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1、管理学词汇表1、Manager:管理者Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals .管理者是这样的人,他通过协调其他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。2、First-line managers :基层管理者 Managers at the lowest level of the organization who manage the work of nonman

2、agerial employees who are involved With the production or the organizations products是管理着非管理人员所从事的生产和提供组织产品的工作,是最低层的管理者3、Middle managers :中层管理者Mangers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers处于基层和高层之间,管理着基层管理者。4、Top manager :高层管理者Ma

3、nagers at or near the top level of the organization who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the goals and plans that affect the entire organization.处于或接近组织顶层,承担着制定广泛的组织决策,为整个组织制定计划和目标的责任。5、Management :管理The coordinating work activities so that they are completed e

4、fficiently and effectively with and through other people管理是一个通过协调工作活动以便能够有效率和有效果地同别人一起或通过别人实现组织目标。6、Efficiency : 效率 Getting the most output from the least amount of inputs referred to as “doing right things”是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产品,“通常指正确的做事“,即不浪费资源。7、Effectiveness :效果Completing activities so that organi

5、zational goals are attained referred to as “doing the right things”通常指“做正确的事“,即所从事的工作和活动有利于组织达到目标。8、Planning : 计划Management function that involves the process of defining goals ,establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities包括定义目标,制定战略以

6、获取目标,以及制定计划和协调活动的职能。9、Organizing : 组织Management function that involves the process of determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them. How the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to them, and where decisions are to made.指决定应该从事那些任务,应该有谁来从事这些任务,这些任务怎么分类和归集,谁向谁报告,以及在哪一级做处决策的职能。10、Leading : 领

7、导 Management function that involves motivating subordinates, influencing individuals or teams as they work, selecting the most effective communication channels or dealing in any way with employee behavior issues.指激励下属,影响工作中的个体或团队,选择最有效的沟通渠道,或者以任何方式处理雇员的行为问题的职能。11、Controlling: 控制Management function t

8、hat involves monitoring actual performance ,comparing actual to standard, and taking action, if necessary.指监控、评估工作实际绩效并与预先设定的目标进行比较,如果出现偏差,着采取措施使工作绩效回到正常的工作轨道上来的职能。12、Management process: 管理过程The set of ongoing decisions and work activities in which managers engage as they plan ,organize, lead, and c

9、ontrol.指一组进行中的决策和工作活动,在这个过程中管理者从事计划、组织、领导和控制。13、Management roles: 管理角色 Specific categories of managerial behavior指特定的管理行为类型14、Interpersonal roles: 人际关系角色 Managerial roles that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.包含了人与人(下级和组织外的人),以及其他具有礼仪性和象征性的职责。15、Informationa

10、l roles: 信息传递角色 Managerial roles that involve receiving, collecting, and disseminating Information.包括接受、收集和传播信息。16、Decisional roles: 决策制定角色 Managerial roles that revolve around making choices.是作出抉择的活动。17、Technical skills: 技术技能 Knowledge of and proficiency in a specialized field.指熟悉和精通某种特定专业领域的知识。18、

11、Human skills: 人际技能 The ability to work well with other people individually and in a group.知道如何与员工沟通,如何激励。引导和鼓舞员工的热情和信心,使员工做出最大的努力。19、Conceptual skills: 概念技能 The ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations是管理者对复杂和抽象的情况进行概念化的技能。20、organization: 组织 A deliberate arrangeme

12、nt of people to accomplish some specific purpose.是一种实体,他具有明确的目的,包含人员和成员以及具有某中精细的结构。21、universality of management: 管理的普遍性 The reality that management is need in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational level, in all organizational areas, and in organizations in all countries around

13、 the globe.是指无论组织规模的大小,无论在组织的哪一个层次上,无论组织的工作领域是什么,无论这个组织位于哪一个国家,这个组织都需要管理。 Chapter 2: Management Yesterday and Today 1、Division of labor : 劳动分工The breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks.即将工作分解为狭隘的重复性的任务。2、Industrial revolution: The advent of machine power mass production , and efficient t

14、ransportation.产业革命:机器动力的出现而带来的产量的增加及运输效率的提高。3、Scientific management: 科学管理 The use of scientific method to determine the “one best way” for a job to be done.运用科学方法确定从事工作的“最佳方式”。4、Therbligs:分类体系 A classification scheme for labeling 17 basic hand motions.一个分析了17种手的动作(如抓取,持握等)的体系。5、General administrativ

15、e theorists: 一般行政管理理论Writers who developed general theories of what managers do and what constitutes good management practice.笔者发展出了关于管理者做什么,以及什么构成了良好的管理实践的更一般的理论。6、Principles of management : 管理原则Fundamental rules of management that could be taught in schools and applied in all organizational situat

16、ions.管理的一些基本原则, 他们能够在学院里教授这些原则,并可用于所有的组织情景。7、Bureaucracy: 官僚行政组织 A form of organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy , detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships.这是一种组织形式,其特征依据劳动分工原则,具有清楚定义的层次,详细的规则和规章制度,以及非个人的关系。8、Quantitative approach: 数量方法: The

17、 use of quantitative techniques to improve decision making.是采用定量技术改进决策制定,这种方法也称为 运筹学和管理科学。9、Organizational behavior (OB): 组织行为The filed of study concerned with the actions (behavior) of people at work.这个领域的研究涉及了工作中人的行为。 10、Hawthorne studies : 霍桑研究 A series of studies during the 1920s and 1930s that

18、provided new insights in individual and group behavior.在1920-1930期间进行的提供关于个别和小组举止行为的新见解的一系列研究。11、System: 系统A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole.是一组向互联系和相互依赖的组成部分,它们共同构成一个统一的整体。12、Closed systems: 封闭系统Systems that are not influenced by or do

19、 not interact with their environment.不与它所处的环境发生作用,不受环境的影响。13、Open systems: 开放系统 Systems that dynamically interact with their environment.动态地与它所处的环境发生作用。14、Contingency perspective: 权变观点(有时又称为情境方式): An approach that says that organizations are different,face different situations (contingencies), and r

20、equire different ways of managing.它强调这样一个事实,因为组织不同,他们所面对的情境不同,因此可能要求不同的管理方式。15、Workforce diversity: 劳动力多元化 A workforce thats more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age, and other characteristics that reflect differences.即员工队伍在性别,种族,民族,年龄和其他特征方面更加多样化。16、Entrepreneurship:创业精神 The proc

21、ess whereby an individual or a group of individuals uses organized efforts and means to create value and grow by fulfilling wants and needs through innovation an uniqueness, no matter what resources are currently controlled.即某个人或者某个群体通过有组织的努力,以创新的和独特的方式追求机会,创造价值和谋求增长,不管这些人手中是否拥有资源。17、E-business(elec

22、tronic business): 电子经营型企业A comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic (internet based) linkages with its key constituencies in order to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals。它描述了一个有组织通过电子联结与它的关键利益相关者开展工作的方式,以便更有效率和更有效果地实现其目标。18、E-commerce(electron

23、ic commerce) :电子商务 The sales and marketing component of e-business.是企业与其利益方通过电子方式进行交换与交易的任何形式。19、Intranet:企业内部网An internal organizational communication system that uses internet technology and is accessible only by organizational employees.一种组织内部的交流系统,它利用互联网技术但是只允许组织内部人员进入该网络,与处于全球各个场所的部门和人员进行交流。20、

24、Total quality management (TQM):全面质量管理A philosophy of management that is driven by customer needs and expectations and focuses on continual improvement in work processes.一种管理哲学,它被响应顾客需要和期望所驱动,并在工作过程中关注持续不断地改进。21、Learning organization:学习型组织An organization that has developed the capacity to continuousl

25、y learn, adapt, and change.具有发展持续学习和适应变革的能力的组织。22、Knowledge management:知识管理Cultivating a learning culture in which organizational members systematically gather knowledge and share it with others in the organization to achieve better performance.培育一种学习文化,在这种文化中组织成员能够系统地收集知识和其他组织成员共享它,以便取的更好的成绩。Chapte

26、r3 Organizational Culture and Environment:The Constraints1、Omnipotent view of management:管理万能论:The view that managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure.管理者对组织的成败负有直接责任。 2、Symbolic view of management :管理象征论:The view that managers have only a limited effect on substantiv

27、e organizational outcomes because of the large number of factors outside their control.管理者影响结果的能力受外部因素的制约和约束。3、Organizational culture:组织文化A system of shared meaning within an organization that determines in large degree how employees act.组织成员共有的价值和体系。这一体系在很大程度上决定了组织成员的行为方式。4、Strong culture :强文化 Orga

28、nizations in which the key values are intensely held and widely shared.强烈拥有并广泛共享基本价值观的文化。5、Socialization: 社会化The process that adapts employees to the organizations Culture 是指雇员适应组织文化所经历的过程。6、External environment :外部环境 Outside institutions or forces that potentially affect an organizations performanc

29、e.指能够对组织绩效造成潜在影响的外部力量和机构。7、Specific environment :具体环境 The part of the environment that is directly relevant to the achievement of an organizations goals.包括那些对管理者的决策和行动产生直接的影响并与实现组织目标直接相关的要素。8、General environment :一般环境 Broad external conditions that may affect the organization.包括可能影响组织的广泛的经济条件;政治/法律条

30、件;社会文化条件;技术条件和全球条件。9、Environmental uncertainty:环境的不确定性The degree of change and complexity in an organizations environment.组织环境的变化程度和复杂程度。10、Environmental complexity:环境复杂性 The number of components in an organizations environment and the extent of an organizations knowledge about its environmental com

31、ponents.组织环境中的要素数量以及组织所拥有的与这些要素相关的知识广度。11、Stakeholders:利益相关者Any constituencies in the organizations external environment that are affected by an organizations decisions and actions (and that can influence the organization.)组织外部环境中受组织决策和行动影响的任何相关者。12、Boundary spanning:跨域管理 Interacting in specific way

32、s with various external stakeholders to gather and disseminate important information.采用更具体的方式与各种外部利益相关者开展互动合作,以收集和传播重要的信息。13、Stakeholder partnerships:利益相关者伙伴关系Proactive arrangements between an organization and a stakeholder to pursue common goals 为追求共同目标而在组织和利益相关者之间达成的非正式协议。14、Workplace spirituality: 工作场所的精神境界A recognition of a

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