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英语外研版必修4课时作业 Module 3 单元小测.docx

1、英语外研版必修英语外研版必修 4 课时作业课时作业 Module 3 单元小测单元小测 课时作业课时作业 12 单元小测单元小测.单词拼写 1He was slightly(稍微)angry at what I said.2The meeting involves(包括)discussing the plan for next year.3The situation is threatening(具有威胁的)to the villagers.4He spread(涂抹)some cream over the bread.5The wonderful performance(表演)gained

2、the audiences applause.6I received her invitation(邀请)to the party just now.7Dont be rude(粗鲁的)to others.8A lot of youths(年轻人)are fond of pop music.9The weather here varies(变化)from season to season.10How to communicate(交流)with others in a proper way is what you should keep in mind.用所给词的适当形式填空或在空格处填入语法

3、形式正确的词。1If you find a stranger staying around your house,please be on guard.He might be a thief.解析:句意:如果你发现有陌生人待在房子附近,请保持警惕。他可能是小偷。on guard“(保持)警惕”。2It was the fact that your laugh gave away the secret of the game.解析:句意:事实是你的笑泄露了游戏的秘密。give away“暴露;泄露”,为固定搭配。3Anderson repeated his request that we(sho

4、uld)_put(put)off the meeting.解析:句意:安德森重申了一下延迟会议的请求。request 后面的同位语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”的形式。4Their flight was held up by the thick fog,so they didnt get to the meeting on time.解析:句意:他们的航班因大雾延迟了,所以他们没有及时去开会。hold up“延迟;阻碍”。5I have bought 5 tickets and they vary(various)in price from$8 to$12.解析:句意

5、:我买了 5张票,价格从 8美元到 12美元不等。vary“由到不等”。6I ran into my old friend quite by accident the other day,who was abroad for many years.解析:句意:前几天,我很偶然地遇见了我的老朋友,他在国外待了好多年。by accident“偶然地”。7A big fire broke out,spreading(spread)from the factory to the shops nearby.解析:句意:一场大火灾爆发了,从工厂一直蔓延到附近的商店。spread“传播;蔓

6、延”现在分词作伴随状语。8Honesty is a kind of quality and it is what we need to_communicate(communicate)with others successfully.解析:句意:诚实是一种品质,而这种品质就是我们与别人成功交往所需要的。communicate with sb.“与某人交流/交往”,need to do sth.需要做。9How do you think I should receive Tom?However bad you feel about him,try to be polite.解析:句意:“你觉得我

7、该如何接待汤姆?”“不管你对他感觉多差,要尽量有礼貌。”空格处引导让步状语从句,并在从句中作状语,意为“无论怎么样”,故用 however。10Dont put too much pressure on yourself.As/So long as you keep trying,you will achieve your goals in the future.解析:句意:不要给自己施加太多压力。只要你继续努力,将来你就会实现自己的目标。as/so long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。.完形填空 There was once a bridge over a large river.Du

8、ring most of the day,the bridge sat with its length running up and down the river parallel with the _1_,making it possible for _2_ to pass through freely on both sides of the bridge._3_ at certain times each day,a train would come by and the bridge would be turned sideways across the river,_4_ a tra

9、in to cross it.One evening as the switchman was _5_ the last train of the day,he looked off into the distance and caught sight of the train lights.He _6_ to the controls and turned the bridge into position.However,to his _7_,he found the locking control didnt _8_.If the bridge was not _9_“locked”,it

10、 would cause the train to jump the_10_ and crash into the river._11_,this was a passenger train.Immediately,he ran across the bridge to the other side of the river _12_ there was a lock controlled by hand there.He took hold of the lever(操纵杆)and leaned backward to _13_ his full weight to the lever,lo

11、cking the bridge.Then,he heard a _14_ that made his blood run cold.“Daddy,where are you?”His fouryearold son was crossing the bridge to look for him.The man _15_ left his lever to run and grab his son and carry him to safety.But he _16_ he could not get back to the lever in time.Either the people on

12、 the train or his son must _17_.He had only a moment to make his _18_.The train sped safely on its way,and _19_ aboard was aware of the tiny broken body thrown mercilessly into the river by the train nor the pitiful figure of the _20_ man,still holding on tightly to the locking lever long after the

13、train had passed.本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个扳道工为了救火车上的人而牺牲了自己的儿子的感人故事。 Bwater Cbanks Dscene 答案:C 解析:考查名词辨析。由空格前的“the bridge sat with its length running up and down the river”可知,此处指桥跟河岸平行。故选 C。2A.ships Btrucks Ccars Dtrains 答案:A 解析:考查名词辨析。根据常识可知,桥跟河岸平行,这样船只就能从桥两边来去自如,不受阻碍。故选 A。3A.So BOr CFor DBut 答案:D 解析:

14、考查连词辨析。由上文语境及空格后“at certain times each day,a train would come by.”可知,通常都是船只经过这里,但在每天的某些特定时间都会有一列火车从这里开过。空格前后是转折关系。故选 D。4A.forcing Ballowing Cintending Drefusing 答案:B 解析:考查动词辨析。根据空格前后语境可知,火车来的时候,桥会被转向一侧,横跨大河,好让火车通过。allow意为“允许”,符合语境。故选 B。5A.heading for Breaching for Cwaiting for Dlooking for 答案:C 解析:考

15、查动词短语辨析。句意:一天晚上,扳道工正在等着当天的最后一趟火车head for意为“前往,出发”;reach for 意为“伸手去拿”;wait for意为“等待”;look for意为“寻找”。故选 C。6A.stepped Bdrove Cclimbed Dfell 答案:A 解析:考查动词辨析。根据空格前的“caught sight of the train lights”可知,扳道工看到了火车灯,因此此处应指他走向操纵装置。step意为“走,迈步”;drive意为“发动,驾驶”;climb 意为“爬,攀登”;fall 意为“跌倒,落下”。故选 A。7A.embarrassment B

16、disappointment Cregret Dhorror 答案:D 解析:考查名词辨析。根据句中“However”和“he found the locking control didnt _”可知,句意:然而,让他恐惧的是,他发现关闭阀门不能正常工作了。embarrassment 意为“窘迫,难堪”;disappointment 意为“失望”;regret 意为“遗憾,后悔”;horror意为“恐惧,惊骇”。故选 D。8A.stop Bwork Cexist Dplay 答案:B 解析:考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“cause the train to.crash into the rive

17、r”可知,此处应指关闭阀门不能正常工作了。故选 B。9A.securely Bhighly Cslowly Dskillfully 答案:A 解析:考查副词辨析。根据句中“it would cause the train to jump the _ and crash into the river”可知,此处指如果桥不能被安全地锁上,那么火车就会脱轨冲到河里。securely意为“安全地,牢固地”;highly意为“高度地,非常”;slowly意为“缓慢地,慢慢地”;skillfully意为“巧妙地,精妙地”。故选 A。10A.queue Bwall Ctrack Droad 答案:C 解析:

18、考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“crash into the river”可知,此处指火车脱轨。track意为“轨道”,符合语境。故选 C。11A.In fact BWorse still CAfter all DFor example 答案:B 解析:考查短语辨析。句意:更糟的是,这是一列客车。in fact 意为“事实上,实际上”;worse still 意为“更糟的是”;after all 意为“毕竟”;for example意为“例如”。故选 B。12A.until Bthough Cbecause Dunless 答案:C 解析:考查连词辨析。句意:这个扳道工立刻从桥上走到河的另一边,因

19、为在那边有个手动的控制阀。故选 C。13A.apply Bpoint Cfollow Dreduce 答案:A 解析:考查动词辨析。根据空格前后语境可推知。句意:他握住操纵杆向后倾斜,使出全身的力气扳动操纵杆,将桥锁上。apply意为“应用”,意为“把应用于上”;point 意为“指向”;follow 意为“跟随”;reduce意为“减少”。故选 A。14A.warning Bring Cvoice Dknock 答案:C 解析:考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“Daddy,where are you?”可知,此处应指他听到了一个声音。voice 意为“声音,嗓音”,符合语境。故选

20、 C。15A.hardly Balmost Churriedly Dalways 答案:B 解析:考查副词辨析。由下文可知,他没有扔掉操纵杆。故此处应指他几乎要扔掉操纵杆跑过去抓住儿子。hardly意为“几乎不”;almost 意为“几乎”;hurriedly意为“匆忙地”;always 意为“总是”。故选 B。16A.promised Bdeclared Cexplained Drealized 答案:D 解析:考查动词辨析。此处应指他意识到如果自己过去抓住儿子,他就不能及时返回来再扳住操纵杆。promise意为“许诺”;declare意为“宣称”;explain 意为“解释”;realiz

21、e意为“意识到”。故选 D。17A.die Bdive Cleave Dshare 答案:A 解析:考查动词辨析。根据下文可知,扳道工为了火车上乘客的生命放弃了自己儿子的生命。故本句句意:要么是乘客死要么是他的儿子死。故选 A。18A.plan Bchange Cdecision Dbargain 答案:C 解析:考查名词辨析。根据上文语境可知,此处指在这种情况下,要么是乘客死要么是他的儿子死,这时扳道工必须要做出决定。make a decision 为固定短语,意为“做决定”,符合句意。故选 C。19A.someone Bnobody Canyone Deverybody 答案:B 解析:考

22、查代词辨析。根据语境及空格后的“nor”可知,此处应指火车安全地过了河,车上没有人注意到有一个破碎的小身体被无情地撞到了河里。故选 B。20A.ugly Bstrange Cfoolish Dsad 答案:D 解析:考查形容词辨析。根据上文可知,扳道工为了乘客的生命放弃了自己儿子的生命,他肯定很悲伤。故选 D。.阅读理解 Here is some information from a tourist guide to Patapsco Valley State Park,Maryland,USA.Wildlife and Nature Appreciation While visiting P

23、atapsco Valley State Park,you will see a variety of natural habitats.Throughout spring and fall,dogwoods,maples,redbuds,and many varieties of wildflowers color the forest.Along the Cascade Trail(小径),eastern hemlocks are impressive.This park is also home to many small mammals and birds.If you pause d

24、uring your journey through the forest,you are likely to see rabbits,grey squirrels,beavers,whitetailed deer and red foxes.Along the banks of the river,bird watchers will spot Canada geese,green herons,kingfishers and wood ducks all year round.Fishing The Patapsco River meanders through the park and

25、is a popular attraction for anglers(钓鱼者).The Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Service assigns the river as a putand-take fishery(渔场)with adult rainbow and brown trout in spring and fall.Anglers also enjoy catching naturally reproducing smallmouth and largemouth bass,bluegills,redbreast sunf

26、ish and yellow perches.Fishing opportunities have been specially set aside at Lost Lake for youth under 16 and seniors 62 years of age and older.This area is also designed for anglers with disabilities.Camping The beautiful,wooded setting of the Hilton Area is a popular destination for family and yo

27、uth group camping.Tent sites include,picnic tables,fire rings,grills and access to a heated comfort station with hot showers.Enjoy the parks ball fields,as well as a popular recycled tire playground.The Area also has six minicabins for rent.Tables and facilities for the disabled are provided.Please

28、contact park headquarters for more information.Trails Adventure seekers will enjoy hiking,mountain biking and horseback riding on the parks popular trail system.More than 17 miles of challenging and rough single track trails follow the ridges,steep hillsides and stream valleys in the park.These trai

29、ls are also excellent gateways for wildlife viewing,bird watching and general nature appreciation.Please respect the rights of nearby private property owners by using only blazed(有路标的)trails.Remember that the park is a natural area with certain dangers,such as poison ivy,slippery trail surfaces,inse

30、cts,etc.You are responsible for having the necessary skills,knowledge and equipment for a safe visit.Discover History Along the Trail Enter another time as you explore Patapscos trails.Layer upon layer of history tells the story of mans interaction with nature.Native Americans hunted,gathered and fi

31、shed here for centuries.In the 1700s,the valley became one of the earliest sites for Americas Industrial Revolution.Early settlers cut down trees for charcoal used to fire iron furnaces(熔炉).The rivers current was dammed and channeled to power iron,paper,grain and textile mills(纺织厂).Towns and tobacco

32、 farms were established throughout the valley.本文是一篇旅游指南,主要介绍了美国 Patapsco Valley State Park 的一些主要景点。1The following are all names of plants except _.Adogwoods Bredbuds Ceastern hemlocks Dgreen herons 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。根据 Wildlife and Nature Appreciation 中的“Throughout spring and fall,dogwoods,maples,redbud

33、s,and many varieties of wildflowers color the forest.Along the Cascade Trail(小径),eastern hemlocks are impressive.”及“Along the banks of the river,bird watchers will spot Canada geese,green herons.”可知,dogwoods,redbuds 和eastern hemlocks 都是植物名称,而 green herons 不是植物名称。故选 D 项。2Which of the following is forbidden to fish at Lost Lake?AA pupil in grade six.BA 30yearold woman without disability.CAn old man

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