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Welcome to NATURAL EXTRACT AREA at CPhI China.docx

1、Welcome to NATURAL EXTRACT AREA at CPhI ChinaWelcome to NATURAL EXTRACT AREA at CPhI China 2008All while science and technology progresses quickly and there is a trend of returning to nature. People increasingly understand and make use of the benefits that natural extracts are bringing to their life

2、. Natural extracts are increasingly used for pharmaceuticals, food, non-toxic cosmetics, and many more products. The NATURAL EXTRACT AREA at CPhI China 2008 offers you un unprecedented opportunity to see what is available in and for Asia!The world renowned CPhI China going into its 7th edition: The

3、has been meeting point for thousands of exhibitors and visitors in the past 6 years, both sides recognizing CPhI China as one of the worlds most important trade events for the pharmaceutical industry.Now hosting over 1500 exhibitors in 6 exhibition halls, CPhI is offering specialized pavilions and e

4、xhibition areas to facilitate visitors orientation. The Natural Extract Area will be launched from the 2008 edition its distinctive profile, design, signage and location will enable visitors and exhibitors to meet in a surrounding specially created for them. The Natural Extract Area is a tailor made

5、 section to enhance your business and strengthen your networks!The company and products profiles over 100 confirmed exhibitors in the Natural Extract Area are provided in this Show Preview, as well as the relevant information regarding this brand new specialized section.More information, regular upd

6、ates and online registration forms can be found at www.cphi-. Looking forward to seeing you next June in Shanghai and wish you a rewarding journey at CPhI China 2008.CPhI China Team欢迎您的到来第八届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI China)天然提取专区随着科学技术的不断发展进步以及人类对回归大自然的崇尚,人们越来越多地认识到天然提取产品对健康的益处,许多天然提取物可以开发成优良的药品、有特色的健康食品、无毒害的化妆

7、品.天然提取物所涉及的领域越发广泛。 由欧洲博闻展览咨询有限公司和中国医药保健品进出口商会主办,上海博华国际展览有限公司协办的全球知名品牌展会世界制药原料中国展CPhI China已经成功举办了七届,历届中外参展商总数量达到6,000多家,观众累积更是突破了7万人次,此展会目前已成为全球最重要的行业聚会之一。从第八届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI China2008)起,主办方根据专业展品类别进一步细分市场,特辟“天然提取专区”,通过独立的宣传和观众组织、醒目的现场标志,以及依托CPhI全球展的强大资源,向专业买家提供快速采购通道。本次展前快讯汇集了目前已确认参加“天然提取专区”约100家企业的

8、参展产品与企业概况,以及这一全新主题展区的相关情况介绍。2008年展会之前,主办方还将陆续向您提供最新的展会进程和现场活动介绍等,您也可以随时登陆我们的网站:www.cphi-了解更多信息。欢迎对我们的工作提出宝贵意见,以便我们进一步提高展会品质和服务水平,衷心感谢您的支持与关心。期望您在“第八届世界制药原料中国展天然提取专区”上有所斩获! 展会主办单位致上 2007年10月展品范围:植物提取物,动物提取物Exhibitor Profile:plant extracts, animal extracts观众行业分类:药品,食品(饮料),保健食品(功能食品),美容(化妆品),及其上述产品的原辅料

9、Visitor profile:pharmaceuticals, foods / beverage, nutraceuticals / functional & health foods, cosmetics / beauty products, raw materials supplements and excipients of the above-mentioned products保健品行业高峰论坛,全面把握市场动态中国医药保健品进出口商会将邀请行业专家,在展会同期举办专题研讨会和讲座: 世界保健品行业的发展趋势及中国行业发展机遇 中国保健品出口形势分析报告,中国植物提取的海外商机与出

10、口壁垒 保健品行业的发展给天然提取企业带来的无限商机 中国天然提取企业离COS认证有多远Summit on health products industry: For a better understanding of dynamic marketExperts and speakers will be invited by CCCMHPIE to attend the seminars and lectures held during the exhibition: Development trend of the global health products industry and op

11、portunities emerged for Chinese health products industry Report on the export of health products in China: opportunities and trade barriers existed in the overseas markets for Chinese plant extracts products Infinite business chance for natural extracts companies brought by the development of health

12、 products industryHow far is it for Chinese natural extracts companies to the COS certificate 部分展商名单(截至到2007年12月25日) E1-E3号馆展商名单广西昌洲天然产物开发有限公司 GUANGXI CHANGZHOU NATURAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 3E39桂林莱茵生物科技股份有限公司 Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp. 2H02重庆华立药业股份有限公司 Holley Pharmaceuticals (Ch

13、ongqing) Co Ltd 1N30吉林省宏久生物科技股份有限公司 HONGJIU BIOTECH CO., LTD. 3E10浙江惠松制药有限公司 HUISONG PHARMACEUTICALS 3N32湖南科源生物制品有限公司 Hunan Keyuan Bio-products Co.,Ltd. 1K40湖州恩贝希生物原料有限公司 HUZHOUN.B.C.BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL CO.,LTD 3J39宁波绿之健药业有限公司Ningbo Green-Health Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2E28宁波市中药制药厂Ningbo Traditiona

14、l Chinese Pharmaceutical Factory 3T26上海诺德生物实业有限公司 NOVANAT BIORESOURCES CO,. LTD 2C36陕西嘉禾植物化工有限责任公司 Shaanxi Jiahe Phytochem Co.,Ltd. 2M18陕西赛德高科生物股份有限公司 SHAANXI SCIDOOR HI-TECH BIOLOGY CO., LTD 3E26无锡太阳绿宝科技有限公司 Taiyo Green Power Co,Ltd 2H06天津市尖峰天然产物研究开发有限公司 TIANJIN JIANFENG NATURAL PRODUCT R&D CO.,LTD

15、 2T28西安皓天生物工程技术有限责任公司 Xian Hao Tian Bio-engineering Technology Co., Ltd 3M16西安华瑞生物工程有限公司 Xian HuaRui Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd., 3T28E1-E3号馆展商介绍1K40湖南科源生物制品有限公司Hunan Keyuan Bio-products Co.,Ltd.甾体激素系列:黄体酮, 双烯,去氢表雄酮 植物提取物: 辛弗林, 白藜芦醇,青蒿素及其衍生物Steroid hormone series: Progesterone, 16-DPA, DHEA Plant extr

16、act: synephrine, Resveratrol, artemisinin and the derivatives of artemisinin1N30重庆华立药业股份有限公司Holley Pharmaceuticals (Chongqing) Co LtdHolleypharm is a publicly listed pharmaceutical conglomerate with worldwide operations. Our business covers development of special pharmaceutical resources (artemisia,

17、 taxus and industrial hemp), manufacture, marketing and distribution of active pharmaceutical ingredients & finished pharmaceutical products, and contract manufacture service.Holleypharm aims to be recognized as one of the best pharmaceutical companies of international standard.2C36上海诺德生物实业有限公司NOVAN

18、AT BIORESOURCES CO,. LTD公司通过了ISO9001:2000、HACCP、cGMP等管理系统认证。主导产品茶提取物、青蒿素、中药复方、罗汉果浓缩汁等Certificated with ISO9001、cGMP、HACCP、Kosher and HALAL. Key products: Tea Extracts, Artemisinin, Standardized Formula Based on TCM, Luo Han Guo Conentrate, etc.2E28宁波绿之健药业有限公司Ningbo Green-Health Pharmaceutical Co., L

19、td.越桔提取物 Bilberry Extract 、黑加仑提取物 Black Currant Extract、人参提取物 Ginseng Extract、银杏叶提取物 Ginkgo Biloba Extract、娑罗子提取物 Horse Chestnut Extract2H02桂林莱茵生物科技股份有限公司Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp.Layn is the first IPO company in the botanical extract industry in China. below is our main products:Luo Han

20、Guo Juice Concentration/ powder Ext. European bilberry EXt. Rock Tea Ext. Grape Seed Ext. Oolong Tea Ext. Fresh Fruit Juice Concentration Rhodiola Rosea Ext. Pomegranate Ext. Mangosteen Ext.2H06无锡太阳绿宝科技有限公司Taiyo Green Power Co,Ltd无锡太阳绿宝科技有限公司,其产品有去苦涩绿茶提取物,速溶茶,低溶剂高澄清度茶多酚,系列茶叶提取物等。The products of Taiy

21、o Green Co,Ltd include synertes with less bitter taste, instant tea, GTE with solvent free and high clarity, tea polysaccharides, L-theanine and other tea ertacts.2M18陕西嘉禾植物化工有限责任公司Shaanxi Jiahe Phytochem Co.,Ltd 目前主要产品如下:越橘提取物、叶黄素、白藜芦醇、加纳籽提取物、紫锥菊提取物、淫羊藿提取物、仙人掌提取物、山竹提取物、水飞蓟提取物、红车轴提取物、红景天提取物、五味子提取物Bi

22、lberry Extract 25% (European Material)、Marigold Extract Lutein、Resveratrol 20%,50%,98%、5-HTP (Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract)、Echinacea extract、Epimedium extract、Hoodia Cactus Extract、Huperzine A、Mangosteen extract、Milk Thistle extract、Red Clover extract、Rhodiola Rosea extract、Salicin (White W

23、illow bark extract)、Schisandra fruit Extract、Yohimbine bark extract2T28天津市尖峰天然产物研究开发有限公司 TIANJIN JIANFENG NATURAL PRODUCT R&D CO.,LTD中国最大葡萄籽提取物厂家,自主研发商业生产上百种植物提取物如:苹果多酚、白藜芦醇、叶黄素、玉米黄质和植物黄酮等。As the largest manufacture of Grape Seed Extract, JF-NAURAL has increased produce capacity of Grape Seed Extrac

24、t 100MT/year. Moreover, R&D and commercialized manufacture hundreds of natural extracts like Apple Polyphenol, Resveratrol, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and other natural ingredients as proanthocyanidins, anthocyanidins, phloridzin, flavones and etc.3E10吉林省宏久生物科技股份有限公司HONGJIU BIOTECH CO., LTD.专业品质提升客户价值.GAP、G

25、MP、ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO22000、KOSHER、HALAL、HACCP认证。Hongjiu is a manufacturer on herb extract and natural ingredients using the latest technology for nutraceutical, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.3E26陕西赛德高科生物股份有限公司 SHAANXI SCIDOOR HI-TECH BIOLOGY CO., LTDSCIDOOR是专业从事天然植物提取物和标准化中草药健康品

26、的种植、研发、生产和销售的现代化高科技股份公司。并通过了GMP和ISO9000认证。Scidoor is specialized in herbal extracts and high purity active ingredients. Devoted to exploring new and better ingredients for health food, nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical industries。Silymarin; solubility silymarin; Lutein; Marigold Extract; Aesci

27、n; Chondroitin Sulphate; Garcinia Cambogia P.E. HCA; Jujuba P.E.; Rheum P.E.3E39广西昌洲天然产物开发有限公司GUANGXI CHANGZHOU NATURAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.主要产品有积雪草系列提取物积雪草苷、羟基积雪草苷、积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸、积雪草总苷、积雪草提取物;三七总苷、三七叶苷;绿咖啡豆绿原酸;芒果苷;匙羹藤酸,熊果酸等。Main products:multi-series of plant extracts ,Centella Asiatica seri

28、es include Asiaticoside,Madecassoside,Asiatic acid,Madecassic acid,Centella selected Triterpenes and Gotu kola P.E. Notoginseng series include Notoginseng triterpenes and Notoginseng leaf triterpenes. Other products include Chlorogenic acid, Mangiferin, Gymnemic acids, Ursolic acid and etc.3J39湖州恩贝希

29、生物原料有限公司HUZHOUN.B.C.BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL CO.,LTD主要产品:苎麻叶;蜂斗菜;万寿菊;亚麻籽;水杨梅;葡萄籽;桑叶;螺旋藻;青梅 等提取物。We are a manufacturer and advantage botanical extract material for pharmaceutical; Health food; cosmetic industries.The strong items:Boehmeria; Butterbur;Lutein;Flax seeds;Geum;Grape seeds;Morus alba;Spirulina

30、; Plum fruit ; extract material3M16西安皓天生物工程技术有限责任公司Xian Hao Tian Bio-engineering Technology Co., Ltd1.Superior producer of anthocyanidins including Bilberry, Grape, Black Soybean Hull and Black Currant Extract, etc.2. Leading manufacturer of Beta-carotenes products like Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Lycopene,

31、 etc. Moreover, water-soluble and beadlet for them are available. 3. Frontier manufacturer of CoQ10 & water-soluble CoQ10.4. GMPs Producer of Policosanol, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Red Clover Extract, etc.3N32浙江惠松制药有限公司HUISONG PHARMACEUTICALSHuisong Pharmaceuticals is a Sino-Japanese joint venture man

32、ufacturer of plant extracts and herbs found in 1998 with 2 world-class GMP certified factories. Its main products include Bilberry, Blackcurrant, Green Tea, Ginkgo, Soy Isoflavones, Flaxseed, Rhodiola, Resveratrol, Grape seed, Ginseng, Milk Thistle, Schisandra, Red Clove3T26宁波市中药制药厂Ningbo Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutical Factory我司是一家专业从事植物提取物研发、生产、加工

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