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1、九年级英语语法专项复习之主谓一致简单句一、 主谓一致中考考点1就近一致原则。2意义一致原则。3语法一致原则。考点一 就近一致原则 (即谓语的单、复数取决于离谓语最近的主语的单、复数形式。)1there be句型当主语是系列事物时,谓语与邻近的主语保持一致。There _is_ a table and two chairs in the room. 房间里有一张桌子和两把椅子。There _are_ two chairs and a table in the room. 房间里有两把椅子和一张桌子。2由eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also等词连接并列主语时

2、,谓语动词跟邻近的主语保持一致。如:Neither you nor he _is_ right. 你和他都不对。Either you or I must leave. 不是你就是我必须离开。Not only he but also I _am_ invited. 不仅他被邀请了我也被邀请了。考点二 意义一致原则 (即主、谓语在意义上保持一致关系。)1表示时间、金钱、距离、重量、长度等的复数名词作主语时,通常被看做一个整体,谓语动词用单数。如:Twenty years _has passed_ since he left his hometown.他离开家乡有二十年了。Ten dollars _

3、is_ enough. 十美元足够了。2以s结尾的名词(news, maths, physics)本身不表示复数意义,谓语动词通常用单数形式。如:I dont think the news in the newspaper _is_ true. 我认为报纸上的这条消息不是真的。Maths _is nt_ very hard.数学不是很难。3“the形容词”(表示一类人,the poor, the rich, the old, the young等)用作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:The old _are_ taken good care of in this area. 这个地区的老人被照顾得

4、很好。4family, class, team, group等集体名词作主语时,若指一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若指具体成员,谓语动词用复数。如:Class 5 _is_ the best class in this school.五班是这所学校最好的班级。(整体)Class 5 _are_ the winners. 五班是胜利者。(具体成员)5people, police等集体名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:The police _are looking for_ the missing child.警察正在寻找那个失踪的孩子。The Chinese people are very frie

5、ndly.中国人很友好。6“a number of ”作主语时,谓语动词用复数; “the number of”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students in our class _is_ 50.我们班学生的数量是五十个。A number of players _are_/come_ from Japan.一些队员来自日本。7当主语是同位语时,谓语动词要根据同位语的单复数来确定;但用连词and连接的主语是复数。如:Mr Wang, my maths teacher,_is_ forty years old. 王先生,也就是我的数学老师,40岁了。8al

6、l, some, none, most, any, the rest、分数或百分数等代词作主语时,若指复数概念,谓语动词用复数;若指单数概念,则谓语动词用单数。如:Some of the work _was done_ by me. 一些工作是由我做的。Some of the students _study very hard_. 一些学生学习很努力。9由and连接的并列主语,如果描述同一个人或同一种事物时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。如:There is a knife and fork on the table.桌上有一副刀叉。The writer and singer has come t

7、o our school.那位作家兼歌手来过我们学校。考点三 语法一致原则 (即主、谓语在语法形式上保持一致。)1 介词或介词短语作插入语主语后有with/together with/as well as/without/including/besides/except/but等引导的短语作插入语时,谓语动词要与主语一致而与插入语无关。如:Mary with her mother is shopping now. 玛丽正在和她妈妈一起购物。All the students,including Tom,are going to the park. 所有的学生包括汤姆在内都要去公园。2非谓语动词(

8、不定式、动名词等)短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。如:Doing a lot of practice is a good way to improve your English. 做大量练习是提高你英语的好方法。What I need is a good book. 我需要的是一本好书。2 不定代词作主语不定代词something, anything, nothing, everyone, anybody, nobody, each, neither, either, little, much, one等作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Someone is_ waiting for y

9、ou. 有人在等你。Neither of the answers is_ right. 两个答案都不对。4常以复数形式出现的名词作主语名词shoes, classes, clothes, trousers等作主语时,谓语动词必须用复数。但是,如果这些名词被a pair of 修饰时,谓语动词需用单数。如:The shoes are under the bed.鞋子在床下面。A pair of shoes is under the bed.床下面有一双鞋子。5在定语从句中,关系代词that, who, which等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与先行词的数保持一致。如:This is the boy

10、 who_wants_to see you.这就是想要见你的男孩。The boys who are playing football there_are_my best friends. 正在那儿踢足球的那些男孩是我的好朋友。考点过关用所给词的适当形式填空1There _is_(be) some beef on the plate.2Not only you but also she _has_(have) been to Paris.3Every day a number of people _come_(come) to the park. The number of them _is_(

11、be) about 700.4Fifty dollars _is_(be) enough.5The rich _are_ (be) not always rich.6Nobody _likes_(like) to be criticized.7Betty with her parents _is_ (be) going camping.8The pair of shoes _is_ (be) very expensive.9Neither we nor she _has_ (have) been to the farm.10Doing morning exercises _makes_ (ma

12、ke) us healthy. 1. The woman behind the girls _A_ a famous actress.A. is B. are C. have D. has 【解析】介词或介词短语作插入语主语后有with/together with/as well as/without/including/besides/except/but等引导的短语作插入语时,谓语动词要与主语一致而与插入语无关2. The news _A_ very interesting! Tell me more!A. is B. are C. were D. was【解析】news意为“新闻”,是不

13、可数名词,作主语时谓语动词要单数形式,先排除B、C二项;另结合后句“Tell me more!”可知这里要用一般现在时,故舍D选A。3. He is a doctor and his brother is a doctor, too. You mean both he and his brother _C_ doctors, right?A. is B. be C. are D. was4. Either Eve or Herb _B_ been invited by Lucys parents already. A. have B. has C. was D. were 【解析】either

14、 or 连接主语时,谓语动词与or后面的名词或代词保持一致。由关键词Herb可知用谓语动词单数形式,先排除A、D二项;另由been invited可知这里是现在完成时的被动语态,故舍D5.What do you think of what she did?-What she did still _A_ us feel very sad now.A. makes B. make C. is making D. is made【解析】非谓语动词(不定式、动名词等)短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。6. -Which would you like, tea or coffee? -Either

15、_C_ OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk. A. is, has B. are, with C. is, with D. are, has 【解析】either是不定代词,作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式,先排除B、D;另结合题中的谓语动词prefer可舍A选C。7. What _A_ the number of the students in your school?About two thousand. A number of them _ from England.A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are【解析】the

16、 number of意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;而a number of意为“许多”,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。8. Everyone except Tom and John _B_ seen the film.A. is B. has C. are D. have【解析】everyone在句中作主语,而except Tom and John是介词短语,作everyone的后置定语,所以谓语动词要用单数形式,先排除C、D二项;另结合关键词seen可知这里是现在完成时,故舍A选B。9.Whats on the table?-_A_ some bread on it.A. The

17、re is B. There are C. We are D. They are 【解析】选A。考查there be结构的主谓一致。题中的some bread是不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。故选A。10.The number of _C_ in our class_ fifty.A. student; is B. the students; areC. the students; is D. students; are二、简单句中考考点1陈述句的概念及其肯定形式和否定形式。2一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的结构及答语的用法。3what和how引导的感叹句。考点一 陈

18、述句陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句和否定句两种句式。陈述句在书写时句末有句号,而在朗读时则用降调。陈述句又分为肯定的陈述句和否定的陈述句,简称为肯定句)和否定句。陈述句 - 语序陈述句是用来描述一个事实。日常生活中使用的大部分句子都是陈述句。在陈述句中动词在第二位。第一位可以是主语,也可以是状语,还可以是宾语。而不管句子怎么变,动词(或者助动词)总是在第二位。主语的位置则总是在动词的两边,要么在第一位,要么在第三位。当出现助动词或情态动词时,助动词或情态动词在第二位,行为动词在最后一位。 陈述句 - 分类陈述句分为肯定句和否定句(全否定和半否定)简单地说,表达事物的“Yes

19、”这一面的句子就是肯定句,“No”的一面的就叫做否定句。传统的英语入门都是先学肯定句,然后再学肯定句的反面,亦就是否定句。一、肯定句:基本结构为主+谓He went to London to pass his holiday.二、否定句:1、全否定用not, no, never, neither, none, nothing等否定。表示“完全不是,完全不”的意思。Nothing is wrong with me.2、半否定句在句子里用否定词hardly, scarcely, little, few, seldom, rarely等。I hardly see anything in the ro

20、om.=I can see little in the room.“all/both/every/each/+谓语+not”表示概念为“有的是,有的不是”All of them are not students.=Some of them are students, some are not.3、宾语从句的否定形式用在think, believe, suppose引导的宾语从句里则否定主句。I dont think hell come.=He will not come in fact, I think.三、否定句的表达方式 (1)使用副词否定词“not”(a)be,have为主要动词He h

21、as not many friend here. (在这里他没有很多朋友。) 解说:“be/have +not”常缩短成一词,尤其是日常谈话更是如此。注意“am +not”不是“amnt”,而是“arent”或“ainteint”,I am very nice to you, arent I? (我对你很不错,是不是?) 美国人用“aint”很随便,应该是“are not,is not,have not,has not”的地方,他们也会“aint”一下就带过去,宜注意。 (b)be,have为助动词 He hasnt yet paid the money. (他尚未付钱。) be+ V -in

22、g(进行时),be +P.P.(过去分词)(被动词态),have(has,had)+P.P.(完成时)等的“be,have(has,had)”皆为助动词。“be going to ”在学校文法中也常被视为助动词。 (c)“助动词+V”时 动词带有助动词“will,shall,can,may,must,need,dare,ought to,used to,had better”等时,将“not”置于助动词与主要动词之间。You had better not tell her everything. (你最好不要样样事情都告诉她。) 注:“can”的否定形式是“cannot cant”,不可写成“

23、can not cannt”。 (d)使用助动词“do”的否定句 一般动词的否定句通常使用助动词“do”,句式如下:do(does, did)+not + V(原形动词)Dont believe him. (不要相信他的话。) 注:“have”表达“有”以外的意义时,其否定句通常使用助动词“doWe didnt have (=enjoy) a good time there yesterday. (昨天我们在那里玩得不愉快。) 不过美式英语“have”作“有”的意义使用时也如一般动词使用助动词“do” I dont have brothers. (我没有兄弟。) (2)使用“not”以外的否定

24、词: (a)副词:never,seldom,hardly,little,neither等She seldom comes to see me. (她不常来看我。) (b)形容词:no,few,little等He has few friends in Hong Kong. (他在香港几乎没有朋友。) (c)代词:nothing,nobody,none等I found nobody about computer. (在那栋房子里我没看到任何人。) 注:1有些文法书认为“Not +V”为句子否定法,是否定句,而“no +n.或如nothing等”为单词否定法,不宜称为否定句。He has no br

25、eakfast. (他没有早餐可吃。单词否定,肯定句) 2否定也可以借用前缀或后缀来表达They are childless.(=The dont have children.) (他们没有小孩。) 陈述句 - 相关语法一、对谓语动词否定否定词除了not之外,还有never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely.She scarcely spoke to him. 她很少跟他交谈。二、对名词或代词否定I can do nothing about it. 对这事我无能为力。三、委婉陈述人们在陈述事实的时候,为了礼貌或者为了在说话时留有余地,常常在说话时采用委婉陈述方

26、式。1、采用插入语来软化陈述句的口气That will be, I think, too much for him. 我想那会使他受不了的。2、采用情态动词或半助动词来软化口气He appears to have many friends here. 看来,他在这儿有许多朋友。 考点二 疑问句1一般疑问句(1)各种时态的一般疑问句(略)(2)一般疑问句的回答用yes或者no。如:Does she go to school at 7:30 every day? “她每天七点半去上学吗?”_Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.“是的,她是。”/“不,不是。”(3)否定疑问句

27、的答语否定疑问句通常是以be/情态动词/助动词not的缩写形式开头的。表示请求、看法或者惊讶等。其答语和汉语习惯不一样。如:Arent you a student? “你不是一名学生吗?”_No, I am not./Yes, I am. “不,我是。”/“是的,我不是。”2特殊疑问句常见的疑问代词有what, which, who, whom, whose;常见的疑问形容词有which, whose;常见的疑问副词有when, where, why, how等。3选择疑问句Is he Chinese or Japanese? “他是中国人还是日本人?”Hes Chinese. “他是中国人。

28、”Would you like some juice or tea? “你想要点果汁还是茶?”Neither. “都不要。”考点三 反义疑问句反意疑问句的构成: 陈述句附加疑问句?附加疑问句的否定式必须缩写。1陈述句部分与附加疑问句部分意思相反: 前肯后否、前否后肯。如:Mary is a teacher,_isnt she_?He didnt tell you the story,_did he_? 2反意疑问句基本对应形式如下:(1)be动词对应be动词。如:She is a policewoman,_isnt she_?(2)情态动词对应情态动词。如:He can drive the c

29、ar,_cant he_? (3)行为动词对应助动词的相应形式。这种助动词主要指帮助构成疑问句或否定句的do/does/did,以及它们的否定形式。如:He slept for 9 hours yesterday,_didnt he_? He didnt go to the park,_did he_?(4)助动词对应助动词的相应形式。这样的助动词主要包括以下几种: 现在进行时中的be一般将来时中的will/shall现在完成时中的have/hasThey are swimming,_arent they_?Jane will visit Tianjin,_wont he_? She has

30、finished her homework,_hasnt she_? 3特殊形式(1)当陈述句中含有表示否定的代词或形容词,如nothing, none, no one, nobody, neither, few, little等,或含有表示否定的副词never, hardly, seldom时,则附加疑问句只能用肯定式。如:Linda has never been to Beijing,_has she_?You can hardly see the blackboard clearly,_can you_?(2)祈使句的反意疑问句的附加疑问句部分用will you/wont you。如:Open the window, _wont you /will you_? 注意 Lets go and have a look, shall we? (u

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