)C(10)D我的答案:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)答案解析:三、阅读理解 (题数:2,共40.0分)1We often use gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that the gestures can be understood in different ways.It is true that a smile means the same thing in

13、 any language. So does laughter or crying . Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like he went pale and began to tremblesuggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. However, he

14、 opened his eyes wide is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese, surprise can be described in a phrase like they stretched out their tongues! “Stretching out your tongue” in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike.Even in the same cultur

15、e, people differ in their ability to understand and express feelings. Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on peoples faces. Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body

16、language than younger people do.(20.0分)0.0分窗体顶端窗体底端(1) 单选题 (4.0分)Which of the following is true according to the passage?o A、We can easily understand what peoples gestures mean.o B、Words can be better understood by older people.o C、Gestures can be understood by most people but words are not.o D、It i

17、s difficult to tell what people gestures really mean sometimes.正确答案:D我的答案:(2) 单选题 (4.0分)Peoples facial expressions may be misunderstood in different cultures because _.o A、people of different sexes may understand a gesture differentlyo B、people speaking different languages have different facial expr

18、essionso C、people of different ages may have different interpretationso D、people from different cultures have different meanings about some facial expressions正确答案:D我的答案:(3) 单选题 (4.0分)From the passage, we can conclude that _.o A、gestures can be used to express feelingso B、gestures can be more effecti

19、vely used than words to express feelingso C、words are often more difficult to understand than gestureso D、gestures are used as frequently as words to express feelings正确答案:A我的答案:(4) 单选题 (4.0分)In the same culture, people _.o A、hardly ever fail to understand each others ideas and feelingso B、are equall

20、y intelligent even if they have different backgroundso C、almost all have the same understanding of the same thingo D、may have different abilities to understand and express feelings正确答案:D我的答案:(5) 单选题 (4.0分)The best title for this passage can be _.o A、Gestures o B、Feelingso C、Gestures and Feelings o D

21、、Culture and Understanding正确答案:C我的答案:答案解析:2Who will stage the games?Preparing for the Olympics Games is a huge undertaking. Just like the athletes, the host city spends years getting ready for the event. Before deciding which city will host the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC

22、) has to examine bids from all over the world. Bidding for the games begins about ten years in advance. Without preparing a very strong bid1, a city will not win the competition to host the games. Beijing was chosen for the 2008 games from five bidders Osaka, Paris, Toronto and Istanbul.2Why does it

23、 take so long to prepare?Building the infrastructure costs huge amounts of money. Holding the World Cup in 2002 in Japan and South Korea , for example, meant that ten new stadiums had to be built, as well as many hotels and an improved transport system. In Beijing, after winning the bid the governme

24、nt began major construction projects the extension of the underground, the improvement of the airport and the building of new motorways3. Each host city must also build an Olympic village for the athletes. By planting trees and creating parks, the city becomes more attractive for tourists.Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games?Hosting the games has a major effec

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