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本文(中国民航飞行员英语PEPEC900句带翻译.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中国民航飞行员英语PEPEC900句带翻译中国民航飞行员英语PEPEC900句第一章 基本通话术语1. Maintaining FL310.保持飞行高度层 310。2. Descending to FL290.下降到飞行高度层 290。3. Reaching FL190.到达高度层 190。4. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.过 WXJ 时保持高度层 90。5. Continue descent to 3000 feet, QNH 1012.继续下降到 3000 英尺,修正海压 1012。6. Passing FL180 for FL310.通过高度层 180,继续上升到

2、高度层 310。7. Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100.可以进入管制空域,不高于高度层 100。8. Request further climb.请示进一步爬升。9. Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180.直飞 SHA,高度不低于高度层 180。10. After passing CGO descend to FL80.过 CGO 后,下降到高度层 80。11. Stop descent at FL210.到高度层 210 时停止下降。12. Descending to reach FL15

3、0 by WXI.到 WXI 前下降到高度层 150。13. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.性能原因到 ZHO 之前不能到达高度层 150。14. Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55.爬升到高度层 290,55 分前改平。15. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.以 2000 英尺每分下降率下降。16. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.以每分 1000 英尺或更大的爬升率上升。17. When ready, de

4、scend to FL210, level at PLT.准备好时下降到高度层 210,在 PLT 改平。18. Right heading 330, descending to 3000 feet, cleared for ILS approach Runway 36R.右转航向 330,下降到 3000 英尺,可以盲降进近,跑道 36 右。19. Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current.下降到 3000 英尺,最新通播 Papa。20. Expedite descent to FL180.加速下降到高度层 180。21. Expedit

5、e climb to FL190.加速上升到高度层 190。22. Climb to FL280 expedite until passing FL180.上升到高度层 280,快速爬升直到通过高度层 180。23. Unable to expedite climb due weight.重量原因不能加速爬升。24. Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic.由于冲突飞机,立即下降到高度层 200。25. When ready, climb to FL280, report leaving FL200.准备好时上升高度层 280,离开高度层 200

6、 时报。26. Leaving FL200, climbing to FL280.离开高度层 200,爬升到高度层 280。27. Maintaining own separation and VMC, descending to FL80.自己保持间隔和目视气象条件,下降到高度层 80。28. Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb.到达 8000 英尺,请示进一步上升。29. Cancel SID, track direct to LLK, climb to and maintain FL110.取消 SID(标准仪表离场程序),直飞 LLK,上

7、升并保持高度层 110。30. Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent.遇到结冰条件,请示进一步下降。31. Icing condition encountered. Request further climb.遇到结冰条件,请示进一步爬升。32. Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent.遭遇严重颠簸,请示进一步下降。33. Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76.减速到马赫数点 76。34. Maintain Mach point

8、 84 or greater.保持马赫数不小于点 84。35. Maintain Mach point 80 or less.保持马赫数不大于点 80。36. Maintain present speed.保持当前速度。37. Maintain 250 knots or greater.保持速度不小于 250 节。38. Reduce to minimum clean speed.减速到最小光洁速度。39. Reduce to minimum approach speed.减速到最小进近速度。40. Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final.保持速度 160

9、 节直到五边 4 海里。41. Maintain 160 knots until outer marker.保持速度 160 节直到外指点标。42. Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots.下降到高度层 120,调速到 250 节。43. Cancel speed restriction, continue descent to 7000 feet.取消速度限制,继续下降到 7000 英尺。44. LMN-02 Departure, passing 2500 feet climbing to 9000 feet.LMN-02 离场,通过

10、 2500 英尺,继续上升到 9000 英尺。45. Maintaining FL350, cleared to destination, flight planned route.保持高度层 350,可以按计划航路飞往目的地机场,46. Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway 22.请示雷达引导,目视进近,跑道 22。47. Request join downwind Runway 31.请示加入 31 跑道三边。48. Request taxi to holding point Runway 13.请示滑行到 13 跑道等待点。49

11、. Request taxi to south maintenance ramp.请示滑行到南维修机坪。50. Request frequency change.请示切换频率。51. 15NM to HRB, FL290, tracking to JMU, squawking 6543.据 HRB 15 海里,高度层 290,直飞 JMU,应答机 6543。52. Contact Control on 118.9.联系区调 118.9。53. Position OBLIK at 0646, maintaining FL310, estimating ZF 0658, WUH next.当前位置

12、 OBLIK,时间 0646,高度层 310 保持,预计 ZF 点时间 0658,下一位置 WUH。54. Next report at WXA.下一报告点 WXA。55. Omit position reports.省略位置报。56. Omit position reports on this frequency.本频率省略位置报。57. Resume position reporting.恢复位置报。58. Delay not determined due runway obstruction.由于跑道障碍物,延误待定。59. Approach time not determined du

13、e weather.由于天气,进近时间待定。60. Slot time not determined due flow control.流控,离场时间待定。61. Revised slot time at 56.修改的离场时间为 56 分。62. Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic.由于冲突飞机,预计在 HUR VOR 等待 10 分钟。63. Expected approach time 44.预计进近时间 44 分。64. Revised expected approach time 54.最新预计的进近时间为 54 分。65

14、. No delay expected.预计无延误。66. Delay not determined, numerous aircraft holding for weather improvement.延误不确定,很多飞机在等待天气好转。67. Cleared to exit the hold, fly direct to ML. Contact Approach on 128.35.可以推出等待,直飞 ML。联系进近 128.35。68. Approach clearance canceled, turn left direct to DA, climb to 4000 feet, hol

15、d as published,expect further clearance at time 50.取消进近许可,左转直飞 DA,上升到 4000 英尺,按公布的航图等待,预计进一步许可时间 50 分。69. Ready for approach.准备好进近了。70. Request leave the holding pattern.请示退出等待程序。71. After passing SY VOR, leave the hold on heading 250, cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.过 SY VOR 台后,推出等待,航向 250,可以 VO

16、R 进近,跑道 06。72. Leave JFK VOR heading 210.离开 JFK VOR,航向 210。73. Cleared to LHR, hold at LHR as published. Maintain 8000 feet. Expect further clearance at 18.可以飞往 LHR,按公布的航图在 LHR 等待。保持高度 8000 英尺。预计进一步许可在 18分。74. Hold south of AMS VOR at 9000 feet, inbound track 270 degrees, left hand pattern, outbound

17、time 1 minute. Expect further clearance at 46.在 AMS VOR 台以南等待,高度 9000 英尺,向台航迹 270,左等待,出航时间 1 分钟。预计进一步许可时间 46 分。75. Cleared to the 180 radial of PER VOR at 15 DME. Hold south, left hand pattern, outboundtime 2 minutes, expect approach clearance at 37.可以在 PER VOR 台 180 度径向线 DME 15 海里处向南左等待,出航时间 2 分钟,预

18、计进近许可时间 37 分。76. Information P received, stand 03, ready to copy ATC clearance.通播 P 收到,03 停机位准备好抄收 ATC 许可。77. Gate 26, request clearance to London with information F.26 停机位,请示去往伦敦的放行许可,通播 F 收到。78. Cleared to destination, flight planned route, cruising level 330, departure Runway 04, initialaltitude

19、7000 feet. HZ-01 Departure, squawk 2563, departure frequency 124.35.可以按计划放行到目的地,巡航高度层 330,离场跑道 04,起始高度 7000 英尺。HZ-01 离场,应答机 2563,离场频率 124.35。79. Cleared to destination via ZAM, flight planned route, D03 Departure, cruising level 230,squawk 3763.可以按计划航路经 ZAM 放行到目的地,D-03 离场,巡航高度层 230,应答机 3763。80. Clea

20、red to destination via flight planned route, Runway 36R, LKO-01 Departure, initially climbto 4500 feet, cruising level 310, when airborne contact 119.7, squawk 2515.可以经计划航路放行到目的地,跑道 36 右,LKO-01 离场,起始爬升到 4500 英尺,巡航高度层 310,离地后联系 119.7,应答机 2515。81. Cleared via ZF-01 Departure, initial altitude 5000 fee

21、t. Departure frequency 125.9. Cruisinglevel 290, departure Runway 04. Squawk 6563.可以经 ZF-01 离场,起始高度 5000 英尺,离场频率 125.9,巡航高度层 290,离场跑道04,应答机 6563。82. Cleared to destination via flight plan route. Departure Runway 36L. HZ-01D Departure. Initialaltitude 5000 feet. Cruising level 330. Departure frequenc

22、y 119.45, squawk 5667.可以按计划航路放行到目的地机场,离场跑道 36 左,HZ-01D 离场,起始高度 5000 英尺,巡航高度层 330。离场频率 119.45,应答机 5667。83. Recleared to destination via ZF-01 Departure, Runway 36R, rest of clearance unchanged.重新允许经 ZF-01 离场到目的地,跑道 36 右,其余航路不变。84. Recleared to destination via B213, WHA, R343, rest of route unchanged.

23、重新允许经 B213,WHA、R343 飞往目的地,其余航路不变。85. Cleared to destination via flight planned route, initial climb to 2700 feet, request level changeen-route, departure frequency 120.3, squawk 0722.可以按计划航路飞往目的地,起始上升到 2700 英尺,航路上申请改变高度,离场频率120.3,应答机 0722。第二章 机场通话术语86. Gate15, information C, ready to copy ATC cleara

24、nce.15 停机位,通播 C 收到,准备好抄收 ATC 放行许可。87. Cleared to destination, BK02 RNAV Departure, initially 3000 feet, departure frequency 125.4,squawk 3311.可以飞往目的地机场,BK-02 RNAV 离场,起始高度 3000 英尺,离场频率 125.4,应答机3311。88. Say again all after 3000 feet.3000 英尺之后的内容再说一遍。89. Say again all before departure frequency.离场频率之前

25、的内容再说一遍。90. Say again the initial altitude.再说一遍起始高度。91. Unable to cross LX FL150 due weight, maintaining FL130.重量原因,不能在高度层 150 通过 LX,保持高度层 130。92. Destination Beijing, request departure information.目的地北京,请示离场信息。93. Bay24, request start-up.24 号停机位,请示开车。94. Start up approved, QNH 29.91.可以开车,修正海压 29.91

26、。95. Start up approved, altimeter setting 29.91.可以开车,高度表设置 29.91。96. Start up at 35, QNH 997.35 分开车,修正海压 997。97. Expect start up at 35, QNH 1030.预计 35 分开车,修正海压 1030。98. Expect departure at 49, start up at own discretion, QNH 1004.预计 49 分离场,开车时间自己掌握,修正海压 1004。99. Radio check on 校波。100. I

27、read you 5.我听你 5 个。101. You are unreadable.无法听清。102. Can you speak slower?你能说慢点吗?103. How do you read?你听我声音怎样?104. QNH 997, I say again, QNH 997.修正海压 997,我再说一遍,修正海压 997。105. Stand 27, request pushback.停机位 27,请示推出。106. Pushback approved, Runway 31.可以推出,跑道 31。107. Stand by pushback.推出稍等。108. Pushback

28、at own discretion.推出时间自己掌握。109. Pushback approved, long pushback.可以推出,多推点。110. Pushback to taxiway A approved.可以推出到滑行道 A。111. Pushback approved, facing west.可以推出,朝西。112. Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem.取消推出,我们出现问题需要维修。113. Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback.地面,驾驶舱,推出准备好了。114. Brakes re

29、leased.刹车释放了。115. Starting Number One.启动一发。116. Brakes set, disconnect.刹车刹住,断开。117. Request taxi.请示滑出。118. Taxi via taxiway C to holding point Runway 24.经由滑行道 C 滑至跑道 24 等待点。119. Taxi to holding point Runway 24, traffic in sight.划到跑道 24 等待点,看见飞机了。120. Request taxi back for maintenance purpose.请示滑回维修。

30、121. Negative. We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes.不行,我们需要 10 分钟冷却刹车。122. Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24.接近等待点,请示穿过 24 跑道。123. Hold short of Runway 24.24 跑道外等待。124. Holding, traffic in sight.等待,飞机能见。125. Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated.穿过 24 跑道,脱离跑道报。126. Unable to va

31、cate via A2, request full length of runway.不能经由滑行道 A2 脱离,请示全跑道。127. Crossing Runway 24, wilco.穿越跑道 24,照办。128. Runway vacated.脱离跑道。129. Giving way to B747 passing from left to right.给从左向右通过的波音 747 让道。130. Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R.沿绿灯滑到跑道 05 右等待点。131. Cross red stop-bar at A1, we understand stop-bar unserviceable.A1 穿过红色停止灯,明白原来它不工作了。132. After landing Airbus320, cross Runway 24, report vacated.空客 320 落地后穿越跑道 24,脱离报。133. Taxi to holdin

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