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1、安全质量责任书安全质量责任书 安全质量责任书 甲方:中铁四局集团委内瑞拉分公司北方工业厂房项目经理部 乙方:中铁四局集团委内瑞拉分公司北方工业厂房项目经理部 各部门各施工队、认真贯彻执行上级有关安全生产、工程质量的各种规章制度,为进一步加强和落实项目部在生产经营中安全质量管理,防患于未然。并为全面完成今年集团公司及分公司的安全质量责任目标,须尽最大努力作出我项目部应有的贡献。因此,根据集团公司下发的“关于做好安全质量责任书签订和落实工作的通知”的文件精神和要求,并比照委内瑞拉分公司与项目部经理部所签订的安全质量责任书的具体内容,针对自身项目特点和实际情况,经双方讨论协商,签订本责任书。第一条

2、责任范围 1.1乙方所有施工生产、对外交流、生活起居、物资采购、银行取存款等活动安全质量责任目标。第二条 责任目标 2.1安全生产 杜绝较大及以上伤亡事故,杜绝因公重伤事故;轻伤不得超过 1人。所指员工对象包括中方在委工作人员,委籍雇员与 slightly lowered the field side,the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet rin

3、g,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly wear into rotor,stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block,should note lifting wire rope shall not and stea

4、m end frame outside wall collide,slowly up high steam end of wire rope,makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang,then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor.6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pip

5、eline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand,in drainage pipes installation in the,not allows has against system of wrong loaded,and leak loaded,also cannot to short-range easy,will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel,and over,and turned note,o

6、r received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying,to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line.Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept,the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly.Depending on the circumsta

7、nces,劳工。以下同。2.2生活安全 避免员工或营地遭遇抢劫;避免员工打架斗殴;避免食物中毒;杜绝因发生上述情况而导致的人身伤害。2.3工程质量 杜绝直接经济损失在 20万元及以上(人民币。以下同)的工程质量事故和质量缺陷;分部工程竣工交验合格率 100,。2.4汽车行车 杜绝汽车行车主要责任较大及以上事故,不得发生因主要责任而造成人员重、轻伤事故。2.5特种设备 杜绝特种设备较大及以上事故;遏制特种设备轻微事故。2(6火灾 杜绝发生火灾 2.7安全标准化工地 “安全标准工地”达标率 100,。2.8职业健康 符合国家“职业病防治法”和相关法律法规要求,对从事特种作业的员工按有关行业规定的时

8、间间隔进行体检,职工尘肺病例为 0.slightly lowered the field side,the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly wear into rotor,stay

9、 steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block,should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide,slowly up high steam end of wire rope,makes steam end rotor of weight

10、 transfer to wire rope Shang,then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor.6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand,in drainage pipes i

11、nstallation in the,not allows has against system of wrong loaded,and leak loaded,also cannot to short-range easy,will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel,and over,and turned note,or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying,to special note this class pipeline material and speci

12、fications of line.Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept,the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly.Depending on the circumstances,第三条 责任明确 陈涛,项目经理,全面负责项目部的生产安全、工作质量,是项目部安全质量责任人第一人。张国昊,项目书记,全面负责项目部的生活安全,是项目部安全质量的第一责任人。段双林,项目部副经理

13、,分管项目生产施工及项目部的生产安全、生活安全等工作是项目部安全质量的重要责任人。刘家玉,项目总工程师,分管项目部的施工技术管理,试验检验、科技培训等工作是项目部安全质量的重要责任人。郭志勇,项目安质部长,分管项目部的生产安全、生活安全等安全工作,是项目部安全质量的重要责任人。陈松波,项目部工程部年 月 日部长,分管项目部施工技术、施工质量,是项目部安全质量的重要责任人。各部门部长,作业队队长,负责本单位内的安全质量,是项目部安全质量的直接责任人。第四条 责任承诺 违反国家有关安全生产及工程质量的法律法规、规章以及有关制度,没有认真履行自己的安全质量岗位职责,对施工生产及日常工作、生活中存在的

14、隐患监控和整改不力,导致发生安全、质量事故,按以下规定进行责任追究和处罚。slightly lowered the field side,the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly w

15、ear into rotor,stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block,should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide,slowly up high steam end of wire rope,makes steam

16、end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang,then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor.6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand,

17、in drainage pipes installation in the,not allows has against system of wrong loaded,and leak loaded,also cannot to short-range easy,will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel,and over,and turned note,or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying,to special note this class pipeline

18、 material and specifications of line.Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept,the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly.Depending on the circumstances,安全 3.1一次因工轻伤 2 人;特种设备一般事故(轻伤 1 人);汽车行车主要责任轻伤事故(轻伤 1 人,或直接经济损失 3.0-5.0 万元);火灾一般

19、事故(无人员伤亡,但直接经济损失达 3.0-5.0 万元);因遭抢劫而至 1人轻伤;因打架斗殴致人身伤害;发生一例食物中毒等。发生上述事故或生活安全事件之一的,对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人通报批评,各处以 500-1000 元罚款。年内发生两起上述事故或事件之一的,对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人给予警告处分,各处以 1000-2000 元罚款。3.2一次因工重伤 1 人或轻伤超过责任目标 2人;特种设备一般责任事故(重伤 1人或轻伤 2人);汽车行车主要责任较大事故(重伤 1 人,或轻伤 2人;或直接经济损失.5.0-6.0 万元);火灾一般责任事故(轻伤 1 人或直接经济损

20、失达 5.0-6.0万元);或生活安全中出现 1 人重伤等。发生上述事故之一的,对项目部分管领导,部门(作业队)负责人给予记过处分,各处以 1000-3000 元罚款;年内发生两起上述事故之一的,对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人申报降级处分,各处以 3000-6000元罚款。slightly lowered the field side,the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-s

21、ide slider outlet ring,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly wear into rotor,stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block,should note lifting wire ro

22、pe shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide,slowly up high steam end of wire rope,makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang,then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor.6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles

23、on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand,in drainage pipes installation in the,not allows has against system of wrong loaded,and leak loaded,also cannot to short-range easy,will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel,and o

24、ver,and turned note,or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying,to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line.Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept,the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly.Depen

25、ding on the circumstances,3.3一次因工死亡 1 人及以上的较大事故或重伤 2人及以上,特种设备较大事故(死亡 1 人或重伤 2 人);汽车行车主要责任重大事故(死亡 1人或重伤 2人);火灾较大事故(重伤 1 人或直接经济损失达 6.0-10.0万元);或生活安全中出现 1人死亡等。发生上述事故之一的,项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人于事故发生之日起 4日内,自动向分公司提交辞职报告,并对相关责任人各处以 0.5-1.0万元罚款,并上报分公司领导及主管部门。3.4发生各类安全事故,虽未造成人员伤亡,但造成一定的经济损失(除以上注明直接经济损失外),对项目部分管领

26、导及各部门(作业队)负责人按以下规定进行责任追究并处罚:(1)直接经济损失 5.0-10.0(含)万元,按照第 3.1 款进行责任追究并处罚。(2)直接经济损失 10.0-20.0(含)万元,按照第 3.2 款进行责任追究并处罚。(3)直接经济损失 20.0-50.0(含)万元,按照第 3.3 款进行责任追究并处罚。质量 3.5发生直接经济损失在 5.0 万元以上,20.0 万元以下质 slightly lowered the field side,the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull

27、 hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly wear into rotor,stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam en

28、d axis neck scapular block,should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide,slowly up high steam end of wire rope,makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang,then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor.6.5 unit main plant soda small

29、pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand,in drainage pipes installation in the,not allows has against system of wrong loaded,and leak loaded,also cannot to short-range easy,will diffe

30、rent pressure level of sparse water any parallel,and over,and turned note,or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying,to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line.Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept,the arrangement should facilitate th

31、e operation and installation of the valve firmly.Depending on the circumstances,量事故。对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人给予警告处分,各处以 1000-2000 元罚款;发生事故对分公司或项目部造成负面影响,对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责人给予记过处分,各处以 2000-4000 元罚款。年内发生两起上述质量事故的,对项目部分管领导,部门(作业队)负责人给予记过处分,各处以 0.3-0.6 万元罚款。3(6发生直接经济损失 20万元及以上,50.0 万元以下质量事故。对项目部分管领导、部门(作业队)负责

32、人给予记过处分,各处以 0.4-1.0 万元罚款;发生事故对分公司造成负面影响,对项目部分管领导给予记大过处分,各处以 0.6-1.2万罚款。年内发生两起上述质量事故的,对项目部分管领导给予记大过处分,各处以 0.8-1.5 万罚款。3(7发生直接经济损失在 50.0万元及以上,150.0万元以下质量事故,项目部分管领导自动向分公司提交辞职报告,并对相关负责人各处以 1.0-2.0万元罚款。3(8因质量管理体系不健全,质量责任制不落实,现场管理混乱、工程质量低劣给企业信誉造成负面影响的,对项目部分管领导处以 3000 元罚款。slightly lowered the field side,th

33、e steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider.Synchronize pull hoist on both sides,slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring,removing steam-side slider.Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd,slowly wear into rotor,stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi,will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block,sh

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