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1、停车场应急预案停车场应急预案北京市运输管理局关于印发 北京市公共停车场突发事件应急预案(试行)的通知 各区县市政管理委员会,西客站、亦庄开发区管理委员会,各城近郊区管理处,专业停车场经营企业: 为加强本市公共停车场管理,建立应对公共停车场突发事件防范、指挥、处置体制和机制,完善本市公共停车场突发事件处置保障体系,提高本市公共停车场应急管理和处置能力,现将北京市公共停车场突发事件应急预案(试行)印发你们,请认真遵照执行。 二八年二月十八日 北京市公共停车场突发事件应急预案(试行) 第一章 总 则 一、编制依据 依据北京市道路运输管理条例、北京市人民政府突发公共事件总体应急预案、北京市机动车公共停

2、车场管理办法、中25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure p

3、enetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temp

4、erature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the mai

5、n structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding m

6、aterials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Vis

7、ual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately afte

8、r the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 华人民共和国公路管理条例实施细则、城市道路、桥梁、隧道的抢险、抢修管理办法、北京市机动车经营性停车场经营服务规范(试行)和有关法律、法规、文件,制定本预案。 二、

9、编制目的 针对本市公共停车场突发公共事件的现状和特点,通过编制预案,应达到以下目的: 整合本市现有停车场突发公共事件组织管理机构和信息等资源,建立应对停车场突发公共事件防范、指挥、处置体制和机制; 规范本市停车场突发公共事件的启动程序,明确各级停车管理部门、其他行政管理部门和停车企业的职责; 整合本市现有停车场突发公共事件紧急处置资源,建立分工明确、责任到人、优势互补、常备不懈的停车场突发公共事件处置保障体系;提升本市公共停车场应急管理和处置能力。 三、编制原则 坚持以人为本的原则。维护广大人民群众的根本利益,保护人民生命财产安全,充分依靠群众,积极预防和最大限度地减少停车场突发公共事件对人民

10、群众的危害。 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure pe

11、netration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low tempe

12、rature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main

13、 structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding ma

14、terials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visu

15、al inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after

16、 the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 坚持预防为主的原则。把应对停车场突发公共事件管理的各项工作落实在日常管理之中,加强基础工作,完善网络建设,做好预案演练,提高防范意识,将预防与应急处置有机结合起来,

17、有效控制危机,力争实现早发现、早报告、早控制、早解决,将停车场突发公共事件造成的损失减少到最低程度。 坚持资源整合的原则。按照资源整合和降低成本的要求,实现组织、资源、信息的有机整合,充分利用现有资源,进一步理顺体制、机制,努力实现市区停车管理部门、各部门之间的协调联动。 坚持属地为主的原则。实行属地管理,建立市区两级突发公共事件应急指挥机构,形成分级负责、分类指挥、综合协调的市、区两级停车场突发公共事件处置体系。 四、适用范围 本预案适用于本市占道停车场、立交桥下停车场、路外停车场、公共配建停车场等公共停车场内,因停电、火灾、爆炸、地震、洪涝等情况引发突发事件时的预防、先期处置和善后工作。

18、五、事件等级 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure pe

19、netration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low tempe

20、rature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main

21、 structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding ma

22、terials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visu

23、al inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after

24、 the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 根据公共停车场突发事件可能造成的危害程度、波及范围、影响力大小、人员及财产损失等情况,由低到高划分为以下三个事件等级: 一般公共停车场突发事件(III级):指事态比

25、较简单,影响范围较小,造成公共停车场部分业务不能正常运营,只需停车场经营企业或区县停车管理部门的力量能够处置的一般类事件。 紧急公共停车场突发事件(II级):指事态较为复杂,影响程度较大,造成公共停车场全部业务无法正常运营,需要区县停车管理部门和相关单位力量进行联合处置的紧急类事件。 重大公共停车场突发事件(I级):指事态非常复杂,发生重大公共停车场突发事件,且事态有扩大的趋势。造成人员死亡或重大财产损失,可能影响到停车场周边正常秩序的事件或自然灾害;需要市级停车管理部门统一协调,调度各方面的力量和资源进行联合处置的重大类事件。 第二章 组织机构与职责 一、市公共停车场应急处置指挥小组 25C

26、r-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Low temperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration

27、and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature ste

28、el welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure

29、, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to

30、 confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspect

31、ion, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately after the remov

32、al of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should 市公共停车场应急处置指挥小组由市运输管理局停车处、各城近郊区管理处,各区县市政管委、相关公共停车场经营企业主管负责人及相关部门组成,下设办公室。 市公共停车场应急处置指挥小组成员 组 长:市运输局主管副局长; 副组长:各区县市政管委主管副主任,市运输局各城近郊区管理处主管处长; 成员单位:市运输局停车设施管理处; 市运输局各城近郊区管理处; 各区县市政管委停车管理部门; 相关公共停车场经营企业应急分队。 指挥小组下设办公室:市运输局停车处处长任主任,办公室设在市运输局停车处。电话:83979728;83560833(节假日或夜间) 二、市公共停车场应急处置指挥小组的职责 负责本市公共停车场应急处置抢险组织协调工作。研究确定本市停车行业应急处置抢险工作重大决策和指导意见,部署和总结年度25Cr-13Ni

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