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1、完整版中学生英语学习动机的激发与培养本科毕业设计 The Inspiration and Cultivation of Students Motivation on English Learningin Middle Schoolby高悦A thesis presented to the School of English Education ofXian International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay5, 2014Cla

2、ss: 2010-1 Advisor: 赵花兰 西安外国语大学毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告姓名 性别 班级 学号 毕业论文题目:中学生英语学习动机的激发与培养The Inspiration and Cultivation of the Students Motivation on English Learning in Middle School任务起止日期: 年 月 日 至 年 月 日毕业论文主要内容及参考文献: 随着全球化的不断发展,“英语热”一直有增无减,关于英语教学的研究也因此倍受重视。Jakobovits 经过调查发现,影响外语学习的几个因素中,动机占 33,与才能所占比重持平(J

3、akobovits,1970:86)。“外语学习动机是语言学习者个体因素中最具能动性的因素之一”( 秦晓晴,2002)。可见动机是影响外语学习的主要情感因素之一。根据学习动机来源,可以分为内部学习动机和外部学习动机。这种划分对教育实践有重要的应用价值。内部动机是指学习活动本身能使学生得到情绪上的满足,从而产生成就感,在教学中比较常用。动机理论中,自我效能论(Bandula,1977)、期望价值理论(JAtkinson)等都可以指导激发学生的内部动机。同时,由联结主义学习理论家提出的强化理论可以指导激发学生的外部动机,例如很多学生想得到老师的奖励和表扬等。然而以前的研究还是多集中在学习动机的分类

4、和理论研究上,较少涉及动机理论与教学的关系及动机理论在具体教学活动中的应用。作者以认知主义当中的归因理论和成就动机理论,Drnyei的三层次动机理论以及Cross-cultural Communication Theory为理论基础,结合我国中学英语教学中所出现的主要问题,提出了有效的激发培养初中生学生动机的方法,更好得提高英语教学质量。参考文献:1Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Language Learning:the role of attitude and motivationM2 Zoltn Drnyei & Ema Ushioda. Moti

5、vation, Language Identity and The L2self3 杜福兴. 2003. 谈英语学习动机及其激发与保持. 外语教学, 24(4):51-58.指导教师 (签名) 年 11 月 20 日AcknowledgementsI would like to express my sincere thanks here to those who have contributed greatly in various ways to the development of this paper. First and foremost, I would like to expre

6、ss my most sincere gratitude to my mentor, Professor X. I am deeply indebted to her encouragement, valuable instructions and suggestions in accomplishing this paper. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the thesis would not have been completed. Secondly, I am al

7、so much obliged to the teachers in English education department for their enlightening instructions which I benefited a lot. Thirdly, thanks to the help from the Liberians, this paper is finished more easily and frequently. Thirdly, my heartfelt thanks are given to my roommates and friends for their

8、 thorough reading, and polishing the language of the paper. In addition, I am grateful to my beloved family for their constant support and encouragement financially and mentally all though these years. The Inspiration and Cultivation of the Students Motivation on English Learning in Middle SchoolAbs

9、tract:With the continuous development of globalization, researches on English language teaching have been paid much more attention than ever before. According to Jakobovits survey,we can see that motivation is one of the main affective factors that affect foreign language learning. However, previous

10、 studies were concentrated more on the classification of the learning motivation and theoretical research. Fewer researches on the relationship between motivation theory and teaching and the application of motivation theory are conducted before. In the article, first of all, the author expounds the

11、definition of previous scholars about motivation, from Pit Corder, Garnder, to Pintrich & Schunk, to Du Fuxing. Secondly, the author illustrates the traditional classification of motivation. Thirdly, three related theories are introduced in this paper. Fourthly, the author sums up the main problems

12、of Chinese English learners in middle school: the anxiety in English classroom and exam-oriented learning mode. In order to solve those problems, the author suggests a series of methods for stimulating students learning motivation: Firstly, through establishing a basic motivational environment, let

13、the students study in a cheerful and positive learning environment; secondly, English teachers can enhance students autonomy with the application of collaborative learning mode; thirdly, exposed in the culture of target language, students can be inspired to develop the integrative motivation; fourth

14、ly, by increasing the English learners sense of self-efficacy and the attribution training, teachers can stimulate students English learning motivation. Sincerely, the author hopes that problems and corresponding methods discussed in this paper can help English teachers improve the quality of Englis

15、h teaching.Key words: motivation theory; English learning; attribution theory 论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养摘要:随着全球化的不断发展,“英语热”一直有增无减,关于英语教学的研究也因此倍受重视。Jakobovits经过调查发现,影响外语学习的几个因素中,动机占33%,与才能所占比重持平,可见动机是影响外语学习的主要情感因素之一。然而以前的研究还是多集中在学习动机的分类和理论研究上,较少涉及动机理论与教学的关系及动机理论在具体教学活动中的应用。在文章中,作者首先阐述了以往的学者关于动机的定义,从Pit Corder,

16、Garnder,到Pintrich & Schunk,再到杜福兴。继而在理解和总结的基础上,提出了自己的关于动机的定义。其次,作者阐释了关于动机的传统分类,工具性动机和融合性动机,内部动机和外部动机。再次,作者总结出中国中学英语学习者存在的主要问题:英语课堂中的焦虑情绪和以考试为导向不良的英语学习模式。同时针对这些问题,作者总结出部分动机理论,如:认知主义当中的归因理论和成就动机理论,Drnyei的三层次动机理论。最后,在相关理论的指导下提出一系列激发培养学生学习动机的方法:一,建立一个基本的动机培养环境,让学生处在一个愉悦并且积极的学习环境中;二,通过文化教学的方式让学生不断接触学习目标语文

17、化(即英语国家文化),以此来激发培养学生的融合性动机。三,通过提高英语学习者的自我效能感和正确归因来激发学生英语学习动机。衷心希望文章中所提出的问题和相应的对策方法能够对英语教学者有所启发,帮助他们更加有效的激发培养中学生英语学习动机,提高英语教学质量。关键词:动机理论;英语学习;归因理论Table of Contents1. Introduction.12. Theories of Motivation .22.1 The Definition of Motivation.22.2 The Classification of Motivation.32.3 Attribution Theor

18、y.52.4 Self-Efficacy Theory.52.5 Drnyeis Three-Level Categorization.63. Main Problems in English Class in Middle School .73.1 Learners Anxiety in Classroom.73.2 Exam-Oriented Learning Mode .74. Methods of Inspiring and Cultivating Students Motivation .84.1 To Create a Pleasant and Supportive Learnin

19、g Environment.84.2 The Application of Collaborative Learning.94.3 To Familiarize Learners with Target Language Culture.104.4 To Generate Students Motivation.114.4.1 To Enhance Students Sense of Self-Efficacy and Their Confidence.114.4.2 Attribution Training.135. Conclusion.14References.151. Introduc

20、tionAs globalization continues to develop, English is becoming more important than ever. In most middle schools in china, English is an important and compulsory subject for students. In that case, researches on English learning have been paid more attention to. There are Lots of factors that influen

21、ce second language acquisition, such as motivation, ability, learning strategy, learning attitude, age, gender, etc. According to Jakobovits survey, among those elements, motivation accounts for 33%, ability 33%, intelligence 20%, others 14% (Jakobovits, 1970). “Motivation on foreign language learni

22、ng is one of the most dynamic factors in individual factors of language learners (Qin xiaojing, 2002). Motivation, therefore, plays an important role in affecting foreign language acquisition.Motivation is so important that many second language researchers have been researching on it in the last thr

23、ee decades. One of the most general and well known dimensions in motivation theory is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Generally speaking, internal motivation is regarded as a central motivator in the educational process. Meanwhile, cognitive motivation theories, as a kind of theory laid more str

24、ess on the learners internal thoughts, beliefs and emotions rather than the external environment, are emphasized in this paper. In the 1990s, the Hungarian scholar Dornyei puts forward a comprehensive theory of motivation. This theoretical framework divides all the motivation components into three l

25、evelsthe level of language, the level of learners, the level of learning situation. Dornyeis theory illustrates that learning motivation of foreign language is not only related to the learning subject (learners), but also related to the learning object( target language) and learning situations. For

26、the first time, he combines the motivation studies with language teaching and learning closely, providing a theoretical base for inspiring students learning motivation. However, previous studies focus more on the classification of the learning motivation and theoretical research. Fewer researches on

27、 the relationship between motivation theory and teaching and the application of motivation theory are conducted before. In this thesis, first of all, the author expounds the definition of previous scholars about motivation, from Pit Corder, Garnder, to Pintrich & Schunk, to Du Fuxing. Secondly, the

28、author illustrates the traditional classification of motivation: integrative motivation and instrumental motivation, internal motivation and external motivation. Thirdly, the author sums up the main problems of Chinese English learners in middle school: the anxiety in English classroom and exam-orie

29、nted learning mode. In order to solve those problems, the author suggests a series of methods for stimulating students learning motivation.2. Related Theories of MotivationIn this section, the author illustrates some basic conception, including definition and classification of motivation and analyze

30、s some closely relevant motivation theories which are applied in the methods to inspire and motivate students learning motivation.2.1 The Definition of MotivationThe study of motivation is a prominent area both in the fields of psychology and education. Before we conclude those methods for English t

31、eachers for stimulating students foreign language learning, the author believes it is essential to illustrate that what motivation is. According to Gardner, motivation refers to the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language. (Gardner,1985). His theory about foreign language learning motivation is regarded as starting point for other researches.

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