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1、高一英语期末测试题及答案20202021年高一英语期末测试题及答案高中学生学科素养训练 高一英语期末测试题题号一二三四五六总分得分第一部分:听力(共两节,每题2分,满分20分)第一节(共5小题。听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅一遍。)听第一段对话,回答第1题。1Where is the man? AIn a hotel BIn a shop CAt home2When did Peter set the world record? AIn 1980 BIn 1997 CIn 19823Whats wrong with Li Hua?

2、AShe has a toothache BShe has a headache CShe has a backache4Whats the population of Hawaii? AAbout 1,000,000 BAbout 100,000 CAbout 10,000,0005Why cant the man give the woman a hand? AHe is too heavy to help her. BHe doesnt know how to help her. CHe is too busy to help her.第二节(共15小题。听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后

3、有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。)听第6段对话,回答第68题。6What do you think is the possible relationship between the two speakers. AThe man is the womans husband. BThe woman is a guest to the mans house CThe man is a guest to the womans flat7What were others doing and why did the woman go out? AHaving di

4、nner, because she wanted to see her old house. BHaving a concert, because she thought of her parents. CHaving a party, because she wanted to look at the lights.8What can we learn from the woman? AShe worked very hard and was very successful. BShe lived a poor life in the past. CBoth A and B.听第7段对话,回

5、答第911题。9Where did the conversation take place? AIn a restaurant BIn an airplane COn a shop10Which of the following is true? AThe man traveled a lot on business before. BThe man was a teacher. CThe man was perhaps a soldier during the Second World War.11What is the man going to do? AVisit his grandso

6、n BFetch his wife CTravel around the world听第8段对话,回答第1214题。12What happened to the man? AHe was out of work BHe had hurt his back CBoth A and B13What do you think of Puerto Rice is? AThe name of the mans uncle BThe name of an island CThe name of a mountain14Which of the following is true? AThe woman d

7、idnt like chicken BThe woman grew up in New York. CThe man could not speak Spanish听第9段对话,回答第1517题。15What had gone wrong in their house? ATheir washing machine BThe electricity CThe lights16Which of the following is true? AMr. Smith did nothing for them at all. BMr. Smith asked too much money from th

8、em for his work. CMr. Smith did help them but should not solve the problem completely that day.17Why did the man think it would cost him a lot? ABecause he wanted to buy a car. BBecause he didnt have a good job. CBecause their car needed repairing.听第10段对话,回答第1820题。18What does the passage tell about?

9、 AAbout personal matter in the west. BAbout personal education in America. CAbout personal life in Europe.19What does each person in the west expect to do? AHe expects to be free all the time BHe expects his own rights to be respected CHe expects to earn a lot of money20What do the English-speaking

10、people dislike? AThey dislike to do business. BThey dont like the other people to ask about their personal matters. Cthey dont like to talk to the other people第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项选择(共20题;每小题1分,满分20分)21Did you have wonderful lunch yesterday? Yes,and we will have vegetables for lunch today. Aa,a Ba,/ C/,

11、a D/,/22May I use your rubber? Yes, . Ause yourselfs Btake yourself Chelp yourself Dhelp yourself to23He got up early and caught the early bus he had stayed up late the night before.Abecause Balthough Cif Dso24Which coat would you like to take, the red one the green one? I prefer the green one the r

12、ed one. Aor, than Bor,to Cand,rather than Dand,to25 did you the film we saw last night? Just so-so.Not very interesting. AHow, find BWhat,think over CHow,think of DWhat,feel26 breaks the law should be punished. AThose who BAnyone CWho DAnyone who27Well, what a smell!Wed better to the kitchen and a l

13、ook. Ahurry, have Bto hurry, have Churry,to have Dto hurry, to have28Sorry,your telephone number again?I what you were saying just now. Adidnt hear Bdont hear Cwasnt hearing Dhasnt heard29Wow, how expensive the lobsters(龙虾)are! Dont you know the lobsters are, they will be? Amore big, more expensive

14、Bthe bigger, the expensiver Cbigger,more expensive Dthe bigger, the more expensive30Li Ming was the only one of the boys the plan. Awho is for Bwho for Cfor Dwho are for31He doesnt like by others. Thats why he doesnt like the people there at all. Abeing made fun Bbeing made fun of Cmaking fun Dmakin

15、g fun of32How much did you him for the house? I him 2000 dollars for it but he wouldnt accept it. Acost, paid Btake,offered Cspent, paid Dpay, offered33Hurry up! I will give you minutes to finish your papers. Amore ten Bten another Cten else Danother ten34Tom says if everyboday else takes the entran

16、ce exams, . Aso does he Bso he does Che will either Dso will he35 number of the people studying computer is becoming . AThe, larger and larger BA, larger and larger CThe, more and more DA, more and more36Id like a pound of apples. in that box, please. AThe red one BThe red ones CA red one DOne red a

17、pple37 Mrs.Jones Dr.Simpson shows great interest in the subject which we are talking aobut. ABoth,and BEither,nor CNot only,but also D/,and38Can we take the magazines out of the reading room? No, none of you them out of the reading-room. Aare allowed taking Ballow taking Cis allowed taking Dis allow

18、ed to take39 is wrong for them to cut down the trees. Why not stop them the forest? AIt,to destroy BThat,from destroying CIt, destroying DThat, destroying40The reason he changed so much was he had to work hard to bring up(抚养) his six children. Afor,that Bwhy,that Cwhy, because Dfor,because第二节:完形填空(共

19、20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) Once there was a man who had three sons. 41 of them were married,and their wives came to 42 their father-in-law. After 43 the wives said,“Please,we want to see our 44 .”The rich father-in law thought,“Now I shall 45 how clever they are!”So he 46 the older one,“Go and see yoour pa

20、rents. You can 47 until the New Moon. When you came back, please 48 me the food I like to eat at that time and also a bit of fire inside a bit of paper.”Then he 49 the 50 one and said,“And you can also go and stay with your parents until New Year. When you come back, please get me the food I like to

21、 eat at that time and also a bit of wind 51 a bit of paper.” The daughters-in-law didnt know 52 .So they sat down and 53 .54 a poor young girl who came to their home sometimes to 55 clothes and sew. They asked her 56 their father-in-law really wanted, and she laughed and said,“Its very easy 57 of yo

22、u must come back at the time of the New Moon. The food at that time is mooncakes, isnt it?”And a bit of fire inside a bit of paper 58 a lantern, doesnt it?The gril 59 then the other one must come back at New Year, so she must bring some New Year cakes. The bit of wind on a bit of paper means a paper

23、 fan.The rich father-in-law was very glad when he 60 the clever girl and married his third son to her.41ABoth BAll CThree DTwo42Alive with Bstay with Ceat with Dplay with43Asome times Ba time Csometimes Dseveral times44Aparents Bfriends Cchildren Dhusbands45Aknow Bget to know Cfind Drealize46Atold t

24、o Btalked to Casked Dsaid to47Astay Blive Cleave Dgo48Atake Bbring Cmake Dgive49Aasked Btold Cturned to Dsaw50Aolder Byounger Coldest Dyoungest51Ain Bover Con Dbelow52Ahow to do Bwhere to go Cwhen to leave Dwhat to do53Acried Bshouted Clooked around Dtalked54AIt was BThere was CShe was DThey have55A

25、do Bkeep Cmake Dask56Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dhow57ABoth BTwo CNeither DOne58Ameans Bis Clikes Dlooks like59Asaid again Bwent on Cbegan Dlaughed60Alistened to Bheard from Cheard of Dlearned form第三部分:阅读明白得:(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)A Once a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to break the world basketball ma

26、rathon(马拉松)record. They wanted to play for 90 hours and add 6 hours to the record. Each team had 9 players, with 5 at a time. The boys decided each person would play 21.5 hours and then rest for 2 hours. Then they started at 6 oclock in the evening. The first night was very hard for the players. Whe

27、n it was their turn to rest, they were too excited to fall asleep at once. After sleeping for a short time, they had to play again. On the second night,they fell asleep as soon as they stopped, Some of them had trouble with their feet and hands, but the only serious problem was a psychological(心理学的)

28、one. Each boy was thinking: Why am I doing this? How can I play any longer? After the third night, the players knew they could finish the 90 hours. The basketball on the fourth nigth was very slow. But in the final hours, the players got better. For the last few minutes, the players looked as fresh

29、as when they started. How happy everyone was!61Before this basketball marathon, the world record was . A84 hours B86 hours C90 hours D96 hours62The first night was hard for the players because . Athey were too excited Bthey only slept for a short time Cno one watched them play Dit was very long63“th

30、e players looked as fresh as when they started.”Here “fresh”means . A不熟练的 B兴奋不己的 C精神饱满的 D伤痕累累的64Which of the following is Not true. ASome of the boys were hurt when they played BIt was hard for the players to fall asleep at night CThe boys started playing at 6 oclock in the evening DIn the end,a ll the boys felt happyB Mary Quant was born in 1934. When she was young, there were no teenage fashions (时尚).Young women were dressed like grown-ups or little girls. At thirteen, she designed (设计)her own school uniform(降服).She wore sho

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