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1、代理申请书格式英文完整版代理申请书格式英文代理申请书格式英文第一篇:代理申请书上海影格电子科技有限公司地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室 电话:021-5169-7209 传真: 5169-7209拔分机2 网址:代理申请书authorized dealer appliation产品名称)?esno授权签署upon the terms and onditions hereinafter ontained.a现根据以下条件和条款委任b作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品. 跟着写一些相关的权利和义务under, or require an authorizatio

2、n, onsent, approval,exemption or other ation b or notie to an ourt or other governmental bod or an other person under an of the terms, onditions or provisions of an ontrat or other agreement or to hih suh part is bound.双方在此声明并保证,本协议的签署与交付、本协议项下交易的完成、遵守本协议的任何规定,不会与任何法庭或者其他政府机构给予或者接受的授权、同意、许可、免除或者其他行为

3、,或者在任何合同或者其他协议的条款、条件或者规定下约束该方的其他人员、发生冲突、违反、或者构成违约ears after the exeution hereof该协议在签订后的两年内有效。either part shall have the right to terminate this agreement as of right and ithout judiial reourse, upon giving notie to the other part, under an of the folloingirumstanes:在任何一种情况下,任何一方均有权不经司法程序通知另一方解除本协议:你

4、可以在这个地方添加一些合乎双方利益的情况,因公司性质不一样,情况也不一样,所以我不列举了7. non-assignment7. 不可转让neither part shall have the right to assign the benefit of this agreement as an exhange student. i hope to appl for the russesu sholarship.firstl, i ould like to make a brief introdution of m stud of japan and the japanese language.

5、speak of m major, ou ma be surprised beause i major in interpreting beteen hinese and korean. ou ma onder h i learned japanese all b mself for that as absolutel not eas ork. that is beause i as totall attrated b japanese ulture and soiet,espeiall their eating habits hih reflets isdom and attitudes t

6、oards life. through the nhk doumentar , i got to feel ver proud of japan ,for the reason that after the seond orld ar, japanese peoples dream as shattered, but their isdom ,diligene, sense of responsibilit and innovation helped them to rebuilt the eonom ,the soiet and then the hole ountr. so i spare

7、d no efforts learning japanese b mself. until no , i have learned japanese for almost three ears andhave passed jlpt n1.seondl i ould like to dra a plan of stud at ritsumeikan universit. although i sta in japan for onl four months, i hope that this period ill be the best memor in m life and it an be

8、 a plus hen i hunt for a job in 201X. as i have learned some ourses about eonomis and marketing before, i ill tr to onnet the knoledge mastered to the ourses at ritsumeikan universit, tring to learn more about the histor of japanese eonom development.and their modern marketing strateg. at the same t

9、ime , i ill make more muniations ith our professors ithout fear or embarrassment. after shool ,i ill take part in some lub ativities hih is a good hane to get to kno more japanese friends.thirdl i intend to introdue m plan after pletion of the exhange program. i have applied for a position in hr dep

10、artment in ali-baba,hih is a famous hinese b2b eletroni platform through an internship program. i think it ill be a great stage for me to turn the knoledge learned at ritsumeikan universit into pratie. after that i ma start to hunt for a job in japanese panies in hina hih an offer me more hanes to g

11、o beteen hina and japan.finall i ould like to make an explanation that h i tr to appl for the sholarship. last semester i got to kno a friend majoring in interpreting beteen hinese and japanese. she lent me a book on japanese marketing strateg hih ould onl be bought in japan. reading the book is jus

12、t like listening to a leture b a japanese professor hih is so fantasti. and i have planned to bu a lot of books in japan refleting japanese soiet, poli and ulture hih means that i ill have the great honor to be panied b a professor talking to me even hen i go bak to hina. besides , as hinese saing g

13、oes reading a lot of books and go traveling a lot makes a person ise. so i hope to go outside, tring to find out more hih an not be learned through books in hen i melt mself in different ities and different groups ,an it iden m horizons. i ish that hen i go bak to hina , i ill be able t

14、o talk about japan from various prospets through m ons as a hinese ollege student born after90.signature: zhao ruoudate: 201X.03.17第四篇:英文申请书申 请 书尊敬的领导:您好!第62期凯恩英语基础晚班于5月31日已授课复习完毕,应学员要求,现申请于6月4日晚外出组织活动,请审批!谢谢!申请人:苏晓佩申请日期:201X年6月3日学员签名:第五篇:英文申请书英文申请书the ase for support is a self-ontained desription o

15、f the proposed researh and ontains to parts: previous trak reord, and proposed researh and its the previous trak reord ou should provide a summar of the results and onlusions of reent ork in the tehnologialsientifi area overed b our researh proposal. please also outline the speifi expertis

16、e of the appliants in this subjet area, and the expertise available at the uk and hina host the proposed researh and its ontext setion ou should inlude information on the bakground, programme and methodolog, relevane to benefiiaries, and dissemination. in partiular ou should:? intro

17、due the topi of researh and explain its XXdemi and industrialontext, demonstrating ho it relates to leading researh in the uk, in hina and orldide;? identif the overall aims of the projet and the individual measurableobjetives against hih ou ould ish the oute of the ork to beassessed;? detail the me

18、thodolog to be used in pursuit of the researh, and justif this hoie; explain h the proposed projet is of suffiient timeliness and novelt to arrant onsideration for funding; desribe the programme of ork, indiating the researh to be undertaken,and the milestones that ill be used to measure its progres

19、s. ou should desribe the roles of eah member of the researh teams in the uk andhina;? detail ho the proposed projet ill be managed aross the to ountries,ith partiular demonstration of the added benefits to eah part due to the ollaboration;? identif the potential impats of the projet and sho ho ill b

20、e the likel benefiiaries of the proposed researh; indiate the proposed dissemination and tehnolog transfer routes that illbe used, and explain ho the transfer of knoledge ill take plae tobenefiiaries and the general publi.? identif hat mehanisms ill be in plae to identif, protet and eventuallexploit

21、 an exploitable results hih ma arise from the researh for named researhers, visiting researhers and researher o-investigators, and letters of support from an projet partners .for more information on doumentation please refer to the epsr ebsite, at .向你更多附送:代理社保业务合作协议书代理社保业务合作协议书第一篇:代理业务转让协议书代理业务转让协议书

22、甲方(转让人):乙方(受让人):甲、乙双方为妥善解决业务代理问题,经友好协商,依法达成如下业务转让协议,以资信守:一、甲、乙双方一致同意,甲方将对中国移动的打理业务全部转让给乙方行使,乙方按照本协议直接向中国移动。二、陈述、保证和承诺:1、甲方承诺并保证:(1) 其依法设立并有效存续,有权实施本协议项下的代理业务转让并能够独立承担民事责任;(2)其转让的代理业务是合法、有效的。2、乙方承诺并保证:(1) 其依法设立并有效存续,有权受让本协议项下的代理业务并能独立承担民事责任;(2)其受让本协议项下的代理业务已经获得其内部相关权力机构的授权或批准。三、本协议生效后,乙方不得再向甲方主张代理业务。

23、四、如本协议无效或被撤销,则甲方仍继续按原合同及其他法律文件履行义务。五、各方同意,如果一方违反其在本协议中所作的陈述、保证、承诺或任何其他义务,致使其他方遭受或发生损害、损失、索赔等责任,违约方须向另一方做出全面赔偿。六、本协议经甲、乙双方加盖公章并由双方法定代表人或由法定代表人授权的代理人签字后生效。七、本协议未尽事宜,遵照国家有关法律、法规和规章办理。八、本协议一式三份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具同等法律效力甲方(公章): 法定代表人(签字):(或授权代理人)乙方(公章): 法定代表人(签字):(或授权代理人) 签订年 月 日第二篇:业务代理协议书协 议 书甲方(委托方):北京金鼎美玉投资管


25、为,甲方有权追究乙方一切责任,且因此造成受资方的经济损失甲方不负任何责任。七、未尽事宜,甲乙双方另行商定。八、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章后生效。甲方:北京金鼎美玉投资管理乙方:有限公司代表签字:代表签字:二零一三年月日第三篇:合作代理协议书合作代理协议书甲方:中国移动通信市场营销经理周 远 波乙方:中国移动电话卡销售代理员_为搞好中国移动电话卡销售代理工作,确保甲、乙双方的合法权益,现经双方同意,签订以下协议,希共同遵守。1. 甲方须乙方提供移动电话卡,并按人民币四十八元(¥48.00元)的价格提供给乙方。甲方无偿提供发票及相关资料给乙方,(相关资料不包括张贴的a4的资料

26、,a4的资料只提供母本)。3. 甲方应实时向乙方通知中国移动最新动态,确保乙方最大限度减少损失。4. 甲方为乙方提供相关的业务支持,如乙方有违约行为,甲方有权按协议条款及相关规定进行处理。5. 乙方必须按相关规定付清甲方货款,。6. 乙方给每张电话卡定价时不得低于甲方给乙方电话卡的批发价格。7. 乙方签订本协议时,须向甲方提供本人及担保人的身份证及学生证复印件各一份。8. 乙方未在每年3月、9月中旬向甲方提供最新个人资料的,视为自动放弃代理资格。9. 失去代理资格的乙方必须与甲方处理好相关事宜,否则甲方有权依法追究乙方责任。10. 甲方每月对乙方工作进行考核,对工作突出者给予一定的物质奖励.1

27、1. 乙方完整保护好销售发票,在交付货款时一并将交予甲方查验、存档。1乙方每月须完成五张移动电话卡德销售任务。13. 其他未尽事宜按相关规定执行。14. 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各持一份,本协议自甲、乙双方签字之日起生效,有效期至_年_月_日零时起自动失效。甲方:中国移动通信市场营销经理乙方:中国移动电话卡销售代理员签名:签名:20_年_月_日考核、销售奖励措施1. 超额完成1张电话卡的销售,每张返还人民币1.00元; 超额完成10张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币15.00元。 3. 超额完成20张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币25.00元。 4. 超额完成30张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币45

28、.00元。 5. 超额完成40张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币55.00元。 6. 超额完成50张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币65.00元。 7. 超额完成60张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币75.00元。 8. 超额完成70张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币85.00元。 9. 超额完成80张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币95.00元。 10.超额完成90张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币105.00元。 11.超额完成100张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币115.00元。 1超额完成150张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币155.00元。 13.超额完成200张电话卡的销售,奖励返还人民币205.00元。14

29、.本考核、销售奖励措施每次只享受一个奖励档次,不重复享受,扣除享受相应奖励档次销售量后,剩余部分按每张返还人民币1.00元计算。第四篇:招标代理合作协议书招标代理合作协议书甲方(发包人):(以下简称甲方) 乙方(承包人):(以下简称乙方)甲、乙双方本着自愿、平等、诚实信用、协商一致的原则,签订本协议。一、 合作事项乙方接受甲方授权,凭借甲方具有的招标代理资质,承揽招标代理项目。二、 承包期限本合同的承包期限为 201X年X月X日至 201X年X月X日。乙方在承包期限内若乙方能严格履行该协议,且经营状况良好,则本协议承包期限到期时,乙方有意向继续合作,在告知甲方同意后可以续签合作协议书。三、 承

30、包区域范围业务承揽范围仅限漳浦及下属区县内的招标代理业务。四、 承揽业务报酬1、合作项目所有招标收入,包括标书费、招标代理服务费(包括招标代理服务费、工程量清单及招标控制价编制费用)等,统一由甲方收取并入帐。并由甲方统一向客户开具服务业专用发票。甲方应按所承接招标代理业务薪酬总额的向乙方支付承接业务报酬,税费由乙方承担。2、报酬支付甲方项目收费到账后5个工作日内向乙方一次性支付应得款项(乙方凭相关票据予以报销领取)。五、 甲方责任1、按照国家相关法律法规规定,对乙方承揽项目招标代理过程中的各个环节予以全面监督、指导和控制。2、按照国家和当地监管部门的要求,对项目招标过程相关文件进行签署和盖章。

31、3、为保证招标工作的顺利开展,甲方自行组成项目组,统一以甲方名义对外开展工作。4、甲方负责承担标书和图纸印制费、评标费、各项会议会务费及差旅费等。六、乙方责任1、乙方利用自身资源,凭借甲方具有的各项招标代理资质,与建设单位承揽招标代理项目,配合签订项目委托招标代理合同。2、乙方负责协调与建设单位和当地招标投标管理部门的关系,办理相关手续,及时处理和解决项目招标过程中出现的问题,确保合法地在当地承揽业务。3、乙方应严格遵守当地制定的招标业务操作规范。4、乙方负责协助处理和解决其承揽项目招标过程中出现的投诉。5、乙方负责承担其承揽项目开发费用、公关费、业务招待费等。6、 乙方负责收取招标代理服务费(包括招标代理服务费、工程量清单及招标控制价编制的费用)到甲方指定帐户。七、其他约定1、本协议自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,至本项目招标代理工作结束并双方分成结算完毕时终止。2、本协议一式肆份,甲乙双方各执两份。3、其他未尽事宜,将由甲乙双方友好协商解决甲 方:厦门住总建设工程监理有限公司乙 方:签 字:签 字:年月日年日月第五篇:销售代理合作协议书全程策划及销售代理合作协议书委托方受托方

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