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大学英语 预备级.docx

1、大学英语 预备级第四单元When spoken words fail,written ones can keep us close .当言语无法表达时,文字让我们心贴心。My daughter , My friend 我的女儿,我的朋友When my daughter Julie was six years old ,she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow with her tooth .我女儿朱莉6岁那年,给牙齿仙女写了封信,把信和牙齿一起放在枕头下。I wrote back ,telling her

2、 to be a good girl and to always brush her teeth carefully.我给她回了信,告诉她要做一个乖女孩,一定要好好刷牙。I didnt know we were starting a tradition.没想到我们从此开创了一个传统。By the time Julie was in fourth grade, she had figured out that handwritten notes could do more than welcome the tooth fairy .朱莉上四年级时候就已经明白,除了欢迎牙齿仙女以外写字条还有其他用

3、途。Once after a heated discussion wed had about why she couldnt buy a pair of clogs ,Julie wrote the following:有一次我们就为什么她不可以买双木屐激烈地争论了一番,事后朱莉写下了这样的一个字条:Dear Mom亲爱的妈妈:Here are the reasons I want clogs : 以下是我想要木屐的原因:1.You wanted boots for a long time and you finally got them .你很久以来一直想要一双靴子,最后总算是到手了;2.I

4、f clogs hurt my feet thats my problem .如果木屐伤脚的话,那是我自己的事情;3.When Grandma gave us money for Christmas she said we could get whatever we wanted with it.奶奶给我们钱过圣诞节时说,我们可以用它买任何想要的东西。Love,Julie 爱你的女儿,朱莉I gave in-and Julie learned the power of the written word.我让步了-由此朱莉领会到了书面语的力量。Over the next years ,Julie

5、 and I exchanged notes about boys ,homework ,phone calls and helping with housework .在其后数年中,朱莉和我互相写字条,交流我们关于男孩子、家庭作业、打电话和帮忙做家务等方面的看法。Some notes were apologies after shouting matches .Others were just happy thoughts spilling onto paper .有的字条是激烈争吵后的道歉,其他的字条只是将欢快的心绪倾泄在纸上。When Julie was in eighth grade

6、,she responded to a note of mine :朱莉上八年级时,她给我写的一张字条作了如下回复:Dear Mom ,亲爱的妈妈:Your letters make me feel great ,no matter what kind of mood Im in.无论我心情如何,你的信都让我感到好极了。Sometimes they even make me cry because they touch me so deeply .有时这些信都让我哭了,因为我被深深的感动了。 Im really glad we have the kind of relationship tha

7、t we do ,even though we have our arguments.尽管我们有争吵,但是我非常高兴我们之间能够维系这种书信来往的关系。I love you .Julie 我爱你,朱莉P.S. Writing down my feelings to you is much easier for me than trying to speak about them .又及:对我来说,把自己的感情写下来给你看比试图讲给你听容易多了。On Julie first day of high school ,we had a fight about whether it was appro

8、priate for her to wear makeup .朱莉上中学的第一天,我们就她使用化妆品是否合适的问题发生了激烈的争吵。That evening, I received a letter from her .当天晚上,我又收到了她的一封信。Dear Mom,亲爱的妈妈:Im sorry if I acted rudely this morning ,but I really got mad. 我今天上午态度这么粗暴,真对不起,但我实在气坏了。You didnt even give me a chance to say anything !你根本没有给我一个说话的机会!If you

9、would at least discuss things with me maybe it would be a little easier for us.如果你至少跟我讨论一下事情,也许我们谈起来就会容易一点。1.I think Im very responsible and can learn to put makeup on in ways that both you and I would like.我以为我是很有责任感的,能够学会适当地给自己化妆,让我俩都满意。2.I dont put too much on like some of my friends do -I read t

10、he directions on the package and advice in magazine articles on how to apply it .我不会像有些朋友那样抹得太浓-我会认真阅读包装上的说明和杂质文章有关使用化妆品的建议。3.Im growing up ;I want to add to my looks and bring out my eyes .我渐渐长大了;我想修饰一下容貌,让眼睛显得更漂亮。4.How about a three-week trial period to test my ability to wear it ?给我三个星期的时间,试试我化妆的

11、能力如何?Needless to say ,my daughter wore makeup from then on .毋庸讳言,从此以后,女儿就开始化妆了。Her whole face seemed to light up ,not only from a touch of makeup ,but from the sense of freedom she had won .她整个脸庞显得容光焕发,这不仅是由于敷了点脂粉,更是源于她所获得的自由感。My daughter left home for college a few year ago .Ive missed her tremendo

12、usly ,but our tradition has pulled us through again .我的女儿几年前离家去上大学了。我非常想念她,但我们的传统再一次帮助我们渡过了难关。Her letters from college have been wonderful !她从大学里写来的信真是太棒了。第六单元usually we would think that rich people would be more willing to help those who are in need because they have more resources .通常我们会认为有钱人会更愿意帮

13、助那些需要帮助的人,因为他们更有财力。but sometimes in life its not the case .但有时在现实生活中我们会发现事实并非如此。the old lady and the hot dog vendor in this story ,though not rich at all ,had noble hearts and were always trying to help those in need ,and their noble finally paid off.这个故事中的老妇和卖热狗的小贩虽然一点也不富有但却有着高贵的心,他们总是试图帮助那些需要帮助的人,

14、而他们高贵的行为最终得到了回报。the old bag lady 背着袋子的老妇a little old lady walked down the street .一个身材矮小的老妇沿街走着,she was dressed in several layers of torn ,filthy clothing .身上穿着几层破烂肮脏的衣服。everything she owned was in a bag that she carried around with her or a shopping cart that she pushed .她所有的东西都装在她总是带在身边的一个袋子里或是她推着

15、的一辆购物手推车里。she didnt have a place to sleep 她没有地方睡觉。she had not eaten for several days 她好几天没吃饭了。she couldnt even remember when she last had a bath 她甚至不记得她上次什么时候洗的澡。she was in pretty bad shape 她情况很糟糕。as she walked along ,she saw something shiny on the sidewalk .她沿街走着,突然看见人行道上有个发亮的东西。she bent down to se

16、e what it was ,and she became very excited .她弯下腰来看是什么,结果她变得十分兴奋。someone had dropped two very shiny half dollars 不知谁掉了两枚闪闪发光的半美元。a whole dollar 整整一个美元!what could she do with a dollar ?一个美元能派什么用场呢?eat ,perhaps 吃点什么,也许。maybe get something to drink .也许买点什么喝。she had too many choices !她有太多的选择!but ,then ,i

17、t came to her 不过后来她想起来一件事。even though her life was bad ,it could be worse .尽管她的生活很糟糕,但可能还有更糟的。she thought about a young girl that had two small children living out on the street with her on the corner of eighty and chestnut streets 她想起了带着两个孩子在第八街和栗树街的街角露宿的年轻妇女。she got an idea .她有了一个主意。she walked ove

18、r to the hot dog vendor whose cart was just a few feet away .她走到离她仅几英尺远的一个热狗小贩的推车前,she held up the hand with the coins in it ,and said whatever this will buy 举起握着硬币的手说道:“这点钱购买什么就给点什么吧。”now ,this particular hot dog vendor made it practice to do at least one good deed every day .这个热狗小贩立下规矩,每天至少做一件好事。n

19、ormally ,$1.00 would only buy a cup of coffee .一美元通常仅能买一杯咖啡,but today ,he gave her three hot dogs and a large soda .但今天他给了她三个热狗和一大杯可乐。before he prepared the food for her ,he gave her a card ,which she put in her pocket .在给她准备食物之前,他给了她一张卡片,她把它放进了口袋里。then he handed her the food in exchange for the coi

20、ns .然后他接过那两枚硬币,把食物递给她。she walked away with a smile on her face .她脸上带着微笑走了。the hot dog vendor put the coins in his special pocket .那个热狗小贩将硬币放入他的一个有特殊用途的口袋里,later,he planned to drop them on the street when no one was looking .他准备等到不会有人看到的时候把它们丢在大街上。a very rich man shook his head at the vendor 一个很有钱的男人

21、对小贩摇了摇头。you know ,Joe ,youll never get rich by giving the food away .“你知道,乔,这样免费赠送食物你永远也富不起来。”“theres no harm in helping the poor 帮助穷人没什么坏处,”Joe said 乔说道。“you mean in keeping them dependent .你的意思是让他们老是依赖别人。really ,she could find a job 真的,她能够找份工作。but if they dont do it for themselves ,why should we h

22、elp them 但如果他们自己不去做,我们为什么应该帮他们呢?”Joe just shook his head 乔只是摇了摇头,“whatll you have 你想吃些什么?”the old woman went to the alley where she saw the woman and her two children before 那个老妇走进了那条巷子,她以前在那里看见过那个女人和她的两个孩子。she found them and immediately took out the food and gave it to them .她找到了她们,立刻把食物拿出来给了她们。the

23、 children sat up excitedly and started to eat the food .孩子们兴高采烈地坐了起来,开始吃东西。the young mother broker her hot dog in half .那个年轻的妈妈把她的热狗掰成两半。“you should have some of this 你应该吃点,”she said 她说。the old woman shook her head 老妇人摇了摇头。“no ,thank you .you need this more than me .you have young children to care f

24、or 不,谢谢你。你比我更需要这个。你有小孩需要照顾。”the old woman visited for about fifteen minutes or so ,and then she wheeled her stuff back down the street .老妇人呆了约15分钟左右,然后她推着她的东西回到了街上。as she did, she noticed the rich man begin to crossing the road .正在这时,她看到那个有钱人正准备过马路。just then ,a large truck raced around the corner .就

25、在那时,一辆大卡车正飞快地拐弯。the rich man did not see it ,and he kept going 那个有钱人没看见,继续往前走着。the old woman shouted to him and ran in his children .老妇人对他大声叫喊并朝他的方向奔去,but she was too weak from hunger to be able to reach him in time 但她因为饥饿太虚弱了,没法及时赶到。the rich man died immediately 那个有钱人当场就死了。the old woman stayed and

26、did what she could .老妇人留下来做了她能做的事。she answered the questions of the police .她回答了警察的提问。when they were finished with her ,she gathered up her few belongings and was on her way 他们问完后,她把她不多的东西收好又上路了。she still had to find a place to sleep for the night 她还得去找晚上睡觉的地方。she reached in her pocket and pulled pu

27、t the card that the hot dog seller gave her .她伸进口袋拿出那个卖热狗的小贩给她的卡片:it said 上面写着:“I know someone who will help you get off the street .meet me at my cart by 7 p.m.我知道有个人会帮你摆脱无家可归的生活。晚上七点在我放推车的地方跟我见面”she grinned .她咧着嘴笑了。God would help her today ,and she was going to help her little friends .今天上帝要来帮她,而她

28、将去帮助她的小朋友们。she gathered the little family ,and they were waiting for Joe by the time he finished packing up his cart .她把那个小家庭里的人聚集起来,一起等着乔收拾好他的小推车。they climbed onto his truck with him and rode off to a better life .然后他们爬上他的卡车驶向更美好的生活。they rode off at the same time that the rich mans body was loaded

29、into a van and driven away 他们驶离的时候,那个有钱人的尸体正好被装上车运走了。coincidence ?巧合吗?第九单元a girl from a poor large family and suffering from polio ,Wilma Rudolph faced a gloomy future .威尔玛鲁道夫是个出生在贫困大家庭且又身患小儿麻痹症的小女孩,面临暗淡的前途。but she fought hard own happiness and her effort finally paid off 但她为自己的幸福努力奋斗,而她的努力最终获得了回报。W

30、ilma Rudolph 威尔玛鲁道夫when Wilma Rudolph was years old ,she had a disease called polio which causes people to be crippled and unable to walk .威尔玛鲁道夫4岁时患了一种叫做小儿麻痹症的疾病,这种疾病会使人瘸腿而不能走路。to make mattes worse ,her family was poor and could not afford good medical care .更糟糕的是她的家境贫寒,负担不起很好的治疗。she was from a lar

31、ge family .她出生在一个有22个孩子的大家庭,she was the 20th child of 22 children 排行第20。her father was a railroad porter and her mother was a maid 她的父亲是铁路搬运工,母亲是保姆。her mother decided she would do everything she could to help Wilma to walk again .她母亲拿定注意要尽一切可能帮助威尔玛重新站起来行走。the doctors had said that she would not be a

32、ble to walk .虽然医生说过她不可能走路了,she took her every week on a long bus trip to a hospital to receive treatment .但她每个星期都带着她乘长途汽车去医院接受治疗。It didnt help ,but the doctors said she needed to give Wilma a massage every day by rubbing her legs .可这也没什么用,但医生说她需要每天给威尔玛按摩,帮她揉双腿。she taught the brothers and sisters how to do it ,and they also rubbed her legs four times a day .于是她就教威尔玛的兄弟姐妹如何按摩,这样他们也可以每天给她按摩四次腿。by the time she was 8,she could walk with a leg brace.威尔玛8岁时就可以靠腿支架走路了。after that .she used a high-topped shoe to support her foot .那以后,她

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