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1、跳跳蛙雨之奇旅创立者Tittupfrog - creator of VODTittupFrog is a creator of a series of Flash games, such as Venture Of Drop (VOD for short), Five Or More, Same, Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont (MMFS for short) and so forth. Furthermore, TittupFrog has updated the new version of Venture Of Drop (VOD). Apart

2、from the original game operations, Venture Of Drop (VOD) has added more functions of the character; Drop. Therefore, in the next step, TittupFrog will combine the characters of Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont (MMFS) and Venture Of Drop (VOD) in a new game, and publish on each wide-noted Flash gam

3、e website. (译文:“跳跳蛙”是小型网页游戏编写者,包括“雨之奇旅”、五彩连珠、消灭星星以及垂民杂俎等小型游戏。此外,跳跳蛙制作的雨之奇旅发布出新版本。除了游戏原有的操作之外,跳跳蛙对游戏的主角“雨滴”还增加了更多新元素。在下一步计划中,跳跳蛙将融合雨之奇旅和垂民杂俎两个游戏的特点在新的网游中。)DESCRIPTIONS OF VENTURE OF DROPVenture Of Drop(VOD) was an action Flash game made by Tittupfrog in 2007. The original version moves the main chara

4、cter; Drop by mouse. During each different level, Drop isnt allowed to touch every dangerous barriers, including Colorful Gears ,Deep Holes and Rotating Knives. In the newly version, it extends not only the original features, but also control the movement of Drop by keyboard.(译文:雨之奇旅(VENTURE OF DROP

5、)是tittup frog于07年制作的一款flash动作游戏。原版游戏是通过鼠标移动来控制游戏主角DROP移动。在旧版游戏的各个关卡中,DROP不得触碰任何危险物,其中包括彩色齿轮、沟壑、旋转砍刀。新版游戏中不但继承了原版拥有的东西而且DROP也改为通过键盘控制来移动。)In the game of Venture Of Drop (VOD), TittupFrog executed the task from Moon Corpse to defeat Skull Devil. But Tittupfrog lost the Four Elements Orbs (Air Orb, Aqu

6、arium Orb, Flame Orb, Solid Orb viz.), which were extremely vital to the safety of the world. Thus, Tittupfrog resorted to Drop; to help TittupFrog gather the smashed Four Elements Orbs. After Drop gathered the Four Elements Orbs, TittupFrog gave Drop a kind of sword to help Drop kill the ultimate B

7、oss; Skull Devil. (译文:在Flash小游戏“雨之奇旅”中,跳跳蛙执行月尸祚下的命令去捉拿髑魔,不料,跳跳蛙遗失了对世界安全至关重要的四颗元素灵球(即“气灵球”、“水灵球”、“火灵球”和“土灵球”)。因此,跳跳蛙向雨滴求助,以帮助跳跳蛙集齐四颗元素灵球。之后,跳跳蛙给予雨滴圣刀去除掉髑魔。)DESCRIPTIONS OF MISCELLANEOUS MORSELS FROM SAICONT Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont (MMFS) is a micro-film made by TittupFrog beginning from 20

8、13. Since the creation of Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont (MMFS) to date, TittupFrog has played EIGHT roles at present; Demon (Crystal Skull Fine, Slave of Saicont, apparatus of Moon Corpse), TsinE (Bleech, a leech fine, female Ether of Saicont, apparatus of Beron), Jolo (apparatus of Minzon Ethe

9、r, a scorpion fine), Biji (Sky Respect, apparatus of Beron), Teng Ying (a vine fine), Moon Corpse (Biggest Boss Of MMFS, master of Demon the Crystal Skull Devil), Zi Ling(seal fine in North pole), Deo C,ilgaem (a shell fine, apparatus of Moon Corpse). TittupFrog use a same face with different charac

10、teristics to distinguish the people in Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont(MMFS). (译文:垂民杂俎是跳跳蛙于2013年开始制作的系列微电影。自垂民杂俎上映至今,跳跳蛙以一人之力目前已饰演八个角色(髑魔、嫀娥、角罗、畀洎、藤嬴、月尸、髭灵、带曰且狐小由及田)。在同一面孔下,跳跳蛙通过不同的人物性格以区分垂民杂俎中不同的角色。) Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont (Short for MMFS) describes the conflict between Ether(Chief)

11、of Saicont; Minzon Ether and Ron Buddhism. Owing to the expansion of Ron Buddhism, Minzon Ether worried his power would be threatened by the foreign religion. Hence he appointed Jolo the Scorpio to leave for Tinon to seek Hatred Pyx in order to emit the evil fog inside to worsen the relationship amo

12、ng the monks of Ron Buddhism. But, Tsin E, also named Bleech, a bloody-red leech fine, apparatus of Beron the Buddhism, came to resist all the bad plans. So, Demon, the crystal skull fine, whose master was Moon Corpse, killed Jolo by Sacred Knife of Saicont Sensh Ether, was the head-scratching oppon

13、ent of Tsin E and Ron Buddhism. Therefore, who shall be the victory of the war between kindness and evilness? Please pay attention to MMFS!(译文:垂民杂俎(Miscellaneous Morsels From Saicont, 缩写为“MMFS”)讲述了在垂民室(Saicont),佛门禅云(Reon Buddhism)教化世人,垂民室帝王明宙义祖(Minzon Ether)心生怨恨,派髑魔(Demon)抵制禅云势力扩增。垂民杂俎的序幕从而被拉开了,垂民杂俎在第一部中,嫀娥(Qine)与髑魔身受义祖垂民(Ether Saicont)的礼教,分道扬镳。垂民杂俎在随后,嫀娥入禅云佛门,髑魔投靠月尸(Moon Corpse)祚下,二人斗法,反目成仇,成为垂民杂俎的故事主线。正邪不两立,谁主沉浮,垂民室将走向何处,垂民杂俎详细演绎。)

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