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本文(唐山市丰润区燕山路小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、唐山市丰润区燕山路小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案2018-2019年唐山市丰润区燕山路小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、我会选一选(选择题)1 My brother is seven _ old. A.yearB.yearsC.years2 Whos there? A.Guess!B.No.3 当送你礼物时,你应该说:_A. Thank you. B. Lets paint.4 - ,Mike? -Fine, thank you.AWhats your name? BHow are you? CThis is Mike. 5 What are you go

2、ing to doSunday?( )A in B at C on 6 Whats this? _ a chair.A. This B. Its7 These my books. Aare Bis Cam8 你想让别人指向那只鸟时,你会说:_ ALook! A bird. BPoint to the bird.9 -Whats this? -_ a pencil. A. Its B. They are C. Im10早上10点见到李老师,如何向老师问候? _A.Good morning, Miss Li.B.Li, good morning.C.Good afternoon, Miss Li.

3、11看图,选出正确的单词补全句子。 1. This is my _. A. nose B. leg 2. Point to your _. A. ear B. mouth 3. This is my_. A. ear B. eye 4. Point to his_. A. foot B. hand 12将下面的单词进行分类。A. pink B. marker C. sixty D. Christmas E. sunny F. pencilG. cloudy H. Thanksgiving I. ninety J. windy K. gold L. rulerM. hundred N. yell

4、ow O. Halloween P. eraser Q. National Day R. silver1. 节日:_ _ _ _2. 颜色:_ _ _ _3. 文具:_ _ _ _4. 数字:_ _ _ 5. 天气:_ _ _13当别人对你说“Welcome to our school.”时,你应说:_ A Thank you.B Youre welcome.14-Lets go to school . - _A、Iten . B. Thank you. C. OK15I _ Hu Tutu. A.amB.isC.are二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16按照购物的顺序给下列句子排序。( ) A

5、Heres the money.( ) B How much is the ball?( ) C Heres your change.( ) D Its twenty yuan.17照样子,给下面的字母找寻相邻的大小写字母。18用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. How many _ (plate) are there?2. I am six _ (year) old.3. Can I _ (have) some juice?4. What _ (be) they?5. What is _(you) name?19 What is it? Its a _.20-Hi, LiuTao.-_,Wang

6、 Ming.21选词完成句子。What are many funny summer(1)-How _chairs? - Eight chairs.(2)Itsnose is small. Its eyes _big.(3)In_, it is hot.(4)Lookat its nose. Its _.(5)- _is it? - It is a window.22 This is my father. He._ tall. He has _ legs. 23用画线单词的对应词填空,使句子完整。1. Im a short woman. He is a man.2. This is my mot

7、her. Thats my .3. Im a boy. She is a .24看图,补全单词。1. d_ck 2. p_g 3. b_d4.c_t 5. m_key25把单词填到相应的横线上。foot ear eye nose arm leg mouth hand face hair三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26看一看,连一连。1. Abook 2. Bbag3. Ccrayon4. Dpencil-box5. E. pen6. F. eraser 7. G. ruler8. H. pencil9. I. Mike10. J. Sarah27连线,将英文句子与相应的中文连起来。28请为下列

8、英语和数字连线。nine 4seven 7six 6four 3three 929请为下列英语和正确的数字连线。six a. 10ten b. 7eight c. 9nine d. 8seven e. 6 30读句子,选择相应的图片。连线1. I have an eraser. A. 2. Open your book. B. 3. Goodbye! C. 4. Lets play. D. 5. Close your eyes(眼睛). E. 四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31写出下列单词的小写形式, 并翻译。(1)BIG _ _(2)SAME _ _(3)BRIGHT _ _(4)RED _ _

9、(5)HOUSE _ _(6)WELCOME _ _32汉译英 (1)看,瞧_ (2)一个鸡蛋_ (3)这件T恤衫 _ (4)什么颜色?_ (5)红黄相间的_ 33我是小翻译家。(1)很高兴见到你。._(2)I can sing a rainbow._(3)把它涂成红色吧!._(4)Stand up._34你好,山姆。(翻译:)_35英汉互译1. hello _2. nice _3.也_4.香蕉_5.苹果_6. meet _五、我是小法官(判断题)36判断下列图片与句子是()否()相符。( ) 1. Its warm today. ( ) 2. Its cold today. ( ) 3. I

10、ts snowy and cold today. ( ) 4. Its sunny and warm today. ( ) 5. The weather is nice today. 37阅读理解Daming: What are you eating?Amy: Im eating hamburgers and chips. Its English fast food.Daming: I like noodles. Its Chinese fast food. Oh, you are not using a knife and fork.Amy: No, Im using my hands(手)

11、.根据对话内容判断下列句子正()误()。(1)Daming is eating hamburgers and chips.( )(2)Hamburgers and chips are English fast food.( )(3)Daming likes noodles.( )(4)Noodles are Chinese fast food.( )(5)Amy is using a knife and fork.( )38圈出不同类的单词。1. ankle elbow head doctor 2. black tiger giraffe panda 3. Monday Music Frida

12、y Sunday 4. they summer we she 5. box school park 39看图圈词。(1) panda / tiger(2)bird / cat(3)four / two(4)cat /dog(5)girl/boy六、阅读理解40Read and judge true or false. 阅读短文,用“T”或“F”判断正误。 We have two new friends in our school. They are Mike and Tim. Mike is American. He is twelve. He is in Class Four. He has

13、 a little sister. Tim is Canadian. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. He often plays football with Mike. Mike and Tim are good friends. They are both(两者都)in No. 20 Middle School.1There are two new friends in our school. (_)2Mike and Tim like playing football. (_)3Mike and Tim

14、are middle school students. (_)4Tim has a little sister. (_)41读对话, 填表格: 看看对话中的小朋友们各自有什么动物玩具。 Chen Jie: Look! This is my Teddy Bear.Mike: Oh, really? May I have a look?Chen Jie: Sure. Here you are.Mike: Thanks. Oh, its lovely. I like it. I have a monkey. John: Look! I have a panda.Sarah: Me too.Wu Yifan: Look! I have a elephant.Bai Ling: Oh, I have an elephant, too.NameChen JieMikeJohnSarahWu YifanBai LingAnimals(动物)

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