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七年级英语下册 Unit 11 《What do you think of game shows》测试题人教新目标版.docx

1、七年级英语下册 Unit 11 What do you think of game shows测试题人教新目标版七年级下英语第11单元测试题时间:70分钟 总分:100分姓名_ 学号_ 得分_听力 (20分)I. 句子理解 由所听句子选择正确的图示,听一遍。 1-5 _II. 情景反应 根据录音选择正确的答语,听一遍。( )1. A. Very good. B. Very tall. C. He likes us.( )2. A. How are you? B. Fine. C. I work hard.( )3. A. Sorry. B. Youre welcome. C. Thank yo

2、u very much.( )4. A. Id like some juice. B. I like meat. C. I am like my mother.( )5. A. I cant stand her. B. Shes good-looking. C. She is fun.III. 听对话及问题,选出正确答案,听一遍。( )1. A. She loves them. B. She cant stand them. C. She doesnt mind them.( )2. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. He watches them.(

3、 )3. A. Jane. B. Er Bao. C. Xiao Bao.( )4. A. TV shows. B. Talk shows. C. Soap operas.( )5. A. Because she is free(空的). B. Because she doesnt like them. C. Because she is busy.IV. 短文理解 根据录音选择正确的答案,听两遍。( )1. Li Lei is _.A. Japanese B. Chinese C. American( )2. Li Lei thinks soap operas are _. A. borin

4、g B. interesting C. awful( )3. Li Lei _ sitcoms. A. doesnt like B. cant stand C. loves( )4. Li Lei often read them on _. A. Wednesday B. weekend C. weekday( )5. Li Lei doesnt mind _. A. soap operas B. sitcoms C. talk shows笔试 (80分)I. 单词拼写 (10分)A) 根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。1. She doesnt _(同意) with others.2. They

5、have _(没有) to do on Sundays.3. _(欢迎) to 9 oclock weekend Talk.4. What about _ (健康) Living?5. I dont know his _(话).B) 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。6. Can you please _ (put) the box into your room?7. The girls enjoy _ (sing) this song in English.8. - How do you think of Chinese Cooking? - Oh, I cant stand it. _

6、 (cook) is for moms.9. There are no _ (child) in the room.10. He _(say) he did a good thing yesterday.II单项选择 (15分)( )1. -What _ he _ the sitcom? - He likes it. A. does, think of B. does, thinks of C. do, thinks of D. do, think of( )2. Do you like _ TV? A. watches B. watching C. to watch D. B and C(

7、)3. Thanks for _ us. A. helping B. to helping C. help D. to help( )4. Would you mind _ the window? Its too hot in the room. A. to open B. opening C. to close(关) D. closing( )5. - I think “Animals world” is the best show. - I dont _ you. A. like it B. mind C. agree with D. agree to( )6. _ your mother

8、 like the watch? A. What do B. What does C. How do D. How does( )7. This weekend I asked students _ fashion. A. on B. at C. about D. with( )8. My sister is _ girl. A. a 11-year-old B. an 11-year-old C. a 11 years old D. an 11 years old( )9. _ of the _ were interesting. A. Some, student B. One, stude

9、nt C. Some, students D. One, students( )10. And _ thing was the belt. A. coolest B. the cooler C. the coolest D. cooler( )11. She _ your books. A. enjoy reading B. enjoy read C. enjoys reading D. enjoys to read( )12. - What do you think of Sports Report? - I like it very much. - _. A. I like, too B.

10、 I do, too C. I dont, either D. I do, either( )13. My sister _ reading. She often spends much money on books. A. like B. dont like C. likes D. doesnt like( )14. Tom _ stand the boring lessons. I cant stand them, _. A. can, too B. cant, either C. doesnt, either D. doesnt, too( )15. I think my classma

11、te likes the pop music. _ he doesnt. A. In fact B. As well as C. In order to D. A little bitIII. 句型转换 (10分)A) 根据题后要求完成句子。(5分)1. Jack doesnt mind the talk shows. (提问) _ _ Jack _ _ the talk shows?2. Nicole likes geography and history.(一般疑问句) _Nicole _ geography and history?3. I love sitcoms very much.

12、 (提问) _ do you _ sitcoms?4. They played soccer last afternoon. (否定句) They _ _ soccer last afternoon.B) 同义句 (5分)5. What do you think of China? _ do you _ China?6. How was Sports World? _ _ Sports World?7. He doesnt like game shows. He doesnt like talk shows, either. He _ game shows _ talk shows.8. Ca

13、n you show me the photo? Can you show the photo _ _ .9. What is your favorite show? What show _ you like _?IV. 口语运用 (5分)A. My sister has one of those.B. I cant stand those scarves.C. What do you think of them?D. Yeah, I like them.E. I want to ask you some questions.Maria: Hey, guys.Carol: Hello, Mar

14、ia.Paul: Hi. Whats up?Maria: Im writing the “Whats Cool?” article for the school magazine, and 1 OK?Carol: Sure.Paul: Uh-huh.Marta: Well, look at these things. 2 Carol: OK. Um, well Hum. I love the watch.Paul: Oh, I dont mind the watch. 3 Maria: What do you think of the sunglasses?Carol: I like them

15、.Paul: Hmm I do, too 4 Maria: And how about the scarf?Paul: Oh, I dont like the scarf.Carol: I dont, either. 5 My mom wears scarves like that.Maria: What do you think of the wallet?Paul: I like the wallet. Its really cool.Carol: I love it ! 1-5 _V. 完形填空 (5分)One dark (黑的) night, in a very quiet stree

16、t, a short man said to a man who was walking home. “ 1 . Can I find a policeman 2 here?” “I dont see 3 .” “Where can I find a policeman quickly(快)?” the short man asked again. “I dont 4 you can.” “Thank you very much. Very good! Please 5 your watch and money to me, now!”( )1. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C

17、. Thank you D. Good night( )2. A. near B. next C. on D. in( )3. A. her B. it C. him D. one( )4. A. think B. know C. thought D. knew( )5. A. bring B. show C. take D. giveVI. 阅读理解 (15分)阅读下列三篇短文或信息,A篇判断正(T)误(F), B、C两篇选择最佳答案。AHost: Welcome to 8 oclock Face to face. Tonight we are going to talk to Linda,

18、 a 14year-old girl. Welcome to the show, Linda.Linda: Thank you.Host: Do you like to watch TV very much.Linda: Yes, I like to watch TV very much?Host: What do you think of soap operas?Linda: Oh, I love them.Host: Me, too. And how about sports shows?Linda: I dont mind them.Host: Really? And what do y

19、ou think of sitcoms?Linda: I dont like them.Host: And talk shows?Linda: Thats great! I like them.Host: And what do you think of game shoes?Linda: Oh, I cant stand them. Theyre so boring.Host: OK! That was interesting. Thanks for joining us.( )1. Linda doesnt like to watch TV.( )2. Linda likes soap o

20、peras very much.( )3. Linda doesnt mind sitcoms.( )4. Linda also likes talk shows.( )5. Linda cant stand game shows.BChannelTimeName of showKind of showATV7:00NewsNews8:30Good Friend Contest Game Show9:20Chinese MotherDocumentary Special12:00Tokyo Love StorySoap OperaBTV7:40China Sports Sports Show9

21、:20Happy Family Sitcom10:40Face To FaceTalk ShowCTV9:30China Music Music13:40Romantic Dream Fashion Show22:40Football Magazine Sports Show( )6. What time does the show “ Chinese Mother” begin? A. 10:00. B. 9:20 C. 13:30 D. 22:00( )7. What type is the show “Tokyo Love Story”? A. Sitcom. B. Sports sho

22、w C. Soap Opera. D. Music.( )8. Which two shows begin at the same time? A. Face To Face and Romantic Dream. B. Happy Family and China Music. C. Chinese Mother and Football Magazine. D. Chinese Mother and Happy Family.( )9. Which program is Fashion Show? A. Romantic Dream. B. News. C. Face To Face. D

23、. China Sports.( )10. Which channel(频道) has the show “Good Friend Contest”? A. ATV. B. BTV. C. CTV. D. CCTV.C Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in special (特定的) time. TV shows are like books or

24、 movies. There are many kinds of TV shows, such as sitcoms, soap operas, sports shows, fashion shows, etc. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to know the news all over the world. Children dont have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see

25、sitcoms, sports shows and game shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tools(工具). Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV, but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends.( )11. Many boys and girls spend _. A. 4 hours on TV shows on Sunday B. 6

26、hours on TV shows every day C. many hours a day in front of the TV sets( )12. Many parents _. A. dont let their children watch TV B. ask their children to watch TV C. let their children watch TV in special time( )13. From TV, boys and girls can _. A. learn good things and bad things B. learn nothing

27、 C. learn good things( )14. Kids like to watch TV, because _.A. it is fun B. they have nothing to doC. it is exciting( )15. How does the writer like the TV shows? A. They are good for children. B. They are bad for children. C. Some of them are good for children. Others are not.VII. 短文填空 (10分) 每空一词。M

28、y grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time 1 it. Some of his friends 2 talked about sports shows, the movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, “They never read 3 books or go out in the evening”. 4 he didnt buy a TV.Two years 5 my grandfather was 60 years old.

29、 He stopped 6 in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He 7 to watch all the news He knows 8 more about the world now. And he reads more books, too.Now, my grandfather will get very 9 if you trouble(麻烦) when he is watching TV. I cant understand(明白) that one can change his 10 when he is 60.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _VIII. 书面表达 (10分)请根据下列表格内容,写一篇他们各自的爱好情况,字数在60词左右。DianaAlansfatherMyteacherLeosMotherSitcomsLoins and dogAction movieBeef noodles

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