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高考英语总复习 题组层级快练十一外研版必修2.docx

1、高考英语总复习 题组层级快练十一外研版必修22021年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十一)外研版必修2.完形填空Recent years have seen many conflicts caused by square dancing. Since loud music _1_ students preparing for the College Entrance Examination, _2_ citizens who practice the dance near a middle school in Beijing _3_ the music to the lowest possib

2、le volume. _4_ the controversy, however, it is difficult to demand a(n) _5_ on square dancing in the weeks before the College Entrance Examination, says an article.To some degree, it is necessary for senior citizens to sacrifice the _6_ of square dancing despite being very _7_ of it. Their sacrifice

3、 is necessary because the gaokao is an important _8_ point in a students life.But if students preparing for the gaokao have the _9_ to study in a peaceful environment, then senior citizens, too, have the right to practice the dance form of their _10_ without disturbance. In the Beijing case _11_ abo

4、ve, more than 300 senior citizens have set a good example by _12_ a smaller square far away from the middle school and turning down the volume of the music while practicing the square dance.Therefore, the authorities, instead of forcing senior citizens to _13_ practicing square dancing in the weeks

5、before the gaokao, should take measures to _14_ that they do so in non-residential areas and, definitely, as far away from _15_ as possible. The authorities, for instance, could _16_ for buses to take senior citizens to and from places where they could practice the dance without disturbing anyone an

6、d get some _17_ exercise and mental fort._18_, local munities could organize leisure activities that create little noise to provide senior citizens with some _19_. In short, senior citizens should not be forced to give up square dancing in the weeks before the gaokao, _20_ they should be provided wi

7、th alternatives to spend their time happily.1. A. keeps B. leavesC. disturbs D. helps2. A. elderly B. friendlyC. healthy D. active3. A. turned up B. turned inC. turned out D. turned down4. A. In spite of B. Because ofC. Due to D. As to5. A. suggestion B. actionC. ban D. promotion6. A. approach B. me

8、thodC. practice D. manner7. A. tired B. excitedC. interested D. fond8. A. turning B. movingC. changing D. reforming9. A. ability B. rightC. opportunity D. chance10. A. choice B. natureC. range D. variety11. A. mentioned B. explainedC. suggested D. promoted12. A. getting to B. moving toC. referring t

9、o D. ing to13. A. stop B. keepC. risk D. miss14. A. forbid B. realizeC. warn D. ensure15. A. shops B. schoolsC. factories D. parks16. A. arrange B. makeC. pay D. prepare17. A. spiritual B. physicalC. material D. technical18. A. However B. ThereforeC. Obviously D. Besides19. A. welfare B. equipmentC.

10、 recreation D. supplies20. A. instead B. stillC. quite D. accordingly答案与解析【文章大意】 老年人喜欢跳广场舞来健身,可高考前备考的孩子们需要安静的学习环境,怎样解决二者之间的冲突呢?1. 答案 C解析 考查动词。由首句信息Recent years have seen many conflicts caused by square dancing可以判断出,此处表示巨大的声音打扰了备战高考的学子们。2. 答案 A解析 考查形容词。由下文多处提到的senior citizens可知此处用elderly“上了年纪的”符合语境。f

11、riendly“友好的”;healthy“健康的”;active“活跃的”。3. 答案 D解析 考查动词短语。由下文中的to the lowest possible volume可知,turn down符合语境。turn up“开大”;turn in“上交”;turn out“证明是;结果是”。4. 答案 A解析 考查介词短语。由中间表示转折关系的副词however可知,in spite of符合语境。此处表示尽管有争议,可是很难要求禁止在高考前跳广场舞。5. 答案 C解析 考查语境选词。参见上题解析。ban“禁止”;suggestion“建议”;action“行动”;promotion“提升

12、”。6. 答案 C解析 考查名词在语境中的运用。此处表示在某种程度上,老年人有必要牺牲跳广场舞的做法。practice“惯常做的事”,符合语境。7. 答案 D解析 考查形容词。be fond of“喜欢”。此处表示尽管喜欢跳广场舞,可是有必要牺牲这种行为。8. 答案 A解析 考查语境选词。turning point“转折点”。此处表示因为高考是学生生命中的重要转折点。9. 答案 B解析 考查名词的用法。由下文中的then senior citizens, too, have the right to practice the dance,可知答案为right。此处表示如果学生有权利,那么老年人

13、也有权利。10. 答案 A解析 考查名词。根据上下文语境可知,应选A项,of ones choice“自己选择的”。nature“自然界;本性”;range“范围”;variety“种类;品种”。11. 答案 A解析 考查过去分词作定语。由第一段中的who practice the dance near a middle school in Beijing,可知此处指上文提到的情况。12. 答案 B解析 考查动词短语。此处表示300多个老年人树立了典范,迁到了远离学校的小广场。故用moving to表示“迁移到”。13. 答案 A解析 考查动词的用法。由上文中的instead of及下文中的i

14、n the weeks before the gaokao可知,此处表示不是强迫老年人停止跳广场舞。故用stop。14. 答案 D解析 考查动词。此处用ensure“确保”与“不是强迫老人停止跳广场舞”相呼应。forbid“禁止”;realize“意识到”;warn“警告”。15. 答案 B解析 考查语境选词。由第一段提及的内容可知,广场舞在高考前影响学校学生备考,因此schools符合语境。16. 答案 A解析 考查动词的用法。arrange for“安排”。此处表示当局可以安排公共汽车接送老年人。17. 答案 B解析 考查形容词。跳广场舞是身体方面的锻炼,所以用physical,后面的me

15、ntal“精神的”与之相呼应。18. 答案 D解析 考查副词。下文继续说明了当局可以采取的措施,因此用Besides引出进一步的说明与解释。19. 答案 C解析 考查名词。此处用recreation“娱乐;消遣”与上文中的local munities could organize leisure activities呼应。休闲活动是供娱乐的。20. 答案 A解析 考查副词。此处表示不迫使老年人放弃跳广场舞,而应为他们提供选择让他们快乐地度过他们的时间。故选A项。.阅读理解When Rudyard Kipling created the character of Mowgli, an orpha

16、ned boy who was adopted and raised by wolves in the forests of India, he would have never guessed that one day there would be a child that would actually live a similar life.Born in Windhoek, Namibia in 1990, to Sylvie Robert and Main Degr, both wildlife photographers, Tippi was exposed to the wild

17、residents of African jungles since the day she was born. Her parents traveled widely through the country in search of exotic animals and they often ended up sleeping in a tent in the middle of the jungles. It was therefore no wonder that the little girl had very little fear of animals.However, unlik

18、e Mowgli, Tippis parents were always around to protect her and the only wild animals that she interacted with, were the wildlife that had been raised by humans in national parks. These animals were still wild and little Tippi did have a few close encounters with them. For example, an ape tried to st

19、eal her milk bottle and a meerkat thought her nose looked good enough to eat and gave her a couple of nips(捏;掐).But overall, the young girl who many locals believed had a special connection with animals, led a rather magical life she spent her days riding on ostriches and making friends with mighty

20、elephants. In fact, her best pal happened to be Abu, an African elephant. She also got to meet and spend time with many of the local bushmen who adored the free-spirited girl.While her magical life ended when she turned ten and her parents decided to move back to Paris, her memories remained intact

21、and were recently chronicled(记录) in a book called Tippi: My Book of Africa , which not surprisingly, has bee a huge hit among animal fans. We wonder if the 23-year-old girl who is studying cinema in Paris, will some day decide to follow her parents examples and take her kids back to experience what

22、she did.1. Whats the writers purpose of mentioning Mowgli?A. To tell us Rudyard Kipling was creative.B. To state that Mowgli was a poor boy.C. To introduce Tippis similar experience.D. To show everyones future life is unknown.2. We can learn from the second paragraph that Tippi _.A. enjoyed her life

23、 with her parentsB. became used to living in the junglesC. would like to learn to take photos of wildlifeD. was admired for her kindness and bravery3. Tippi was different from Mowgli in that _.A. she was a girl without parents B. she was afraid of animalsC. she lived in the forest for a long time D.

24、 she lived depending on her parents4. Tippi lived with the animals in the forest for about _.A. ten years B. fifteen yearsC. twenty years D. twenty-three years5. Who are most likely to read Tippi: My Book of Africa?A. Students who are at school. B. People who love animals.C. Scientists who care for

25、environment.D. Artists who like taking photographs.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。蒂皮是真人版的Mowgli,有着十年的丛林生活经历。本文作者介绍了她在丛林中的传奇经历。1. 答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第一段最后的there would be a child that would actually live a similar life,再结合下文对蒂皮的叙述可以推知,作者的目的是介绍蒂皮的相似的经历。2. 答案 B解析 推理判断题。由于长期在丛林生活,蒂皮几乎不害怕这里的动物,由此可以推知,她习惯了这里的生活。3. 答案 D解析

26、细节理解题。根据第一段和第三段第一句可以推知,蒂皮和Mowgli的不同之处是她和父母生活在一起。4. 答案 A解析 细节理解题。由第二段可知,蒂皮从出生就居住在丛林,再由最后一段可知,她的神奇的生活在她十岁的时候结束了,由此可以推出她在丛林居住了大约十年的时间。5. 答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的has bee a huge hit among animal fans等语境可以推知,对动物感兴趣的人可能会阅读这本书。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you use a puter? I have a Mac Ibook

27、G4. I find this little one to be fantastic, and it carries out all the functions I need. _1_ Some notebook puters are only a half inch in thickness but still have as much power and capacity as some desk top puters. Still it seems technology, is constantly improving.In todays world if you are still l

28、acking this vital piece of equipment, you are missing out so much! Admittedly some name-brand puters may be a little expensive. _2_For many people not having a puter would mean not being able to function. Having access to a puter and the Internet opens up a whole new world. There is the convenience

29、of being able to order your weekly groceries and have the store deliver them to your door, check your bank balance at any time or even fill in your tax return!_3_ It is possible to buy a relatively cheap puter which still es with some great features. Recently I paid a mere $1,000 for a new Apple not

30、ebook which has 60 gigs of memory and some really great features. _4_If you have not yet taken the plunge I would say go for it, get online and start a whole new adventure. _5_ You could ask a friend or family member if you could use their puter to search the net. Dell often has some great deals whe

31、re you can get the whole kit(设备)for around $300.Large superstores such as Circuit City are really good places to go for a look round and get some idea of what is available.A. Some of the best deals in puters are actually on the Internet.B. You can take advantage of a puter to serve you in many ways.C. Technology is moving so fast at the moment.D. Fortunately puter prices have reduced gre

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