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春人教版初中英语8年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read treasure island yet单元导学案.docx

1、春人教版初中英语8年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read treasure island yet单元导学案Unit 8 Have you read treasure island yet?Period One (section A 1a-2d)【学习目标】1.学会用现在完成时表达过去发生的但与现在情况有关的事情。2.掌握现在完成时结构和了解其含义3.学会区分现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。【字词达标】词汇达标:already,yet.island,treasure短语达标:hear of,at least,finish doing,on Page 25,hurry up,put it

2、 down,grow up.full of【重点语法、句型讲解】1现在完成时:1)含义:表示动作过去发生,但与现在有联系或影响,此时态常与以下时间词连用,如already已经,yet已经,还,just刚刚,ever曾经,so far到目前为止,before从前,times次数,for+时间段,since自从以来,how long多久,never从不,in the past.在过去.2)结构:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词(have/has是助动词,没有“有”的意义)肯定句:She has finished her work.她完成了她的工作。一般疑问句:Has she finished

3、 her work?_Yes,she has./No,she,hasnt.否定句: She hasnt finished her work.3)动词的过去分词的构成:规则动词的过去式就是过去分词,不规则动词的过去分词见不规则动词表。4)现在完成时态与一般过去时的区别:句子中如有yesterday,last,just now,in1999等过去时间词出现就只用一般过去时。5)特别提醒:句子中如有when出现,一定不能用完成时例题:A:Jack has read the book, B:When did he read it? A:Last weekend2.Have you read Littl

4、e Woman yet?你已读过小妇人吗?Yet(已经,还)的用法:在现在完成时中,already(已经)用于肯定句,yet用于一般疑问句或否定句,例句:肯定句:I have already eaten lunch.我已经吃过午饭了。 一般疑问句:_ you eaten lunch _? 否定句: I _eaten lunch _.3.Whats it like?它(这本书)怎么样?What+be+sth like?表示“某物怎样?”【巩固练习】一用单词的正确形式填空1I_ ever_(drink)coffee.2.The boy_(water)the flowers already3.She

5、_(watch)the movie twice4.-_you _(visit)the Great Wall before?-Yes,I _5.How long_your father_(work)in this city?6.He_(get)here yesterday,so he_(stay)here for only one day.7.-_you ever_(drive)a car? - Yes,I_. - When_you first_(drive)a car?二、英汉互译。1.至少 _ 8.What do you think of it?._2.快点 _ 9.Have you dec

6、ided which book to write about?3.在岛上_ _4.听说_ 10.读完这本书_5. 在第5页上_ 11.长大,成长_6. 把它放下_ 12. Whats it about?_ 7. 读得快_ 13.the island full of measuer_【句型巩固】1He has already gone to New York.(变一般疑问句并回答) _he_to New York_? _No,he_2We have learned English for two years(变否定句) We _ _ English for two years3. We have

7、 lived here for two years.(提问)_ _have you_here?4.Tom has ever read the book. (变否定句)Tom has _ read the book.5.Miss Green start to teach us 2 years ago.(同义句)Miss Green_ _us for 2 years.【语法过关】一单选题1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they _whats happened to him .A. knew B. have known C. must know D.will

8、know2、He has _ been to Shanghai , has he ?A. already B.never C.ever D. still3、Have you met Mr Li _?A. just B. ago C.before D. a moment ago4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two years .A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D.has written5、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years .A. w

9、as ; studying B. will ; studyC. has ; studied D. are ; studying6、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl .A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew7、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice .A. will see B. have seen C. saw D.see8、These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When _

10、there ?A. will they go B. did they goC. do they go D. have they gone9._ you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I _ it a moment ago .A. Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finishedC. Have ; done ; have finished D. will ; do ; finishPeriod Tow (section A 3a-3c)【学习目标】1.了解著名小说鲁滨逊漂流记,学习主人翁永不放弃的精神2.进一步熟悉现在完成时。【

11、字词达标】单词达标:tool,else,toward,sand,gun,ship,technology,French短语达标:wait for,give up,who else,see sb doing/do sth,run toward,name sbcut down【难点讲解】1.I have brought back many things Ican use,我带回了许多我能使用的东西。2Who else is on my island?还有谁在我的岛上?1)else(其他的,别的),修饰复合不定代词或者特殊疑问词,并放其后例:别的什么_ _ 其他的人_ _ 别的东西 _ _ 没有别的东

12、西_ _ 2)other(其他的,别的)修饰名词,放在名词的前面。例:other things, other people 3)What _do you have?=What _ things do you have?3.I named him Friday我给他取名“星期五” name sb给某人取名,同样的表达还有call sb例:他叫我小王 He calls me Xiao Wang= He names me Xiao Wang我的父母给我取名Jack(两种表达)4.I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken shi

13、p.我看见两个肉食人正企图杀害两个从一艘破船出来的人。see sb doing 看见某人在做see sb do看见某人做例:I often see him_(help) the old man. When I came back home,I saw my mother_(cook)。5One of them died but the other ran toward my house.其中的一个死了,另一个向我的屋子跑来。1)onethe other一个 另一个例:I have two friends,one is Tom,the other is Jack.2) run toward向跑去

14、.go toward向走去【巩固练习】翻译1.给我的狗取名Jerry(两种表达) _ _2.看见某人正做某事 _3.企图做某事_4.放弃抽烟(smoke)_5.别的谁_ 6.别的什么东西(两种表达)_ _7.砍掉它_8.等候_9.说法语_ _ 【例题讲解】1Have/has gone to.,去了.(还没有回)Have/has been to.,去过.(已经回)例:1)-Where is your sister?-She has gone to the library.她去图书馆了(没有回,还在图书馆) 2)I have been to Beijing many times我去过北京很多次了。

15、(我已经回了,没在北京了) long,for+时间段,since.不能与瞬间动词连用。 例:1)I have_B_the book for two days. A.bought B.had C.finished 解析:由于此题出现for two days,又因为bought,finished是瞬间动词,所以选择延续性动词had。 2)常见的的瞬间动词/短语和延续性动词/短语瞬间动词延续性动词go to.,come to.,have/has been in/atleaveHave/has been away frombuy.have/has hadborrow(借进)/lend(借出

16、)have/has keptdiehave/has been deadarrive in/at,got to,reachhave/has been in/atThe film started/beganThe film has been on.joinhave/has been a member(成员)of.join the armyhave/has been in the army【句型巩固】1. Nancy has to do some exercise to keep healthy. (改为否定句)Nancy _ _ to do _ exercise to keep healthy.2

17、. Nancy has had breakfast. (改为否定句)Nancy _ _breakfast.3. I have a backache.(一般疑问句并回答) _ you _ a backache ? Yes,I _.No,I _.4. I have been to Shanghai twice. .(一般疑问句并回答) _ you _ to Shanghai twice.?- Yes,I _.No,I _5.Tom joined the army four days ago(改同义句)Tom _ _ _ the army for four days.6 他们来这里多久了(完成译句)

18、_ _ have they _ here?.【语法过关】一、单项选择。( )1.My shoe is here,but where is _?A. the others B. the other C. another one D. other( )2.Do you have _to say?.A. anything other B. something else C. else anything D. anything else( )3.How long have you _here?A. come B. arrived. C. got D. been( )4.Hurry up,your mo

19、ther is waiting_the bus stop_you.A.for,at, with,for D.for,at( )5.He is not at home,he has_Jiefangbei.A.been to B.go to C.gone to D.been in( )6,She _in Chongqing 5 days ago,she has_ in Chongqing for 5 days A.arrived,arrived B.been,arrived C. arrived,been, been( )7.His grandpa_since 20

20、00 A.died B.has been deaded C.has been dead D.has died二、单句辨错。( )1.He has left his hometown for three years._ A B C ( )2. Tim has started two hours ago,he has already got to London now_ A B C ( )3. Keep trying,dont give up study English_ A B C ( )4. They arrived at the island in the end._ A B C ( )5.

21、Where have you gone these days?._ A B C 三对话填空:用go to,be to, be in,be 的正确形式填空Kobe:Have you _1_ China? Its a beautiful place, and people there are welcome.Iverson:I have _2_there many times. And I have answered this quesion from you, dont you remember?Kobe:Sorry, I foget. Hey,where is James?Iverson: O

22、h ,he _3_his home, he has already _4_his home for three hours.【课后反思】Period 3 Section B( la-2e)【学习目标】一、 会运用所学知识谈论音乐、歌手和乐队,并能发表自己的个人评论。二、 重点掌握现在完成时态在文章中的应用。(重点)【自主预习】新词自测:完成下列英汉互译1.乐队band 2.迷,狂爱者fan3.现代的modern 4.南方的southern5.永远forever 6.美丽&名词)beauty7. actually真实地,事实上 8. success成功9. belong属于 10. record

23、唱片;记录11. belong to属于 12. ever since then 从那时起,从那以后【课堂导学】1. The Toms must be popular.汤姆乐队一定很受欢迎。must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为一定)。must 表示对现在的状态或现在正在发生的事情的推测时,must后面通常接系动词be的原形或行为动词的进行时。 You have worked hard all day. You must be tired.你辛苦工作了一整天,一定累了。 This book must be Lucys.这本书一定是露西的。 He must be working in hi

24、s office. 他一定在办公室工作呢。一、 单项选择This bag A be Li Pings because there is his name on it. A. must B. may C. cant D. could解析:结合答语因为他的名字在上面可知这个包一定是李平的。因此本句是表示肯定推测,故选A。二、 根据汉语意思完成句子他肯定在花园里散步。He must be walking in the garden.2. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.从那以后,她就成了美国乡村乐迷了 。ev

25、er since then从那时起,从那以后ever since then意为从那时起,从那以后,常用于现在完成时的句子中。 Ever since then , he has left home.从那以后,他就离开了家。 He has disappeared ever since then. 从那以后,他就失踪了。根据汉语意思完成句子从那以后我就没收到过她的来信。I havent heard from her ever since then.3. Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US , such as the i

26、mportance of money and success , but not about belonging to a group.现在的许多歌曲都只是关于美国的现代生活,比如钱和成功的重要性,但没有关于一群体归属感的歌曲。belong to.属干,为所拥有belong to.为动词短语,意为属于,为所拥有。其中to是介词,后接名词或人称代词的宾格形式,但不能跟物主代词或所有格。 This ring belongs to my mother.这戒指是我妈妈的。 These books belong to me.这些书是属于我。注意belong to可以与物主代词或所有格进行句式互换。Thi

27、s house belongs to us. = This house is ours这座房子是我们的。一、单项选择This CD belongs to B It isnt A.Tom; Sam B.Tom; SamsC. Toms ; Sams D. Toms ; Sam解析:belong to属于,后接名词或人称代词的宾格形式;be 动词后面跟物主代词或所有格。故选B。二、 用所给词的适当形式填空One of the red key rings belongs to him (he).三、 根据汉语意思完成句子这间教室是他们的。This classroom belongs to them.4. Hes sold more than 120 million records.他已经卖了一亿两千万多张唱片了。 million百万(1) million前面有具体数词修饰时,不能加-s。 There are five million people in the city.这个城市有五百万居民。(2)表示概数时,要加-s,且加of。 millio

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