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1、江苏盐城阜宁1718学年七年级上期末考试英语七年级期末学情调研英语试题(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)第卷(共100分)一、单词辨音。(从A、B、C、三个选项中选出划线部分发音不同的单词,共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。)1Aman Btake Cmake 2Alike Bsit Ckite3Abear Bear Cpear4Anose Bhome Cto5Athere Bfather Cthink 二、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)6I always need a rest.Agood Bbad Cdark7 my birthday today.AWere BIts CTh

2、eyre8Our school at eight in the morning?Astarts Bcloses Cplays9If they do not give us a , we play a trick on them.Abowl Btreat Cwish10They often basketball after school.Ahave Bplay Ctake11I hope her dream . Awashes up Bcomes true Cgoes out12There a swimming pool near my home.Abe Bare Cis13Now meet o

3、ur new classmates.Aits Blets Cthats14Thats all todays show.Afor Bby Cat15Thank you for me about spring Festival.Alearning Btelling Chaveing三、阅读理解 请根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共10分)Dear Tommy,Now I am a student at Sunshine Middle SchoolI love my schoolOur school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to

4、FridayUsually we do morning exercises firstOur lessons begin at 8:15My favourite subject is EnglishI am very good at itI have a lot of friends hereThey are all nice to meAfter class, we often chat with each other or play in the playgroundSometimes my friends and I go to the library in the afternoonW

5、e have a Reading ClubWe often read books there on Tuesday and ThursdayI also like playing volleyballI am in the school volleyball teamWe practise after school on Wednesday afternoonWe always have a good time at schoolBest wishes,Millie16We begin our lessons at A8:00 B8:15 C8:2517I have a lot of in m

6、y schoolAfriends Bwishes Cphotos18My friends are all to meAspecial Bdifferent Cnice19We often in the Reading Club on Tuesday and ThursdayAchat with friends Bread books Cplay volleyball20We practise after school on Wednesday afternoonAplaying volleyball Bdressing up Cgetting together四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1

7、分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Its December 28thNew Years Day is 21 Ma Li is in a 22 shopShe wants to buy a blouse 23 her motherShe is happy because she 24 a blue blouseIt looks prettyShe thinks it 25 her mothers trousers well, so she asks the shopkeeper what the 26 is“198 yuan,

8、” says the shopkeeperMa Li is surprised (吃惊的), “Too 27 ! Whats it made of?” The shopkeeper tells her the blouse is made of silk“Good things always 28 much,” he says“But I have only 190 yuanCan it be cheaper ? I buy it for my mother”“ 29 198 yuan is the last priceBut I will lend you 8 yuan” “ 30 ? We

9、 dont know each other”“Because I love my mother, too,” says the shopkeeper with a smile21Agoing Bcoming Chere Dthere22Atoy Bclothes Cgift Dsports23Awith Bin Cabout Dfor24Awants Bgets Cfinds Dmakes25Afits Bgoes Cmatches Dmeets26Asize Bcolour Cmaterial Dprice27Aexpensive Bcheap Cnice Dhard28Acost Bnee

10、d Chave Dspend29AThanks BOK CFine DSorry30AWhat BWhy CHow DWhere五、单词连线 请用直线将下列三组单词与对应的汉语意思连接。(每小题1分,共15分)drawing 历史history 小山basketball 画画hill 老虎tiger 篮球dislike 穿衣shout 借用dress 保持borrow 厌恶keep 大声说cute 准备好free 现代的modern 可爱的ready 重要的important 空闲的六、课文填空 根据首字母提示完成课文内容填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)Every year there is

11、 a Spring Festival in ChinaUsually it is in January or F 31 It is a very i 32 festival in ChinaIt is often c 33 at this time of year, but people are happy.Family members g 34 together and then have a big d 35 . After dinner, people like to w 36 TV. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every y

12、ear. Children have lost of fun on this day. We get presents. Usually our parents get n 37 clothes ready for us and we get r 38 packets from our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. We l 39 to let off fireworks at n 40 . They are really wonderful!七、连词成句 请将下列各题连词成句,每题一句。(每小题2分,共10分)41help, Can, yo

13、u, I ?42half an hour, dance, for, I, every day 43do they, How much, cost ?44seem, You, happy, very, Millie .45go to school, usually, I, at 7:20 八、翻译句子 请根据提供的句型翻译下列各句,每空一词。(每词1分,共10分)46我打算每周都去游泳。I plan to every week.47你是怎样去上学的? you go to school?48我最喜欢运动。I sports .49新年快乐! Chinese Year!50我正在看书。I readin

14、g a now.九、短文填空。(每词1.5分,共15分)请帮助Millie完成关于Kitty生活方式的文章。My name is Kitty. I l 51 dancing. I dance for half a 52 hour every day. Healthy f 53 is important for me. I need to k 54 fit. I always have m 55 and bread for breakfast. F 56 lunch and dinner, I usually eat fish and vegetables. Sometimes, I f 57

15、hungry between meals, so I eat an a 58 or a pear. I seldom e 59 cakes or sweets. They have too much s 60 and are bad for my health.第卷(共50分)一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题 (计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。61What festival does the boy like?A B C

16、62What festival is it today?A B C63What does Jack want to eat for lunch?A B C64What does the boy often do?A B C65Who is the woman over there?AA maths teacher BMr Green CMrs Green66What is the mans favourite fruit? AApples BBananas COranges67How often does Bobs mother exercise? AOn Sunday mornings BE

17、very day CSeldom68Whats the date today? AOctober 29 BOctober 30 COctober 3169How does Simon go to school every day? AOn foot BBy bus CBy car70How long does it take the boy to get to school? AHalf an hour BThirty-five minutes CFive minutes第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题

18、,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第7172小题。71Whats the boys name?ALittle guy BDaniel CKarl72Where are the two speakers talking? AIn a clothes shop BIn a flowers shop CIn a sports shop 听第一篇短文,回答第7375小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 American Students Meals on WeekdaysBreakfastThey usually have b

19、reakfast at home on weekdaysThey usually have eggs, bread, fruit and 73 for breakfastLunchThey have lunch 74 They usually have meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and drink for lunchThey like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers betterSupperThey have supper at home at 75 They usually have soup, meat, dumplings

20、 and rice for supper73Amilk Bcoffee Ctea74Aat home Bat school Cin the restaurant 75A7 pm B630 pm C6 pm听第二篇短文,回答第7680小题。76What day is it today? AIts Sunday BIts Friday CIts Tuesday77What kind of clothes does Anna want? AA new T-shirt BA new skirt CA new coat78Why doesnt Anna buy the green one in the

21、first clothes shop? ABecause its too small BBecause its too big CBecause its too dear79Which is Annas favourite colour? ABlue BGreen CRed80How much does Anna pay for the new clothes? A40 yuan B45 yuan C55 yuan二、课外阅读考查(每小题3分,计15分) This is a fortune-telling song, It is popular among English ChildrenPa

22、rents use it to teach their young children the days of the weekThe song uses the day of the week a child was born on to tell the childs futureMondays child has a beautiful faceTuesdays child is full of graceWednesdays child fears no foeThursdays child has a long way to goFridays child is happy and l

23、ovingSaturdays child works hard to make a livingBut the child is born on Sunday isBeautiful, happy and good in every daySome people think that the year or the month or the day on which we were born is importantThey think that these things tell us about our futures, Some people think that we all make

24、 our luck in lifeWhat do you think?81Who likes the song?ATeachers and students BParents and children COld people DYoung people82The child born on Saturday is_Ahard-working Bhappy Cbeautiful Dstrong83Parents use the song to teach their children to_Aspeak Bmake friends Cmake their own luck Dlearn the

25、days of the weekCCoral reefs are also important to peopleMillions of people around the world live on or near coral reefsThey catch the fish that live around the reefs, to eat or to sellThe reefs also help protect coastlines from storms and erosionCoral reefs are also places that people like to visit

26、Every year, millions of tourists go to reefs to dive, and to look at the coral and the sea life around themTourism from the reefs helps to provide a lot of jobs and money for the people who live nearby84Why do many tourists go to reefs every year?ABecause they want to catch the fish that live around

27、 the reefsBBecause they want to make moneyCBecause they want to dive and look at the coral and the sea life around themDBecause they want to provide a lot of jobs and money for the people who live nearby85What is the best title (标题) for the passage?AWhy Coral Reefs Are Important BAbout Coral ReefsCS

28、aving Coral Reefs DPeople and Coral Reefs三、书面表达。(15分) Moonlight是一个新的购物中心,请根据提示用英文介绍Moonlight。Notes about Moonlight Shopping MallLocation(位置)Near a bus stopFour floors of shopsEach floor is bigThe ground floorA fast food restaurantdifferent kinds of fast foodThe first floorA supermarket; a toy shopsmall,not many toysThe second floorOnly two clothes shops; a book shopmy favourite shopThe top floorA big cinema要求:1要点完整,可适当发挥,句子通顺、连贯。 280词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Moonlight Shopping MallMoonlight Shopping Mall is a new mall 七年级英语参考答案第卷(共100分)一、单词辨音。(每小题1分

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