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本文(人教版高中英语必修三《Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestars》UsingLanguage同步练测含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教版高中英语必修三Unit4AstronomythescienceofthestarsUsingLanguage同步练测含答案解析Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the starsSection C Using Language题组.单项填空1. Im thinking of tomorrows test. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _!Im sure youll make it. A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up2. When the fire _,

2、many people were shopping in the supermarket. A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out3. The old man had fought with his illness hard, and fortunately he _ finally. A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled down4. Usually in spring the _ here is mild, but today the _ is a bit hot.

3、 A. weather; weather B. climate; climate C. climate; weather D. weather; climate5. While crossing the street, please _ for the coming cars. A. watch out B. take care C. watch over D. be careful6. Since the house prices in the city may be _ we cant imagine, I suggest that we rent an apartment to live

4、 in first. A. as high as B. as expensive as C. so high as D. so expensive as7. With the weather becoming hotter and hotter, we need curtains to _ the sunshine. A. block up B. block out C. break out D. break up8. In the street in front of the school, there happened a serious car _ the other day. A. c

5、rash B. break C. strike D. conflict9. What does the model plane look like?The wings of the plane are _ of its body. A. more than the length twiceB. twice more than the lengthC. more than twice the lengthD. more twice than the length10. _ you are familiar with the authors ideas, try reading all the s

6、ections as quickly as possible. A. Now that B. Ever since C. In case D. As long as.完成句子1. The road _ after the explosion. (block) 在爆炸发生之后,那条路被封锁了。2. A conflict _ between the two countries. (break) 两国之间发生了冲突。3. _, you should do it well. (now) 既然你已决定做这件事,就应该把它做好。4. The car _ the hotel. (pull) 汽车在旅馆前面停

7、了下来。5. His friends _ as soon as they knew he had recovered from illness. (cheer) 一听说他恢复了健康,他的朋友高兴起来。6. Though this is _ we expected, it is still worth reading. (as) 尽管这并不是像我们所期盼的那样的一本好书,但是仍然值得读一读。7. A big truck was out of control and _ a big tree. (crash) 一辆大卡车失去了控制,撞上了一棵大树。8. They noticed a plastic

8、 bag _. (float) 他们注意到一个塑料袋在空中飘浮着。9. He didnt _ catch the train. (enough) 他跑得不够快,没有赶上火车。10. She is kind and _ children. (gentle) 她很善良并且对孩子们总是很温柔。.完形填空 An earthquake that happened in 1989 almost flattened Los Angeles. A father ran to the _1_ where his son was supposed to be, only to find the building

9、was as _2_ as a pancake. After the shock, he remembered the _3_ he had made to his son, “No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!”And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked _4_, but he began to direct his _5_ towards where he walked his son to school e

10、ach morning. Remembering his sons classroom was in the back right corner, he _6_ there and immediately started _7_. Other helpless parents said, “Its too _8_!Theyre all dead! You cant help! Go home! Face the _9_!”To each parent he responded with one line, “Are you going to _10_ me now?”And then he _

11、11_ to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and _12_ to pull him off the schools ruins, saying, “Fires are _13_, and explosions are happening everywhere. Youre in _14_. ”However, this loving, _15_ father asked, “Are you going to help me now?”Still, _16_ helped. He dug for 12 hou

12、rs36 hoursthen, at the 38th hour, _17_ he pulled back a large stone, he heard his sons voice. He _18_ his sons name, “Armand!”He heard his son say, “Dad! Its me! I told the other kids not to _19_. I told them that if you were _20_, youd save me and if you saved me, they would be saved. You promised,

13、No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!You did it, Dad!”1. A. station B. room C. church D. school2. A. big B. flat C. round D. thin3. A. promise B. announcement C. plan D. introduction4. A. common B. harmful C. complex D. hopeless5. A. attraction B. attention C. confidence D. duty6. A.

14、rushed B. rode C. drove D. struggled7. A. climbing B. crying C. digging D. building8. A. dark B. deep C. hot D. late9. A. wonder B. reality C. practice D. cause10. A. help B. leave C. persuade D. encourage11. A. preferred B. continued C. agreed D. intended12. A. remembered B. pretended C. tried D. d

15、emanded13. A. coming out B. turning up C. giving off D. breaking out14. A. return B. danger C. place D. doubt15. A. caring B. exciting C. strict D. clever16. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody17. A. unless B. although C. when D. once18. A. noticed B. found C. screamed D. heard19. A. leave

16、 B. worry C. suffer D. forget20. A. alive B. awake C. afraid D. alone答案与解析. 1. D 考查短语用法。答句句意:振作起来!我相信你会成功的。cheer up变得高兴,(使)振奋起来,用来鼓励对方;go ahead表示允许某人做某事;good luck用于祝福某人,表示“祝你好运”;no problem用于答应某人某事,意为“没问题”。结合题意,选D。2. A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当火灾发生时,很多人正在超市里购物。break out指“战争、火灾、疾病等的突然发生”;put out熄灭,扑灭,是及物动词短语;come

17、 out出现,露出,长出;get out泄露,离开。3. B 考查pull短语。句意:这位老人与疾病作艰苦斗争,幸运的是他最终康复了。pull out抽出,取出;pull through康复;pull up停车;pull down拆除。4. C 句意:在春天这里的气候通常温和,但是今天天气有点热。climate指长期的天气特征;weather指短期的,具体到某一天的天气。5. A 句意:过马路时,要留心来的车辆。watch out注意,当心,与介词for连用。take care与be careful后面多与不定式连用。watch over照看,为及物动词短语。6. A 考查原级比较。句意:这个

18、城市的房价既然高到我们很难想象的那样,我建议我们先租套公寓住着。表示价格高用high,expensive用于说明某物贵,soas用于否定句。7. B 句意:随着天气变得越来越热,我们需要窗帘来挡住阳光。block up塞住;block out挡住(光线);break out战争、火灾、疾病等的突然发生;break up解散,分手。8. A 句意:前几天在学校前面的路上发生了一起严重的撞车事件。crash的意思是“相撞”,符合句意。break中断,休息;strike罢工,袭击;conflict冲突。9. C 句意:“那架飞机模型是什么样子的?”“机翼的长度比机身长度的两倍还要长。”more th

19、an多于,应放在倍数前,排除B、D;再由倍数表达法“倍数+the+表度量的名词+of”短语可知,选C。10. A 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:既然你对作者的观点很熟悉,试着尽可能快地读完所有章节。now that既然;ever since自从那时开始;in case以免;以防;as long as只要。. 1. was blocked up 2. broke out3. Now that you have decided to do it4. pulled up in front of 5. cheered up6. not so good a book as 7. crashed into8

20、. floating in the sky 9. run fast enough to10. always gentle with. 1. D 下文有提示,父亲飞快地向儿子的学校跑去。2. B 地震过后,大楼已被夷为平地。3. A 根据本空后的No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!可知,这是父亲给儿子的承诺。4. D 大楼已经变成一堆瓦砾,让人绝望至极。5. B 他开始回想每天步行送儿子去上学的路线。6. A 想起儿子所在教室的具体位置后,他飞快地冲到那儿。上文提到A father ran to,故B、C项不符合语境。7. C

21、下文dig for his son有提示,他跑到那里后,马上动手开始挖。8. D 大楼已被夷为平地,此时再着手救援,显然已经太晚了。9. B 别的父母都劝他放弃,要面对现实。10. A 根据下文的Are you going to help me now?可知,他请求别人帮他一块儿挖。11. B 根据下文可知,父亲接着挖。12. C 消防队队长到来后,想把他拉开。13. D 由本空后的and explosions are happening everywhere可判断,到处都在着火。14. B 由于到处有火灾和爆炸,所以他的处境很危险。15. A 别人都劝他放弃,但是这位父亲并没有放弃救自己的孩

22、子,由此可知,他是一位有爱心,对儿子很关怀的父亲。16. D 根据上文其他家长说的话及Still可知,在这种危险的情况下,没有人帮他。17. C 当他搬开一块大石头时,听到了儿子的声音。18. C 听到废墟中传来儿子的声音,他马上大声喊儿子的名字。19. B 由儿子对他父亲充满信心判断,他安慰其他孩子别担心。20. A 儿子说:“只要你还活着,你就一定会来救我”题组单项填空1. To regain(复得,获取)their _ after an exhausting(令人筋疲力尽的)game, the players lay on the grass. A. force B. energy C.

23、 power D. health2. It has been five years since the law _. Many people wonder whether it will stay on. A. has come into force B. came by force C. has been in force D. came into force3. They opened the door _, which made the door broken. A. by mistake B. by force C. by power D. by strength4. Due to t

24、he heavy rain and flooding, ten million people have been forced _ their homes. A. leaving B. to leave C. to be left D. being left5. The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in6. The rock _ wears away due to

25、 the action of the water. A. gradually B. finally C. immediately D. generally7. The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _ have been solved by the end of next week. A. eagerly B. hopefully C. immediately D. gradually8. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science. A.

26、 an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as9. Our neighbor has _ ours. A. as a big house asB. as big a house as C. the same big house as D. a house the same big as10. The amount of money that he saved reached _ 30, 000 dollars. A. as many as B. as much as C. as high a

27、s D. as far as11. _ are often the makers of history. A. The masses B. The mass of people C. A mass of people D. Masses12. How do you like your new job?I find a full days teaching _ me. A. exhausted B. exhaustsC. exhausting D. exhaust13. Within three days they had _ their supply of food. Which of the

28、 following is wrong? A. exhausted B. used up C. run out of D. given out14. What do you think of the trip?Very _. After that I slept a whole day. A. exhausted B. exhaustingC. exhaust D. to be exhausting15. Visitors are often _ to discover how little the town has changed. A. amazing B. amazed C. amazi

29、ngly D. being amazed16. Although he is only a child, what he says is _. Which of the following is WRONG? A. surprising B. amazing C. interesting D. amazed17. Why dont you like your job?Its always being _ by my director. A. watched at B. watched outC. watched over D. watched on18. _ about wild plants

30、 that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple C. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious19. It is _ article of clothing that everyone present wants to have a look at it. A. a so unusual B. such an unusual C. so unusual D. such unusual20. She told me she wanted to _ her two oclock

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