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1、最新义务教育英语课程标准五级词汇表义务教育英语课程标准五级词汇表2012-05-04 17:33:46|分类: 高频词汇 |标签: |举报 |字号大中小订阅 说明: 1根据本标准的语言知识目标要求,五级应学习15001600个单词。本词表列出1500词,要求学习和掌握基本词义和用法,各地可根据实际情况选择是否增加100词。2. 为体现在具体语境中学习和使用单词的理念,本词表不列出单词的词性和中文释义。3. 本表不列词组和短语。4动词人称与时态变化、名词复数特殊变化、美式英语等,采用括号形式标注,如be (am, is, are),child (pl. children),colour (AmE

2、 color)。5本词汇表不列语法术语。6可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等不单列。注:点击每一个单词,可直接链接到这个单词的用法。Aa/an ability able about aboveabroad absent accept accidentaccording toachieve across act action active activity actor/ actress add address admire advantage advice advise affectafford afraid Africa after afternoon again against a

3、ge ago agree agreement aidaimair airport alive all allow almost alone along aloud already also although always a.mAmerica/ American among amountancient anxiousand angry animal another answer ant anxiousany anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apologizeappear appointmentappreciateapple April areaa

4、rgue arm army around arrive art / artistarticle as Asia / Asian ask asleep at attend attention attitudeAugust aunt Australia / Australian autumn avoid awake away awful Bbaby back background bad bag ball balloon bamboo banana bank baseball basic basket basketball bathroom be (am, are, is)beach bean b

5、ear beat beautiful because become bed bedroom beef before begin behavebehind believe bell belongbelow beside besidesbest better between big bike (=bicycle) bill billonbird birth birthday biscuit bit black blackboard blind block blood blouse blow blue board boat body book bored boring born borrow bos

6、s both botherbottle bottom bowl box boy brain brave bread break breakfast breath / breathe bridge bright bring Britain British brother brown build / building bur n bus business busy but buy by bye Ccake calendar call camera camp can (cant/cannot) Canada Canadian cancel candle candy cap capital car c

7、ard care careful careless carrot carry cartoon cat catch cause celebrate cent central centre century certain certainly chair chalk champion / championshipchance change chatcheap check cheer chemistry chess chicken child (pl. children) China / Chinese chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas cine

8、ma circle city class classmate classroom clean clear clever climb clock close clothes cloud / cloudy club coach coal coastcoat coffee coin cold collect college colour (AmE color) come comfortable common communicate / communication community companycompare competition complaincomplete computer concen

9、trateconcert condition confidentconfidencecongratulateconnect consider continue control convenientconversation convince / convincingcook cookie cool copy cor n cor ner correct cost cough could count country countryside couplecourage course cousin cover cow crayon crazy create cross crowd cry culture

10、 cup customer cut cute Ddad (daddy) daily dance danger dangerous dark date daughter day dead deaf deal dear deathDecember decide decision deep degree delaydelicious depend describe desk develop / development dialogue (AmE dialog) diary dictionary die difference different difficult difficulty dig din

11、ing dinner direct directlydirection director dirty disappeardiscover discovery discuss discussion diseasedish dislikedivide do doctor dog dollar door double doubt down downstairsdraw dream dress drink drive driver drop dry duckduedumpling duringEeach ear early Earth earthquake east eastern easy eat

12、education effortegg eight eighteen eighth eighty either elder electronicelephant eleven else email empty encourage end enemy engineer England English enjoy enough enter environment equaleraser especially escapeEurope European even evening ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere

13、exactly exam (= examination) example excellent except exchangeexcite / excited /exciting excitementexcuse exercise expect expensive experience explain express extraeye Fface fact factory fail fair fall family familiarfamous fan fantastic far farm / farmer fast fat father favourite (AmE favorite) fea

14、r February feed feel feeling festival fever few field fifteen / fifth / fifty fight fill film finally find fine finger finish fire first fish fisherman fit five fix flag floor flower fly follow food fool/ foolish foot (pl. feet) / football for forceforeign forest forget fork form forty / four / four

15、teen / fourth France free freedomFrench fresh Friday fridge (= refrigerator) friend / friendly / friendship from front fruit full fun / funny futureGgame garden gate general gentleman geography German / Germany get gift giraffe girl give glad glass glove glue go gold / goldengood goodbye government

16、grade grammar granddaughter grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) grandparent grandson grape grass great green grey ground group grow guard guess guest guide guitar gun Hhabit hair half hall hamburger hand handbag handsomehang happen happy hard hardly harmful hat hate have (has) he head headac

17、he health healthy hear heart heat heavy height hello help helpful hen her / hers/ herself here hero hi hide high hill him / himself / his history hit hobby hold hole holiday home hometown homework honest hope horse hospital hot hotel hour house housework how however huge human humorous hundred hungr

18、y hurry hurt husband II ice/ice-cream idea if ill / illness imagine important impossible impressin include increase India / Indian industry influence information inside instead instruction instrument interest interesting international Internet interview into introduce / introduction invent invention

19、 invite island it / its / itself Jjacket January Japan / Japanese job join joke jour ney joy juice July jump June justKkeep key keyboard kick kid kill kilo (= kilogram) / kilometre kind king kiss kitchen kite knee knife (pl. knives) knock know knowledgeLlab (= laboratory) lady lake land language lar

20、ge last late later laugh law lay lazy lead / leader leaf (pl. leaves) learn least leave left leg lemon lend less lesson let letter level library lie life liftlight like line lion list listen litter little live lively local lock London lonely long look lose lot loud love / lovely low luck / lucky lun

21、ch Mmachine mad magazine magic main make man (pl. men) manage / manager many map March mark market marry match math(s) (= mathematics) matter may/ May maybe me meal mean / meaning meat medical / medicine meet / meeting member memorise / memorymention menu mess message method metre (AmE meter) middle

22、 might mile milk mind mine / my/ myselfminute miss / missing mistake mix mobile phone model modern momentMonday money monkey month moon more morning most mother (mom, mum) mountain mouse (pl. mice) mouth move movie Mr/ Mrs / Ms much museum music / musician must Nname national natural / nature near /

23、 nearly necessary neck need neighbour (AmE neighbor) neither nervous never new / news / newspaper next nice night / overnightnine / nineteen / ninety / ninth no nobody nod noise / noisy none noodle noon nor north / northern nose not note notebook nothing notice November now number nurse Ooclock obje

24、ct October of off offer office / officer often oil OK old Olympics on once one / oneselfonlyopen operate opinionopportunityoppositeor orange orderother our / ours / ourselves out / outside over ownPPacific packpage pain paint pair palace pale pancake panda paper pardon parent park part party pass passage passenger passport past patient pay PE (= physical education )peace pear pen / pencil

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