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高一下学期英语人教版必修三单元评估检测三 Word版含答案.docx

1、高一下学期英语人教版必修三单元评估检测三 Word版含答案单元评估检测(三)第卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A“Yeah! Auntie is here!” screamed my husbands niece and nephew together.“Let me get the door!”“No,let me!” Each ones goal was to get there first and open the door for their Auntie,Me!

2、I couldnt get enough of them,of their youthful love of life,and their excitement every time I visited! To be honest,it was partially because of the Surprise Travel Bag that I carried in.It was a tradition that I started when they were young.Each time I went to see them,I would take a large bag fille

3、d with toys,coloring books,candy,magic markers and “games”The contents(内容) were different but the rules were not.They included:one may get a turn to choose what activity we would do; another may take a turn to go first when we played a game;.We shared the treats after the games and cleaned up after

4、we played.Then,sadly,they watched the Surprise Travel Bag go away with their Auntie.Now my niece and nephew have grown into young adults.They spend most of their visits listening to their iPods,messaging on their phones.I completely forgot that I had put my two Surprise Travel Bags in the basement(地

5、下室) until my husband found them this weekend.I held the bags tightly in my arms,remembering our laughter and funfilled gettogethers.My big decision now is to whom I will pass the Surprise Travel Bags so that the fun that the bags help to create can continue.【解题导语】本文讲述了在外甥、外甥女小的时候非常欢迎作者带着礼物来看他们,十分兴奋,

6、这些惊喜的包裹也承载着孩子的欢乐。这些包裹也成为了记忆的象征。1When the author came for a visit,the children were_.Auninterested BexcitedCbored Dupset解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的I couldnt get enough of them,of their youthful love of life,and their excitement every time I visited!每次我去看他们,他们十分兴奋。故选B项。2Why did the author forget the Surprise T

7、ravel Bags?ABecause she is too old to remember them.BBecause the children have grown up and have their own interests.CBecause she has put too many things in the basement.DBecause she doesnt like the children any longer.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Now my niece and nephew have grown into young adults.until my

8、 husband found them this weekend.随着孩子的长大成人,他们花费更多的时间去玩手机等,我就完全忘记了这些包裹。故选B项。 3What would be the best title for the passage?AThe Surprise Travel BagsBHow to Play with ChildrenCTravel with My Surprise Travel BagDMy Family Life解析:选A。主旨大意题。本文讲述了在外甥、外甥女小的时候非常欢迎作者带着礼物来看他们,十分兴奋,这些惊喜的包裹也承载着孩子的欢乐。这些包裹也成为了记忆的象

9、征。故选A项。BWe live in a digital world now,and a students technology needs have changed. For the early years,say when you are in primary school,you can get by with no technology at all. Even if you have a computer,its a good idea to get familiar with libraries.As you get closer to middle school,a comput

10、er with Internet access becomes more of a necessity.Teachers will often give assignments that require a student to use the Internet for research.After a computer,technology choices for students become more difficult to makeespecially when it comes to cellphones.Kids will beg their parents for cellph

11、ones,especially in middle school.For many parents,its a safety issue:they want to know that their kids can reach them quickly if necessary.For teachers,cellphones can be used to record lessons when students are absent. But many teachers dislike cellphones.Some kids send messages or have talks in the

12、 class.Sending messages also raises the problem of cheating on exams.More and more schools are now forbidding the use of cellphones.Many kids see iPods as necessary things to have.IPods are great for music,but do they do anything good for your childrens education? Maybe they do.That is the opinion o

13、f Doug Johnson,an educator for 30 years.Johnson says that educators should accept all new forms of technology in the classroom,including iPods. “Some do more with their cellphones than we can do with our laptops,” he jokes.“I dont think we should be afraid.The truth is that its easier to change the

14、way we teach than to change the technology habits of an entire generation.”【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文,作者在文中论述了高科技产品对孩子们的影响。4According to author,primary school children should_.Ause the computer and the Internet regularlyBask their parents to buy them cellphonesCbuy iPods to listen to musicDgo to libraries to re

15、ad more books解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Even if you have a computer,its a good idea to get familiar with libraries.”可知,作者建议还在读小学的学生不要过多使用电脑,相反,应多去图书馆看书。所以答案选D项。5Why do parents agree to buy their children cellphones?AThey want their children to be cool.BThey think cellphones can be helpful to their study.CT

16、hey want to keep in touch with their children.DThey want their children to keep up to date.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“For many parents,its a safety issue:they want to know that their kids can reach them quickly if necessary.”可知,家长给孩子购买手机是希望能够跟孩子保持联系,这也是为了安全考虑。所以答案选C项。6What does the underlined word “That” i

17、n last paragraph refer to?AIPods can be used to listen to music.BIPods can be helpful for childrens education.CIPods can be used to play games.DIPods are necessary for childrens lives.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“IPods are great for music,but do they do anything good for your childrens education?Maybe they d

18、o.”可知,That指代的是iPods对孩子的教育有益这种观点。7We can infer from the words of Doug Johnson that_Acellphones are not useful to studentsBteachers should let students use cellphonesCits better for teachers to change their teaching methodsDschoolchildren should follow the trends of fashion解析:选C。推理判断题。从文章最后一段的最后一句话可知,

19、Doug Johnson认为,改进老师的教学方法要比改变一代人的科技使用习惯容易一些。所以答案选C。CAfter seeing the famous movie series “Pirates of the Caribbean”(加勒比海盗),Alexander Marchenko,a 38yearold businessman from a small Russian village,decided to build his very own copy of the Black Pearl pirate ship.Marchenko has traveled all over Russia,

20、and believes that there is no other land more beautiful than his hometown.He decided to take advantage of the beautiful environment and build a hotel.He had noticed the other restaurants and hotels in the area all looked the same way,so he tried to come up with something special that would attract v

21、isitors.He was wondering what kind of hotel he would build when the Black Pearl came into his mind.He decided to build his own Black Pearl ship.Without any ship building experience,he went online and downloaded photos of famous ships to use as guides.And started working on it immediately.Its been tw

22、o years since he worked on his ship.Now,his own Black Pearl is starting to take shape on the Yenisei River.The 21meterlong vessel is made of wood produced locally,and the ships “captain” plans to add all the tiniest details(细节) of the original Black Pearl.Right now,Marchenko is working on the interi

23、or decorations(内部装修)He spends most of his time in the workshop,making all the little designs by hand.So far,he has spent 3.5 million rubles.Marchenko hopes to finish the work this summer.Judging by the attention his ship is getting in its current state,he believes that upon completion,tourists will

24、flock to see his wooden wonder.【解题导语】本文说的是Marchenko受了一部电影的影响,在一艘船上建造一个特别的旅馆的故事。8Alexander Marchenko believes that_Ahis hometown is cleaner than any other villageBhis small village will become a tourist attractionChe can build the Black Pearl pirate ship with easeDhis hometown is more beautiful than

25、any other land解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句话Marchenko has traveled all over Russia,and believes that there is no other land more beautiful than his hometown.可知答案。9Which of the following words can be used to describe his hotel?ASpecial. BEnvironmentallyfriendlyCTiny. DExpensive.解析:选A。细节理解题。从第三段的so he tried t

26、o come up with something special that would attract visitors以及对房子的描述可知本题答案为A项。10The underlined word “vessel”means _Ahotel Bcar Cmovie Dship解析:选D。词义猜测题。由下文的and the ships “captain”plans to add all the tiniest details(细节)of the original Black Pearl.可知推知划线单词意为:船。11What does Marchenko think of the future

27、 of his hotel?AHe is very confident of its success.BHe is doubtful(怀疑的)about its success.CHe is worried about its success.DHe is not aware(意识到)of the hotels future.解析:选A。推理判断题。从最后一段的he believes that upon completion,tourists will flock to see his wooden wonder.可知答案。DIt doesnt matter if you have one f

28、riend or 20,because there are only a few people in this world that can make you truly happy.For me,my family and my three best girlfriends mean everything to me.Some days I didnt want to go to school because I felt so disappointed in myself but I dont regret a thing.It makes you stronger as a person

29、,and if you are able to mend your friendships like I have done,then you can do anything.My mom always told me.“Stephanie,remember that a friend is a gift that you give to yourself.A friend will make you laugh and be there for the good and the bad.A true friend will never make fun of you.If a friend

30、is a piece of work,then he or she has never been a friend at all.A friend is the biggest gift to you.”Everyone is going to make mistakes but please dont push them away,especially if its someone you really care about.I know when I make mistake I beat myself up about it.I just wish someone would have

31、reached out a hand to help me back up on my feet like my best friend did.If someone is new or doesnt have a friend,please reach out and befriend them because that small action could mean the world to them.Now that Im older,I understand what my mom has been trying to tell me,and now I know that the f

32、riends that I choose will also be the kinds of friends that I would want to be surrounded by forever.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者通过亲身经历体会到了朋友的重要性。12The writer was unwilling to go to school because_Ashe was disappointed in herselfBshe regretted something she had doneCshe preferred playing with her friends at homeDshe went to buy a gift for her mother解析:选A。推理判断题。

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