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1、考研作文分类词汇一、媒体类Anchor 主持人Audience 观众,受众Comment 评论Celebrity 名人Chief editor 主编Circulation 发行量Classified advertisement 分类广告Columnist 专栏作家Commercial 商业广告Coverage 新闻报道Editorial 社论Electronic media 电子媒介Exclusive news 独家新闻Feature 特写,专题报道Invade ones privacy 侵扰了-隐私Information era 信息时代Information explosion 信息爆炸J

2、ournalism 新闻业Journal 期刊Keep one informed about something 使人们了解-Live broadcast 直播Mass media 大众媒体Misleading 误导性的News agency新闻社Newsstand 报摊Newsworthy 值得报道的Popularity 知名度,声望Prevalent 普遍的,流行的Sensational 轰动的二、文化类Achievements of art 艺术成就Artistic standards 艺术标准Artistic taste 文化鉴赏力Artistic of culture 文化摇篮Cro

3、ss-cultural communication 跨文化交流 Culture different 文化差异Culture diversity 文化多元化Culture insights 文化视角Culture needs 文化需求Culture traditions 文化传统Cultural treasures 文化宝藏Human civilization 人类文明Mainstream culture 主流文化Culture relics 文化遗产Spiritual civilization 精神文明三、教育和学校生活类Academician 学者Academy 学会 ,院校Academic

4、 学院的,学术的Academic performance 学习成绩Academic atmosphere 学习氛围Adult education 成人教育Affect school achievements 影响学习成绩Alma mater 母校Broaden ones outlook 开阔了眼界Lecture hall 阶梯教室Optional course 选修课Practical Skills 使用技能Prestigious school 名校Quality-oriented education 素质教育Reduce study load 学生减负Register day 注册日Scho

5、larship 奖学金Self-discipline 自我约束Specialty 专业Stimulate ones interest 激发兴趣Tap ones potential 开发潜能Teaching facilities 教学设施Thesis 论文Trade school 职业学校Tuition fees 学费四、医疗健康类Acute disease 急性病Addiction 成瘾Alcoholism 酗酒Allergic 过敏的Anti-epidemic measures 防疫措施Biological clock 生物钟Blood bank 血库Blood type 血型Cancer

6、癌症Chronic disease 慢性病Communicable disease 传染病Contagious 传染的Cross infection 交叉感染Curative effect 疗效Death toll 死亡人数Epidemic situation 疫情Family planning 计划生育General medical knowledge 医药常识Health check- up 健康体检Health concern 健康问题Hormone 荷尔蒙Infect 感染,传染Infectious 感染的Immune 有免疫力的Junk food 垃圾食品Malnutrition 营

7、养不良Mentally unhealthy 精神不健全的Mode of infection 传染方法Occupational disease 职业病Public health 公共卫生Prescription 处方Side effect 副作用Source of infection 感染源Surgery 手术Symptom 症状Therapy 疗法五、人类永恒话题Accomplish 实现,完成Accomplishment 完成,成就Achieve 完成,实现Achievement 成就Acquire 取得,获得Advance 提高Attainment 成就Bear full responsi

8、bility for 承担全部责任Blunder 犯错误 错误Coach 教练,训练,指导Conquer 攻克 征服Defeat 击败,战胜,失败,击败Draw a lesson 吸取教训Fail 失败Failure 失败Fault 错误,过失Fruit 成果Reverse the trend 扭转局面Setback 挫折Shift the blame onto 推卸责任Surmount 战胜解决Triumph 胜利Victory 胜利1. 情感 、Admire 欣赏,赞赏Affection 喜爱,情谊Affectionate 亲切,亲热的Antipathy憎恶Anxiety 焦虑Apprec

9、iate 感激Attached to 依恋Cherish 珍惜Composed 沉着的Convey 抒发Despise 鄙视Disappointed dismayed dispirited 懊丧Disturbed 不安Distracted 心神不安的Enthusiasm 激情Endure 忍受Envious嫉妒的,羡慕的esteem 尊敬,敬重express 表达,抒发感情favorable impression 好感grieved 伤心的,痛心的immortal theme 不朽的主题impatient 焦躁的indifferent 冷漠的,漠不关心的indulge 沉溺于,纵容inspir

10、e 激励mature love 成熟的爱情mood 情绪passion 激情 ,酷爱peaceful 恬静的, 平静的respect 尊敬restrain 克制sentiment 情感,观点spoil 溺爱stir 使激动 strained 紧张的stimulate 激励suppress 抑制sympathy 同情tense 紧张tolerate 忍受touch 使感动、treasure 珍爱uncertain 不安zeal 热心,热情2. 愿望和祝福Ambition 抱负野心Aspiration 志向抱负Association with 与-有关Circumstantial factors

11、环境因素Contribute to 有助于Demand 需要要求Desire 渴望愿望欲望Despair 绝望Determination 决心Formula 原则 公式Good education 良好的教育背景Good income 丰厚的收入Great expectation 厚望Greedy 贪心Hopeful 有望的Hopeless 无望的Increase sbs happiness levels 增加某人的幸福感Intentionally 故意地 有意地Intentional activity 有意识的行为Long-cherished wish(desire) 夙愿A matter

12、for individuals 因人而异Optimistic 乐观的Original intention 初衷Overall circumstances of our lives 生活总体境况Personality 个性Pleasant 令人愉快的Positive 正面的Pursue 追求Pursuit 追求名词、Satisfy 满足Source of happiness 幸福来源Thirsty for 渴望Vanish like a bubble 化作泡影Variety 多样化Wealth 财富Yearn for 渴望3. 休养品行Agreeable 令人愉快的Adaptable 有适应能力

13、的Behavior 行为,举止Bravery 勇敢Civilized 文明的Concentrated 专注的Confident 自信的Considerate 体贴的Courteous 彬彬有礼的Curious 充满好奇的Determined 坚决的Devoted 忠实的 虔诚的Diligent 勤奋的Elegant 优雅的Fairness 公平 Flexible 灵活的Forgiveness 原谅Generous 慷慨大方的Honesty 诚实Human contact人际交往Impartial 公平的Insult 侮辱Intelligent 聪明的 有才智的Loyal 忠诚的Manner 举

14、止态度Modesty 谦虚Offend 冒犯Politeness 礼貌Prevailing custom 风尚 Punctual 准时的Responsible 承担责任,有责任感的Straightforward 正直坦率的Studious 好学的Thankful 感激的Thoughtful 体贴的 关心的Trustworthy 可信赖的可依靠的六、关注弱势群体Anti- poverty program 脱贫计划Backwardness 落后Better off 富裕起来Best cure for 良方Birthrate 出生率Death rate死亡率Open coastal areas 沿海

15、开放地区Eat away蚕食Investment on education 教育投入Employ 运用 使用 雇佣 Expansion of the gap between the poor and the rich 贫富分化的扩大Farmland erosion farmland losses 耕地流失Give priority to 优先考虑Policy 政策Imbalance 不平衡Attract foreign investment 吸引外资Inequality in educational opportunity 教育机会不平等The jobless 失业者Laid-off work

16、ers 下岗工人Landless farmers 无地农民Legal protection 法律保护Living standard 生活水平Long-term policy 长远政策Market economy 市场经济Matter of extreme urgent 当务之急Medical progress 医疗进步Minimal wages 最低工资Narrow 缩小Per capital income 人均收入Perfect 完善完美的Pensioner 退休人员 领取养老金的人Planned economy 计划经济Poverty 贫困贫穷Private enterprise 私营企业

17、Population aging 人口老龄化Productivity 生产力Profound social and economic consequences 深远的社会和经济影响Re-employment 再就业Reform 改革Social stability 社会稳定Social security fund 社保基金Social security system 社会保障体系Struggle against poverty 挣扎在贫困线上Be subjected to a tough test受到严峻的考验Transition economy 转型经济 Trend 趋势Unemployme

18、nt 失业Underdeveloped region 不发达地区Urban paupers 城市贫民七、城市话题Complicated human-relationship 人际关系复杂Commuter 乘公交车上下班的人Convenient 方便Conversion of land from rural to urban uses 农村耕地转化为城市用地Crime 犯罪Facilitate 提供便利High concentration of people 人口高度集中High-paced节奏快Housing problem住房问题High pressure 压力大Interpersonal

19、relationship 人际关系Low- income household 低收入家庭Metropolis 大城市Modern 现代Parking place 停车场Public concern 公众关注Public infrastructure 公用基础设施Skyscraper 摩天大楼Shopping centre 商业区Speed limit 速度限制Suburb 郊区Traffic jam 交通拥挤Traffic light 交通指示灯Traffic police 交通警察Traffic regulation 交通规则Transportation 交通Urban developmen

20、t 城市发展Urban expansion 城市扩展Urban living 城市生活Urban problem 城市问题Urban resident 城市居民Urbanization 城市化八、人类环境Acid rain 酸雨Atmosphere 大气 气体Animal rights 动物权利Balance 平衡Biodegradable 生物可降解的Biodiversity 生物多样性Biosphere 生物圈Catastrophe 大灾难Chop down fall 砍伐Contaminate 污染Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Climate 气候Creature生物Destru

21、ction 破坏Die out 灭绝Disposal 清除处理Dry up 干涸 枯竭Disaster 灾难Drinking water 饮用水Marine life 海洋生物Natural gas 天然气Oxygen 氧气Ozone layer 臭氧层Pollute 污染Pollution污染Power station 发电站Rainforest 雨林、Renewable 可再生的Recycle 回收Reusable 可在用的Sea level 海平面Solar energy 太阳能Sustainable development 可持续发展Toxic waste 有毒废物Unleaded p

22、etrol 无铅汽油Urbanization 城市化Waste separation 废物分类Wind energy 风能环保话题类white pollute 白色污染sustainable development 可持续发展ecosystem 生态系统environmental pollution 环境污染over-fishing (overgrazing) 过度捕捞 (过度放牧)sand storm 沙尘暴resource exhaustion 资源枯竭water and soil conservation 水土保持soil erosion 土壤流失clear-cutting (defor

23、estation) 滥砍滥伐desertification 沙漠化conserve natural resources 保护自然资源shortage of fresh water 淡水短缺disruption of ecological balance 生态失衡natural preservation zone 自然保护区教育话题类the craze for graduate school 考研热surf the internet 网上冲浪cyberspace 网络空间inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才assignment of graduates 毕业生分配net

24、 friend 网友examination-oriented education 应试教育teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教quality-oriented education 素质教育compulsory education 义务教育internet bar 网吧adult (continuing) education 成人教育distance education 远程教育campus culture校园文化two-way selection 双向选择work-study program 勤工俭学double degree 双学位n

25、on-resident student 走读生resident student 寄宿生extracurricular activities 课外活动self-taught examination 自学考试become well-educated through self-study 自学成才to reduce study load 学生减负web-addiction 沉湎于上网社会热点类Project Hope 希望工程information revolution 信息革命jerry-built projects 豆腐渣工程population explosion 人口爆炸epidemic d

26、isease 传染病dropout students 失学儿童laid-off worker 下岗工人reemployment project 再就业工程clone technology 克隆技术migrate laborer 民工crack down on counterfeit goods / fake products 打假devalue 贬值expand domestic demand 扩大内需state-owned enterprise 国有企业deflation 通货紧缩inflation通货膨胀rechargeable card 冲值卡Smooth Traffic Project

27、 畅通工程anti-fake label 防伪标志poverty alleviation 扶贫infrastructure construction 基础设施vicious circle 恶性循环gender discrimination 性别歧视psychological quality心理素质pattern of consumption 消费结构consumers association消费者协会green food绿色食品money worship 拜金主意Olympic committee 奥委会host city 举办城市bid for Olympic 申办奥运会经济文化类regio

28、nal protectionism 地方保护主义tax evasion 偷税漏税purchasing power 购买力cybereconomy 网络经济personal income tax 个人所得税risk investment 风险投资after sale service 售后服务stock exchange 股票交易booming/thriving/prosperity繁荣decline / recession / depression 萎缩/衰退/萧条科技发展类broadband networks 宽带网multimedia 多媒体hacker 黑客e-business 电子商务p

29、irated software 盗版软件pseudo-science / superstition 迷信computer virus电脑病毒on-line shopping 网上购物get / surf on-line 上网test-tube baby 试管婴儿Orbital Station 空间站提高英语写作分数的88个词组 1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of peoples living standard3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention8.不可否认 It is undeniable that/

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