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1、大学英语听说2答案Answers to listening and speaking BookIIUnit 1Part A Exercise 11. 398-40712. 278-95363.4. 45. 5-078-24896. 68. 6-592-7649Exercises 2Is that you/Can I leave a message/call me back/860-2505/giveher the message when she returns home.Part B conversation 1Exercise 11 father&daughter2. they are t

2、alking about the pictures Gloria left for him3. Riding a motorcycle4. He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears apony tail.5. she says he is old-fashioned.Exercise 21. in a restaurant/ Dining/2. on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle3. in Angelas office/ doing some part-time w

3、ork for Angelas magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2Exercise 11. who dialed the wrong number? (a)2. what is the most probable relationship between the man andthe woman? (b)3. what is true about the woman?(a)Exercise 21. First State Bank2. her leg3. 848-39524. Mrs Tailor/ his bank5. having d

4、ialed the wrong numberPart D 1. what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a)2. who made a mistake?(d)3. what cn you learn from the conversation?( c)Unit 2Part A Exercise 11. Tom2. she has dialed the wrong number3. 321-96454. Monica5. Mrs Jones sisterExercise 21. message: 1. Nancy Davis2. 914-65203. Call Nancy

5、back2. message: 1. peter2. 614-55333. Meet Peter at 12 at the Foreign Language BookstorePart B conversation 1Exercise 11. why is Pat calling Anna?(c)2.what is the reason why Jack does not accept Pats invitation to tea?(c)3. What bis true about Pat?(d)Exercise 21. be out2. Jack/ Tom3. leave Anna a me

6、ssage4. 164,Rose AvenueConversatin 2Exercise 11. c 2. b 3. cExercise 21. advice2. find Brown somewhere suitable to live/ an estate agent3. meet and talk to each other at her office4. ten-minute walkPart D 1. whats the relationship between the two speak?(d)2. Why couldnt Vicki see Randy last night?(

7、c)3. Which of the following is true of Vicki?(d)Unit 3part A Exercise 12 N7 N 8 NExercise 21. It might be a good idea to travel by air.2. Why dont you go to professor Stone for advice?3. Youd better take his advice and eat an apple a day.4. Have you thought about looking for a better job?5. If I wer

8、e you Id go through the paper again.6. Shouldnt you spend more time in listening and speaking?Part B conversation 1Exercise 12. a 3. aExercise 21. Traveling a lot. / working very hard; unsafe nowadays;2. an interpreter/ able for her to use her language ability;traveling tointernational meetings/3. a

9、n international business person/ not mentioned/ having alot to do withmoney, which she doesnt like to think about.conversation 2Exercise 11. she has been tired of doing the same old things day afterday at home sinceshe moved from Chicago.2.Back in Chicago she worked part time and went swimming every

10、 day but nowshe just cooks and cleans the house.3. Judy should go out of the house and find a job.Exercise 21. skating and running these days.2. sports/ popular3. sporting goods store4. make money5. for herself.Part D Exercise 1. She cant decide whether to go to unversity or get a job2. To study eco

11、nomics at universiry.3. 1)She thinks she will have no time for fun with too muchreading and writing.2)She doesnt like to ask her parentsfor pocket money at her age.Unit 4Part A Exercise 11. Take some aspirin2. Have his eyes tested3. go to the health center and see a doctor4. Economics5. Just lie dow

12、n for a while.Part B Conversation 1Exercise11. What seems to be Peters trouble?(c)2. Why does Peter has little chance to talk to Englishpeople?(a)3. What can you lean from the conversation?(b)Exercise 21. go out more/ go to pubs/ take a class/ speak first2. the weather/sports/ footbal,/swimming,/ te

13、nnis/ travelingand sightseeingConversation 2Exercise11. what does Simons mother think of his present job?(c)2. what is true about Simon?( d)3. what can you infer fron the conversation?( d)Exercise 21. Gardening2. Good pay3. plenty of fresh air4. Not suitable for a university graduate5. Boring6. The

14、idea7. appeals to ne8. a lot of study, and then woring all sorts of hours.Part DExercise 1. Take a bus tour2. Visit the science museum3. Go to the zoo4. Visit th national art gallary5. Try some of the lacal restaurants.Unit 5Part A Exercises 11. d2. b3. b4. d5. cexercise 21. lovely 2. perfect3. sunn

15、y4. warm5. clear6. birds7. music8. were together9. rain or shine10. nothing wrong11. were all feeling all rightPart B passage exercise 11. what is the weatherman from Channel 62 doing?(b)2. what can you infer from the weathe report?(d)Exercise 21. strong winds2. heavy snow3. cold and dry, cloudy in

16、the afternoon4. clear/some rain5.warm and sunny/A 40%chance of rain/Rain and thunderstorms in the eveningnear 30*/ around 20*/ chance of rain, 30%Conversation Exercise11. what seemed to be Marys problem?(c)2. What did John suggest that Mary do with her cell phone?(d)3. what can you infer from the co

17、nversation?( a)Exercise21. clear ,sunny and pleasant/ 80*/cloudy/ 5-102. Warm/humid/High of 85*, low near 70*/SSW building up to20-25/thunderstorms/ rain, 50%Part D Exercise 1. What did the two speakers plan to do?(c)2. what does the forecast mainlay tell us?( b)3. What can we learn from the convers

18、ation?( d)Unit 6Part A Exercise 11. windy2. warm3. wet4. 68*5. 82*6. scattered showers in the afternoon7. 12*C8. snowy9. freezing10. 15*FExercises 21. pleasant/ clear/ sunny2. cloudy/ going to snow/ sunny/ coldPart B Passage Exercise 11. What is the main idea of the passage/(a)2. what can you learn

19、from the weather report?( d)3. what can you conclde from the weather report?(b)Exercise 2Tommorrow morning 1. dry/ sunshine2. fog/cloudy/light winds/ cooler3. dull/ cloudy/ heavy showers/ 16*By the evening 1. rain2. thunderstorms/ 26-27*3. brighter/ fresher/ dry/windy/about 19*conversation Exercise

20、11. what is the mans biggest worry?( b)2. what is the weather like when the man and the woman talkingto oneanother?(a)3. what does the woman suggest that the man do?( d)4. what can you infer from the conversation?( c)Exercise 21. foggy/ clear and fine/ 12*2. overcast/ slight chance of rain/ 6*Part D

21、 Exercise (Today:)sunny/ warmer/ clear/ 72*(Tomorrow: )warm and humid/ 86*(Wed: )cooler weather / around 80/ in the upper 60s(Friday:)71*Unit 7Part A Exercises 11)2) by plane3) May 22nd4) by train5) last Friday6) by ship7) at the end of June8) by plane9) next weekend10) by carPart B A conversation E

22、xercise 11. c 2. bExercise story Exercise 11. How did Mr and Mrs Williams spend their summer holidays inthe past? (a)2. Which of the following can be inferred from theconversation?(c)3. what is true about hotel where Mr and Mrs Williams stayedin Rome?(b)Exercise 21 F5. T 6. FPart D 1) J

23、ulia2) Mark3) 324) Alderley5) Vienna6) 14Unit 8Part A Exercise 11) It rained every day2) fantastic3) Tokyo4) disappointing5) It was very crowded6) the beach7) a lot of fun8) He swam every day9) awful10) The snow was not thivk enoughtExercise 21. He just stayed home and did gardening2. in the country

24、3. she broke her leg4. The shops were excellent and the people were great.5. he said he had a good time.Part B A conversation Exercise 1Exercise 5.6.A story Exercise 121. Swiss tourist2. bottle/ remote beach/553. refugee4. 1942/sister5. flee from the Nazis6. 19437. if the war was over8. pe

25、ace and friendship9. home10. seeing their familiesPart D 1. set2. check3. pack4. journey5. arrive6. properly7. lock8. I manage to put these worries out of my mind9.I began to worry about what would happen if the hotel in which we werestaying caught fire 10. I impressed upon my wife the need to be pr

26、epared and thenecessity ofkeeping a cool head.Unit 9Part B Exercise 11. b2. a3. cExercise 22. 4. 5 .7. 9Conversation 2Exercise 11. b 2. c 3. dExercise 2D 1. 500 dollars2. 25 dollars3. he pretended that it was his second visit to the doctor andpid 25 dollars4. he looked at the businessman carefully,

27、smiled and put themney into thedrawer of his desk 5. the docter said that there was no need to examine him againsk him tocontinue taking the medicine he prescribed for the businessman when he came to him last time.6. he was clever at dealing with dishonest people.Unit 10Part A Exercise 11P 2D 3P 4 D

28、 5P 6D 7D 8D 9P 10DExercise 21, a terrible pain2, stomache3, a temperature4, hot5, a fever6,an awful headache7, my throat hurts8, the flu9, stay in bed for a couple of days10, three times a day after mealPart B Conversation 1Exercise 1Exercise 2a. smoke any cigarettes/ dangerous to your health b. dr

29、ink too much alcohol/ not good for your health c. fruit juice and water/ stress d. more fish and fresh vegetables/ red meat e. worry/ affect your health f. work too hard/ easy conversation 2Exercise 1Exercise 21. a. illb. tired c. appetite d. get to sleep/ wake up early e. worried a lot 2. a. medici

30、ne/ adviceb. work c. your work d. regular exercise e. easier job/ less money part D sleep/ 2 months/ had headaches/family/ getting along pretty well/10 to 11/consider a job change/it would be hard for him to find a new job at his age/slow down/he would kill himself.Unit 11Part A Exercise 11) Wednesday2)3)4) 25) Saturday6)7) 118)9) July 20th10) 4oclockExercise 2Housewarming/ May 23rd/ 7No. 30, 41st/ Linda, Laura, Sally and her brother Part B Exercise 1Exercise 21. Kate/ flo

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