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1、新疆昌吉市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题20172018学年第一学期新疆昌吉市联考高二年级英语期末试卷分值:120分 时间:100分钟第1卷 阅读理解(20道题 每题2分)A Column 1Wedding Invitations-Mod. Or traditional. Call 800-0942 anytime.Column 2Passport and Application Photos. Call 800-0552 or 800-9668, ask for Steve.Column 3Mature Student would take care of children during C

2、hristmas vacation. 800-0441 eves.Column 4Typing and editing. Call Jean. 800-3584, 10am-10pm.Column 5Experienced Guitar Teacher wants students. Folk/jazz. Bob 800-7535.Column 6Found: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings. Found near Linden and South U. Sam. 800-4661.Column 7Come to our moving s

3、ale-plants, pottery, books, clothes etc. Sat.Dec. 14. 9:00-5:00. 1612 Ferndale, Apt. 1 800-4696.1.What can Steve do for you? A. Rent you an apartment. B. Offer you a modern wedding C. Take pictures for you. D. Take care of your children.2.If you want to know how to play the guitar, you should call_.

4、 A. 800-1932 B. 800-0942 C. 800-0441 D. 800-75353. If your cat is missing, you should read the information in Column _. A.1 B. 4 C. 6 D.74. What CANNOT be found at the moving sale? A. Plants B. Books C. Clothes D. Cassettes.BJust a few hours ago, the Italian ship Andrea Doria was sailing through thi

5、ck fog toward the city of New York. Captain Piero Calamai kept watch. He knew that many other ships were nearby. He should have slowed down because of the fog but he decided not to. He wanted to arrive on time the next morning. At about 11:00 P.M., another ship, the Stockholm, suddenly hit the Andre

6、a Doria. It made a huge hole in the Italian ship. Some people were badly hurt. Others fell into the sea. But one girl was saved by the Stockholm. Linda Morgan was fourteen. She lived in Spain with her mother and her little sister. She was going to visit her father in New York. She was excited about

7、seeing her father. Linda had loved the trip. She wanted to have dinner with the captain on the last night at sea. The captain did not sit at his table that night, though. He was busy guiding the ship through the fog. Linda did not get to talk to him. When Linda went to bed, everything seemed fine. H

8、er mother turned off the lights. Linda talked to her little sister. She thought about seeing her father the next morning. What happened next was a terrible surprise. Linda woke up not knowing where she was. She was not in her bed. When she called to her family, no one answered. Both her knees were b

9、roken. Linda had been saved by an amazing accident. When the Stockholm made a hole in the side of the Andrea Doria, it lifted Linda out of her bed. She landed on the deck (甲板) of the Stockholm instead of falling into the ocean. A sailor heard her cries and found her. Right now, the girl is in the ho

10、spital. She is expected to get better. Her father is at her side, glad that his little girl was saved. The Andrea Doria lies under the waves at the bottom of the sea.5. Why didnt Captain Piero Calamai reduce the speed?A. He didnt want to be late.B. He went crazy because of the bad weather.C. He thou

11、ght the fog was not serious.D. He had rich experience.6. Linda didnt have dinner with the captain because _.A. she forgot it B. she was sick in bedC. he was busy with his work D. he hadnt been told about it 7. When the accident happened, _.A. Linda was asleep B. the day was about to breakC. few peop

12、le were killed D. the Andrea Doria hit a hole in the Stockholm 8. What can we learn from the text?A. Linda hated the trip very much.B. Linda was saved by the Stockholm.C. Linda lived with her father in Spain.D. The Andrea Doria wasnt badly damaged.CWhen I was a child, I had very mixed feelings about

13、 my father. Most of the time, he was distant. At meals, he would preach (说教) something to us, his unwilling audience. And he thought he was always right.Usually I would argue with him fiercely, yet still he managed to defeat me every time, leaving me frustrated and angry. Sometimes I just hated him

14、and seldom talked with him. After moving away from home at age 18, I realized that I could change myself by letting go of my need to be right. I wrote dad a letter asking if he was interested in becoming friends. Dad was excited at the idea. Yet after a brief, enjoyable period of about two months, I

15、 found those same old patterns again. However, I still held to my decision. Gradually, I learned to hold my tongue. When discussion turned to debate, I would do my very best not to prove him wrong. By the end of six months, I had done it! I could sit through a conversation where dad was telling me h

16、ow I was wrong and didnt argue with him.As I got better at this, I could accept and even love my dad. One day when he was again preaching some rules, I simply nodded my head occasionally. Then I heard, “Well, Fred, what do you think?” From that point on, dad and I began having meaningful conversations.I was amazed that once I made th

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