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1、固体废物进口管理办Skip NavigationMeasures for the Administration of the Import of Solid Waste固体废物进口管理办法ContentsChapter 1 General ProvisionsChapter 2 General RulesChapter 3 Administration of Licensing for the Import of Solid WasteChapter 4 Inspection, Quarantine and Customs ProceduresChapter 5 Supervision and

2、 AdministrationChapter 6 Special Provisions for Special Customs Supervision Zones and SitesChapter 7 Penalty ProvisionsChapter 8 Supplementary Provisions 目录 第一章总则 第二章一般规定 第三章固体废物进口许可管理 第四章检验检疫与海关手续 第五章监督管理 第六章海关特殊监管区域和场所的特别规定 第七章罚则 第八章附则 Chapter 1 General Provisions 第一章总则 Article 1 These Measures ar

3、e formulated in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste and the relevant laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of standardizing the environmental administration of the import of solid waste and preven

4、ting the import of solid waste causing environmental pollution. 第一条为了规范固体废物进口环境管理,防止进口固体废物污染环境,根据中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法和有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。 Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, the solid waste refers to materials and substances in solid state, semi-solid state, liquid state and gaseous state left i

5、n containers, generated during production, daily living and other activities, in which the original useful values have been lost, or, even though the useful values have not been lost but have been abandoned or discarded, as well as materials and substances incorporated in the solid waste administrat

6、ion according to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.For the purpose of these Measures, the import of solid waste refers to the activities of transporting solid waste outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China into the territory of the Peoples Republic of China. 第二条本办法所

7、称固体废物,是指在生产、生活和其他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值但被抛弃或者放弃的固态、半固态、液态和置于容器中的气态的物品、物质以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、物质。 本办法所称固体废物进口,是指将中华人民共和国境外的固体废物运入中华人民共和国境内的活动。 Article 3 These Measures are applicable to the activities of importing solid waste by any means.Except as otherwise provided, these Measures are also appl

8、icable where solid waste has been transported into the territory of the Peoples Republic of China by way of gift, entry due to return of export, and offering samples, etc., solid waste generated from inbound repair and not re-transported outbound, as well as solid waste produced from outbound repair

9、 or outward processing which have been re-transported inbound. 第三条本办法适用于以任何方式进口固体废物的活动。 通过赠送、出口退运进境、提供样品等方式将固体废物运入中华人民共和国境内的,进境修理产生的未复运出境固体废物以及出境修理或者出料加工中产生的复运进境固体废物的,除另有规定外,也适用本办法。 Article 4 The transfer of license related to the import of solid waste shall be prohibited.For the purpose of these Me

10、asures, the transfer of license related to the import of solid waste refers to:(1) Sale, rental or lending of license related to the import of solid waste;(2) Use of purchased, rented or borrowed license related to the import of solid waste to import solid waste; and(3) Transfer of the whole or a pa

11、rt of the imported solid waste to an entity or an individual other than the utilizing enterprise specified in the license related to the import of solid waste. 第四条禁止转让固体废物进口相关许可证。 本办法所称转让固体废物进口相关许可证,是指: (一)出售或者出租、出借固体废物进口相关许可证; (二)使用购买或者租用、借用的固体废物进口相关许可证进口固体废物; (三)将进口的固体废物全部或者部分转让给固体废物进口相关许可证载明的利用企业

12、以外的单位或者个人。 Article 5 Dumping, piling and disposal of overseas solid waste into the territory of the Peoples Republic of China shall be prohibited.Transshipment trade in solid waste shall be prohibited.Solid waste imported without obtaining the license related to the import of solid waste shall not b

13、e stored at customs supervision sites, including bonded areas, export processing zones, bonded logistics parks, bonded port areas, and other special customs supervision zones, and bonded logistics centers (A/B types), bonded warehouse and other customs bonded supervision sites (hereinafter referred

14、to as the special customs supervision zones and sites).Unless otherwise provided, customs transit shall not be processed for import of solid waste (except for waste papers). 第五条禁止中华人民共和国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。 禁止固体废物转口贸易。 未取得固体废物进口相关许可证的进口固体废物不得存入海关监管场所,包括保税区、出口加工区、保税物流园区、保税港区等海关特殊监管区域和保税物流中心(A/B型)、保税仓库等

15、海关保税监管场所(以下简称“海关特殊监管区域和场所”)。 除另有规定外,进口固体废物不得办理转关手续(废纸除外)。 Article 6 The competent administrative department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall implement unified supervision and administration of the nationwide work on environmental management in the import of solid w

16、aste. The competent department in charge of commerce under the State Council, department in charge of comprehensive and macro-economic control under the State Council, General Administration of Customs, and department in charge of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine under the State Counci

17、l shall take charge of the administrative work related to the import of solid waste within the scope of their respective duties and responsibilities.Local competent administrative departments for environmental protection at county level and above shall carry out supervision and administration of the

18、 work on environmental management in the import of solid waste within their own administrative regions. Competent department for commerce, department for comprehensive and macro-economic control, customs, and department for entry-exit inspection and quarantine at all levels shall carry out supervisi

19、on and administration of the import of solid waste within the scope of their respective duties and responsibilities.Competent administrative department in charge of environmental protection under the State Council shall establish work coordination mechanism for the administration of the import of so

20、lid waste jointly with competent department in charge of commerce under the State Council, department in charge of comprehensive and macro-economic control under the State Council, General Administration of Customs, and department in charge of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine under the

21、 State Council, implement information sharing on the administration of the import of solid waste, coordinate and deal with the important matters pertaining to the supervision and administration work on the activities in the import as well as the operation of solid waste. 第六条国务院环境保护行政主管部门对全国固体废物进口环境管

22、理工作实施统一监督管理。国务院商务主管部门、国务院经济综合宏观调控部门、海关总署和国务院质量监督检验检疫部门在各自的职责范围内负责固体废物进口相关管理工作。 县级以上地方环境保护行政主管部门对本行政区域内固体废物进口环境管理工作实施监督管理。各级商务主管部门、经济综合宏观调控部门、海关、出入境检验检疫部门在各自职责范围内对固体废物进口实施相关监督管理。 国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门、国务院经济综合宏观调控部门、海关总署、国务院质量监督检验检疫部门建立固体废物进口管理工作协调机制,实行固体废物进口管理信息共享,协调处理固体废物进口及经营活动监督管理工作的重要事务。 Artic

23、le 7 Any entity and individual have the right to report the conduct of violating the supervision procedures on the import of solid waste and pollution caused by the import of solid waste to the competent administrative department for environmental protection, competent department for commerce, depar

24、tment for comprehensive and macro-economic control, customs, and department for entry-exit inspection and quarantine at all levels. 第七条任何单位和个人有权向各级环境保护行政主管部门、商务主管部门、经济综合宏观调控部门、海关和出入境检验检疫部门,检举违反固体废物进口监管程序和进口固体废物造成污染的行为。 Chapter 2 General Rules 第二章一般规定 Article 8 The import of dangerous waste shall be

25、prohibited. The transit and transfer of dangerous waste through the Peoples Republic of China shall be prohibited.The import of solid waste for the purpose of heat recovery shall be prohibited.The import of solid waste that cannot be used as raw materials or cannot be utilized in harmless form shall

26、 be prohibited.The import of solid waste in which the volume generated or the volume of stockpiling is large domestically and which has not been fully utilized shall be prohibited.The import of solid waste in which there are currently no applicable national standards for environmental protection and

27、 control, relevant technical specifications or other mandatory requirements shall be prohibited.The shipment of solid waste into the country by way of delivery based on TO ORDER shall be prohibited. 第八条禁止进口危险废物。禁止经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物。 禁止以热能回收为目的进口固体废物。 禁止进口不能用作原料或者不能以无害化方式利用的固体废物。 禁止进口境内产生量或者堆存量大且尚未得到充分

28、利用的固体废物。 禁止进口尚无适用国家环境保护控制标准或者相关技术规范等强制性要求的固体废物。 禁止以凭指示交货(TO ORDER)方式承运固体废物入境。 Article 9 In respect of solid waste that may make up for the resource shortage domestically and may be utilized as raw materials in harmless way based on the national economic and technological conditions, administration b

29、y classification of restricted import and automatically permitted import shall be implemented according to the intensity of pollution discharge in the course of processing and utilization. 第九条对可以弥补境内资源短缺,且根据国家经济、技术条件能够以无害化方式利用的可用作原料的固体废物,按照其加工利用过程的污染排放强度,实行限制进口和自动许可进口分类管理。 Article 10 The competent a

30、dministrative department for environmental protection under the State Council shall formulate, adjust and publish the catalog of solid waste in which imports are prohibited, imports are restricted and imports are automatically permitted jointly with the competent department of commerce under the Sta

31、te Council, department of comprehensive and macro-economic control under the State Council, General Administration of Customs, and department of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine under the State Council. 第十条国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门、国务院经济综合宏观调控部门、海关总署、国务院质量监督检验检疫部门制定、调整并公布禁止进口、限制进口和自动许可进口的固体废物目录。 Article 11 The import of solid waste listed as prohibited import in the catalog shall be prohibited.The license related to the import of solid waste must be obtained in order

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