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1、1617学年上学期高一第一次模底考试语文试题附答案2016-2017年高一年级英语摸底考试试题 第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 AI was walking home from school one day and it happened to be a pretty cold and windy day. It was freezing and I was crazy enough to forget my hat and gloves. You can imagine my

2、 face was rosy red and my hands were as numb (麻木的) as they can be.Suddenly an old lady drove up beside me and asked if I would like her to take a ride to my home. At first I refused but she persisted(坚持) and her warm smile melted away (打消)the thought that my parents had put in my head, Never talk to

3、 strangers! We had an amazing chat and she was just such a sweetheart. She told me her address and she dropped me off.I didnt see her or talk to her for about a month and one night, remembering her kind gesture, I decided to return the favor(恩惠). So I made a lot of cookies and walked down to her hou

4、se with my friend. At first, I was a bit worried she wouldnt remember me or think that I was a psycho(精神病患者) who poisoned cookies, but luckily, I was completely wrong. She was so happy, and she hugged me and kissed me and seemed so shocked that someone would do something like that!When I got home, m

5、y mom informed me that she called and told my mom that she cried because she was so moved. She said she would never forget the kindness that was given to her! That filled me with such joy! There really is nothing else like helping others and making someones day brighter!Let us never forget the joy w

6、e get by helping others !21. What did the author forget to do on that cold day? A. Drive her car. B. Take more cookies. C. Take the examination D. Take her hat and gloves.22. Why did the author refuse to get into the old womans car at first? A. The old woman might cheat her into doing something bad.

7、 B. The old woman might ask her for a lot of money. C. The old woman was a stranger to her then. D. She didnt like the old woman.23. The author felt worried before she went to the old womans house because she thought that the old woman_.A. didnt remember her B. would drive her away C. wouldnt allow

8、a stranger to come in D. would make some cookies for her againBWhether youre a freshman or a senior, developing the following skills will help you achieve success in school and in life.Time management(管理). There are just 24 hours in each day. What you do with that time has a different result. While

9、high-school students average 35 hours per week of class time, college students have an average of 15 to 18 hours per week. Manage your free time wisely and youll make full use of each day.Good study habits. If youve got them, its great. If not, theres still time to develop them. Good study habits in

10、clude the following (以下内容): Always be prepared for class, and attend classes on time. No cutting(不得翘课)! finish homework in a timely way. Review your notes daily rather than study for tests the night before. Set aside quiet time each day for study, even if you dont have homework or a test the next da

11、y!Good note-taking(记笔记). You cant possibly write down everything the teacher says since we talk at a rate(速度) of about 225 words per minute. But, you do need to write down the important things. Note-taking should be in a form thats the most helpful to you. You can try writing notes on different colo

12、red cards. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can record daily lessons. Do whatever it takes!Review of daily notes. Dont wait until the night before the test to review your notes. Go over your notes each day while the knowledge is still fresh in your min

13、d. Add any missing pieces. Compare your notes with a classmates notes. Review your notes each day to improve your learning and build towards your final goal: to learn the subject or skill well .24. If you want to make good use of each day, you should .A. achieve success in school and in life B. deal

14、 with your free time in a good wayC. develop good study habits earlier D. set aside some quiet time for study25. If you want to form good study habits, you should .A. get good habits as early as you canB. study for tests the night beforeC. write down all the teacher saysD. go over your notes every d

15、ay26. What is the main benefit of reviewing of daily notes?A. To help write down the important material(材料).B. To solve the problem with note-taking timely.(及时地)C. To help you to master(掌握) the subject greatly.D. To add any missing(漏掉的) pieces to your notes.27. Whats the best title for the passage?A

16、. Advice for students to achieve success.B. Wise time use and management.C. The importance of good study habits.D. Good note-taking and review of daily notes. C Pete Sparks was a sensitive (敏感的) boy. So sensitive that even his hair was ticklish(怕痒的). You only had to touch his hair a little bit and h

17、e would start laughing. When this ticklish laughter started, no one could make him stop. Pete tried everything to control (控制) his ticklishness, but nothing worked. So he began to feel sad for being different. One day in the street, he met a special clown(小丑). The clown was very old and could hardly

18、 walk, but when he saw Peter in tears, he went to cheer him up. It didnt take long to make Peter laugh. Later Peter told him about his ticklish problem, and he asked the clown how such an old man could go on being a clown. “ I have no one to take my job,” said the clown. “I have a very serious job t

19、o do.” Peter looked at him, surprised. “Come, Ill show you.” said the clown. So the clown took Peter to many hospitals full of children who were sick. As soon as they saw the clown, their faces changed completely and lit up with a smile. Their short time spent with the clown changed everything for t

20、hem. That day was even more special, because in every show Petes laughter would end up with the kids lying on the floor, dying with laughter. When the visit came to an end, the old clown said to Pete, “Now do you see why I cant retire (退休), even at my old age? That was how Pete became a clown, and t

21、ook the special old mans place. From that day on, the fact that Pete was different actually made him happy, thanks to his special gift (天赋).28. Peter wanted to change because he wanted to _. A. make a difference B. just be a normal boy C. make everyone happy D. just be a special(特殊的) clown29. What d

22、id Pete and the clown bring to the hospitals? A. Happiness B. Hope C. Peace D. Luck 30. Which of the following can best describe the clown? A. Honest B. Sensitive C. Warm-hearted D. Single-minded (单纯)31. What does the story tell us?A. Practice makes perfect (完美).B. Everyone is born useful.C. Well be

23、gun is half doneD. Where there is life, there is hope D Philadelphia (CNN) - Hazel Donnelly was taking her husband to the doctor and then they got a call that their building was on fire. Her first thought was about Kramer. “ I dont have children of my own, so my cat is like my child. I became very s

24、ad,” said Donnelly, 50. “What if he didnt make it?” Once she arrived home, Donnelly asked firefighters(消防队员) to get her cat, but they were busying trying to control the fire. Then Red Paw arrived. The organization helps pet and their owners for free when disaster(灾难) strikes(袭击). Leary, who set up t

25、he group, helped find the animals as soon as the fire was out. “Everyone who received their pets started to cry,” said Donnelly. No one was hurt, but the Donnellys building was badly damaged, and they werent sure where they were going to stay. Donnelly was excited to learn that Red Paw could provide

26、 free short-time care for Kramer, her 17-year-old cat. “When someone loses everything in a fire, they shouldnt then be forced to lose their pets - their family members- as well,” Leary said. “Letting them know, Well take care of your animal like it is our own means the world to people. After a big f

27、ire in 2011, Leary formed her organization. Since then Leary and her group have provided help the nearly 1,000 animals and their families throughout southeastern Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚州). Like the Red Cross, but for animals. Red Paw cared for the Donnellys cat for more than three weeks. “I cried when we

28、 were together again,” said Donnelly. “They went above and beyond the call of duty. I am so thankful.” For Leary, helping families and their pets is what her work is all about. “My hope is that its a start, and they can move forward together,” she said. “After going through such a sad thing, its so

29、good to have a happy ending.”32. We can infer from the text that Kramer is _.A. Donnellys husband B . Donnellys child C. a firefighter D. a cat33. What do we know about Red Paw? A. It offers help to pets and their families. B. It was set up by Hacel Donnelly. C. It belongs to the Red Cross. D. It sa

30、ves people in disasters.34. The fire in the Donnellys building _.A. took many peoples livesB. caused great damage(损害) to the buildingC. left Donnelly seriously hurtD. led to the loss (丧失)of a family member35. Who looked after Kramer for a long time after the fire?A. A doctor B. Leary C. Red Paw D. T

31、he Red Cross第三部分:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 The wagon train(马车队)had been traveling for weeks now. Emily was getting tired - tired of not having a comfortable bed to sleep in or a 36 home. She was also 37 because there was never anything fun

32、 for a girl her age to do. Mama promised it wouldnt be too much longer, 38 the trip seemed to take forever. Then, one day, a rabbit caught Emilys eye. Maybe she could 39 it, and then shed have a pet! Emily ran after the rabbit into the woods behind the wagons, but it 40 . Emily looked for it, and at last she 41 . She turned to go back, but 42 looked familiar (熟悉的). She started in one direction, but it

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