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八年级英语下册任务型阅读 复习经典.docx

1、八年级英语下册任务型阅读 复习经典八年级英语下册任务型阅读 复习经典一、八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习(含答案解析)1任务型阅读 You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get on well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just dont like one

2、 of your classmates? If you discover that you have problems (get) on with your classmates or friends, the most important thing (learn) is tolerance(宽容) . Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We cannot change the way that other people do, so it is important to le

3、arn to live happily with them. Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why he does things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep a temperate and open mind. You need to rem

4、ember an old saying, (A)“Treat others how you want to be treated. ” If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. (B)现在,没有人要求你改变自己。 Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to practice tolerance, b

5、ecause it will make everyones life easier. (C)学会接受能力、兴趣与自己不同的人。The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference. (1)用适当形式填空。 (2)把句子(A)翻译成汉语。 (3)把句子(B)翻译成英语。 (4)把句子(C)翻译成英语。 (5)找出本文的主旨大意句。 【答案】 (1)getting |to learn/learning(2)你想别人怎么对待你, 你就怎么

6、对待别人。(己所不欲勿施于人)(3)Now, no one requires you to change yourself.(4)Learn to accept people who own different ability and interests from you.(5)The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference. 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了如何跟你不喜欢的同学相处的方法。 (1) 句意:如果你发现你在与

7、你同学或者朋友相处是有问题。have problem doing sth,做某事有问题,固定搭配。故答案是getting 句意:要学习的最重要的事实宽容,learn是修饰前面的thing的,应使用动词不定式作后置定语。故答案是to learn。 (2)treat others,对待别人; how you want to be treated. 你想如何对待。故答案案是: 你想别人怎么对待你,你就怎么对待别人。(己所不欲勿施于人) (3)现在now;没有人no one;要求你require you;改变你自己change yourself,require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某

8、事。no one属于不定代词,按照三单对待。故答案是 Now, no one requires you to change yourself. (4)学会做learn to do;能力ability;兴趣interest;与不同differentfrom。 能力、兴趣与自己不同 作定语修饰people,应使用定语从句。故答案是 Learn to accept people who own different ability and interests from you. (5) The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in y

9、our own school and city can help make a difference.位于文章的结尾,是对整篇文章的概述,因此这句就是本篇文章的中心句。故答案是 The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference. 【点评】考查任务型阅读,先看清要求,按照要求去做题。2下面小题是五个人物的相关信息,方框中AG是七则建议,请为每个人选择最合适的建议(其中有两项多余)。 A. If you dont want to l

10、ose your friend, you should talk to your friend first. Also, you may invite her to your home to have dinner. B. If there is something wrong with your stomach, you should go to see a doctor as soon as possible and have some pills. C. You should visit your neighbor and have a talk with him. You can te

11、ll him not to play the CDs at night. D. You should tell your mother what you did and promise not to do it again. Your mother will forgive(原谅) you. E. You should take good care of your sister while your parents are not at home. F. You should do more math exercises and ask your math teacher to help yo

12、u with math. G. If you want to become strong, you should eat more food and do some sports. (1)Sharons math is not very good. She feels a little worried because the math exam is coming. (2)John is a naughty boy. He did something wrong this morning. He isnt brave enough to tell his mother about what h

13、e did. (3)Jennys neighbor always plays the CDs too loud at night. Jenny cannot fall asleep. (4)Mary quarreled(争吵) with her best friend yesterday. She was very sad and she didnt want to lose her friend. (5)Kate has a stomachache. She doesnt feel like eating anything. 【答案】 (1)F(2)D(3)C(4)A(5)B 【解析】【分析

14、】A. If you dont want to lose your friend, you should talk to your friend first. Also, you may invite her to your home to have dinner.如果你不想失去你的朋友,你应该先和你的朋友谈谈。另外,你可以邀请她到你家吃饭。 B. If there is something wrong with your stomach, you should go to see a doctor as soon as possible and have some pills.果你的胃有问题

15、,你应该尽快去看医生,吃点药。 C. You should visit your neighbor and have a talk with him. You can tell him not to play the CDs at night.你应该去拜访你的邻居,和他谈谈。你可以告诉他晚上不要放CD。 D. You should tell your mother what you did and promise not to do it again. Your mother will forgive(原谅) you.你应该告诉你母亲你做了什么,并保证不再做了。你妈妈会原谅你的。 E. You

16、 should take good care of your sister while your parents are not at home.当你父母不在家时,你应该好好照顾你的妹妹。 F. You should do more math exercises and ask your math teacher to help you with math.你应该做更多的数学练习,并请你的数学老师帮助你学习数学。如果你想变得强壮,你应该多吃些食物,做些运动。 G. If you want to become strong, you should eat more food and do som

17、e sports. (1)根据 Sharons math is not very good. She feels a little worried because the math exam is coming. 可知与数学方面有关的只有选项F,故选F。 (2)根据 John is a naughty boy. He did something wrong this morning. He isnt brave enough to tell his mother about what he did. 与男孩做错事不敢告诉母亲有关的只有选项D,故选D。 (3)根据 Jennys neighbor

18、 always plays the CDs too loud at night. Jenny cannot fall asleep. 与邻居之间问题有关的只有选项C,故选C。 (4)根据 Mary quarreled(争吵) with her best friend yesterday. She was very sad and she didnt want to lose her friend. 与朋友之间发生矛盾有关的只有选项A,故选A。 (5)根据 Kate has a stomachache. She doesnt feel like eating anything.与胃疼有关内容只有

19、选项B,故选B。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。3根据短文内容,从方框中的AE五个选项中为每段文章选出合适的小标题并填在相应的序号后面。 Tips for Studying English Different people have different study habits. The following tips have worked on a great number of people. Some of them m

20、ay work on you; some of them wont. Try them all and start your own habit. _ Find a quiet place with enough room to study. Once youve found it, study there every time. It could be a desk in your bedroom, or the kitchen table. Lying down on your bed and studying is not a good habit. _ Find the time yo

21、u can concentrate(专心)best. Spend that time on study every day. However,you should be sure it is not so late at night. _ Put your books,dictionaries and stationery in the same place. Make sure you can find everything you need right away when you go to study. _ Keep all your mind on you studies. When

22、you study,turn off the TV and turn down music. Any other thoughts should also be set aside. _ You should at least take a break every hour while studying. It can be five or ten minutes,but dont rest too long. Make sure you can concentrate at any time. A. Keep everything readB. Rest after every hourC.

23、 Study at the same timeD. Focus on your studiesE. Study at the same place【答案】 E;C;A;D;B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文介绍了几点关于如何学习的建议,包括准备好一切东西,学会休息,在相同时间学习,关注你的学习和在相同地方学习。 A. Keep everything read准备好一切东西。B. Rest after every hour每个小时休息。C. Study at the same time在相同时间学习。D. Focus on your studies关注你的学习。E. Study at the s

24、ame place在相同地方学习。 (1)根据文章提到的 Once youve found it, study there every time 可知,文段的标题为在相同地方学习,故选E。 (2)根据文章提到的 Spend that time on study every day 可知,文段的标题为在相同时间学习,故选C。 (3)根据文段提到的 Put your books,dictionaries and stationery in the same place 可知,应该准备好一切东西,故选A。 (4)根据文段提到的 Keep all your mind on you studies 可知

25、, 应该关注学习,故选D。 (5)根据文段提到的 You should at least take a break every hour while studying 可知, 每学习一个小时,应该休息一下,故选B。【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题熟悉文章大意,熟悉段落大意,概括中心意思,选出正确的标题选项,即可。4根据短文内容,完成后面的表格,每空一词。 Have you ever been to Holland(荷兰)? If you live in Japan and you have never been to Holland, you should go to Huis Ten Bos

26、ch(豪斯登堡). Huis Ten Bosch is an amusement park near Nagasaki(长崎)in Japan. All the houses there look like the houses in Holland. All the restaurants have famous food from Holland, such as cheese. Huis Ten Bosch is really big. There are five large hotels there. The park has an old-fashioned train, many

27、 buses and taxis, and several boats for people to travel around. Most of the buses and taxis are more than 80 years old. For people who like shopping, there are many stores where you can buy the souvenirs from Holland. For people who like movies, there are many movie theaters. One of them shows cart

28、oons all day. Athletic visitors can enjoy ice skating, tennis and swimming. For people who are interested in animals, theres wonderful z00. The zoo has many animals from South America, especially Peru(秘鲁). If you want to visit the amusement park, you have to take a boat. There are many boat rides fo

29、r visitors to Huis Ten Bosch. Huis Ten BoschTraffic: an old-fashioned_, many_and_and several_. If you like shoppingthere are many_and you can buy the _from Holand. If you like moviesthere are many _and one of them shows cartoons all day. If you like sportsyou can enjoy_,tennis and swimming. 【答案】 tra

30、in;buses;taxis;boats;stores;souvenirs;movie;theatres;ice;skating 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文介绍了去荷兰旅行,豪斯登堡很大,如果你喜欢购物,可以去商店购买,如果喜欢看电影,可以去当地电影院,如果喜欢运动,可以玩滑冰,网球和游泳。 (1)根据文章提到的 The park has an old-fashioned train, many buses and taxis, and several boats for people to travel around 可知,空缺分别填入train,buses,taxis和boats,故答

31、案为train,buses,taxis,boats。 (2)根据文章提到的 For people who like shopping, there are many stores where you can buy the souvenirs from Holland 可知,空缺分别填入stores和souvenirs,故答案为stores,souvenirs。 (3)根据文章提到的 For people who like movies, there are many movie theaters. One of them shows cartoons all day 可知,空缺填入movie; theaters,故答案为movie; theaters。 (4)根据文章提到的 Athletic visitors can enjoy ice skating, tennis and swimming 可知, 空缺填入ice和skating,故答案为ice;skating。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,熟悉各个问题,带着问题到文章找出关键句,即可。 5暑假即将来临,你会如何充实度过每一天? 以下有5条建议,请从A一E中选择它们相应的标题

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